Now campaigning is over, spare time for your part-time job as PM: Rahul to Modi

New Delhi, Dec 6 (PTI): Congress chief Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for not holding a press conference during his tenure, saying he should try one someday as it is fun to be asked questions.

He also took a dig at the Prime Minister for his extensive campaigning, saying, "Dear Mr Modi, Now that campaigning is over, hope you can spare some time for your part-time job as PM."

"Btw its been 1,654 days since u became PM. Still no press conference (sic)?" he said in a tweet.

Rahul Gandhi also tagged along pictures from his press conference in Hyderabad on Wednesday, and urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to try a presser someday.

"It's fun having questions thrown at you!" Rahul Gandhi said.


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