Mangalore : From No Hope to Earning New Lease of Life - Thank You Daijiworld Readers

Mangalore : From No Hope to Earning New Lease of Life - Thank You Daijiworld Readers

December 16, 2009

Walter Nandalike

Dear Readers,

This note of acknowledgement with great pride and humble gratitude comes from all of us at Daijiworld, after again many more families have now found new lease of life with your helping hand. It was just one simple call for help, but humanity responded at its highest best and monetary benefit poured in directly to the needy who had lost hope in their lives. But what is more satisfying and has left an indelible mark is that when needed most, it was only humanity that counted and when generous hearts decided to pool in contribution, caste, creed, religion and all other barriers just vanished and humane values prevailed. It is not the success of an individual or institution but victory of humaneness.

In the past three months we have published several appeals for help. Though we could not publish each and everything that had come to our tables, we have published a few after establishing through thorough scrutiny that they needed immediate attention.

Now we have these families back with us, who have come to us not just with a note of gratitude but with a heart that will remain every thankful to each of you. Though they very much wish to say a big ‘Thank You’ to each and everyone, they cannot do it owing to many obvious reasons. They wish to say again through us ‘your readers have given us new lease of life and kindled a new hope to live.’ 

Rayan Fernandes (24) : (Amount Received so far : Rs 7,63,000 and counting)

Rayan Fernandes(24), a resident of Mudar in Bajagoli near Karkala taluk and son of Felix Fernandes and Irine Fernades,  met with a vehicle accident for no fault of his. The accident has left him paralyzed, as he has neither control over, nor any strength in his body, below his chest.

Ever since daijiworld published his appeal, he kept on calling us thanking for the support he received with each passing day. He was not only happy for the money that he received from donors but for the fact that several people from around the globe called him and consoled him while assuring their ceaseless prayers for his well-being.

He could not control his tears when he said that the help received from donors all over the world gave him strength and hope of recovering. He almost received the entire amount that he expecting and that was needed for him to lead normal life. "It may take some time, but I will be back. I will never forget anyone who has supported me in this moment of difficulty. I had completely lost hope. How can I repay your debt? But be sure that rest of my life is dedicated to you all...” He repeatedly says that he will pray for everyone at every moment of his life.

Sarojini : An Aged Mother Caring for Mentally-Challenged Offspring (Appr Rs 4 lac plus)

Sarojini has spent over four decades looking after three of her children and a grandchild. A small house near Bolor Sulthan Battery is the only asset in her name and even that is being disputed by her own relatives and a court case is on in the matter.

Of her six children, four were born mentally-challenged. Her eldest daughter Yogini passed away at the age of 48, while second daughter Yashoda (46), son Jagadeesha (43) and daughter Shobha (42), require her constant care.

Sarojini was totally shattered in her life, but she was living for the sake of her children. She loved them most but never ever had expected she would get help in the form of daijiworld readers, Neither had she known internet nor daijiworld. But when she came to know about the money received at her bank account through daijiworld readers worldwide, she ha no words "Cannot believe that even in this era we have people living amidst us who help us even when we do not ask for,” was her first reaction.

Though her children cannot come back to normalcy, today she feels much better since her children are everything for her. Tears rolled down her eyes when daijiworld correspondent met her to enquire about the response she received for the appeal published. "We don't know who they are, but I can only bless them. They will be given ten times more from the Almighty. Never in my life did I come a cross such nice people,” was only she could say.

Not only the individuals but even the well-known organizations such as Billawara Balaga Dubai, Billawara Balaga Abu Dhabi have extended their helping hand towards this cause.

Crawling Twins Remain Confined Within Four Walls of Home (Rs 2.5 lac plus)

Lakshman and Lokanath, who are twins, have not seen the outside world except when they were carried physically by the elders, when they were very small. They are 47 years old now, and are able to move about only by crawling. They are the members of a poverty-stricken family living in Bajal Jalligudde Jayanagar in the city.

The brothers have not gone to any school, neither do they know how to read and write. They can speak only Tulu. They live with their old mother, Swaraswati (70), who ekes out a living by washing utensils at a hotel in Balmatta in the city. Their mother gets about Rs 1,500 from her work, beside Rs 400 by way of widow pension. The two brothers too get monthly pension meant for the disabled persons through postal money order, which they receive through thumb impressions.

When the above story published on daijiworld in September 09, donors from around the world responded to the cause. Daijiworld correspondent indeed felt proud to go through the passbook entries of mother Sarsawathi, which clearly indicated that people had risen above the petty barriers of caste, creed and religion and joined hands in reaching out to this family with whom they hardly shared any familiar bond. People from every religion contributed and Saraswathi’s passbook proved that humane values always win over selfish motives of a few opportunists! 

When contacted Saraswathi reacted with a big glee and profound happiness. "Now I feel much better, I can serve better food for my kids as I need not beg everyone. I do not know who you people are, but you are no less than angels to me and my children. How can I repay you ?. You continue reaching out others too. I bless you all and that is the only thing I can do for you,” she said.

Sayed Rumana Abdul Rehman (23) : (Rs 1.7 lac and counting)

Sayed Rumana Abdul Rehman, the 23-year-old daughter of Sayed Abdul Rehman Nazir and Farhat Abdul Rehman Nazir, has been suffering from polycystic kidney disease since the age of three. She has been under medical treatment since then and had to be hospitalized in Bombay Hospital in 2007, after developing serious complications. In July 2009, her condition turned worse and the doctors surgically removed one of her kidneys that had stopped functioning, and the family had to spend five lac rupees for this procedure. Her other kidney too is damaged and needs to be replaced through kidney transplant.

Parents of Ruman have acknowledged to daijiworld that they got lots of hope after the publication of their appeal for help. They are confident that Rumana will be back to normal soon after the treatment. But they gave big salaam to all those stood by them who despite no knowing the family personally willingly came forward to help.

Apart from above four, there a few others too who have received help from daijiworld readers. Most of them have acknowledged us for the response they received from all around.

We at daijiworld salute our readers for once again rising for a cause. In the last 9 years of our media mission, we are proud that over Rs 2.4 crore has been raised through our exclusive appeals on daijiworld. More than 52 families, individuals have been reached out during this period. 

We will continue our mission as a part of our social commitment. But we assure you that every appeal received at daijiworld is strictly scrutinized and only deserved will be put forward before our esteemed readers. We do not accept donations on behalf of needy, but we publish direct contact and account number of beneficiaries so that you could reach out to them without any middlemen.

Thank you for saving so many lives and making our social commitment more stronger.


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  • suresh , puttur / mumbai

    Mon, Jan 04 2010

    Dear Walter Really your are doing great job. May God bless you and your entire team

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  • Fr Stephen D'Souza, Bejai, Shirva

    Sun, Jan 03 2010

    Congratulations to Daijiworld for the great work of helping the needy. God bless u.

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  • Alex, dubai

    Sun, Dec 27 2009

    Dear Walter and the entiere Daiji team,Keep up the good work.

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  • santosh, Bangalore

    Sun, Dec 27 2009

    Dear Mr. Walter, very rare to see people like you. God bless you.

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  • sharfuddin, udupi/dammam

    Sun, Dec 27 2009

    wondorefull job done by daiji

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  • mohammed rafeeq, konchar

    Sun, Dec 27 2009

    congratulation, keep it up,god bless u

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    What the Daijiworld is doing is a great humanitarian service. If the Daijiworld will start a special humanitarian fund to help the helpless people, it can became a great charitable organization one day. "Deepika" is a daily from Kerala and they have such an organization within the news paper organization to help the helpless. To the fund, people are donating thousands of Rs every month.

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  • ahmed kabeer, mangalore

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    hat's off to you sir nadalike daiji , you are true hero congrts

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  • ahmed kabeer, mangalore

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    hat's off to you sir nadalike daiji , you are true hero congrt's

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  • salian Suresh, kuwait

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    You are  doing great work . Thanks  to Daijiworld Team.....

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  • Joy, Manglore

    Fri, Dec 25 2009

    Kudos to Daijiworld Team...Please keep up all the good work ....God will certainly reward you for that...God bless u....

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  • Godwin D'Souza, Mangalore/ Kuwait

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Hats off Daijiworld, Impressed by the noble activity. Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Light of the world You are the salt of the earth but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

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  • Naina, Mangalore/USA

    Tue, Dec 22 2009

    Daijiworld is the real Hero in my View.I wish our politician can learn from Staff of Daiji world.

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    Mon, Dec 21 2009


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    Sun, Dec 20 2009


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  • Shubha Rodrigues, mangalore

    Sun, Dec 20 2009

    Thanks Walty and your team. Hope many more needy persons/families earn a new lease of through Daijiworld. And may God reward you abundantly for your great work to humanity!

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  • shabana mohammed, dubai/ mangalore

    Sat, Dec 19 2009

    my heartly congratulation for daijiworld team and mr walter nandalike.god always shower his special blessings upon people like you.

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  • latheef kodagu, al kobar

    Sat, Dec 19 2009

    if avery 1 help easy to live this country thank u daiji news best wishess

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  • Saleem GH, Abu Dhabi/Puttur

    Sat, Dec 19 2009

    Congratulations to Mr. Walter and Daiji World Team. Keep up the good work. May Almighty Allah give all of you More health and wealth ameen

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  • Rajesh , Mukamar

    Sat, Dec 19 2009

    Excellent....! Thank u Daijiworld & team.... Jesus will be so pleased for this job. Thank u each and everyone who helped the needy....

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  • John D'Souza, Kinnigoli/Dubai

    Sat, Dec 19 2009

    Congratulations to Walter and Daiji World Team. Great work done. God Bless U All who are behind this work and the Donors. Keep up the good work.

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  • Hasan Yusuf, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Sat, Dec 19 2009

    Good Work by Mr. Walter Nandalike and daijiworld team.

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  • Udaya Kumar Kayyar, M'lore/U.A.E

    Fri, Dec 18 2009

    Dear Mr.Walter and Daijiworld team. you all did very great &  wonderful job.God Bless U all... Wish u all the best....

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  • denzil dmello, agrar,bantwal/dubai

    Fri, Dec 18 2009

    dear walty wonderful job done by daiji team .keep continue good work for the society & people will support to them .long live daiji ..three cheers daiji kutam ..

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  • Fahad bin saad, SAUDI ARABIA

    Fri, Dec 18 2009

    Thank you Mr.waltie,it is a great job done by you and your team.Being Saudi, I like this job and I know some mangaloreons and their organisation who are really doing good job for poor needy people in Mangalore.

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  • Arthur Dias, Tallur Qatar

    Fri, Dec 18 2009

    Thank you great job you do.may God bless you&take care your&fly.

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  • Anitha & Ronald D'Souza, Moodubelle/Sharjah

    Fri, Dec 18 2009

    Dear Walty,really you are doing a wonderful job.Really in this country no body is free,but you are spending your precious time for this ,let the almighty give you the strength to carry over this good job and the poor gets your helping hands always . thanks for daijiworld.

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  • Norbert, Bantwal/Kuwait

    Fri, Dec 18 2009

    Dear Walter and Daiji team. Congratulations for your commendable work through our website to reach the needy. May God shower His choicest blessings on all your staff and their families at Daijiworld and also to all those families who came forward to help. May God Bless us All.

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  • Mrs. Agnes L.D'Souza, Mangalore/US

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    God Bless you. I am a bit saddened not to see my favorite cause: Alia Fernandes. A young woman who graduated college despite her challengig circumstances and physical pain. Her request for money has beeen overshadowed her achievements in life. Christians please help this young woman just as we helped our Muslim sister with similar needs. The website link is


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  • Kripa lakshmi, Moodabidri/California

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Congratulations and my heartfelt appreciation to Daijiworld team.

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  • Hilary Tellis, kuntalpadi, Bahrain

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    I am verymuch thankful to Walter nandalike, When he published about Rayan Fernandes about his disability in DAIJIWORLD web site so many kind hearted people came forward to help him. Even some of my friends handed over their contribution to me and I sent to Rayan. Dear Walter God bless you and your family also entire team of daiji world team.

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  • Reems, Manama

    Thu, Dec 17 2009


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  • T.K. Hamza, Kushal Nagar

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Dear Mr. Walter Nandalike & team you deserved a lot of appreciation but the appreciation and blessings you get from ALMIGHTY will be greater than every thing. Thank you

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  • Ozy, Permannur, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    With so many good and noble people around us, life is really good and worth living.This is how we make our world a heaven, right here. This is nothing but triumph of human spirit.

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    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    It's wonderfull job done by Daijiworld

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  • Prince Chacko, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Our salutation, very well done daijiworld. Let God the Almighty bless you all with His choicest blessings to continue supporting our fellow beings who are in need.

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  • Salvador Noronha, Omzoor/Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    One must salute Daijidubai for being savoirs to so many people. May God Bless all those involved in this good deeds. May Lord shower his blessings on them. Long live Daijidubai.

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  • Thomas Dsouza, Gorigudda/israel

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    There is no words to Praise daijiworld.Just want to say.."daijiworld Zindabaad"

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    We never know when we too can be in need. When everything goes well one sad day a problem occurs which ruins our health and life. But, one thing is for sure, the more you help your fellowbeing, you are blessed in return from the Almighty either healthwise or otherwise. I have experienced it. nothing short of a miracle.

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  • chinamay, emirates

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Words cannot express the gratitude to Mr. Walter, Daijeeworld and Team for the fantastic work done in helping the needy. I hope this deed would continue in an uninterrupted manner and the readers would also have the benefice of knowing periodically the amount pooled which would encourage all readers to contribute generously. This is one of the way of giving the Society back from whatever you got for your hardwork from God. Keep it up. I would say Mangaloreans are really blessed.

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  • Peter Pereira, Naravi/Kuwait

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Vow!!! Great job daiji.. Walter u r too good. Some big channels or medias looks for their own income but you and your team doing fantastic job by helping those needies. God bless you all and long live Daiji....

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  • Thomas D' Almeida, Udyavara/Kuwait

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Congratulations with Thanks to Dear Mr.Walter & All Brothers & Sisters of Daiji World Team,for fulfiling Gods words in deed." Whatsoever you do to the least of my Brothers/Sisters that you do unto me " Yes this is the Great & Prime job performing by you & your Team, May God Bless You & All those who helping in Your Team.

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  • Henry lewis, Sastan/Kuwait

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    it is a very good deed by Mr. walter Nandalike and team may God bless you so that you be the hope of for atleast some those who are in trouble and difficulties.

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  • Agnello, Mangalore/Oman

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Dear Daiji, May your tribe rise and spread.Report fearlessly and fairly.Act with compassion as you have done now and forever.

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  • Latif Mapal , Uppinangadi Jed

    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    May Allah bless you and your team and give you enough of spirit and strength to carry forward the good and noble work of humanity.

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    Thu, Dec 17 2009

    Dear daiji team,you all are doing great job.please arrange a permanent window in your website for all these people ,so readers can help them more and more so these people can become more and more happy each new day of their life.congratulations and god bless you and all the donors.

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  • Carol Martis, Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Walty and Daiji Team, day by day you are doing a wonderful work…. Reach out poor people is a GREAT blessing.…. You have given this needyfamilies a life… hope… and smile on their face, May the lord bless all of you and keep up your great work… and go ahead with God blessing… Let shine more and more……Wishing DW members all the very best….. every step of your life….. Jai ho daiji…

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  • jayant s, riyadh/suratkal

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Good work, keep it up. I found the reason to read daijiworld.

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  • Naveen Sequeira, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Keep up the good work Daiji/Walter and Team. God bless all donors for this wonderful job.

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  • Roque Lewis (UMK), Udyavara/Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Congratulations dear Walter and Daiji team. Really you are doing a great job by reaching out the needy families. Keep up the good noble job. May God bless all.

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  • mohammed haneef, Dammam .k.s.a

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Dajiworld Congratulaions for your good works This is great job.... keep it up...

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  • Abdul Lathif, mulky

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Hats off to Mr.Walter Nandalike & Team ,Great work. This is the fact and the reality of the world what is Happening around us and after seeing this the helping hands shows that in this world still humanity Exsist and Gives the hope to live them. Myself and all my Friends we are there with u always ...

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  • laveena carlo, bantwal/israel

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Its a wonderful job job done by you walter & al daiji team,,, god bless u all good luck.its nice to see that how u help al these poor people.wish u al success.

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  • Ummerkunhi, Perinje/Dubai

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    great job W.Nandalike sir, done by U& ur team.there is no words to comments on ur social intrest.God bless you all.

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  • Dr.Anand and Geeta Pereira, Mangalore/kadri

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Walter,Daiji World has touched the lives of both the needy as well as the Giver. This is because of the faith and trust people have reposed in your portal-Excellent unbiased news coverage, transparent and accountable. Continue the good work.

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  • jennifer D'souza, Dubai

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Walter Nandalike always speaks by his deeds not by words! I know him from long, and commendable work like this through charity makes him undisputed community leader, par excellence. Indeed he is the future leader who is acceptable for every communities. Gold bless daijiworld and team.

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  • Sudeep Shenoy, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    God Bless Daiji ! Thats why I say Daiji always rocks ! Journalism with a touch of social concern. Thats what Daiji is all about !

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  • Linette & Wilfred Martis, Mangalore,Toronto,Canada

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Thank you Daijiworld. You all did a very commendable job by raising so much money through your website for the needy. You have truly proved that the world is a global village, with big hearted people residing in it. All the best for the coming years and May God showers his choicest blessings on all your staff and their families at Daijiworld and also to all those families who came forward to help. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010.

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  • Fr. Anand Pereira S.J., Mangalore/Omaha, USA

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Thank you Daijiworld. What an awesome way to use the internet! While so many in this world use the internet as a means to exploit people, here you are, trying to bring light to the lives of peole who have lived in darkness. Keep up the good work.

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  • Ephrem D'Sa, Mangalore/Qatar

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Hats off Daijiworld Team, I am really impressed by your noble activity & appreciate your concern for the suffering human beings. Whoever contributed in this mission might not have contributed directly without the appeal from Daijiworld. KEEP UP this good work which could help the downtrodden & needy families.

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  • Kamath, Bangalore/Udupi

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Heartfelt congrats to Daiji team. Had it not been you throwing light on these families, plight of these families would have gone un-noticed. Great job indeed.. And to all those donors, blessings of these people will keep you always. God bless.

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  • naazmangalore, mangalore/jubail

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    hats off to Daiji, we appreciate your concern for the suffering humananity. keep it up

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    Wed, Dec 16 2009


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    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    dear sir, congratulations for your selfless efforts towards humanity and helping the needy through DAIJIWORLD. may almighty bless you.

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  • B.Stephen Machado, Karkala/Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Thank you Daijiworld for the great work. May Almighty shower his blessings on all those who are working behind this. You are one of the instrument thru which almighty is doing the miracles.

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    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    dear Walty,keep up ur good work.may god bless u and ur team. jai, daijiworld

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  • Haneef, kuwait

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Walter and daiji team you did a great job..i salute daiji for a great work ..God Bless you

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  • Ashok D'souza, Kuleshekar/Dubai

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Dajiworld - Congratulations for your good work,there are many individuals who have risen up to help the great cause which you all intiated- May almighty bless them all , your team has given a ray of hope that somewhere in this part of the world there are people who are caring and concerned of their plight. dajiworld has risen to these type of causes and made many families blessed with your kind gesture , irrespective of caste and Religion. Bless your dajie team for their great deeds. - Ashok D'souza

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  • khaleel, SAUDI

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    It's wonderfull job done by Daijiworld and it's a true job suppose to do by news channel or newspaper and thanks for humble try .....

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  • Wilson Saldanha, Shirthady/ kuwait

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    A website is spreading news about need of people without looking at cast/religion and people around world are giving helping hand for the survival of such people. What a good thinking. When such organisations and people are existing in this world, how some organisations and people can think of fighting, beating and even killing people because of caste/religion?

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  • Gerald O F Fernandes, Mangalore/ Ireland

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Mr.Walter Nadalike, We the people of DK are proud of you and your social crusade. Good thoughts! Good words! and Good deeds ! these are the fundamental principles of every religion and you have proved it by focusing on the needy people through your 'Daiji world' and brought hope into their lives. May the good God bless you and your website 'Daijiworld' always! and keep up your spirit till the end!

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  • Sunil D'Souza, Mangalore/Qatar

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Good work by Walty & Daijiworld team. Wish you all the best.

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  • Zubair, Katipalla

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    A wonderfull job done by DAIJIWORLD thanks and go forward.

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  • Loyal D'souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear my friend Walter, Hat's of to you & your entire Daiji team for working day & night selflessly and reaching out through your beloved & respected readers to the troubled, downtrodden & deprived families of our society irrespective of caste, creed & religion. It's our social responsibility to support the poor & need people around us. Keep the good work going & god bless you all.

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    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Its great work by DW

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  • Clement , bahrain

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Dajiworld you are doing greate job. daijiworld brings smile on need people.By daijiworld they are getting new life to live. God bless you and all the donars. hats off to daijiworld. Once again thank you daijiworld all the donars from my bottom of the heart God Bless you

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Daiji has proved that media can go a long way in reaching out to the poor and needy people. It is a great achievement for all us donors and Daijiworld alike

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  • Valerian Alva, Moodubelle / Dubai

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    This is what called journalism with a human touch. Daiji team, you have given the much needed financial support & more importantly 'Hope' to these familiies. May God bless you abundantly and let Daijiworld be a role model for others.

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  • Azmal vitla, Dubai

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear editor, hats off to you.... some media's are trieng to break the society, some of them rejoin the society by their social commitments. keep you good work.

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  • Anees, Mangalore/Jubail, KSA

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Great work Mr. Walter. You showed the real essence of media in all aspect of life. Hats off and keep it up. Thank you Mr. Walter and Daijiworld readers.

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  • Gregory/Lilly, kelarai/ireland

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Daijiworld, Last year this time a family died while climing the tree and died on the spot, leaving 2 young kids and wife being pregnent. I had asked Konkan Ireland to help this family. 10000Rs was donated from the konkan ireland group. apart from this amount daiziworld readers also supported. also the st vincent paul and the church also helped. today this family able to support themselves with everyones help. a little help goes long way. it is only the will we should have. Thanks to the readers.and once again thanks to daijiworld editor.

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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    I salute with humility to Daiji team and the contributors, the humanitarian gesture will not go in vain. God willing let this initiative from DAIJI WORLD be boon for many downtrodden & deprived families. The prayers from these families will be definitely answered.

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  • vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Its great work by DW.

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  • Abdul Khayyoom, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Mr. Walter, You have done great job... congratulations...keep it up..

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  • Pressy Braggs, Bolkunje / Pune

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Walty, a great mission, may God bless you and your team.

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  • John Tauro, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Dear Daijis, I am personally thankful to you all involved in this noble activity. I lack words to appreciate your concern for the suffering humananity. Please continue and keep it up. May God bless you abundantly.

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  • Shalet&Theodore Castelino, Kanajar/Qatar

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Hat's of to you daiji and God Bless You all.You are doing a great job.Keep up the good work & GOD BLESS YOU ALL THE DONORS.

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  • Ali Haroon, Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Dec 16 2009

    Only Great people do great job. DW deserves all the compliments for their humanitarian guestures from time to time, coupled by the accountability. You have been shining all along and will shine in future as well. God Bless You.

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  • Rasheed Bajpe(rachi), Bajpe Mangalore

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    i salute daiji for a great job and i wish to keep going in such social works.may god bless your teams.

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  • Lawrence Dsouza, Miyar / Sharjah

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    Congratulations Walter & to your 'GREAT TEAM' may god bless DAIJIWORLD and all valued Daiji readers,you gave new life & hope many families. once again all best 'DAIJI TEAM'

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  • Della Rego, Mangalore, Doha, Qatar

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    Dear Walter and daiji team, very well done. Yes you have touched so many families who are really in need. May God bless you / your team & for all the donors who had contributed. Wishing you all the best.

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  • Nancy, , Belman

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    Many people take donations, Many Instituions ask help in the name of helping needy. But they never ever bothered to give accountability to the public, which you-Daijiworld did here. This shows how transparent you are in your work and how sincere. May God bless you and all your team members and give you all good health. Keep going the good work. Always your wellwisher-Nancy

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  • sheik, mangalore/sharjah

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    hats off to Daiji

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  • Daya Kirodian, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    Dear Walter, i salute for your noncontroversial charity work and got no words to complimnet you. Hope you continue the same without any caste or relegion barriers. Probably you missed one child Baby Pratiksha who got operated sucessfully, and got a new life from your appeal in daijiworld. Gold bless you and your team.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    I have seen many portals airing the news and asking for charity and help. But the difference in what you DW did was to give the public accountability of funds collected, which itself speaks very high of yourself and selfless goal of benevolance and charity. May Allah bless you and your team and give you enough of spirit and strength to carry forward the good and noble work of humanity. You and your team are great. Lord is with you all.

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  • Anitha, Kuwait / Mangalore

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    God Bless you Daiji and all the's a great work, hope you will get more and more support from the people around the world.

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  • Elias Mascarenhas, Puttur/Australia

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    Dear Editor, Your phianthropic work through this Portal for bringing light to the lives of so many people and families is laudable and I must congratulate you for your great vision in this direction.Though you have won several awards from various organizations, perhaps the smiles, prayers and blessings from these families would be much more worth and pleasing giving a sense of satisfaction for all those initial sacrifices you have made in building up this Portal. You have aptly proved that charity and benevolence has no barriers of religion, geographic boundaries and languages and also that there is no scarcity of charitable people in this world!!

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    You are doing a great job indeed. You add to it by letting us know the about-amount they received. We may offer a small flower but to know how big bouquet it turns out to be is a huge joy. Keep up the good work of serving the community. I wish you a smooth sail.

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  • vinod wilfred tauro, madanthyar,dubai

    Tue, Dec 15 2009

    Dear Dajiworld Congratulations for your good work...yes media can do many more good things...You have taken up several social issues to the daiji readers, and several downtrodden families were benefitted out of it. Great work and I wish you all the best Walty and your team...

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Title: Mangalore : From No Hope to Earning New Lease of Life - Thank You Daijiworld Readers

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