Puttur: Milad Convention to be Held on Mar 10

Daijiworld Media Network- Puttur (SN/SP)

Puttur, Mar 7: The Milad convention will be held at Kille Maidan here on Tuesday March 10 at 7 pm.

The event is being jointly organized by Eid Milad Committee and Puttur Muslim Youth Council.

A vehicular rally being taken out on the occasion, will l start at 4 pm and proceed from the main roads of Kabaka via Darbe Bypass, Parladka and end at Kille Maidan, on the same day as a part of conference, said B A Rahiman Bappalige, president of the committee and Ashraf Kallega, president, Muslim Youth Council.

Atoor Mudaris Syyed Ibrahimul Tangal will preside over the function. J M Mudaris M Asraf Misbahi will inaugurate the conference.

Syyed Alavi Fiazi Kollam, Ayyoob Khas Asadi Kollam, MLA U T Khader, Kallega Mudaris U K Abdul Aziz Darimi and Siddiq Muntugoli will participate and address the gathering on the occasion.

Various organizational leaders like S Ibrahim Kammady, S Umar Shafi, Muhammad Kunni Vittal, K P Ahad Haji, P B Hassan Haji, Usaan Haji Mittoor, M A Hussain Kanara, Fazal, Muhammed  Hatta and others will participate as  chief guests.


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