Kundapur: Did TV Reality Show Claim Life of Young Kartik?

Kundapur: Did TV Reality Show Claim Life of Young Kartik?

Daijiworld Media Network - Kundapur (SP)

Kundapur, May 7: Umesh Shirur, father of Kartik, a brilliant boy who had just passed his ninth standard final examination with 98% marks but was found dangling from the end of a sari tied around his neck at his home when he was alone, squarely blames the television channels that encourage young children to try something strange and adventurous, which sometimes go to the extent of claiming the young, innocent lives.

Umesh, father of ill-fated Kartik Shirur, a SDE in BSNL Udupi, had been posted for training in Jabalpur while his wife Shobha and younger son Kaushik had been to Shirur near Byndoor, to take part in some religious programmes. To be able to take part in the badminton tournament held in Manipal on Friday, Kartik stayed back in his home near Sharada Kalyana Mantap, Udupi, alone. He was scheduled to reach Shirur on Saturday bur after learning that he had not come there, his father contacted his relative Dinesh who too lives in Udupi, to find out personally the reasons. Dinesh went to Umesh’s home, and after getting no response to repeated knocks and calls, broke the door open. He found to his dismay, that Kartik was dangling from the end of a sari, the other end of which had been tied to a chair, after passing through a iron hook at the roof. Kartik's feet were nearly touching the floor while the chair was hanging a little higher from the floor.

Umesh says, Kartik was influenced by a similar situation aired in the MTV 'Roadies' programme in which the contestants were made to escape from the noose. He said, he also found on May 5, that Kartik had recorded a five-minute piece of this programme in his computer. The scene of the suicide, Kartik's interest in adventure shows telecast in TV channels and the piece of the reality show recorded in the computer, all point out to the fact that he tried the adventure when he was alone. His interest in such shows not only took away a young life, but also has pushed the entire family to the abyss of grief and guilt, Umesh says.

We have heard and read about several such cases in the past. Young minds get influenced by such shows and they are unable to apprehend the dangers lying ahead. Many young lives would have been lost the way Kartik has, but would have gone unreported, treating them as just suicides. Will the electronic media sit up to the worsening scenario and take notice and realize that they also have social responsibilities, in addition to serving their own commercial interests?


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    Sat, May 09 2009

    Irene, You have hit the nail right on the head: parenting is the toughest job today. Women/mothers suffer in many ways. And how does society appreciate a mothers role? Not many commercials encourage except may be those of life insurance. Soon parenting will be discouraged. That is what most of our TV & Movies seem to suggest. There is no quick fix solution, but lets hope for the best, as HOPE would be the last thing we can afford to lose.

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  • irene, mumbai

    Fri, May 08 2009

    Let us stop blaming T.V shows Pub culture and parents are not spending enough time with thier kids.What about the parents who are working? Let me ask one question with all the parents how many of us listening to our kids.How many of us spending quility time not quanity with our kids.It is very easy and human tendency to blame.In this bad world it very difficult to control each and everthing.Whar ever happend it is very sad and young life is gone forever before it is bloomed.In the olden days children used to listen to parents now a days parents has to listen to children. Please do not blame the parent parenting is very tuff job.

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  • Pradeep, Mangalore

    Fri, May 08 2009

    Kitchen knives can kill people - so why don''t we ask for a ban on kitchen knives. We can reduce a lot of crimes in India .Parents please wake up and take responsibility in educating your wards instead of blaming reality shows

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  • Dr. Haneef Shabab, Bhatkal

    Fri, May 08 2009

    I don''t understand why the advocates of reality shows and stunt films do not agree that just WARNINGS of dangerous results if PERFORMED at home is not enough to deter some curious and adventurous young chaps. It is like selling  alcohal and punishing for drinking. As Amar Nathal rightly said the society is lacking in spiritual training and nobody is worried about this aspect. Can''t we use these films and TV shows to reconstruct our society with positive, constructive, and morality based approach ? Why only the FANTASY that has no place in real life. Right, human beings are always after fantasy, but to make it so attractive and sell it at the cost of human values is of course a sin which can''t be pardoned.

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  • brijesh, mangalore

    Fri, May 08 2009

    When children watch all these programmes, parents also enjoy watching it with them. When such incidents occur, they start to blame others.

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  • reshma, mangalore, USA

    Fri, May 08 2009

    The shows should have a ratings shown clearly. The parents should be warned about the contents. The parents should be strict about the ratings. This is really a tragedy.

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  • antony, udupi

    Fri, May 08 2009

    My heart goes out to the grieving family. May his soul rest in peace. This is one of the incident of globalization, misuse of technology. I hope all the reality shows will be little more sensible and responsible towards  society.

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  • Keerhan K Shetty, Mulky

    Fri, May 08 2009


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  • Girish Kumar, Mangalore

    Fri, May 08 2009

    Roadie Fan is making a good point. He is simply asking parents to be more vigilant with their children. I have a Son who is Karthik''s age. I take full responsibility to what happens to him. Sadly, what happened to young Karhik is tragic. May his Soul rest in peace.

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    Fri, May 08 2009

    DEAR RAY, You have  made a good observation. DAIJI being a website frequented by people exposed to many cultures and nations, the readers can start a discussion-line so that we move beyond political and religious line to create  awareness. It''s INFLUENCE might be very little but the impact it will have, God willing, would be tremendous. Daijiworld can help us create a small yet a TRULY REAL WORLD so that  readers can contribute their thoughts without fear or favour. Democracy can be demonic as it is controlled by the prince of this world - MONEY. But the readers of different religious can ignite a spark without hatred as MOVIES, TV AND INTERNET know no religion. We are one family when social evils and sorrow strike us. I believe, we are partners in healing.

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  • Abdul Raheem , B C Road/Dubai

    Fri, May 08 2009

    Dear Umesh, we are with you in this hour of pain. No words to console you.May the ALMIGHTY help you and your family cope up with life after this tragedy.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, May 08 2009

    We can''t blame MTV Roadies and Splits villa for the behavior of young Kartik. Batman and Superman should not be blamed for anybody jumping down the window to death. At each incident of these tragedies, curiosity was the killer.

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  • sheila, mangalore/dubai

    Fri, May 08 2009

    MTV has already wrecked the teenagers and a whole generation here in USA with their reality shows like splitsville etc which encourage live-in relationship of teenager (barely out of school), multiple partners, pub culture, easy money and disrespect to elders. These channels are totally against Indian values and way of life, but since we have ministers like Renuka Chodhry supporting pub culture (but not for her daughters) there is no one to stop this tragic reality shows.

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  • Steve, Kuwait

    Fri, May 08 2009

    What happened to all those who talk about Indian culture.Can someone ban these two shows "RODIES" AND "SPLITZ VILLA". The most disgusting shows ever shown on TV. They talk animal language in these shows. I am sure lot of youth might have followed their style by now.

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  • Reader, Kuwait

    Fri, May 08 2009

    I feel sad.May his family have the strength to face his death.

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  • A.K.Kukkaje, Mangalore\sharjah,u.a.e.

    Fri, May 08 2009

    The Government should take  disciplinary action against such TV channels and especially such programmes. because any of the TV shows must  benefit  society but not to harm in any kind. The last time The Shakthi Maan TV programme also killed many innocent young lifes. Many boys tried to imitate and died. The authroities are still inactive even when the same is being repeated.

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  • Arun Menezes, Udupi / Kuwait

    Fri, May 08 2009

    Mr.Prem,Mangalore. It is a great loss to the family of Mr.Umesh Shirur and no words can undo the loss, may GOD give his family the strenth to bear this sudden tragedy. It is being clearly shown on reality shows that "These shows are being performed by PROFESSIONALS and should not be tried anywhere", I have even seen Mithun Chakraborthy joining his hands and pleading to the audience in a dance show not to try anything silly at home. I think the parents have to take care of their children and educate them. This applies to me, you and all.

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    Fri, May 08 2009

    Savio, Our censorship board is being censored or rather controlled by heavy-weights and commercials. We need people like Former Election commissioner Sheshan. Our rotten politicians will block every efforts. Where there is idol worship to have a grip over power, social evils will continue. Even the Truth is silenced by the weight of political authority.

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    Thu, May 07 2009

    REALITY SHOW AND REALITY TODAY: If DAIJI would permit me, here are my thoughts. Thanks Kiran. Besides the readers saying it is a tragedy, can not the educated people wake up and sow a seed of hope? How? By being rationally critical and insightful. Today our education leads us to deny the existence of a God, who is to be feared not just be adored with empty words. While our imaginations create a world of imagination, our brain cannot comprehend the unreal world our films are projecting to our mind.

    Our brain cannot process the data and distinguish what is real and imaginary. We are paying price for Greek mythological world created by one sided education. Either we look for more psychiatrists or go back to the future, not backwards, so that we, as a society redefine education and recreate a visual world that is at least free from fight and violence using firearms. We need to ban all commercials using children and women so that children and the youth will not be floating in the clouds. Children need fear of God/teachers/elders, and be accountable to their behavior. A God of imagination and unlimited freedom will cause immense damage to all societies.

    Perhaps John Locke did not know that revolution of education he advocated would create havoc so early. Now we can not reverse the trend but move forward with hope and creating a reality that is relatively manageable. There is no manual work. All want white collar job. Day wager is labeled as an uncultured person. Purchasing vehicles and electronic gadgets has become a menace. Cell phones have made the world a village, but with the shrinking of electronic gadgets, there is shrinking of faith each day. So, ultimately this is faith crisis more than film crisis, because our education is just one-sided.

    Decorating human bodies with gold and silver and making them toys of fun and recreation is the beginning of the collapse of a society. Fear of God is the beginning of true wisdom. Using our intelligent badly and using women for entertainment are modern evils, just speak of sins today.

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  • Ray, Mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    "M TV Roadies" and "Splits villa" are the most disgusting TV reality shows ever. Moreover, not recommended for young minds. Low mentality filthy language ,actions / fights and controversy among contestants put bad influence on young people.

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  • Savio D''souza, Kolalgiri / Kolalgiri

    Thu, May 07 2009

    This is not new, when movie Krish was released a 8 std boy jumped from 5th floor wearing Krish dress and died, in Mumbai. These will still continue if such kind of movie and tv serials are show cased.what is sensor boad doing on it. They are accountable for the death of Kartik. Even parents are responsible. Parents should keep an eye on children watching such kind of serials or movie.

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAMM

    Fri, May 08 2009

    I fully agree with Kiran,Kundapur.It is high time we ban such programmes which are harmful. Even the TV serials which gives misleading messages to the viewers also to be banned...falling in love with one girl, marrying the other,living & having children with another...etc..by watching indirectly we are approving, that is definitely a threat to our lifestyle...

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  • Eulalia Dsouza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    It is truly a tragedy that parents, relatives n all of us are shocked. TV serials these days are no doubt a bad influence on society and mostly so with children n youngsters. But i think as parents we should also play an important role to guide and educate our children with difference between TV shows ( reel life ..!!)and real life.

    If guidance is lacking then children can be mislead in to these kind of shocking incidents. TV shows are all to make make money n earn fame, it does influence young n innocent lives. Also that these serials should give a warning to viewers, NOT TO TRY THESE STUNTS AT HOME...!! BEFORE AND AFTER SHOWS.. This could avoid a lot of untoward incidents..

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  • Paul D Souza, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Very sad news heartfelt condolence to Kartik family.

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  • Risan Maximus, Mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    "RODIES 6.0 HELL DOWN UNDER". These days there are so many TV channels and movies infulence these reality shows which influence very bad in kids minds, so its parents responsibility to look into their kids to keep busy in other activities. I''m really sorry for Karthik, i pray his soul rest in peace.

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  • Montie, Mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Roadie Fan I guess u are a kid, or u do not have kids or you are grown up without brains. Your comment is utter nonsense, by just writing on the screen dont try this do you expect the mind is not influenced. especially young minds, forget that cigratte packet carries injurious note but still how many elders smoke. By your comment it means all elders cannot read. Have you not heard of incidents & accidents based on WWF. Dont make comments that are irrelevant and have no base. Young minds get carried away by many things and not just by writing on screen don't do this , all is solved.

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  • Harold D''cunha, Mangalore, India

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Very sorry to hear the tragic end of this brilliant young lad studying in 9th std. My heartfelt sympathies goes to the parents and to Kartik brother Kaushik. Praying to the God to give the courage to the bereaved members of the family to bear this loss of their child. Let his soul rest in peace.

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  • Kiran, Kundapur/Kuwait

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Human curiosity is such that, whenever advise someone refrain from doing something, he is more tend to do the same. It is highly recommended to ban such programmes on TV which are hazardous and tempting. Now a days even the TV serials have become a threat to common lifestyle and impart misleading messages to the viewers.

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  • Anil, mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Mr.Roadie Fan u better know that the life departed is not your sibling or your relative so better you mind your words before commenting such things

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  • Johnson Coutinho, Palimar/Mira Road

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Overall the effects of reality TV shows are more harmful to the children watching than regular shows. At least with non reality TV shows the recognition that it was fake and just a story was there. With reality TV shows children are seeing what “reality” according to Hollywood is rather than what life is like.

    Life is a little about drama, violence, and stupid stunts, but it can also just be fun, full of family, and enjoyable however that second half doesn’t usually make great television.

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  • Lloyd, Dubai

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Its really very sad. Please kids dont influence by TV shows. TV is just for entertainment.

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  • Prem, Mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Mr (Roadie Fan, India) Dont be childish, he is 14 yrs old kid. If this had happened with your family then you would have agreed with this.

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  • george borromeo, angelore, mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    We parents has to blame for our selves instead of blaming the TV Channels.We are supposed to guide our siblings what is good to be watched and which is bad, which act is real and which act is fake.like watching WWF programme.

    If we are friendly with our siblings they will come out with their doubts and opinion about the shows.Give them independance, but keep a watch over,communicate with them and finally advice them convictionally.

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  • Robert George, Mangalore/Bombay

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Television, unlike other media, has a profound influence, often detrimental, on the youth. Certain reality shows and movies that are filled with hate, violence, dangerous feats and expletives, when beamed into the living-room, can lead children to acts bullying in schools and usage of gross offensive language on the playground. In extreme cases, they can also influence vulnerable children to replicate dangerous feats shown on television.

    Despite clear indications given by experts in the field, the media, in gross violation of such advice, continue to air harmful programmes. Parental supervision has to improve in order to bridle children, but it should in no way restrict their freedom to enjoy wholesome entertainment. It’s time the government stepped in to rein in such devious power out to make a fast buck.

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  • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Reality shows are producing events which are extraordinary but gives an impression to the innocents that it is possible and whoever does that becomes hero.This can create adverse effect on the young minds.Loss of life of Kartik is a great tragedy, an irreparable loss to the parents.My heart elt sympathy to the family of the bereaved.

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  • Jess, Mangalore

    Thu, May 07 2009

    Really very sad, May this child''s soul rest in peace. It is a lesson for us parents never leave a teenaged child alone at home. And this Roadies show is the worst one on MTV, the language they use and the stunts they try, anyway, damage is done now can''t undo it. May God give the courage to the parents to bear the loss of their loving child.

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  • Roadie Fan, India

    Thu, May 07 2009

    I don''t fully agree on this.Even I have watched this episode of roadies.Every time it is clearly mentioned on the screen not to try this act at home.In fact I believe it is the same with shows like WWE. Everday so many people die consuming alcohol, what influence is this on the young generation. I believe it's with the parents, elders and every other person having youngsters at home to educate them on such stuff. when it is mentioned on the screen NOT TO TRY IT AT HOME tell them how severe it is going to be if they ever try it.Parents should come out of the nutshell and begin educating their rather than putting a cover on reality.

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  • Dr. Haneef Shabab, Bhatkal

    Thu, May 07 2009

    So sad! Reality shows and films are affecting the minds of younger generation so badly that society has to pay back in such tragic incidents. This is really the misuse and the abuse of the powerful electronic media. In the name of reality shows people are fraudently duped monetarily by sms poll on one side and on the other side young boys and girls are tempted to attempt something diffrent which is hazardous to their own life. Commecialism and consumerism has made us so selfish that we are least bothered about the loss of our fellow brethern in cash or kind. If this trend goes unchecked, God forbid we have very dark future.

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    Thu, May 07 2009

    What a tragedy of our movies and shows that are becoming REAL in our daily life. The more fight and guns we use in films, the more aggressive we become. We become what we hear and see.

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