Mangalore: White Doves Rescues Girl abandoned by Family

Mangalore: White Doves Rescues Girl abandoned by Family

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Jul 28: White Doves Home is a lay NGO that runs two destitute homes in the city and takes care of about 70 ill or abandoned and devastated women, small kids and a few old men, with help from philanthropists in the city. While the primary aim of the organization is to tend to those souls who have no one to look to, it says, sometimes it comes across incidents that are hard to believe and totally inhuman, like a recent incident as explained here below.

On the morning of June 23, a man visited White Doves Home to enquire as to whether they could take care of a girl who is mentally retarded. On inquiry, it was found that the girl has close ones who can take care of the her and hence, the man was told gently, that admitting this girl would not be possible.

At around 10.30 pm the same day, in the rainy dark night, when the inmates of the Home were sleeping, the Home received a call. The caller said that a girl was found dumped at the gates of the Home and quickly hung up without giving space for further queries or leaving behind any clues about his identity. Upon reaching the gates, those running the Home found a scrawny, highly malnourished teenaged girl, who could barely stand. Her bones were jutting out of her skinny body. She was taken in and offered food. 

After giving her a refreshing bath and customary cleansing, she was questioned about her background. She could only say that her name was Prasanna Kumari. She suffers from tuberculosis and was being treated at the government Wenlock Hospital in the city. She spoke in Konkani and most of what she says is not coherent and she is slow in thought.

White Doves Home authorities say, it is hard to believe that a family can abandon a loved one just because he/she is mentally or physically ill. The fact that a person from the family is discarded for the sake of comfort and happiness of the others in the family, goes to show the extent of self-centredness of human beings and the extent to which the society has become uncaring of their own offspring or sibling. In such circumstances, a statement made by Mother Theresa, saint of the gutters, passes through one's mind. "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other," she had said. How true!

‘White Doves’ mostly picks up its inmates from the streets or when somebody has no one to fall back on or to care for. At present, the organization has been taking care of 68 inmates, whose physical, medical and spiritual needs are looked after by it.

For further details, the following site may be visited: The organization’s email addresses are:;


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  • Fatima Pais, New Delhi

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Hi If you know who the family is, even their names, please inform White Doves. Even if they do not wish to keep her they can at least acknowledge her presence and visit her sometimes, maybe pay for her maintenance even in a small way.

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  • Corrine Rasquinha, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Dear Roopa and all others who encouraged us with your support here on daijiworld. You can get our address and contact numbers from the website Keep in touch. Thanks again, God bless you all.

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  • Soumya, Mangalore/USA

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Mr Godwing mang/kuwait... now u have no rite to bring religious teachings in this.. no religion teaches wrong..its individual who is good or bad ok.. are there no minority community people in old age homes/abondoned? so does their religion teach them that? dont point towards any religion remove filth that is in individuals

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  • Roopa, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Dear White dove, can you pleae provide me your address/tel nos? Your deed is extremely selfless and touching. How can a family throw out a child of God? They are heartless!

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  • Dr.Elvin, Mangalore,Muscat

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    White Doves, Great job as usual. Continue the wonderful work despite all odds . All the best. Appreciate a lot the marvellous work and let other so called moral organisations learn the true spirit of moral values.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    This case is about a girl with TB which is curable. We have several children among us, born handicapped. Some are treated with love and care by their parents but some as a burden. I understand the parents'' troubles too but these children need to be looked after by specialised centers where they will be counseled, tutored, trained and eventually employed by government aided sources.

    There must be a community organization that takes such children into their fold and recommends them to suitable center. Let us come forward and build such an organization because the handicapped are the ones who should stand first in a queue for a service, not us the able one. Allow them to live - we too on some part of our life can be a handicapped.

    If don''t understand their pain, nobody will understand our pain then. Live and let others live. I call upon all of you to set aside a small portion of your annual income to donate to such organizations. Remember what you helped can come back as a help to you some day !

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  • Margaret Dsouza, Kumta/Israel

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Great Job by "White Dove"may god bless

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  • Thomas Dsouza, Gorigudda/Israel

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Great job by "White Dove"May God Bless you.

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  • Raymond D''Souza, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    I request daijiworld to give the Bank a/c no of White Doves so that the people who intend to give any donations may do so.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    It is good to know about this philanthropic organisation. I will persuade our social organisation to contribute something to this great organisation. May God bless them all for their selfless work!

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  • Manohar Veigas, UDUPI

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Our civilised Society should financially support NGOs like the White Doves Home who see God in every discarded human being rather than most of us who sponsor the numerous house of bricks for the same God who exist in each one of us.

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  • Naina, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Great work "white dove". Your reward is in Heaven.

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  • Rebecca Fernandes, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    White doves an organisation run by lay people is known for its numerous good deeds. I have seen them work day in and day out without any personal benefit. We sometimes find it difficult to look after one or two children in our homes but I really appreciate this WD team for looking after so many inmates so affectonately, by looking after their personal and spiritual needs. When I come across their articles in daiji etc. I really feel proud about them.

    I appreciate their sacrifice for the inmates.But there are people who cant bear to see this good work being carried out. I had also read in daiji earlier that their vehicle was punctured by some miscreants while they were on their way with some inmates during elections. Such suffeings and hardships are likely when good work is being done. But we have to be ready to face it. However, I once again appreciate their selfless work and pray that they get all the strength to carry out the good work. May your organisation reach great heights.

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  • Kevin Monis, Mangalore / Dubai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    This is so shocking to here of. I can imagine how people let their close ones suffer so much..Its really good White Doves is doing such a fantastic job. Keep up the good work Aunt Corrine

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    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    So sad and shocking story of poor innocent girl. In picture itself we can find out that how her family members have taken care of this teenaged girl. The people in the surrounding areas must boycott this girl’s family for poor treatment shown on this girl. Also, the law-makers has to take serious action for the ill-treatment provided to this girl. Sadly it is her very own family members who have been cruel to her.

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  • Thomas Castelino, Attawar Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Deare Corrine, I was happy  to go through the messege from Daijiworld, regarding a poor girl abandoned at your gate, in Urwa. Whenever I can I will definiely help you for the good cause you are doing .Hope you get sufficient support from the readers of this messege and a helping hand to run smoothly your poor homes.  I am really impressed the way you are looking after the poor, needy and downtrodden, May God reward you  a hundred fold.

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  • Godwin D'Souza, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Hello I am calling out to keeper`s of culture, tradition. Now prove that you really care for the people instead of breaking and attacking the minorities in the name of conversion. Prove what you preach, after all action speaks louder then words.

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  • Judith, Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    I request all readers to keep your eyes open and if you come across any such children please give them help as children cannot fend for themselves

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  • Judith, mumbai

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Thanks Soumya, for the information. I cannot imagine the plight of this innocent girl if The White Doves did not come to her aid. She must have lost her mental balance since her mother''s death and nobody to turn to. Her Father and step mother have committed a very big sin.


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  • Soumya, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    3 cheers to the team White Doves.. But one thing I want to say here is that we are only praising the team but not at all considering the plight of the girl in question. This girl used to live in my colony in Bondel (If I have identified her properly, I am about 90 per cent sure) She lost her mom when she was little girl and her father married her mother's sister, and they have a daughter as well. After this the girl has only suffered. I am shocked to know that now she is homeless as well... I'm really so sorry for her, because I know her plight. god bless her with a lot of happiness.

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  • Garry Pinto, Kateel/Dubai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Great work WD,God Bless you all,Thank you

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  • Doreen Machado, Mangalore/ Sharjah

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Thank you White Doves for the noble job you are doing. God Bless each one of you.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Why White Dove finds destitute and needy while BJD & SNS can see only girls in good health talking to other boys ? Mr Muthalik, what is your say ? Have you ever tried to switch the places with White Dove ?

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  • Judith, Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Noble work done by White Doves. Highly appreciated.

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  • Fahim Mugdi, Shirur / Saudi, Jeddah

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    It's well said by Mother Teresa .... It's glad too see her words are in practice in the prevailing situation where every one are hungry for the blood of the other. Anyway keep going White Doves. May god bless you with happiness ...

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  • RAHUL, Maharashtra

    Wed, Jul 29 2009


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  • Antony Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Dear Corrine Rasquinha and the White Doves Team. We are very much touched by your silent work of looking after the abandonned on the streets. I am aware of your feeding on daily basis the hungry on the streets and also the abandoned picked in very dirty conditions. Only God can give you all this strength. Keep going and spread God's love irrespective of what the enemies do to you all.

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  • Fr Francis Furtado, Brahmavar/Rome

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    I''ve a great regard and respect for Whitedoves because in an inhuman society, your human and charitable deeds is an eye opener for so called "Christians and religious." I bow my head before you for the loving step you''ve taken towards the young girl, the child of God. May God bless you plentifully.

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  • M. A Sheikh, Mangalore/Dammam

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Where are those sick-minded people who spread venom and hatred between humans. For you the caste, the cattle transportation and gender mingling issues are more important than saving such an innocent girl. I have no words for ''White Dove''. Keep your good work going. Let humanity prevail in this beautiful world.

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  • manoj kumar, mangalore,dubai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009


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  • Jawar D''Souza, M''Lore/Doha

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    We have to learn a lot from animals they will not abandon their siblings. We Human's are rational being's this is the end result of our being in a civilized society. We are educated to do such deed''s what a shameful state of affairs.

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  • babazito, mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    I really have lot of appreciation for White Doves. God will be blessing your organization  a hundred fold. It is a pitiful state of this girl, God sees everything just dont try to abdandon your own blood, u will be responsible, the measure u give will be the measure u take.

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  • Harry D''souza, COORG/B''lore/ Abu Dhabi.

    Wed, Jul 29 2009


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  • Jyothi mendonca, mangalore/dubai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    wonderfull work by white doves, its verry sad that people lost their humanity, we are always with you white doves thanks

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  • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Very sad and unbelievable! You are not “White Doves” but are “WHITE ANGELS”. May God bless You and Yours abundantly for this noble work.

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  • alwyn, kulshekar

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    dear white doves may god bless u for the good work, kindly let us know where is your office, so that donors can be introduced to you for such good work

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  • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Hatts White Doves, we are with you

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    This is a sad news. To find the family of the girl, it wont be difficult for Daijiworld...only a request will do. From the hospital also the whereabouts of the family could be found.

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  • Jenifer, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    Dear White dove, Our places of worship are already broken. Why are you doing such good deeds ? To get your place of dweilling broken ? So be it ! Go on with your work you sweet soul ! As Jesus promised to build the temple in three days we are there with you to build your house again and again and again no matter how may times they come and break it. Love you for what you are doing it. Let nobody die abadoned on the streets though I know its a moon to wish for.

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