Canada: Konkani Sangathi - First ever Konkani Writers’ Forum in North America

Canada: Konkani Sangathi - First ever Konkani Writers’ Forum in North America
Daijiworld Media Network, Canada

Canada, Feb 8: In order to unite Konkani Writers under one banner, ‘Konkani Sangathi’ – the first ever Konkani Writers’ forum in North America – has come into existence in Canada to work together with a theme - ‘Canadanthlya Konknyaank Konkani Sangath’ (Konkani accompaniment to Konkani people in Canada).  

The formation of this forum is coinciding with the decennial celebration of Daiji Dubai, the first ever Konkani Writers’ Forum outside India, that has crowned Konkani language with a crown of precious jewels through their magnificent and innovative works in enriching Konkani language during the past decade.  The Konkani flame of fire that was lit in the desert land of Dubai has spread beyond the confines of Dubai and has enkindled the formation of various Konkani Writers’ Forums in other parts of Middle East like ‘Borpi Mithr’ in Muscat, ‘Konkani Kullvaar’ in Kuwait and ‘Konkani Kutaam’ in Bahrain & so on.


Now, Gerry D’ Mello Bendur (Konkani writer, poet & activist) has taken this torch of fire beyond the Seven Seas to unite Konkani Writers in the North American state Canada. Konkani Writers residing in Canada with Kannada, Devnagiri, Romi or Malayalam script background whether veteran, budding, young or old are urged to join this forum in order to revive Konkani writing skills and to serve the Konkani language, art & its rich culture in this alien land.   All those who are interested to join this forum are requested to register their membership by sending an e-mail to: or

‘Konkani Sangathi’ has started gathering great support from every corner of the world.  Some of the renowned Konkani personalities have appreciated this move and have expressed their views on this unique initiative as follows:

Dr. Pratap Naik, S.J., (Director of Thomas Stephens Konkani Kendr, the Jesuit-run Konkani Research Centre at Miramar in Panjim, Goa, a prolific Konkani writer & a renowned poet):

“Gerry, it is really good news that you have taken the initiative to unite Konkani writers in Canada. The book of Talmud says; "The body follows the head". You have taken the lead. May God bless you and your initiative. But do not forget the words of Moses of Korbryn "A leader must not think that God chose him because he is great: does a peg in the wall, on which the king hangs his crown, boast that its beauty attracted the king's attention?"   Go ahead without looking behind. "The door to success has two signs PUSH and PULL."

Fr. Henry Alva O. F. M. Cap. (Former Rector of Capuchins in Bangalore, currently residing in Canada and pursuing higher studies, a well-known writer and eloquent orator and above all a great supporter of Konkani language, art & culture):

The language, customs and traditions of Konkani people are alive because of a few people who love their culture and language. It is sad to see that some Konkani people have not passed even a bit of their culture and language to their children. Konkani is a dying language and its rich traditions are becoming a history. Konkani language has received recognition as the 15th spoken language of India and that is mainly due to the Goans in Goa and the Sarasvat Konkanas in Karnataka. I wish you all God's blessings in your mission for Konkani language and culture. There may not be many Konkani-Canadians who sincerely love Konkani but your contribution to Konkani will surely keep some hearts alive with love for Konkani.  

Dr. Austin D’Souza Prabhu. (Name itself speaks volumes of his incredible achievements in life.  A top level Konkani personality residing in U.S.A., a renowned Konkani journalist, writer, poet, Play-Wright who created a history being an Editor of three Konkani journals at his tender age of 23 years):

"A Konkani activist, who was very active in Muscat, landed in his promised land – Canada a couple of years ago!  He had a dream to promote his mother tongue Konkani in North America and now he is here to introduce his ‘dream come true’ version.  Konkani language is a rich language which is spoken by millions of people all over the world.  This is the only language which people speaking it call 'Amchi Bhas' i.e. 'Our Language.'  It is the need of the hour to promote this language among younger generation so that it will continue to grow in Konkani hearts.  With one hand we cannot clap, it takes two! So, I request every Konkani lover to support Gerry D’ Mello's dream and his vision so that this beautiful language will spread all over North America.  Here is a real challenge to all parents to speak this language at home with their kids and this is the only way we can support our language - 'Amchi Bhas.'   Let us join hand in hand and create an unbreakable chain of Konkani Lovers.  I salute you Gerry for expressing your dream with Konkani World.  May your efforts be a shining diamond on Mother Konkani's necklace?  Wish you all the best in your future endeavors and promise my unconditional support in everything you do for Konkani."

Clarence Pinto, Kaikamba (The incumbent President of Mangalorean Association (MCCP) in Muscat, and a convener of ‘Borpi Mithr’, Muscat. He has also served as the Vice-President Public Relations of Toast Masters International, a High profile Konkani writer known as ‘the King of Konkani Short Stories’.  Konkani flows in every vein of his blood):

Gerry, it is indeed fabulous news for us to know that you are forming a Konkani Writers’ Forum in Canada to unite Konkani Writers living and working in North America and thus help to keep our mother tongue alive. We, the members of Borpi Mithr – Muscat congratulate you on this occasion.  We know your capabilities and strengths which were instrumental to transform Mangalorean community’s vibrant visions into reality when you were in Muscat. You had been an inspiration to many young and aspiring talents of Muscat. We still remember your unselfish service to the Mangalorean Community of Muscat with a grateful heart.  Konkani Sangathi – a new Forum of Canada will certainly help Konkani Writers spread over Canada to enrich the spirit of Konkani language, culture and heritage. May the Almighty bless you with strength and wisdom to lead this organization to the brighter glory.

Flavian Pinto (One of the renowned Konkani personalities in Canada, a great orator and a talented actor, and also a great supporter of Konkani language and its culture. He played a vital role in organizing first ever Wilfy Nite in Canada):

First of all, let me congratulate you on your venture of embarking a Konkani Writers Forum in North America. In October 2005, when Wilfy Rebimbus and his troupe came to Canada and we had our first 'Wilfy Nite', a masterpiece show which was highly acclaimed, created a sensation among Mangaloreans in Canada.  It was so well accepted that it was a paradigm shift which made many of us question:  "Why have we not taught Konkani to our children?"    Since then we had some cultural shows to promote Konkani which were well received, so much so, some children started singing Konkani songs without even understanding them! 

Every other Indian community be it Tamil, Malayali or Panjabi, is very proud of their mother tongue and talk mainly in their native language with their children and also teach them to read and write. Sadly we Mangaloreans lack this.  What you are venturing is a phenomenal initiative. This Forum will certainly encourage and facilitate growth of our language in North America. I am an ardent lover of Konkani and our native culture; I am simply delighted at your initiative and will extend whole hearted support.  Wish you all the best in your endeavor Gerry D’Mello - of Do Re Me Fa fame!

Maxim D’Mello (One of the highly acclaimed Mangalorean leaders outside India, former President of KCWA, Kuwait,  recently elected as the President of Mangalorean Association of Canada for the third successive term, and a great enthusiast of Konkani language and culture):

I am delighted to know that your dream is coming to reality by forming a Konkani Writers’ Forum for the first time in North America.  This is the right step you can take to keep our mother tongue “KONKANI” alive in this distant land and a great contribution to our entire Konkani community.  I wish you and all the members of the Forum a great future ahead. People like you really make a difference to our Mangalorean Community in Canada.  I have a feeling that this is just the first of many good things to come from you Gerry, Congratulations! 

Max Mendes (Renowned entrepreneur, Chairman of Max Mendes Group & President of Canara World Foundation Inc.,  One of the main leaders who took initiative in organizing the first ever Wilfy Nite in Canada.  Mentor of ‘Kala Saanz’ programmes and a great supporter of Konkani language, art & culture):

When we launched our very first ‘Wilfy Nite’ and subsequent 'Kala Saanz' programmes to promote Canarite Culture here in Canada, it was an uphill task for us. Today, we are proud to say that we are successful.  Now you are sowing a seed to nurture Konkani literature in North America and you too will encounter similar challenges.  Don't worry... we extend our full support to the newly established Konkani Writers' Forum in Canada. . We appreciate your initiative, leadership and love for our culture. Wishing every success in all your endeavors.

Neville D’Cunha, a dynamic leader and the founding President of newly formed Ottawa Canara Konkans, a Canarite Association in Ottawa, the Capital City of Canada:

Gerry, I am glad to hear you are taking this initiative. On behalf of Ottawa Canara Konkans,I take this pleasure to wishing you every success in this challenge. Konkani is a unique language with different accents, expressions and interestingly has a unique vocabulary. VIVA Konkani!  On behalf of Ottawa Canara Konkans Good Luck!  Mog ani Maipas from your Konkani family in Ottawa.

Stephen Mascarenhas aka Hemacharya (Incumbent Convener and one of the founding members of Daijidubai Konkani Writers’ Forum, a dynamic leader, a prolific writer, Play-Wright and a highly talented actor):

I have no words to express my delight and excitement. The time you had departed from here, I had visualised that you are - with the support of our friends’ there- going to start something special in the land of Canada. You have not disappointed us. I am sure you will have an all round support from across the globe. I pledge my unconditional support at all times to come. All the best to you and to your team.

William D’Souza (A high profile entrepreneur, Managing Director of Globe Travels in Mangalore & Canada, The youngest of renowned Souza Bros. from Puttur, Mangalore Diocese. Great supporter of Konkani language & its culture):

I am happy to learn that you are planning to form a Forum for the Konkani writers of Canada. Please accept my congratulations and good wishes to you and your team. Due to the efforts of many patriotic people like you the Konkani language is now enjoying the prestigious position of being in the 8th schedule of the Constitution of India!! The Konkani language was born on the banks of the river Saraswathi in India and was nurtured and groomed by the coastal people. 

May our dear Konkani language now flourish with its traditions and grow on the banks of Lake Ontario to spread its rich heritage in Canada and U.S.A. through your Forum. Kudos to you on your brave initiative in upholding our culture in this beautiful land. Keep this fire blazing and may your Forum reach new heights in the years to come.  Long live the Konkani language and may God bless your Forum with wisdom to bring in young talent, so that this rich and beautiful language flourishes throughout Canada!   With every good wish and assurance of my support always.


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  • Apolinaris D'Souza, Valencia/Muscat

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Gerrybab !! Congragulations to you. You had made a difference when you were in Muscat and I firmly believe that you will make a difference in Canada too with your new venture. May the Lord guide you and bless you always. Apoly - Muscat

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  • Vally Vagga, Mysore City

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Congratulations -Konkani Writers Forum in Canada "Konkani Sangathi" and My best wishes to Gerry D' Mello and your team.

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  • Dolphy Cascia, Vamanjoor-Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Congrats and Best wishes to Gerry D'Mello, Founder Captain of Konkani Sangathi. May God Bless Konkani Sangathi and keep them united in the years to come.

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  • Michael Serrao, Hirebyle/Mississauga

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Dear Gerry : Best wishes for your new venture and God bless. Michael Serrao

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  • Marcel M. D'Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Congratulations and best wishes to Konkani Sangathi- Konkani Writers' Unity long live. We want to hear more news on literary and cultural activities which will raise the banner of Konkani to greater heights and glory in the years to come. Good Luck and All the best to the leader, Mr. Gerry D'Mello.- Machcha, Milaar, President, Konkani Writers' Forum, Karnataka (R) Mangalore.(

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  • Stan, Ageira

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    This is heartening news. Good wishes to Gerry D'mello, the writers & the supporters in Canada.

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    Sun, Feb 08 2009


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  • Lancy Pinto Nayak, Kulshekar / Kuwait

    Sat, Feb 07 2009

    Congratulations -Konkani Writers Forum in Canada "Konkani Sangathi" and our best wishes to Gerry D' Mello and your team. God Bless you guys. Our special support always there for Konkani Writers and Konkani Artist. Good Luck, Lancy Pinto Nayak and Team Covener, Konkani Kullvar and Kullvar Rang Manchi, Kuwait.

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  • WaltR Lobo,cmsf, Uppinangady: Vanderhoof,BC,Canada

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Wonderful! gathering of konkanni writers and spread the very cultural seed of Konkanni to the far off 7 Seas.

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  • CGS Taccode, Valencia,Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 07 2009

    Congrats and Best wishes to Gerry D'Mello,the torch bearer of Konkani language and culture in Canada who has taken the initiative to unite all Konkani writers in Canada under the banner of Konkani Sangathi. I am delighted to note that dynamic and talented Mangalorean Konkani leaders like Flavin Pinto,Maxim D'Mello,Max Mendes Neville D'Cunha, William D'Souza,Fr.Henry Alva and others have extended their unstinted support to the newly formed Konkani Sangathi,the first ever Konkani Writers'Forum in North America. May God Bless Konkani Sangathi and keep them united in the years to come.

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