Centre Questions Ambani Feud, says KG Gas Belongs to Govt

Dhananjay Mahapatra/TNN

New Delhi, Jul 17: The Centre on Friday filed an affidavit in Reliance gas case. 
The Centre said that the gas belongs to government and the dispute between the Ambani brothers is a little strange.

Earlier on July 12, Union petroleum minister Murli Deora reiterated that the KG gas belongs to the government and not to either of the Ambani brothers who are battling out in the court.

Deora said he would not like to say much on the dispute over KG gas as the matter is to be heard in the court. He said he would like to reiterate that "government has so much stake in it. Gas does not belong to either Mukesh or Anil Ambani. Gas belongs to government,'' he said.

In a related development, chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy said Reliance gas from Krishna-Godavari basin will be allotted to states by the Centre and not by "Ambani brothers''.

"The dispute over sharing of gas is not an issue to be settled by their mother. It is for the Centre to decide who should get the gas and at what price,'' YSR told reporters after dedicating the Gangavaram port at Visakhapatnam to the nation.


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