Mangalore: Alleged Distribution of Bible Copies to Students - Srirama Sene Protests

Mangalore: Alleged Distribution of Bible Copies to Students - Srirama Sene Protests

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Jan 3: Dakhina Kannada district unit of Srirama Sene has alleged that the copies of the Holy Bible were distributed to the students of a private school in Neermarga Merlapadavu recently. The Sene alleges, that the teacher concerned had asked the interested students to collect the copies, informing them that she would be posing questions on the book next week, to those who take the books.

Srirama Sene has further stated, that even those students who were not interested in the books, collected them because of the pressure created due to the teacher's presence during the distribution. Those of the  students who are not at all interested in studying the Bible are now facing tense moments as they would be subjected to questions next week and are afraid  that the school might fail them in the examinations, the Sene said.

In a letter addressed to the headmistress of the school, Srirama Sene has asked her about the justifiability of distributing Bible copies to the school children and asked her to take immediate steps. Copies of the letter have also been endorsed to the block education officer, assistant director of education and the state education minister.

The school management when contacted by  informed that the headmistress of the school had received a phone call on the morning of Saturday December 27, saying that the callers want to distribute certain books containing material on moral science to the school children on the occasion of Christmas. The callers also claimed that the copies of the book had been distributed to many schools around Mangalore.

The headmistress asked the students to pick the copies purely on voluntary basis. She is specifically said to have told the students following different faiths, that collecting of the book, 'Hosa Odambadike (New Testament) was not at all compulsory. The school management never expected the distribution of the book to give rise to a controversy, it is learnt.


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  • Althaf Mangalpre,

    Thu, Jan 08 2009

    I think what is happening in Mangalore is very much disturbing.I think first we have to educate these so called  activists Just you can feel when you see them in the picture. What a shameful act.

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  • Irene Pais, Mangalorre

    Wed, Jan 07 2009

    I fully second the views of Mr. Joe D"Souza.I just dont understand as to why these people act like goondas for nothing.I feel these people should be educated first then only our society will improve and peace will restore.

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  • Shirly Fernandes, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Jan 07 2009

    Dear Brother in Christ, When we Christian do something good for people, we have no bad intention to change other caste people, let each one think for himself before injuring the person and moreover its not good to fight let all the people in the world live at peace. For God reward each of us according to our good deed we do in this world. Regards, Shirly

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  • Stephen Menezes, Shirthady Kashipatna/Dubai

    Wed, Jan 07 2009

    Dear Hassan, I liked your comments and views, nice to read the comments from good old friend who studied and grew together (Holy Angels, Jawaharlal Nehru High School and then St. Alysius). I agree with you, we christians, hindhus and muslims grewup together, ate together, played together, studied together and never bothered about each one's faith, it's individual persons choice and faith can't be imposed upon. In a democratic world you have freedom to distribute books on any faith and readers have freedom to raed what they want and end of the day faith is self conviction. Most important is love one another and live withut strife, else religion has no meaning at all.

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  • Cynthia Miranda, Mangalore

    Wed, Jan 07 2009

    I fully agree with my hindu brother Yashwanth. There is no harm in spreading God's Word.. Holy Bible was given only to Christian students.. Let sene distribute Bhagwan Geetha to Hindu students and I don't think any of our Christian brothers will object to this.

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    Religion teachings make one a better individual, a better society.Instead of objecting, let Ramsena distribute copies of Bhagavadgeetha.That will be a better service from them to 'Hinduism ".All the Religion promotes moral values. Awareness of God &'God fearing ' is the need of the hour.Let us promote it.

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  • Srinivas , Mangalore/saudi

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    There is a lot of diffrence in telling moral stories from the Ramayan,Mahabharath and even the Bible and in Actually distributing the Bible or the Quran or the Geetha and that too to small students in Schools. How can anyone justify it???

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  • joyal, Moodabidri/ Sharjah

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    if we get person like,Yashwanth , Bajpe, Mangalore sure mangalorean mentality will change soon !! If our christian Teacher wont read Mahabharat/Ramayan who will going to teach students Specialy Hindu students about the hindu holy books ?? in christian schools ?? ramasene activits going to teach ?? in pics we can see most of students with bags !! may be some of them are studied from same school. Be broad minded.

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    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    When we were in St.Aloysius College Rector Fr. Ronie Prabhu and Fr. Leo D'Souza used to invite Scholars from Hinduism and Islam to deliver lectures and we students were free to ask any questions n clarify doubuts on Hinduism, Islam or Christianity. We students of 3 different faiths live like brothers, had no problem then, no one forced us to do or accept others view points. we debated, discussed, differed came out of the Hall and had tea together in the canteen. I am a devout Muslim now, respect Hinduism and Christianity. I studied in Christian Institutions from Balavadi to College and NONE, repeat NONE forced me to read Bible or accept Christianity!!!!

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  • Divyesh, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    Thanks Mr. Joe D'Souza for clarification.Please dont stop your charity for this reason.Dear Mr. Melwyn i liked your comment.I can say only " Loka Samasta Sukhinobhavantu " :)

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  • siddarth, mangalore

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    as long as the school distributes books related to all relegion its fine . or else this could have been done in the church why school ???

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  • Yashwanth , Bajpe, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    Just have look in the picture of that the protester!!! they are all not even 20-22 somebody feed them to do these kind of malicious things with their flags, can you please find out that is there any respective families student or any honest guy's over there in this protest ??? No not at allll first of all the Rama sene din't get any other issues recently in Mangalore, I as a citizen of the country we should not give any importance to these all kind of huddle, they are not the one who has to take the verdict deed for education trusts, let them educate their self first.

    when we are studying in the missionary school those time teachers used to teach the Ramayana Mahabharath's stories also in the question paper asked that " how many Children’s for Dhashrath, how many husband got drawpadhi, how much food Bhīma was eating, why Rama went to Vanvas? and why sitha waz sleeping under the tree in Lanka? even if she is a god ???" while these all these things were taught in the school no one has questioned from any of the religious, yes it is true!!!!

    I’m a Hindu but I studied other religious books like Quran & Bible, ( I respect them ) also I learnt a lot from Quran ( that show’s me the right path and the living style and to learn the humanities) there is nothing wrong in reading or distributing any holy books including Quran or Bible, Reading gods word will make you a good gentleman. Religious will do nothing… be with a love & peace and don’t hurt anyone No any religious book will teach to hurt anyone ……

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  • Gopal Bhat, puttur

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    dears, All christians reading and interested in our holy books and stories, then why cant we read their books, what a shame to indians , respect all religions , live by sharing , if a person is happy in their religion then how can he change his religion . All hindus please dont belive in this political dramas.

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  • Felix F., India/ME

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    I am glad that Mr. Joe D'souza correctly clarified the wrong information put out by Srirama sena. I did find out that these books were distributed in other schools as well, but only for catholics. Catholic students were called seperately to the hall and given these books. There was no compulsion or force what so ever exerted on non catholics to take these books. I am not a authority to pass a judgement on this issue. The Srirama sene should have approched the concerned law enforcing authorities if they had any objection to what happened, instead of showing their muscle power in front of a school. I request and hope all the Mangaloreans will join together and put an end to this type of self styled police men. I also support Mr Joe D'souza in asking the Srirama Sene activists to give the name of the teacher who asked the non catholics to read or study these books so that everyone will know the truth.

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  • Lavina Pinto, Bantwal,Dubai

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    There  exist  hindu schools  where all students have to learn the Ramayana for Moral science test and there is nothing wrong in that.  Why then should some consider distributing the Bible (that too voluntary) is a disgusting activity  ?  If my hindu brothers are really concerned about their children then they must admit their wards in a  school where they will have no fear of learing  books outside their religion.

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  • wilma vaz, uk

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    Handling a copy of any religious book does not change your faith. Let us  be mature and act like adults . Complaining everytime looks very silly and  exposes our lack of  confidence in our own identity.

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara,Sharjah

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    Neither the Bible nor the Church teaches violence, like any other religion. When you have knowledge of all faiths, one cannot brainwash people and future generation will be less fanatic.

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  • Lawrence Mascarenhas, USA

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    Bible, Quran and Bhaghavath Geetha should be consolidated as one book and distributed to the students. Learning about the religions is very important at this age.

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  • Vincent , Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    Bible teaches us to have prime values & motivation. Good for the future of the students. Please leave the school alone.

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  • Danish, Bhatkal

    Sun, Jan 04 2009


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  • RAAJ, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    As Mr.Joyal mentioned there is absolutely no harm in reading different religious books.We must accept everything with the possitive frame of mind.

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  • Deenanth, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    When it is obvious that such things may lead to controversies, the Headmistress should have been prudent enough to distribute  such litreature during a catechism class where only christian students attend.

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  • Charlotte, mangalore

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    The people  protesting obviously look like young college students. During their spare time, I urge them to read the Quran, the Bible and the Bhagavath Geetha . Then they will surely turn out to be excellent citizens!

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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    It is a shocking news to me and my family. We were big supporters of the school even before the school was built. The late  Mr.Rodrigues donated the land to build the church and school. I do not think he had ever questioned the authorities then,to find out what religion students will be attending the school.  My wife and I were involved in many  projects of the school for the  betterment the life of students from this poor community. We did not look at the religion of the Child but looked at the poverty of the child. Many times  I have paid the School fees of many Children,who are mostly Hindus. Rama Sene did not question the validity of Christian generosity then.

    Being a  supporter of the school I have spoken to the Headmistress to find out the whole story. She told me that no teacher suggested any Hindu student to take the book. Instead, they repeatedly told them the books are only for Catholic students. But ignoring the suggestion many Hindu students took the books home. Even at the end of the day,the teachers requested the students to return the books if they are not catholics. Many of them returned the books but few took them home.

    If Rama Sene knows which teacher asked Hindu students to study the book for the exam,let them forward the name of that teacher to Headmistress.  I have decided from now on to stop any Charity to schools. I will let Rama Sene members to take over the Charity programmes. I will devote my energy to help those who rise beyond religion and caste.

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  • Santhosh D'souza, Mangalore / Dudai

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    This is a utter foolish decision from HM of the school. HM should have asked to collect those books to catholics only. Mangalore is coming back to normal from the last time violance. Now this school is trying to create the rift between the society. Such schools should be banned with immediate effect.

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  • Alwyn D'Souza, Canada

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    There is  nothing wrong in reading or distributing any holy books including Bible, quran or the Geeta. Reading gods word will make you a good citizen of this earth. Hindu religion is a peaceful religion. It is a small group of fanatics who are the prime enemies of hinduism and that is the bottom line.

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  • Siva Narain, Karnataka

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    During my school days classes were filled with students from different religions, and we were taught to study excerpts from mythologies Ramayana Mahabharata and Puranas as lessons. Nobody protested. Why not Hindus take a look at the Bible and Quran and study not only get the knowledge but also get the spiritual lessons out of them. Why one should be afraid of these books because if one reads them will be converted? Please do not act like mendak (frog in a well), come out face the world, nobody is forcing one to impose religion by thrusting a bible  in your hand. For the truth of the matter is one who respects each religion is the one who follows the true path. Remember whether it is safron, green or blue colors, all mixed together becomes white which represents our  Creator. Here we remember Mahatma Gandhiji who was  inspired from the teachings of the holy books including Geeta & Bible. We must appreciate the German and European scholars who studied Sanskrit and translated the holy books of Hindus and spread the knolwedge to world over. Take a good leaf from this.

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    We are unnecessarily creating issues amongst ourselves by distributing religious books to students in schools when we know there are Hindus, Muslims who send their children to these schools. Keeping books in the library is fine. However, distributing Christian books to students is totally wrong. Let us stop this and try to live in peace! If the books are only for Christians, let us do this during our church events. This is just my request to all institutions in India.

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  • abdul kareem, mangalore /Dubai

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    It is always better to read different books such as Quran, Bible and Geetha you will gain full knowledge. 

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  • donfrank, Manglalore, UAE

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    There is nothing wrong in reading religious books of any faith. During my student days, we used to read more books about Hinduism, Ramayana, Mahabaratha etc, than Islam or Christianity, and there was no problem at all. In fact, we had a Hindu teacher who was openly preaching Hinduism in our Christian School. But no one had any objection. Therefore, there should not be any controversy. Some vested interests are simply creating communal disharmony. We should always study the reality, instead of blaming some one.

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  • Melwyn, Pernal

    Sun, Jan 04 2009

    What is wrong in distributing religious books in the schools?  All community people want to study in christian schools and what if they know something about Jesus Christ and christianity also? I have seen Mahabharatha and Ramayana tv serials and I had liked them very much. Even, suppose someone has given me the free copies of Holy Quran or any Hindu devotional (holy) books, I would have read them. It doesnt mean that I am going against my faith or religion. God created only human beings. But human created this religions and then controversies.

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  • joyal, Moodabidri/ Sharjah

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    In schools library students gets copies of Ramayana / Mahabharat books. Our Christian teacher used to tell us ramayan storeis !! so what is harm in reading religious books ?

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  • ARUN, udupi

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    Schools responsiblity is to give education to students from different faith. My advise to all catholic institution , do not allow outsiders to distribute relegious books in schools. For catholics students , you can distribute. Please do not give chance to start controvercy again.

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  • Vijay, Udupi

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    Disgusting activity by the head mistress distributing religious contents in school.

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  • Rajesh, Dubai / Udupi

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    Attn Mr.Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore... Why Teacher didn't distribute Kuran? r u ready for read / follow it???

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    There is nothing wrong in distribution of Holy Bible to any person which is voluntary. The Rama Sena has the right to protest but these protests are just creating mindless troubling attitude of Fanatics for controversies. The accusations are baseless and made only to malign Christian community.

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  • krishna, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    whomever leaders of the perticular community pls stop then dont blame saffron and BJP PLS DONT START VIOLENCE AGAIN

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  • satish, udupi

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    Shame on that school headmistress !

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  • Farah, Neermarga/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    what a shameful act by the shiv sene without even making an analysis of the situation have come up with such controversy

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 03 2009

    One should try to findout the reason of distribution and the contents of the books.If it is only for spreading awareness of God and spirituval sense,what is wrong in it.

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