News & Pics: Wilson Saldanha Shirthady/Kuwait
Kuwait, Nov 2: 'United Mangloreans Kuwait (UMK),' a group of talented artistes under the leadership of Agnel Saldanha with the motto 'Our talent - Help for the unprivileged' organized its most awaited 8th charity show ‘Fun-filled Evening 2019’ on Friday, November 1, at American International School. During the past ten years, UMK has staged seven ‘Fun Filled Evening’ programmes and contributed over Rs 1.44 crore to nine various needy institutions in and around Mangaluru.
The show comprised melodious songs, foot tapping dances and a Konkani social comedy drama ‘Ashin….Kashin….Zalin….Pishin….?’ written in Tulu by Dinesh - Kankanady, Konkani Translation by Dolla- Mangaluru and directed by Ronald D’Souza –Mulky, assisted by Joel Pinto – Udupi, in aid of St Philomena’s Orphanage, home for girl students of poor and broken families, situated at Kemmannu, Udupi district, Karnataka, India.

In the past 10 years, UMK donated nine needy institutes like Sneha Sadan HIV aids center- Mangaluru, Navachetana Special School- Venur, White Doves–Mangaluru, Little Sisters of Poor- Mangaluru, Manasa Rehabilitation Center– Pamboor, Udupi district, De Mercede Orphanage– DeralKatte, Mangaluru, PrashanthNivas– Jeppu, Mangaluru, Mount Rosary Charitable Institutes- Moodbidri and Vimukti (Daya Care Center) – Beltangady, Karnataka.
The programme began with anchors of the day Lionel D’Souza and Roshni D’Souza formally welcoming the audience. Gurkar Agnel Saldanha and all members of UMK proceeded to the stage and welcomed audience with music by Soul Stirrers. UMK gurkar Agnel Saldanha welcomed the audience with traditional ‘Paan Pod Udak’.
Konkani song ‘Nilya Gaganar Parzalchi ti Tara’ was sung by Riya Saldanha, Valentina Lobo and Samantha Pinto. Konkani's Dream Boy Rony Dcunha along with Jasmine Dcunha, Morvine Quadros and Gladys Lorenha entertained the audience with musical medley. Meghan Sanctis and Nigel Saldanha rocked with song ‘Humma Humma’ to the tune of ‘Sole Stirers’. Live music was provided by Ethan Fernandes, Nigel Saldanha, Raphael Dsouza, Joshua DeAlmeida, Angel Dmello, Meghan Sanctis and Sean Fernandes. Foot tapping dances were performed by Mystic Movers - Abbassiya (Choreographers: Niesha Moras, Fiona Tauro and Riona Furtado), Sprit of synergy (Choreographers: Azhar Kazi and Laira Pinto.) and Swing 21 (Choreographers: Linette D'Souza and Lavina Thelma Rodrigues).
Fr Noel D'Almeida along with sponsors Mahmoud Abdullah, Rita Abdullah, Carol Mathias, Sathishchandra Shetty, Daphne D'Souza and UMK gurkar Agnel Saldanha were welcomed to the stage for lighting of the traditional lamp. Gurkar of UMK, Agnel Saldanha welcomed the audience and explained the achievements of UMK through the Kuwait public towards good deeds. Agnel Saldanha informed that after deducting all the expenses they can manage to give over Rs 28,04,000 to St Philomena’s Orphanage.
The sponsors of the event were felicitated with mementoes and flower bouquets. The contributors of the programme like the director of the drama, music director, and choreographers along with the various media persons were also felicitated with flower bouquets. Chief guest Fr Noel D'Almeida, Mahmoud Abdullah and Sathishchandra Shetty spoke few words appreciating the efforts of UMK towards a good cause. Fr Noel D'Almeida asked the audience to contribute their talents to such events. Starting with a quote from Mother Teresa, Mahmoud Abdullah appreciated UMK's efforts and mentioned that he has helped with a sponsorship without considering religion or nationality by only considering the cause. He also wished to join the next event of UMK which was applauded by huge response from the crowd. The felicitation part was compered by Varun D’Souza and Vinitha Pinto.
After introduction of St Philomena’s Orphanage, a documentary video prepared by Glen Wilson Fernandes was presented on the same.
After the introduction of artists, the much awaited drama ‘Ashin…. Kashin…. Zalin…. Pishin….?’ started with a big bang as expected. The team succeeded in tickling the ribs of the audience and bringing out the emotions to its maximum. The artists Agnel Saldanha, Alan Vaz, Anil Avil Fernandes, Anil Menezes, Johnson D’Almeida, Johnson D’Almeida, Rajesh Cardoza, Renita Pinto, Renny D’Souza, Sathish Saldanha, Veneshia Menezes, and Vivian Fernandes gave their maximum to fill the life in the characters of drama. Arun Maxim Noronha, Prem Crasto, Santhosh Rodrigues, Steven Rego, Vishwas Pinto and Wilson Saldanha supported the cast with their guest appearance and quick punches as business professionals in the society.
The story starts with the stingy/miser Hotel owner Paulaam and continues with his two son's love affair, marriage and the emotional changes in the family after the entry of two daughter-in-laws. The drama stage setting and direction were handled by Ronald D'Souza, Mulki. Script was edited by Roque Lewis. Background scores/music was provided by Suneeth Noronha-Katapady and Purandar Manchi and choreography Vrinda Lewis. Stage setting was done by Sathish acharya and team. Make- up was done by Ajay Gosh, Jacintha Gretta, Lidwin Bothello. Lights and sounds were provided by Waves Events Engineering (Anand D'Souza). The programme was well compered by Lionel D’Souza, Roshni D’Souza, Varun D’Souza & Vinitha Pinto. Nirmala Machado rendered the vote of thanks.
Due to the present situations of Gulf, many associations and individuals stopped or reduced their activities due to lack of sponsors and funds. It was highly appreciable that some individuals gathering together to help for a good cause with mind blowing programs to the entire satisfaction of the audience. UMK has become a brand for charity and a house hold name among Indians in Kuwait due to their hard work and contribution towards needy people back home.