Tiruppur (Tamil Nadu), Feb 28 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Thursday said the AIADMK government is implementing various schemes for the people but those are not visible to DMK President M.K. Stalin.
Laying the foundation stone for 10 projects worth about Rs 1,875 crore in Tiruppur, Palaniswami said all these projects would be ready in two years' time.
"We will lay down the foundation stone and also inaugurate the projects ... the people will see," the Chief Minister said.
He said the developmental works are not visible to Stalin who is confusing people, saying that nothing is happening in the state.
Palaniswami said Stalin's dream of AIADMK losing power has turned into a mirage.
Stalin thought that after the death of J. Jayalalithaa, the AIADMK would break, but the party did not.
Stalin also said the AIADMK government would not survive 10 days, six months or one year, but the government has survived two years and stepped into its third year, Palaniswami said.
According to Palaniswami, a bridge would take 6-7 years to be built during DMK rule but when Jayalalithaa gave the responsibility to him, the bridges were completed in 4-6 years.