Bangalore: 'Love Jehad' - High Court Orders Govt to Gather Information

Bangalore: 'Love Jehad' - High Court Orders Govt to Gather Information

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Oct 21: The alleged propagation of what has come to be popularly known as 'Love Jehad', to engineer conversions from other religions to Islam, has drawn the attention of the state High Court. It may be recalled that the 'Love Jehad,' in which reportedly, the modus operandi used by the Muslim men is to trap the girls from other religions through ‘love’ and thereby get them converted into Islam, is of late, making media headlines. The High Court has now directed the state government to obtain details about the 'Love Jehad' from the Kerala government.

The Kerala High Court has already, after taking cognizance of certain reports, which had alleged that the girls are being lured in the name of love and being deserted, after getting them converted into Islam as part of the 'Love Jehad', directed the director general of police of that state, to conduct an in-depth investigation into the allegations and submit a report thereof within three weeks.

In the state, two cases of this kind had of late, been referred to the High Court. A girl each from Chamarajanagar and Belgaum districts had loved Muslim youths and had eloped with them. As the girls were majors, the High Court upheld the rights of the girls to select their life partners. At the same time, it directed the state government on Tuesday October 20, to collect details about the alleged 'Love Jehad' from Kerala government. In the recent past, there have been instances in which the parents of the girls from other religions, who have chosen to marry the Muslim youths, have complained to the policemen that their wards were the victims of the 'Love Jehad'.

There are reports that the girls who are trapped through the 'Love Jehad' are converted into Islam and then trained in Madrassas located in Chennai and Kasargod for three months, to make them conversant with the tenets and practices of Islam. The Chamarajanagar police have already said that the girls from the district, who were converted as above, are being given training at Chennai Madrassa.

The divisional bench of the High Court expressed its surprise about the conversion of the girls and the training being imparted to them at the Madrassas of other states. A girl from Chamarajanagar stated in the High Court that a written agreement was got executed between the youth concerned and herself, in the presence of some fundamentalists. As per the agreement, she was to get converted into Islam and she would be able to enter the wedlock with the man, only after she gets properly acquainted with the traditions and practices of Islam. She had informed that she has converted into Islam, but is yet to be married. She was trained at Chennai and Kasargod. She presented herself before the High Court on Tuesday and gave details of what had transpired during the last three months, since she eloped with her lover.

The High Court adjourned the hearing to Wednesday, after asking the government to collect details of the alleged 'Love Jehad' from Kerala government. In Kerala state, a widespread discontent is simmering over the alleged 'Love Jehad' activities. Some also say that a few fundamentalists have been aiming at causing social insecurity and unrest by encashing the situation, and by spreading unconfirmed news and rumours of the supposed 'Love Jehad' practices.


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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Oct 22 2009

    Thank God those Hindu extremists didn’t accuse the Muslims for luring the girls and killing them for lust and money like Ananda. I have a doubt, how many girls can be fooled by this Love Jihadists, surely not all the numbers they claim? Are they claiming that the Hindu girls have no brains to think and act, what is good and bad for them?

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  • lONAVALA, mumbia

    Thu, Oct 22 2009

    18 out of 30000 missing girls which is credited to Fictitious Love jihad account, is debited to Hindu Love Jihad account after the arrest of Mohan Kumar. Thanks for the Police force.

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  • Shahid, Surathkal/Dubai

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Mr Manoj, Mangalore / KSA Wednesday, One of the supporter from love Jehad has been arrested in Bantwal. what you will call him a terrorist or a hindu jehadi? Why wont you and your organisation protest against him?

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  • Appaya, Doha/Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    WOOO Mangalorees why quarrelling see your Love Jehadi,The arrested man, identified as Mohan Kumar alias Ananda (46), is a resident of Kanyana in Bantwal taluk. The policemen said that he has confessed to have committed 18 murders, and that all of his victims were HINDU girls. The offender had been serving as a teacher in a primary school near Angadi in Kanyana in Bantwal taluk, on a temporary basis from 1980 and quit his job in the year 2003. After quitting his job, he got engaged in criminal offences since 2005, snuffing away the lives of 18 young girls till 2009.

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  • Mohammad Iqbal, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    From time to time politicians invent new ideas to gain vote bank when they feel that thier popularity at low. This is exactly what happened in this case. Truth must come out.This is a good move from the court and hope that the guilty will be punished by the same court which orderd the investigation. By the way Jihad means TO STRIVE not Holy War. Even Muslim brothers misunderstand the meaning.

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  • jaya, Mangalore/abu dhabi

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    I wholly agree with your views. Nobody wants the truth. People knowing the truth then also they dont like somebody is highlighting. Dont worrry. god isl great. Nature knows how to balance the bad and good. Just leave it to God and wait and see. See now Pakistan. They want to distroy the world/india. Now they are facing the problem in their own country. If u wish/want to destroy others then automatically finally you will be destroyed. any how very good comment.

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  • Abdul Rahman, Dubai

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Mr Eric, Is it ignorance or height of idiocy ? If one or two Hindu girls elope with some Christian boys can you jump to conclusion that some Roman Missionaries are working in Mangalorean streets to convert Hindus ??? Even if "Insha Allah" is commercialised, do you have anything to loose? It is true that Islam and Muslims respect Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), in fact we are commanded to do so, but at any cost you cannot expect us to say " Insha Jesus".

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  • Asif Mohammed, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Mr. Eric has rightly said his words. It is only true love that can bring people together, & not the mask of religion. Jihad has been misintepreted by many & falsely used. We can see in Pakistan itself, the bomb explotions on Friday or suicide bombers. Love with god, should not be blindely accepted or hate with any fellow being. How can we accept attacks on people in their Friday payers. Best we each understand our religion, than just reading.

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  • Manoj, Mangalore / KSA

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Act tough against those who supports these LOVE JIHAD. These criminalas gets support from many people who are around us who help them directly or indirectly. So ban whoever support them, let us live in peace.

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  • Godwin D'Souza, Mangalore/ Kuwait

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    The High court does not have time find the truth for various cases pending and piling over, the majority of the citizens avoid the courts because of the delay in judgments its almost like saying " Justice delayed is Justice denied" however its strange that it has jumped at love jehad, has the Hindu Fanatic groups penetrated even in the high courts or a extension of it. Let the truth emerge...will it ever, "Sathyameva Jayathe" but delayed judgments lack the punch or the Jehadis will have the last laugh.

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  • Jamil, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Hon’bl court should concentrate on millions of cases pending at all sessions instead of wasting time in bogus propaganda crafted by sangh parivar which is bent behind to torn the secular fabric of India

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    People are attacking me left and right thinking that I am criticising Jihad and Insha Allah. One person has said that America is responsible for the mess in the world. I have never criticised Jihad and Insha Allah. I have only said that How we Human Beings have misused Jihad to kill Innocent People and How Insha Allah has been commercialised for Gains.

    When Insha Allah is said it is very soothing to the ears but when it is misused for Commercial Gains then we are abusing allah. During W.War II Europe was destroyed by ONe Person Hitler. Today look at Europe in 64 Years changes has taken place. Japan Bombarded Pearl Harbour and USA bombarded Japan and look at both countries growth. We Indians take example of these Countries and improve the quality of our life. Europe, America and Japan did not place religion before growth.

    For them growth was first priority. God has created Human (Muslim,HIndu or Christian) and let us respect that creation. Instead we are killing god's creation in the name of Jihad and religion. It is surprising that these jihadis come to the mosque to kill people who have come to express their love to Allah. Every Friday there is a Bomb Explosion.

    Jihad is Killing the Evil in You. I have read about this Love Jihad but that is why I said Jihad become a Joke. There is Love with evil mind, Hate, and all the evil Designs of Jihad. But no Jihad of Good. We human are good at playing with Words just like politicians do.

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  • Manu, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    I totally agree with Mr.Cric's comment

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  • George Cruz, Managalore/USA

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    I agree 100% with Eric Coelho, Mangalore.

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  • khalid, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Last month Christians were attacked for illegaly converting reason and now Muslims on "Love Jehad". It clearly shows that RSS are more worried about their Vote bank.

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  • Mohammed Ali Kulai, Jeddah

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    These are all rubbish news, just to target a community. There is no scarcity for muslim girls in muslim community and if you see the current trend lot of muslims are even paid hefty dowry too. So, there is no need for any muslim youths to go into this kind of activity. Having said this, I condemn, if there is any such activity by muslim youths trying to marry other community girls just for the sake of converting them into Islam and then leaving them on their own, as this is not the right way which our Prophet has taught us. Hence, you can not call these people as real muslims. There is no compulsion in Islam.

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  • anil pinto, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Dear Eric, please let me know. When you came to know the word Jehad? so it clearly shows that it was created by politicians recently for their own benefit. Earlier Jews people used to call Jesus as an lier but they never succeeded and the result is today we follow christianity. Before passing any comments please think on it.

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  • ali, Mangalore,Pune

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Dear Eric, Today entire world is facing problem because of America and not because of Muslims.Your knowledge about Christianity / Islam is zero. Pls start practising Christianity in the correct manner then you will never focus on false information.

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  • Salman, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    This is just propaganda to malign Muslims and Islam. Like this attitude has been continuing from long back. There is no honesty on this claim. And of course there will be many who will try take advantage of this to harm us. Jealousy, envy, distrust are the cause of all these attitudes. Truth always prevail!

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  • kabir, bangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Dear Eric, Only the true followers of Allah goes to Heaven. Eg.Like Muhammed Peace be upon him & Jesus(Isa) peace be upon him.

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  • Uday Shetty, Udupi, Doha

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    I fully agree with the opinion of Fathima. Media is giving unnecessary hype to this. I am living in a Islamic Country and love the place/conditions. We should respect all the religions.

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  • Abubaker Pallipadi, Addoor / Riyadh

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Dear all Readers & Commentors.. I will promise to you there is no "Love Jihad". It's invented some people or some organizations for built their organizations strongly and create communal riots among Muslims , Hindus and Christians. Let wait for few days until it will comes for light. Muslims and Christians very close now a days. It will not digesting to few Hindu organizations. so they need to fight between Muslim and Christians. Dear Christian brothers and sisters if you found anyone from your community converted to Muslim and if they fight against hindus or christian community in the name as "Jihad", then you will come to field to fight against Muslims.

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    Wed, Oct 21 2009


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  • Naser, Manglore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    The coastal community is calm now without tension for long time. It seems the sangh parivar is trying to create another tension. So BE CAREFUL !

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Both suffering communities in this regard must unite. Please let off BJD/SNS cadres behind all such cases so that even our girls got enticed will automatically come back to their parents. The difference between us two communities and them is that we will not honor-kill our girls we will welcome them back thankfully.

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  • Mohammad, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Mr. Eric Coelho what rubbish are u commenting? Insha Allah in simple word is "God willing" or "If it is God's will", u say that because If you are willing to do some good deeds, u never know when death may arrive at your doorstep, we just keep a hope saying Insha Allah we may get a chance to some good deeds. i studied in a christian school, even had been to a madrasa, Nobody taught me about jehad killings or to kill any person of any community. jehad is a holy war, its true but there are certains conditions over it, firstly there should arise a situation where someone or any community hurt you or your community until then its never called jihad, Jihad is valid for muslims who have emaan in them, situations in iraq, afghanistan may arise to you any time, so many innocents killed under a false propoganda weapons of mass destruction, people like u start giving it different colours to these killings. let us take a situation where mangalore is attacked by americans, would you sit at home and watch a movie? or will come out against it and protest? yeah this protesting is itself called jehad but nothing else. Kindly remove the false taught of jehad, and for your kind information Mr. Geaorge Bush & Family has made this world hell not we muslims, I too support you No Religion Preaches hate, Jai Hind ...Proud to be an Indian

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    I agree with Mr Eric Coelho/Mangalore. Its time not only for muslims but also for every community member to find out the true message of their religion so that peace prevails in the society. The move of Karnataka High court to find the truth is commendable and appreciated. Truth must prevail and cat must come out of the bag so people should know who are behind this and secondly we should know for sure that the concept of love jehad is a reality or just an imgination or media hike or is it the handiwork of some fanatic organisation to blame a particular community. Truth must prevail and readers please use restraints in your comments before the court gets its report. Dont get biased. Bias is too dangerous and devides the community further. Wisdom must prevail in every comment.

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  • nabhan, Uppinangadi

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Dear Eric Coelho, Mangalore, I assume you are living in Antartica, or you are not watching global news, otherwise you are watching only biased channels. Your knowledge about Jihad is a big zero. Who made hell not only Europe as well as entire world? Who led unnecessary war in Middle East merely based on lies while entire world was watching this drama like mute spectator. Please note that there is no religion for love and romance. I request you to obtain knowledge about Jihad through reliable source and read book “Al Jihad” by Moulana Moudoodi available in English

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  • Khatib, UAE

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    What we can expect from the court which lifted the cases of sangh parivar members including CT Ravi under BJP govt influence, there are bad elements in every society but it doesnt mean you blame everything on particular community, like terrorism which was blamed on Muslims before initial investigations but now you can see the goa blasts and other blasts in maha etc, truth will come out

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  • shane, dxb/mng

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Dear Eric, One must know the exact definition of word "Jihad", secondly conversions to a particular community by other religion girls is to get married since their religion does not permit a man to marry more than one time, the logic behind is very simple according my muslim friends. Media hype in this matter is unfortunate

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    I compeletely agree with you Mr. Eric.

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  • Aamir, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Unbelievable, there' no such issues at all...get deep into subject (ISLAM) practically.

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  • fathima, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Serious problem brewing here and it has potential to cause deep rift between the communities. Men who preach modesty by enforcing hijab are not expressing their opinion openly on Love Jihad and incidents as this makes others to view Muslim community suspicious and common people suffer. Peace loving people must avoid such situations. Womens Rights Organizations must look into this serious issue immediately and come-up with informative publicity (if required) to alert the innocents public.

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  • ravindra, thokkottu

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    I can agree your point .. You are 100% right...

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  • Anamika, Managalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Nice move from the High court find the truth behind the false allegation made by some Hindu Fanatic groups. Let the truth emerge... Sathyameva Jayathe...

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Jihadi followed my Muslims has become a Joke. It has been misued to such an extent that innocent civilians are attacked and killed. Does Jihad mean Killing your own brethren. It is time they give up this jihadi killing innocent people thinking that they would get place in the kingdom of Allah by such action.

    Nobody knows and can tell that they will get place in Heaven or Hell. Muslims think that their religion brings peace and is superior than others. They have made the whole world into a hell like Hitler did to Europe during World War II. No Religion Preaches hate. Even Jihad is Killing the Evil in Self and bringing Good out of a person. But Jihad now is treated killing the good and bringing out the evil.

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  • Henry Misquith, MANGALORE/BAHRAIN

    Wed, Oct 21 2009

    Act today otherwise it could be too late....then we need to see the same situation as Pakistan facing now a days.

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