Mangalore: Restrictions on Liquor at Ceremonies Dampen 'Spirits'

Mangalore: Restrictions on Liquor at Ceremonies Dampen 'Spirits'                              
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SB)

Mangalore, Oct 29: If administration has its way soon booze at posh parties in public places like halls, clubs and open grounds including weddings and other private celebrations will make its way out making it a 'dry' affair or if at all celebrations with liquor is organized it will be a tedious and an expensive affair. 

Curb on Free Liquor at Celebration

Though there is a law in place imposing restrictions on serving liquor at public places under Karnataka Excise Act 1965, the administration had not strictly enforced the restrictions. However, as a rude shocker to all those for whom celebration is incomplete without liquor, the district excise authorities have issued notice last week to the hall management and people concerned not to permit consumption of liquor for all. In its notice it has ordered the hall management and people concerned to permit usage of liquor only to those who have been granted a license by the excise commissioner or deputy commissioner. 

Further, it has warned the hall management and people concerned to inform the party booking the hall or space for celebration about the same and also issue no objection certificate (NOC) for license for liquor consumption during celebration, which in turn should be handed over to the excise commissioner. If halls and people concerned do not follow the instructions, the excise authorities have warned that they too will be held equally liable for breaking the law.

The party also has to obtain NOC from police station under which the hall or the space for celebration is situated, state excise authorities. The authorities have also informed that a minimum of 15 days are required to obtain the license and once the license is obtained, the party has to forward a copy of the same to the office of the hall or people concerned.   

From Horse’s Mouth

Speaking exclusively to Daijiworld, George Pinto, superintendent of Excise, Dakshina Kannada district, who is also in-charge of Mangalore division that comprises five districts said that on failure to follow the instructions, punishment under the Rule 32 that leads to an arrest on issue of order by the court and fine up to Rs 5,000 will be accorded. Both hall administration and party organizers will be held responsible for such acts and will be punishable under the law, he said.

Pinto said that, "The state government has strictly ordered us to monitor parties at public places where liquor is served. Anyone who wants to serve liquor during genuine celebrations like wedding, anniversaries and the like should apply for the license at the excise office near Maryhill, Yeyyadi at least 15 days prior to the function. Further, they also have to obtain NOC from local police station and concerned hall or space, where party is scheduled to be held. A fee of Rs 10,000 as license fee and an additional 15 per cent of cess on the fee amounting to Rs 1,500 fee will be levied on party organisers. Thereafter, the local excise authority will send the request to Bangalore and obtain the permission within 15 days. Finally, district administration office in Mangalore will issue the license" he clarified.
When queried as to why the strict enforcement of the act in Mangalore now for it was not strictly imposed in the last 44 years of its existence, Pinto said that the consumption of liquor at the public places have gone out of control in the recent years which has led to public nuisance as well as violence many a times. Also it has come to the notice of the department that heavy supply of liquor from Goa is flowing illegally to the city by which revenue to excise department has been badly affected, he added.

Home Ministry’s Pressure
However, Daijiworld from reliable sources has learnt that a couple of months back at the posh wedding celebrations of the son of a former politician in a city hall, the liquor was served in the vehicles on the ground on a dry day, which further led to a confrontation with police officials. A TV channel which caught the incident on camera telecast the incident repeatedly and state home ministry that noticed the incident asked local authority to probe into the incident and ordered to put strict curb on liquor consumption at public places.

Parties Affected

Following the notice, halls books for the celebrations in the past week have either been cancelled at the last moment or shifted to hotel premises. Hotel apartments that possess boarding and lodging license and licensed clubs will not come under above curb as such premises can serve liquor without further license.

The month of December - January is the busiest season for weddings, anniversaries and other private programmes. For the period in general the halls around the city are booked at least a year in advance. In most of such parties the liquor is being served. The sudden curb to the effect might cause inconvenience not only to the organizers, but also management looking over the administration of the hall as they might face cancellation of booking. 

However, hotel apartments and licensed are allowed to serve liquor without any problem and thus it is expected that the clubs will flourish and hotel business will boom this season.


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  • Lawrence , USA

    Wed, Nov 04 2009

    Government should curb on supplying liquor and not serving liquor at the celebration. How do you define "Public place". Most of the halls are owned by private parties and the Excise officials should have a warrant to enter the private place. Stop harassing general public and stop finding avenues for corruption. I will carry my own liquor in a liquor flask to any party - private or public.

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  • c.j.Dantis, kadri-mangalore-Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 03 2009

    In Kuwait alcohol is totally banned. We introduced Non-Alcoholic beer in this Kuwait Market and now we have the beer served openly in all the parties, hotels,clubs etc. so we would like to know if the Karnataka Excise department requires permission to serve non-alcoholic drinks. Do you have any restrictions and need any permission for that...?????. We request Mr. Vijay Mallya to introduce Non Alcoholic beer immediately in the Market. No Glass to Cheer the party!!!!!!!! Which world are we living in, 3rd world or 4Th world!!!!

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  • Raymond, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Mon, Nov 02 2009

    Better pay fine of 5000Rs, than 11500Rs for the license. You save time and also roaming around for the license.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Mon, Nov 02 2009

    Ln. Joseph Paul Mendonca, Sooda/Mulky.....Yes total ban of Alcohol and Tobacco will save the mankind from suffering and poverty. Who cares about Mankind..!!!??? As long as politicians (Govt) gets money through the taxes and as long as their pockets get filled constantly, you think they care for suffering and poverty of mankind...!!!???? This will not happen even in our dreams.

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  • Darrel Pereira, Bajpe / Muscat

    Mon, Nov 02 2009

    WOW. New business opportunity. Posh bar & restaurant with party hall of 500-1500 guests. Partnership solicited.

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Sun, Nov 01 2009

    Is the drink really needed in a party like wedding? Partly it is the parents who think of the social obligation. What will people say, what will the people think, if there are no drinks??? Lets change our mind set for good. Its a sheer painful scene for the non drinkers during a party where people drink and create scenes. If someone starts puking, oh, the whole party is finished.

    We can still enjoy a wedding party without drinks. In fact we can spend quality time with one another if there are no drinks. I know the drinkers will find it difficult to digest this idea but eventually they will appreciate and will have a good time and will go home in good shape.

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  • Anoop pinto, Mangalore/bangalore

    Sat, Oct 31 2009

    Mr alvaris ,that is the best blog in this whole topic,real awesome and a great sense of humor,we call that "readymix" instant drink like maggi noodles ,just 2 minutes and it is ready.all we need is a right wine shop at the right time.and then all good to go.

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  • Alvaris Babuty, Niddodi

    Sat, Oct 31 2009


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  • Ln. Joseph Paul Mendonca, Sooda / Mulky

    Sat, Oct 31 2009

    Total ban, I repeat total ban, on all alcoholic products and tobacco products will save the mankind from suffuring and poverty. God bless on whoever implements this kind of law.

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  • Pramod, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 31 2009

    Looks like we are going back to the License Raj Era. People will obviously continue to drink. However they will end up shelling more money and our corrupt government babus making more money. This will obviously result in corruption because officials will start demanding bribes or else they will not provide the license.

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  • Ronald Sequeira, Bajpe, Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    You are 100% correct. They are not satisfied with the exisiting money making policy & inventing some new

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  • patrick, mangalore/dubai

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Vincy-Bangkok, good thinking and appreciate the facts laced with your wit.

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Why dont people of Mangalore join hands together and observe a Bandh protesting for this cause? The point here is why you need a seperate License when you are getting the liquor from someone who has already obtained a license for the sale?

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Too many complications!! Home ministry is woken up first time after 1965! Too much needed by the Home Ministry and its dependants! Earlier our Home Minister loses, good for the state. Acharya needs rest for the good of Karnataka! Some bribe to excise people can be prevented!!

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  • c ferrer, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Mr George Pinto, Supt of Excise, DK is kindly requested to spell out clearly what can be done and what cannot be done with regard to serving of alcohol at public functions ( in halls, grounds,clubs,etc) as we the people suspect that his underlings will harass and collect bribes to look the other way.

    Open grounds like maidans, etc I can fully understand but every club has a licence ( are they exempt or not), every Hall is in a restricted place (so they should be allowed to get a licence at a lower rate). Now what happens say at a hotel which has a permit surely but the permit is for a particular area in the hotel and not all over( so what happens there).

    Well Mr Pinto what happens to those who have huge compounds in their private property and have functions ( do they too have to get a permit). Pray what happens if I have a birthday party in my house and the guests are in the compound standing and having a tot- will I have to get a permit. Categorically tell us what constitutes a private function & a public function. If this is not clarified by the Excise Dept the powers will be grossly misused and bribes are going to be close to 10K.

     Is this a money making racket by the State using the Excise Dept as their lackey. In a place like Bombay a licence costs 7500 and is obtained within 24 hrs for a single day function so if one has 500 guests the cost per head goes up by just 15. If one wants a licence it shd be available at a single point counter in a day or two.

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  • Ronald, udupi

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    It is drama by Jealous BJP govt to reduce the joy of Christians. Home Minister does not drink, hence he wants whole state to go dry! What do we call it? Home ministry is trying to stop the trend of generation!

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  • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    If you take permission for the public place gathering or for a marriage or any party hall,the Excise commissioner will be charging you Rs.12,000 per session .And you need to get the permission from the local police station.See the article above,shows if you do not get permission you pay rs.5000 as per Mr. George Pinto, (superintendent of Excise, Dakshina Kannada district) The flood victims of North Karnataka are funded by the same money that earned by excise duty in Karnataka.

    The salaries to ministers, excise officers, police department and all the government employees and government hospitals are funded by the main source of income that is only excise duty. The Excise commissioners and Income Tax officers always drink the imported scotch so the excise is never collected. We have to accept that, all the poor labour class people who contributes almost 80% of thier daily earnings to the 180ml bottles is the main sponsor for all the development works of the state. Every drunkard on the streets is a sponsor for the roads that he can hardly walk on it and he is the financer to the run the government.

    Now, you officers who survive on these funds are forcing people to drink only at home and not at open grounds and halls. This means people who go to parties should drink at home and then drive to public place or party hall. Then the law that prohibits drink driving is applicable. So the bottom line is breaking the rules and pay fine. The one who afford to drink can afford to pay the fine too. Any way the department is happy both ways.

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    It is obvious and prominent excise dept will make money thru bribe. No one will come to know whether you got licence by paying Rs.10000 cess or thru bribe. If they are really want to stop the nuissance causing by drinking in the party hall, the in Bars, hotels liquor must be stopped. What a excuse...from BJP govt. Let press play a major rule in bringing out the truth, all eyes will open.....

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Why one should obtain a license if he purchases the liquor legally? This is nothing but a simple way to make more money through bribes for the political leaders and other related parties. If the government is serious about the distribution of liquor why dont they ban the sale of liquor completely?

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  • Atul Shetty, mangalore/usa

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    This is nothing but a gimmick to open a new door to money making. If the law existed since 1965, then how come they decided to wake up now. Once the liquor barons pay up this will be amended. So nothing to worry folks, we can still pickle our livers.

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    If you really observe most of the catholic weddings are held with Open Bar Ceremonies. So anybody from the roadside even well dressed uninvited guest will just enter to have a drink or two, even more. Most of the people go out of control in drinking as it is freely available. In fact the charges of obtaining the NOC of RS. 10,000 is far less and it should be made Rs. 1 Lakh. I feel it is time the people get used to a new way of functions without drinks. Also I see functions especially catholic is like a Bollywood Movie of 3 Hours time. It is nice to attend the HIndu/Muslim CEremonies where you enter wish the couples then go for food and leave back to your respective work or place. WE need to change and it is the change we can make it happen.

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  • munna, bangaore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Its good now u can drink legally in the party ...

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  • Peter, Brahmavar/Sharjah

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Loss to private halls. Business to Hotel licensed apartments. But there is no ristriction for the people who can had the drink in nearest bar and enjoy the party at private hall. Is there any fine for this also.

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  • jeke smith, iceland

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    I believe that: drugs, alcohol, smoking and animal products (slaughterhouses) is nothing but just a bunch of fools-paradise. When I say fools-paradise, it does not mean heaven or paradise. It means a state of happiness, but really or factually intended to deceive...a false idea, state or path of living...a false happiness.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    People should drink with responsibility. Every thing with a measured approach is good and there wont be problems at all... Enjoy...Live and let others live.

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  • Thomas Valder, Bahrain

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Every year number of people, specially small children die due to fire crackers during Diwali. Lot of people drown & die during Ganpathi immersion. Several people break their bones during 'Dahi Handi', number of people lose their eye sight during Holi. In view to avoid harm to people, Govt. should put some kind of restrictions on these celebrations as well.

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  • vicky, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Without liquor no party? you should ban liquor in public places. If, people are clelebrating party, they are not worried about your 11.5K amount?

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  • Austin D'Souza, Karkala / Ras Al Khaimah

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    It is good that the government has banned a public nuisance.

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  • victor, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009


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  • patrick, mangalore/dubai

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Some of our readers are primitive in their expression. One more avenue to make quick illegal bucks.

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  • Harry D'SOUZA, COORG/B'lore/ Abu Dhabi.

    Thu, Oct 29 2009


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  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    "Henda sarayi sahavasa, hendati makkala upavasa".Good move by governement!

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    This decision was long overdue. It is good that it has been implemented. Better late than never.

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  • Glen Pereira, Udyavara,Dubai

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Hi Government, You dont have any other Job or what. MLA's please attend the meetings in Assembly rather than aiming shamelessly at people who want to Enjoy.This is a utter Nonsense. People want to know how much you all make money for your own pockets. Better Live and Let Live.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Three W’s Wine, Women and Wealth. Did any human/government curtailed completely by law since the beginning of this world? Self-restraint of three W’s will fetch better for self.

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  • Allen, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    i welcome the decision. enoying a party is not just boosing,the real purpose of the party is lost sometimes because of the drinks. i am not against drinking but it should be done privately and not in public the real

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  • Vinay, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    This is crazy...why not enforce law to curb urination in public places? Why not built more toilets in public places..? Instead, we are worried who is drinking and who is not ? Let people drink and enjoy.. Enforce the law for drink and driving... but not for drinking.... What type of alcohol is prohibited?? Is it wine, whisky, toddy, beer ?

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  • Dooje, Moorukaveri

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Curb on Foreign Liquor, entry for Desi Liquor

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  • John, Singapore, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    brainless government officials trying their best to screw the public. Do other people really know [Sanna, maas, soro] is very important to Mangalorean celebrations. I think we need to celebrate our mangalorean marriages at home instead of Halls[like olden times. it was pretty nice]. God, Its going to be difficult living in mangalore. We are facing so many problems already like bajrang dal, conversion, hindu muslim fights, Increased crime and now this. wondering what are they going to do next?

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Three W’s Wine, Women and Wealth. Did any human/government curtailed completely by law since the beginning of this world? Freedom to self restraint will do better/good for self not in general.

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  • vishwa, mangalore\usa

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    Nothing will be successfull, unless people cooperate. other wise it will become like cigarate Ban. if few break the law it becomes crime. if every one break or many people break it becomes amended Law

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    This rule is only for Karnataka ???? is it money making rule by BJP, the most ruthless and communal government..!!???? Law and order in Karnataka has been gone to dogs after this government has taken over !!?? If a private function is held in a Hall, how it can be termed as public place..??? It is heights of stupidity of BJP policy makers.

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  • rakeysh, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    good move by the should ban liquor all over the state

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  • Edward Maben, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, Oct 29 2009


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  • Neil Carlo, M'lore/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 29 2009

    This is another BIG opening for corruption/bribery, both excise and police will share the loot...they will not settle less than 7-8K since the fee amount is 10K. Main problem is that more stringent the policy/law more chances of corruptions.

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  • Herman, Mulki / Orlem, Malad

    Wed, Oct 28 2009

    What about election victory celebrations... politicians can you all celebrate any occasions with out spirits.. please lead the example.. its a good move then

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Wed, Oct 28 2009

    Stupid idea of narrow minded admn. Axe against happiness and celebrations.

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  • Sourya Prakasha, Permude

    Wed, Oct 28 2009

    Whatever, which is damaging life, soceity or familiy fabrics should be banned. Good Move by BJP Govt ?!

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    Wed, Oct 28 2009

    Good move rather than spending money on this.It is already stopped serving Liquor during wedding ceremonies considering negative impact.But applying for official licence and serving it is GOOD BONAZA OR PERSONAL REVENUE for Excise officers...?.What we are going gain in serving Liquor?

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    Wed, Oct 28 2009


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  • Ajith, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 28 2009

    This is another attempt by BJP government of double standards.They give licences to liquor shops and bars but they want to restrict liquor consumption.Pure insane thinking.This may be an attemPt to target particular community who enjoys most in parties!When there is a RSS man as home minister we cannot expect anything better from him.

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 28 2009

    Good move by the government.At one end flood affected people are starving and at other end we do not have any right to celebrate lavishly.

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  • Joel, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 28 2009

    What about house parties( Like Roce etc..)? or is it applicable to only parties at commercial halls?

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