Will Ever our Politicians and Leaders Know Value of Ordinary Lives?

Will Ever our Politicians and Leaders Know Value of Ordinary Lives?

Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Mumbai

Mumbai, Nov 3: The Heart of India, a commercial hub is burning and virtually bleeding. It is not only India but the entire world is just waiting to hear good news that Mumbai is completely free from the clutches of the terrorists. Hundreds have already been killed along with a few top cops. A few hundreds of families are worried about their kith and kin who are either held hostage or trapped inside these terror spots. Many are missing while many more have been injured. In a single word, value of ordinary lives has comedown to no where!

Mumbai police supported by the commandos and NSG force are doing extremely well to tackle the situation by trying to release the hostages and end to the terror war which was started on around 10.00 pm on Wednesday November 26 in at least 13 places across Mumbai.

Entire security force is in action and many of them have not even slept for almost 24 hours. Amidst all these things, one question that keeps haunting everyone is 'When will our politicians and national leaders understand the value of ordinary human lives?'

Why should the PM, Advani, and other VIPs visit Mumbai, held press conference when the situation is yet to come under control?

When we do not have enough forces to protect our own lives, why should hundreds of police and vehicles should go behind these VIPs? Why the attention of security forces be diverted from the burning issues to these shameless leaders?

It is very surprising to learn as why can't these so called mature, highly educated and most responsible people of our country do not understand such an important point, which a commoner understands better.

This evening, first Advani and immediately thereafter the Prime Minister visited Mumbai. More than 60 cars and 200 plus police personnel were behind them to protect them!

A police officer in Mumbai, who did not want to quote his name, said "Our colleagues have not slept, not eaten for more than last 24 hours.  On the one hand they have to fight to protect the lives of hostages and on the other hand, they have to bend like animals to escort the VIPs...this is a very sad state of India."

The state home minister and police chief must refuse to provide maximum security to such top leaders, be it the Prime Minister or leader of the opposition. They must visit on their own risk. But if they are really concerned leaders, then they should face the people boldly and come without security or stay away from visiting the sensitive places and stay just watching the television for the current proceedings.

It is worst news for the police that on Friday November 28, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and Gujarat CM Narendra Modi are expected to visit Mumbai !

Is there any real need for these people to visit at the cost of security of thousands of ordinary people?

Hope the Almighty will put some light to the minds of these politicians and leaders to run the country in an unselfish manner.


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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/India

    Sat, Nov 29 2008

    It is high time that the UPA government (Singh and Sonia) get serious about dealing with terrorism by Jihadis. It is proven time and time again that the main culprits are various rogue elements of SIMI, groups supported by LeT from Pakistan, senseless Bangladesis. etc. What are we waiting for ?? More deaths of innocent people???

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    It would have been wise if some amendments done on POTA than scrapping it completly.Atleast now UPA should think seriously.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    The time has come to all like minded people to do some sacrifice for our country. Politicians are ruining our country. We have lost few brave soilders and police men to the bullets of coward terrorists. Let thier soul rest in Peace.

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  • Alphonso D Souza, Bendoor / Dubai

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    It was very poor in taste to see NDTV's Barkha Dutt inviting some filmi/fashionworld celebrities to air thier comments (like Ms.Dey) to arouse the feelings of people. We all know, our politicians are simply not the right people to rule us but we do not need outburts at this hour. What we want is to unite people and support our security forces on the ground. Shoba Dey spoke some non-sensical language why name any politician? No politician in India is dying becuase of these attacks in fact the innocent people are suffering. Let us unite and support our people. Where is Raj Thakeray ... why can he not protect Mumbai today? Shoba Dey should have asked this question to Burkha Dutt yesterday?

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  • Walter Vaz, Mangalore/Germany

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    It is so easy to blame the politicians. But who has elected these poloticians. The people. So the people have to be blamed. This is part of syetem that will never change. Only the people can change. This cannot be changed by just blaming. One has to change from the bottom. The people have to change.This is going to be next to impossible for a huge country with numerous problems. But if one does not try then even that slight chance that exists will vanish. I would say an non-political organisation be formed say " Do'nt Blame but Act India " I am prepared to contribute RS 10 Lakhs fot this formation. I am sure there are thousends of people like me who are of the same opinion but have no means like me to help save India. We NRI's are far from India but our thoughts are all the time in India. We do not want our beutiful country go down the drain.

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore/Ajman

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    I always considered India as the Best Democratical Country in the World. The Real Beauty Democracy Ended with the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri. Thereafter over 35 years the democratical Values is just being buried. Since 1980 this Country has been FAced by Two Kinds of Terror -

     1. Political Terror: Within the Country created by Politicians through Communal Divide and the Lately the North Indians/Marathi Divide which I am afraid will spread slowly and Gradually in India over the Years to come.

    2. The Extremism Terror: This Terror do not have blood in their Eyes and are there to kill anybody even Children. It is Neither the Politicians nor the Extremists care about Ordinary Citizens. How will the Orindary Citizens fight the Corrupted Democratic System. It is time the Ordinary Citizens start creating a party of Awareness and Concern.

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  • victor, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    Politicians are just concerned about vote bank. India has to be re-constructed from the scratch.

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  • yajna , Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    Mr..Ronald, Udupi, It is not the platform to promote ur politcial agenda.

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  • Ramesh Puthur, Bangalore

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    Dear Naveen, Get ur facts right before speaking senseless things. I think u need to read facts than fiction.

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  • stany, dubai

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    My prayers with you ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, and other who gave thier life for the security of India. You people showed that you are not only talking like politicians, but you are ready to die for your country.

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  • Nithi, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    To answer your question on Will ever our politicians and leaders know value of ordinary Lives.. The answer is "NO". They will know the problem only when thier near and dear ones die. The Parlimant Attack that took place should have killed some politicians,than they would have come to know the value.. Shivaraj Patel should resign very soon.. how long will he keep saying"Innocent people died, I am with them etc etc" all crap

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  • Juliet Tauro, Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 27 2008


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  • Omprakash , Mangalore, India

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Some people lack real sense. Who cares whether UPA is in power or the BJP is in power? Please do not lose your focus. It is the common man/woman who suffers. It is the general Public who have suffered losses, they are killed, they are the ones who are wounded. I think the Indian public will be safe in the hands of the army. We may lose some rights, does not matter, at least our lives will be safe. If we are not alive what is the use of democracy, what is the use of any rights. All the governments have failed to give security. Some parties have been involved in breeding terrorists. They do not have moral right to be our rulers. Let us ask for military rule at least for five years. There will be law and order situation. There may be a few corrupt officers in the army too but the majority will be better. In any case the situation will be better than what we have today.

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  • K.Shenoy, Sooda/Dubai

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Hello Dear you are 100% right.

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  • stan, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    The answer to your question is a  plain "No" . To know the value of human life one should be a human. Unfortunately none of our politicians are humans leave alone being leaders. They are a laughing stock for the entire world. I was  shocked beyond words that it took more than 12 hours for our so called politicians to come and meet the affected people. These politicians have no right to be our leaders. what have these leaders done to protect the citizens ? All of them are enjoying the highest level of security and the country is being held to ransom. All indians and Mumbaikars we have been bleeding time and again. I appeal to you all wake up and protest....

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  • Arun, Suratkal

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    The situation would have been better if any prominent political leader was killed in terrorist attack.The political parties have no worry as long as the  common man is killed .

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  • Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore / Bangalore

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    Hand over power to Mr. Narendra Modi or just hand over the country to the Armed forces to totally repair India which is totally lawless now..

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  • Naveen, Blore/Mlore

    Fri, Nov 28 2008

    Mr Bharath Shetty,  More serious terrorist attacks where on even when NDA was in power. The attack on our Parliament,Kandahar haijack and giving in to terrorists demands,  the Aakshardam temple..etc...etc..Your comments are read by thousands of fellow Indian. So,think well, get your facts right  before you comment .

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  • Chandra, Bangalore

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    In last 3 years , totally 3600 people in India dies of terrorists attack. God only can save this country...

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  • bharath shetty , Kateel -USA

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Dear Aravanid, I am sorry if it sounded political bite (i have not meant it like that). I am really feeling sad for innocent people paying price for the negligence for our government. No one give back those lost lives who dint even part of the problem. Last 2 years we have seen more than 100 attacks. It just indicates Governmenet is not capable of handling terrorism. I will be happy with any governmenet who can reduce terrorist activities (if they can not stop it).

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  • R Prabhu, IXE-KSA

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Hope all have heard what Shoba De had to say on NDTV. Politicians should stay away from this and leave the job to the concerned authorities to handle and tackle.

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  • ronald, barkur-bhadrigiri

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Shobha De has said it all.

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  • Walter Vaz, Mangalore/Germany

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    I must give this writer a big compliment. Without exagerating but to the point.

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Bharat Shetty, it is not the time to criticise! However, which govt escorted LeT leader to Khandahar? Memory is short eh? Leave the blame game. think of India!

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  • clifford Fernandes, UK

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    This is result of problems created by politicians of all sides. There is hardly any honest or decent politician in India. They are busy lining their & their relatives pockets. They will all rush to Mumbai now to get more milage out of it.

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  • Roshan Pais, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Who is to blame? government? opposition? politicians? No. What happened here was a great vulnerability of our coastal waters. Once that was breached- Even toughest commando force would take time to liquidate these terrorists! Hats off to all those involved in the operations! WE KNOW ONLY TO BLAME OUR GOVERNMENT OR POLITICIANS! Lets Go back in time- Tannirbhavi ship sinking incident. WHO WAS TO BLAME THERE? OUR COAST GUARD! why did we people not hold them accountable? IF OUR COAST GUARD WAS DOING THEIR JOB- this terrorist attack would have been avoided or our commandos would have been alerted! WE HAVE TO BLAME our selves for not taking task these useless coast guards!! LETS TAKE THE COAST guards to task.Let the heads roll there!!

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  • Aravind Poojary, Bahrain

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    Dear Mr Bharath Shetty, I know you as one of the matured writers on daijiworld.com. My sincere advise to you, kindly kindly spare this occassion to criticise any political parties, communities, religions or individuals. This is the time to show solidarity.

    Advani who had been to Mumbai after the attack has not criticised UPA..why are you doing so? why do you want to use this occasion for this?. Please Bharath..spare this time for your fundamental thoughts. Sorry if I hurt you..but it is from my heart

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  • bharath shetty , Kateel -USA

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    As long as UPA is in power, these terrorism never stops...Just if u see last 5 years , how many attracts happened and what UPA has done to handle the terrorisim..UPA just don't get how to handle internal problems

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    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    A very stirring write up that it is. My congratulations to the writer who thinks exactly as it should be thought. I ask too, why so much of security personal, fuel and precious time be spent after these foolish politicians who have chosen a very very wrong time to visit this troubled city at this point of time. Do they value and care for the lives of the people who are trapped in this situation innocently? What now Mumbai or any other part of the country is suffering, and the loss of innocent lives is the creation of these selfish politicians who worked their way to the powerhouse of the Nation.

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  • A.D'Cunah Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    India's people have  had it. Its a shame these politicians are not protecting the lives of ordinary people. Scores of terror attacks occur in india and nothing happens. I do not think these politicians are serious enough to protect Indians . These politicians come and visit the dead and injured and go back. Where are you Sonia? What is Sonia Gandhi and her entourage doing? Soft on terror or just not bothered to face reality and playing vote bank politics. Our PM and home Minister must be accountable and perhaps resign for not doing enough to control these insensible horror on the public. Indian public had enough of these politicains. India needs new faces to tackle terror. Indians must rise against these politicians and demand accountability from them. It is sad we tolerate these politicians and their inactions.

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  • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Thu, Nov 27 2008

    These politicians are shameless they have come at very critical time to create further confusion and divert precious security resources. Main purpose of their visit is to score some brownie points over each other. I fully endorse the views and sentiments expressed in the above article.

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