President’s 10-minute Private Visit to Mangalore: At What Cost ?

President’s 10-minute Private visit to Mangalore:  At what cost?    
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Dec 24: Her Excellency President of India Pratibha Patil arrived at the local airport at Bajpe on Thursday December 24, on her way to a private trip to her holiday destination, Lakshadweep.  She was here merely for 10 minutes, just to alight from her flight and change to another aircraft to take her to Lakshadweep. But the amount of money, manpower and bureaucratic hype involved with her ten-minute sojourn at Bajpe airport on her private visit was mind boggling, to say the least. Apart from the money and manpower her interlude in Mangalore has caused untold misery to passengers as no flights were allowed to arrive and depart one hour before and after the departure of the President’s convoy. And all this at the expense of the tax payer’s money!    
The Indian President is on a visit of Lakshadweep to spend holidays. As the airport at Lakshadweep can not accommodate bigger aircrafts, she arrived here by an Airforce aircraft and changed over to a smaller aircraft at the local airport. While she travelled in one aircraft, two other aircrafts accompanied the aircraft she travelled for security reasons.  


For her brief touch-down at Bajpe, the entire police force of the district, top brass of Air India and local airport, the district administration and several government officials were on their toes since a week. Security was beefed up, keeping in tune with her VVIP status. No flights were permitted to either take off or land within an hour before her arrival or an hour after she left. Minister Krishna Palemar was there, waiting for the arrival of the President, canceling his prior engagements to ensure that all arrangements were made for the smooth arrival and departure of the President. Deputy Commissioner V Ponnuraj, Zilla Panchayat President Santosh Kumar Bhandary, Additional Deputy Commissioner Prabhakar Sharma, Air India Manager, Chellam Prasad and scores of other officials were there too, setting aside their busy official work. 

A large number of police officials were put on duty in connection with this ‘visit’ of the President in Mangalore since last one week. It looked as though the district administration had come to a grinding halt for the past one week just because the President was to set her feet on the ground at the Bajpe Airport, though only for not more than ten minutes. Today, the day of her arrival all the officials put on this special duty including the Bajpe Airport staff had to report for duty from 6 a.m to receive this 10-minute VVIP guest.  

One fails to appreciate the necessity for such colossal waste of time, energy and public money to manage to manage a small event, that too when the President is on a private visit. The fanfare, tensions, cancellation of engagements, the amount of energy and time spent by all the people involved in ensuring ‘safe passage’ to the President could have been channeled to address the problems of the people or to create better infrastructure in the form of schools, hospitals, roads, bus shelters etc,. However disgusting tail of tax payer’s money going down the drains is a luxury we Indians can ill afford. 

The worst part of this disgusting episode was the servility with which some of the political bigwigs and high ranking officials were seen standing in queue to greet as the President passed by to change to the other aircraft. The entire scene left a sad taste in the minds of spectators who were left wondering whether ours is a democracy or monarchy.   

A senior citizen, who looked like a top bureaucrat was heard muttering as to what are the achievements of President Pratibha Patil that demands such respect, servility, efforts and waste of time and money. “If it was someone like A P J Abdul Kalam, we can understand, but for a person who has been elevated to the top gubernatorial post in the country just because of her closeness to UPA chairperson, Sonia Gandhi, is it worth?,” he asked. 

This is the question which all Indian need to answer.  Agreed, she is the President of the country and needs to be respected. But does it call for setting aside a weeks work by top bureaucrats and officials and spend people's money just to satisfy the whims and fancies of the President during her private visit.  We need to ponder over this.  


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  • Gaurav Jeeth, Mangalore / Hyderabad

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    Its unfortunate that our tax money is getting drained this way..sad part is our president even did not respect the teachers during this year's teachers day as she is well aware that on Teacher's day she has to hand over the President Awardee's the medals etc on that day but instead our great president was abroad and just gave a video message congratulating them and the vice president handed over the medals..I feel always the teaching fraternity and doctors need to be respected and given top priority as what other people are able to achieve in different fields is because of them and when a prestigious award is given personal presence is a must!!!and do not want to comment on private visits / holidays when they are on duty in office for just few years!!

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  • Vijay Shetty Gulvady, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    This is not only happening in India, no need of making it a big issue. If any terrorist attack takes place during her visit, we call it a security collapse. As a part of publicity stunt, Sonia Gandhi is asking MPs and ministers to bring down their expenses but not interested about the amount spent for President's world records like flying in warplanes and warships. What message they want to give by taking her there?

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  • Doreen Machado, Mangalore/ Sharjah

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    Of course the President of India needs security wherever she travels. This is the protocol and must be respected, especially in today's India where terrorism can strike anytime, anywhere. I don't see anything wrong in it, and the security officials were just trying to do their job well.

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  • Hydar Ali, Keelary

    Fri, Dec 25 2009

    In India democracy is not by the people for the people and of the people, it is "buy" the people "for"the people and "off" the people. This pegeantary posts like president and governor will not serve any purpose to so called aam admi. These posts are just like white elephants

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 25 2009

    One should understand that the president of India has to go through a high profile protocol whether she or we likes it or not. The president & the PM of India are the heads of India who represents India to the world at large 24/7 hence it is the duty of all the administrative bodies & the political leadership of all region they visit to welcome them with utmost honour & under Z VVVIP security. We citizens of India should bear such inconvenience with pride because we the people on India had bestowed that royal seat to her.

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  • REGINALD MARTIS, Katapadi,Udupi Taluk

    Fri, Dec 25 2009

    All air india express mangalore passengerss affected. Flights are delayed for 24 hours.Lot of people in the gulf lost their jobs.Who will care for normal citizens.

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  • mohan h naik, Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 25 2009

    I hardly remember APJ on such private holidays at public cost.

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  • rohan, mangalore

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    The President of India has to be given the Honour due to her. Nothing more nothing less.

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  • Wilfred Crasta, Kasaragod/Jeddah

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    So whats wrong? We have one President. Tommorrow, let her tenure be over, she will be like any other ex-president.

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  • Arun Menezes, Kallianpur/Kuwait

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    If the Government can waste Tax payer's money on a lunatic who is upto save the daughters of India from some imaginary and hypothetical so called Jihaad, What is wrong if a little money is spent on a person who is the pride and President of India. People are anyway wasting taxpayers hard earned money by destroying public property, left right and centre, this is not a big waste compared to that.

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  • John, Nantur/Dubai

    Sat, Dec 26 2009

    I was booked on the Air India Express flight to Dubai. When I arrived at the airport, I was informed that the flight was cancelled as the President was passing through the airport for her holiday. Air India Express which charges high prices for a budget airline and is still deep in red, does not even bother to inform its passengers. One can understand a delay, but cancellation of a whole flight? In the guise of VIP security, this is harassment of paying customers. And this was known for a week that the President was coming..surely there was no surprises and it could have been managed better. I was finally accomdated on a flight to Abu Dhabi via Muscat. I had to shell out on taxi to come all the way to Dubai. Way to go AI !!! There will be time when even the Government bail out will not keep you afloat!!!

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  • Siddikuchil, abudhabi

    Fri, Dec 25 2009

    This is India. No value for ordiniary civilians. Do you know how many people lost their job because of cancellation of flight. Any how i appreciate daiji world article.

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  • alwyn, mglore

    Fri, Dec 25 2009

    this z nt at all fair.because of her lot of people had 2 suffer..

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    President Pratibha Patil is always on HOLIDAY TRIP. Even during Mumbai Taj attack,she was enjoying holiday trip in Indonesia.She visited Taj after completing her good holidays !!Very sad that First citizen of India is not bothering about remaining citizens of India.

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  • Ashok(US), Adkathbaik kasaragod

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Realy feel bad with waste of money. ppl feel the cast when its from ther india. -Ashok Naik

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  • K.Raghava Mayya, Padil, Mangalore 7.

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Present politicians lodge a President on the throne, be worthy or not. Gone were the days when worthy persons with Ph.D/ scholars like Rajendra Prasad, Radhakrishnan donned the throne. It started with Jarnail Singh who adorned the throne at the fancy of the then PM Indira Gandhi.

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  • SKM, Udupi/Dubai

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Dears,this arrangement must have done to a protocol , she is President of a country 10min ,if something goes wrong who is responsible. She had 2 near misses-Close call on aircraft/helicopter . Wish her onward journey be safe.

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  • Rohan, Kinnigoli/Dubai

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    People, please give some respect to the president of India, whether on official or private visit. It is indeed an honour to Mangalore.

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  • Manoj Kidiyoor, Hosabettu/USA

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Bravo, Daijiworld. This is what we call fine journalism. I appreciate the responsibility of Daijiworld to tell people how our tax money is wasted. We call it democracy, but do not see any sign of democracy in India. There is no freedom of speech, freedom of religion...the list goes on....what so ever. People are power, only if 'People' have the guts to unite their voice against this monarchism.

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  • Shashank, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    It is really unnecessary, the reason being the amount of fuel that the flight would take to take off is double the amt it would tale to just fly over mlore, when they knew they needed a smaller aircraft to land in lakshadweep they could have alighted the smaller flight from delhi itself, wasnt it a waste of tax payers money, who do you think pays for the fuel for the plane that she travels in.............

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  • Harish, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    I totally agree with Prasanna/ Bangalore. To be honest, it is much better to put money in her security than to get the president killed like PM Rajiv Gnadhi was, and avoid the world from saying that India can't even provide for the Presidents security. It is certainly not a big deal considering the fact that our ministers spent 15 days in star hotels when north karnataka was helpless with floods. Isn't that a greater sin. Hon'ble Prathiba Patil is the president and to get there she needed to meet certain requirements which we all know she did.

    We can't question her eligibility by comparing to Dr. Kalam. She is the president and gets all the benefits. Nothing wrong. If men like Advani and Modi and recently Muthalik, who are such notorious trouble makers can be given VIP staus, why not the President.

    Daiji, the article does NOT do any good to the morale of the people. Similar articles were also published when the president flew a fighter jet. That is motivation for the armed forces. Please realize that, considering the threat form certain extremists, it is necessary to have such strict security measures.

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  • Deepak, Rai

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    A very well written article. First of all, i don't understand why these people have made are a President and what is she upto? some time shez see flying high in jet and sometime in private visit. I feel very bad to know that our tax money is used for such stunts. I think it better for her to sit at home and watch television. I'm sorry to say this. I just wanted to express my opinion. The road from B.C Road to Nantoor is too horrible. Nobody is bothered about this. Just imagine taking a patient in this route. Is it possible? The dust is so much that people like me started getting allergic to it. If our VIPs had little time to notice this. Wasn't it so nice? what i'm trying to say is simple. Our mangalore roads are very bad and we need good infrastructure.

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  • Man10, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Bring back Dr. Abdul Kalam.

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  • Jeevan, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Nothing wrong, the Presidnet is first citizen of India, whoever in that post deserve all that security and attention

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  • Mohammad Rafiq, Mangalore, Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Well said Mr. Prasanna. Whatever, but we have to keep in mind that she is the President of India. There are lot of other issues where we can really focus on saving time and money, if one really start thinking about it.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Their Salary shall be paid by tax payers money. I do not understand why their holidays are to be sponsored by tax payers...!!!!??? Particularly countries like India whereby the money spent can be invested for the development.

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  • Y G SHETTY, M'lore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    nazar jukhaake jiyo,aur muh chupake jiyo.-thus goes the famous song with a twist in the lyricWhat a gimmik?!!! 'Mera Bharath Mahaan'.

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  • Soumya, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Very well written article in itself which calls for no more comments.. Agree with each and every word put in this. If it was Mr. Abdul Kalam of course he would have himself seen that such a scene was not created. Ours is a democracy only to the world but its a Monarchy in reality !!

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  • Clifford Fernandes, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    Another case of public money and I am sure she also had many relatives as well.

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  • Josephine, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    What else is new!!!! India's politicians waste the taxpayer's money on frivolous issues, the bureaucrats and police force included.

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  • Deepak D'Cunha, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    In democracy, all are equal…But, some are 'more' equal.

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  • prasanna, bangalore

    Thu, Dec 24 2009

    i don't think it as unnecessary for the trouble. just think what would have happened if the president was harmed in any manner during the so said '20 mts' break of journey. the immediate question would be what was the admin doing day dreaming? these may seem unwanted now, but after say 10 years when mangalore is as big as chennai or bangalore, then these kind of regular preparations would have helped in times of urgency.

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