'Give up Hindutva' - Senior RSS Ideologue Tells BJP

Press Trust of India

Nagpur, Jun 15: Criticising the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its “inconsistency” in toeing the Hindutva policy, senior RSS ideologue M G alias Baburao Vaidya on Sunday said the party should give up the policy as it has “failed” to attract the common man. 

Narrating the history of the then Jana Sangh which later converted into the BJP, Vaidya, in his weekly column in local Marathi daily Tarun Bharat, said the BJP had adopted Gandhian socialism, but could not stop itself from being labelled as a communal party.

After the 1984 general elections drubbing, the BJP again started chanting Hindutva.

The BJP came close to power, but could not sustain its strength. The party leaders had no patience and almost forgot Hindutva and its basic principles, the former RSS spokesperson said.

“The party came to power again (in 1999), but after losing it in 2004, it again turned towards Hindutva. The BJP mentioned Hindutva in its election manifesto in the just-concluded Lok Sabha elections, but it miserably failed to attract the common voters and citizens in the country,” Vaidya said.

“The BJP has failed to convey the real meaning of Hindutva to the people. Probably, they thought not deemed to climb the pedestal of power with the Hindutva line. Hence, the BJP should now dissociate itself from Hindutva,” he said, but added, “If the BJP gives up its Hindutva line, it will automatically snap its umbilical cord with the Sangh.”

However, he said, it would not have any impact on the RSS.

The BJP would have ample opportunities to get a modern outlook,  Vaidya added.

“If BJP gives up Hindutva, regional parties like the Trinamool Congress, Biju Janata Dal and the Telugu Desam Party will rush to it and internal bickering in the JD(U) will also end,” he said. 


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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Dr Bharat chandra hota, your vedas and holy literatures are the private properties of manu vadis and manu smriti does not allow holy books to be studied and memorised by non brahmins. ONly brahmins can learn sanskrit and please tell me what percentage of Indian population know sanskit, in which language the core and teachings of so called hinduism is written. Would the brahim hegomony would give up this monopoly of knowledge to non brahmins????

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  • Dr. Bharat Chandra Hota, Bhubaneswar

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    BJP may give off Hindutva but disseminate wonderful preachings and sermons in Vedas,Vdantas, Upanisads, Smurties which the ancient sages have handed down to us. The present day civilization and scientific discoveries owe their origin to these Epics.

    Those interested in maths may go through the vedic maths and taste its delicacies.Puspak Viman was there in the Ramayana, so also arrows and anti-arrows. Asta Siddhi indicates the origin of radio, television, computer and so many other wonderful discoveries of the modern world.Why should we not show to the world that our Epics have immence contribution to the present civilization for which the Western World take credit. Instead of taking religious connotation of Hindutva, it should show the cultural side.

    If some innovative mind studies Sanskrit and decipher the meaning of the single and multilettered verses, as Vedic Maths has been made mathematics simple by Jagatguru Swami Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthahji Maharaja only in sixteen sutras and their corollaries, it will boost up BJP''S popularities and acceptance by the public.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009


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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    I for one am fully supportive of the uniform civil code. Certain provisions can be made within the code to satisfy matters of faith of all communities, but as a nation we ar all one and the same law should apply to all. I can give you an example of the divorce or annulment of marriage in the catholic faith. Even though the church after thorough investigations may grant annulment of marriage, for a person to re-marry within the church, he or she also has to approach the law court and obtain a civil divorce. The church will no re-marry a person unless a civil divorce decree is produced. This arrangement satisfies both faith and the law of the land.

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  • Anil Poojary, Mangaluru/ UK

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Mr.Naagesh naik, come on,come out,and defend RSS, BJP,Hindutva... this is the need of the hour.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    BJP not only failed to convey the real meaning of Hinduthva, rather conveyed the wrong message that Hinduthva means taking law into their own hands, disrespect to Indian constitution, creating horror in the civilised society, encouraging goons and financing them to destabilise society, separating Indians from Indians in the name of religion, separating men from women, manhandling and molesting women in the name of culture, destroying and damaging the religious places and giving painful statements.

    This is not at all the Hindu culture which I have come across for the last 53 years. The Hindu culture I have experienced is respect others and be respectful, enjoy a disciplined lifestyle and be exemplary, enjoy all the festivals as Indians. I still believe that we all Indians are united and will never allow our enemies to exploit our weakness, by breaking into fractions in the name of religion.

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Shahnawaz Kukkikatte, dubai/udupi, I am just curious, is muslim personal laws are being used in US and other western countries. I feel as a nation we are all one and one law should be in place. Tommorow every religion and sects will try to impose their own laws. (this is what is happeneing in pak).

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  • Francis, Moodabidri/Dubai

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain, Nagesh mama still didnt come out ..... haahhahahaha sure he will tell now this is a need of the hour !!!

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Mr Ramesh Naik/UK. My friend you are ignorant of muslim personal law, hence you commented advertly. If you want to know a little glimpse of muslim personal law, I request you to read the para "A''nissa" (The Women) from Holy Quran as the law is devine and must be followed by believing and practicing muslim. I would like to see your prositive comments once you read this para. I pray Allah to give you wisdom and good judgement to judge between man made laws and devine laws. Good luck and good health to you my friend.

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  • jacintha, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Natural progression for a RSS person is BJP, how can BJP have anything other than Hindutva? The educated and civilized move to BJP, uneducated uncivilized move over to Bajrangdal, Ramsene, VHP and what have you. Dissintegrate RSS, that is the root of all evils.

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  • Peter, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Guys can someone explain hindutva,and what is wrong with it? thanks

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  • Ram Prabhu, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Ajith - Should the indian flag also get rid of Saffron ? What is your point ...

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    This is like telling the monkey don''t climb the tree. "Hindutva" was the catch which inspired the millions of innocent Hindus to the fold. Even though majority of them disagreed with the radical mystery of the party, they could''t naturally break away from the party. If "Hindutva" is discarded, BJP will be disintegrated fast.

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  • Alex D''mello, Mumbai

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Mr Jaydeep, If u do not know who belong to weaker section of the society, this is the hint for you: An Indian citizen economically backward, people belong to the backward regions of our country. TK u.

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  • Ramesh Naik, BC Road/ UK

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte, why should BJP or anybody leave the topic of uniform civil code-UCC? Every so called secularist says UCC should not be implemented. When they talk about secular needs, why shouldnt be there Uniformity? Civil code like rights of succession, marriage laws, respect to national anthem..etc should be same & then only a nation can be secular.

    Law for each religion cuses lot of problems. Under UCC, there is no bar for citizens rights to pray, but it is common national & legal law which comes under UCC.Secular means no special status to any religion/caste/creed.So UCC is needed for India like any other country like America, UK or the Gulf. Some countries where there is no law(Pak,Afghan..etc), there is Sheriat. I am not talking about Sheriat. But UCC is law & not stone aged law.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    RSS & BJP want the development of India on the basis of yesterday which they realised will not take the country to the challenges of tomorrow. The country will become divided & the development will remain stagnant. The religious leaders will have more than the stratagic authorities. Unemployment will make the youth more restless & the deadly voilence will become part & parcel of day to day life. They should accept that Muslims & Christains as equal partners in INDIA development.

    They should abolish cast system & should consider Dalits & other low cast Hindus as equal to the Upper Class. The Brahmins should allow the Dalits into all the temples, public places etc. Otherwise the generation next will reject them in the coming years.

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  • Ashwin, Mangalore/Singapore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    There is a saying in Konkani which goes "Tu Marlya Manke Kari, Haave Rallya Manke Kartha" which means, "You act as if you are hitting me, I will act as if I am crying" I guess the above would summerize the statement from RSS. RSS and BJP are the two faces of same coin, they can not be separated. It would be a great day if they really divorce each other!!! Having said, I believe religious bodies should never interfere state functionary. Imam Bukhari and the whole tree under him should keep the mouth shut in the state matters. This applies to all religions specially where the priests dictate the followers regarding the party to vote for.

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  • Prof. Ismail, Bangalore

    Tue, Jun 16 2009

    BJP may give up some religious issues, but not its other associations, eg: as on Ramsethu, Ayodhya. Hindus have a deep attachment to some religious places, which is difficut for them to give up. Just as Madina is important to Muslims, so has been Ayodhya for Hindus. So other organisations definetly will focus on these matters.

    Obviously, instead of grumbling on these organisations, it is best to make a good deal by leaving those place to them strictly on condition to restore the peace & harmony in the country. The more we keep the problem live, the more stronger these parties grows.

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  • Prem, mangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    If BJP gives up Hindutva...they will loose election in M''lore and Udupi....

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    We need a good and reliable opposition. BJP can make a very good opposition, provided it is secular and inclusive. It should give up emotional issues like mandir/masjid, ramsethu, uniform civil code, political hidutva and must focus on current national and international issues affecting common man. Must start respecting and following constitution, judiciary. Must lead by example.

    If BJP truly focus on realistic agenda, then I am sure, it will become more acceptable and shall become a very good party. I sincerely request the BJP think tank to do introspect and do away the damage its ideology has done to the party and nation. I wish good luck to BJP and wish them good wisdom.

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  • Joseph D''souza, Surathkal

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    Few years back JanSangh, now BJP, tomorrow BJP or a new party, but RSS will have influence on Indian politics. May be, BJP is cautioned in this line.

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  • Narayanan, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    RSS irrespective of Political resluts over years, has a strong base over various parts of India. BJP results may vary, but not RSS. Moreover, there has been good base for them in States as Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharastra, MP, UP, Delhi, etc. In some state, they are weak.

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  • Mohammed Saleem, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    RSS winding up relationship with BJP is surely immpossible. Morever, assumptions of BJP withering away is also not possible. There may be dissatisfaction within party, but party loosing grounds means just a dream. In Karnataka in this LS election there was a bit infighting, but BJP got a sweeping results.

    So was in Gujarat Assembly elections. Keshu Bai Patel had come openly against Modi, & so every one thought a drawback for BJP. But results showed vice a versa. Only thing is that it might have shown poor performance in this LS elections, but has not dried up.

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  • shafi , Udupi/Bahrain

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    This is like someone giving a gun to his friend and telling him "come on kill me"... These communal forces have lost their momentum and taking desperate measures to be alive in politics.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    It looks like the BJP has finally realised that communal politics will not take it anywhere. Today the nation wants to see growth and progress, and the youth want to have their say on national and international issues. They have conveyed their anger to the BJP in these elections. Nobody today believes that 85% of the majority population has to be scared of the 15% minority. Centuries of foreign invaders and colonizers have not been able to change that equation through the barrel of a gun, and so the war cry of a bunch of misguided communalists sounds hollow.

    People like the Sahu''s, Modi''s and Varun Gandhi''s sound like a bunch of jesters, and the nation has rejected them and their kind of politics. I have said earlier that a strong national party is required to counter the congress at the national level and to prevent incidents of the 1970''s from repeating. The BJP has to take up that role of a responsible national party, but it can do so only by shedding its communal agenda and by being an inclusive party. If anybody needs to be converted today, then it is the BJP and its leaders. They need to convert themselves from communalists into nationalists.They need to find a leader of the caliber of Mr Vajpayee to lead it.

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  • george borromeo, angelore, mangalore.

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    This is a sarcastic remark given by RSS, Senior Ideologue Baburao Vaidya over BJP. RSS is using BJP as their Political Plat form. Where as BJP is using RSS as their Vote Bank.Both can not survive without the strength of each other in the present scenario. Like the soul and the body.Equations may change in near future. But one will wither out for sure.

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  • Jaydeep Sherigar, Kundapur,UAE

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    Mr Eric Coelho, what do you mean by weaker section? who is part of weaker sect? Weak are those who think they are.Also,it is equally the responsibility of the people to get educated and find jobs than wait for Govt to create jobs.

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  • David Rodrigues, Kayyar/Bangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    BJP can do wonders if religion is kept aside & not mixed with politics

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  • bharat, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    Can a tiger stop hunting??? NO WAY.. just trying to prepare for the next elections..

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  • Ajith, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    First BJP should change its flag with disgustng colour of safron.Then it should distance itself from thugs like Bajarangdal and Rama sene. Lastly it should give up Hindutva which automatically paints it with communalism.Also it should develop strong leadership like congress.Then only it can think of a future in Indian politics.

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore/Ajman

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    BJP has become a Laughing Stock. The Leaders- Naveen Kateel said that he won because of Hindutva, Gowda Says he won because people opposed Relgious Conversion. Now RSS tells BJP "Give up Hindutva". In this country where 50% or more of the people find it difficult to meet both ends, they do not require Hinduism or Hindutva. Karnataka Minister Krishnaiah Setty said that Family coming under BPL should visit spiritual places.

    People need jobs and not temple visits. God will be happy when he sees smile on the people whom he has created. Today we see lot of sorrow in people''s face, heart and mind leading to depression and suicide. It is time that BJP thinks sensible and work for the betterment and development of the country than talk of Hinduism or Hindutva. None of these leaders can clearly or properly define Hindutva or Hindiusm. For them HInduism or Hindutva is putting Force and pressure on weaker sections.

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  • Martha, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    Lavin, well said, Where is Nagesh Mamu & his thoughts.

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  • Vinay, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    It''s high time that the leaders in the BJP who are more secular and liberal come out of the party and form another political alternative. We need an alternative to Congress, but BJP in its present form has its limitations and is not acceptable to many. ''Hinduthva'' is not the answer to 21st century. So it is a perfect opportunity for leaders who don''t like RSS and Hinduthva to come out of the party and give an alternative to the people of all sections of the society.

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Mon, Jun 15 2009

    Nagesh Mamu whats your thoughts on this.

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