Udupi: ICYM Kolalagiri Prepares Attractive Crib and Star on Christmas Eve

Report by Melwin Kolalgiri, pic by Avinash Roche
Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi (SP)

Udupi, Dec 24: Indian Catholic Youth Movement(ICYM) Kolalagiri has made an elaborate and attractive crib and star on the occasion of Christmas. The young enthusiasts took around 45 days to prepare this crib.

Church parish priest Fr Jerome Monteiro encouraged and inspired the youth to take up this task. During the mid-night Christmas celebration mass, he will be blessing this crib. ICYM Kolalagiri has been celebrating the 25th year of its existence now. The ICYM youth of Kolalgiri are known for their creativity. They have extended a big ‘thank you’ to all the visitors to the crib and wished merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all.


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