Mangalore: Cow Slaughter Ban, Terrorism, Love Jehad, Top Agenda at Hindu Samavesha

Mangalore: Cow Slaughter Ban, Terrorism, Love Jehad, Top Agenda at Hindu Samavesha
 Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN) 

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    Mangalore, Jan 24: The Hindu Yuva Samavesha held here on Sunday January 24 at Nehru Maidan, mainly focused on issues like a law against cow slaughter, protection of Hindu religious places, strict action against terrorism, and ‘love jehad’. 

    The speakers at this convention spoke on these issues as well as Hindutva and strengthening the power of Hindutva.

    The convention, which started with a procession that included numerous tableaux on Hindutva, was organized to celebrate the silver jubilee of the formation of the Bajarang Dal.    

    Prakash Sharma, national convener of Bajarang Dal, said that the organization was started with the principle of protection of Hindutva and it will fight on matters that go against Hindutva. He said that the Bajarang Dal will not tolerate any anti-Hindu activities and its members are dedicated to protecting the country with their patriotism.

    “We will build Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and will not allow construction of Masjid”, he said. “The traditional and religious Amaranath Yatra, the annual pilgrimage performed by Hindus since decades, has been plagued by terrorism for years”, added Sharma.

    “Cow slaughter should be banned as Hindus worship the cow as God”, he said, adding that killing of God is not tolerated for a long time. “The state government should immediately pass a law against this”, Sharma demanded.

    He said that religious conversion, love jehad, and terrorism are the enemies of Hindutva and stressed that the Bajarang Dal will fight against these.

    Chakravarthy Solibele, Jago Bharath activist, said that the so-called intellectuals in India need to learn about Hindutva. He added that the Hindu religion has no date of birth and it has no date of demise also and hence, Hindutva will remain strong whatever is done against it.

    Ramananda Swamiji of Kolya Mutt, Rajashekarananda Swamiji of Vajradehi Mutt, Sooryanarayana, leader of Bajarang Dal, and Tejaswi Soorya, leader of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishat (ABVP), also spoke on the occasion. Two books on Hindutva were also released.   

    M B Puranik, leader of Vishwa Hindu Parishat (VHP), presided over the function. Bharath Shetty, president of the organizing committee, welcomed all. Bajarang Dal leaders Sharan Pumpwell, Sudarshan M, Shivananda Mendan, and Vinaya L Shetty were also present on the dais.


    Mangalore: Hindu Yuva Samavesha Youth Face Varun Gandhi Disappoints with Absence
    Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SB) 
    Pics by Dayananda Kukkaje


  • Mangalore, Jan 24: Many who arrived at the Nehru Maidan in the city, the venue for the Hindu Yuva Samavesha were a disappointed lot with BJP’s youth face Varun Gandhi not making it to the programme on Sunday January 24. The Hindu Yuva Samavesha has been organized to mark the silver jubilee celebration of Bajrang Dal.

    As part of the Hindu Yuva Samavesha to be held at the Nehru Maidan a procession was taken out from Ambedkar Circle, Jyoti from 2.30 pm that winded up at the convention venue at to Nehru Maidan through Hampankatta Circle, U P Mallya Road and A B Shetty Circle at about 4.45 pm. Over 32 tableaus depicting the lives of freedom fighters, martyrs and majority on Hindutva way of life marked the procession that moved smoothly with high police security in place. District in-charge minister Krishna Palemar, Kolya Ramananda Swamiji, Vajradehi Rajashekarananda Swamiji, Vishwa Hindu Parishad regional president M B Puranik and Bajrang Dal national convenor Prakash Sharma among others were part of the procession.  

    No vehicles were allowed to ply on the stretch from 1.00 am. A massive police security was in place to prevent communal violence, which had occurred during similar programmes in the past and also with the expected arrival of Varun Gandhi, the district administration and the police had made arrangements to closely monitor provocative speeches, if any by the youth leader and the other speakers during the programme. Pickets have been put up at several sensitive spots across the district and check-posts at important points. 


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    • Jossey Saldanha, India

      Mon, Feb 01 2010

      Last week I drove from Mumbai to Mangalore by NH17 and I was surprised to see hundreds of cows on Karnataka highways. These cows are a menace to traffic and cause death by accidents. If cow is considered so sacred - why are people not taking proper care of their gods? I guess it is ok if a vehicle kills a cow.

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    • Usha D'Silva, Mangalore / Dubai

      Mon, Feb 01 2010

      Sam D'Souza, Mangalore, please run through the pages in the Old Testament, read Leviticus...its mentioned here by the Almighty to stay away from swine, its meat and its blood!!!!

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    • Danish, Dubai

      Sun, Jan 31 2010

      Please include endangered animals like Tiger,Lion and Leopard.

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    • Deepak, Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 31 2010

      Ha ha ha .. What a joke these groups have made out of India . Earlier various groups and organizations in United India were helping people. Now we are saving animals and killing people. A animals life is considered more valuable than a Human life . There are various ways of cloning animals.But do U have a way of cloning a father , a mother , a sister ,a brother or a Good friend ?? I would really like to see the Mad cow disease start in India .... Then lets see what would these so called religious groups would do !!!!!!!!!!

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    • kiran, mangalore

      Wed, Jan 27 2010

      Great success by Hindu Samavesha Samithi and Bajrangdal..Thank u for uniting youths and fight against love jihad and cow slaughter..we are now more stronger for our enemies.keep it up Bajarang Dal..Jai Sri Ram, Jai Hind...Vande Mataram

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    • Felix F., India/Ksa

      Wed, Jan 27 2010

      I think, every ones favorite chicken and also tasty mutton of sheep should also be included in list to be banned, along with the cow slaughter ban. Pork is from a cursed animal, so its ok to be killed. (something to cheer for the christians)

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    • Mohammed Rafique, Kanhangad

      Wed, Jan 27 2010

      Harish Balalya, Mangalore, you are absolutely right. People should not be biased. Let us stop quarelling and live like brothers.

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    • Pavan, Mlore

      Tue, Jan 26 2010

      I think it is waste of time now. It should have happend before Ghazni demolished many temples and before many hindus were converted forcefully.

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    • Fernandes Francis , Mangalore/Abudhabi

      Tue, Jan 26 2010

      Whatever the reason for this celebration its great to see that peace prevailed. D.K police and DC are doing good job to bring back the Mangalore name as a place of peace loving people and educated people co-exists with different faith . Good wishes to all hindhu brother's and all INDIAN on the occasion of celebrating our republic day.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Tue, Jan 26 2010

      Mr. Ronald D, Udupi....this cow slaughter is not a national issue...It is a state issue, because after a long struggle BJP has come to power. And because of all these stupid attitudes our people want to make sure, they will never come to power anymore...!! With three years rule of BJP....Karnataka has become worst than Bihar (Bihar is better now...???

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    • Ronald D, Udupi

      Tue, Jan 26 2010

      Dear Mr. Mohan Poojary, when we point one finger at others, four points at self! What an irony! About the beef ban less said the better! Those few Bd & SRS men can still have beef coining it as Jinkeda Masa as usual. All these years these people had no problems with others eating beef. Now it turned most holy for political purpose! How will they tackle people from other states & countries those eat beef?

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    • Francis, Mangalore

      Tue, Jan 26 2010

      Dear Mohan Poojari, Kankanady, Mangalore, you comment that ‘Dear Nancy Belman, Roshan Dantis is good example for your comments. What about a teacher-turned-serial killer ‘MOHAN KUMAR (bearing your name only) was nabbed for murdering 18 women for "carnal pleasures and money"????

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    • arathi, Mangalore/ Riyadh

      Tue, Jan 26 2010

      I am surprised to see Our Minister Sri Krishna Palemar in the procession and function. Mr. Palemar is a Minister for entire people of Karnataka. He should not attend such function. Whole nation knows BD is an anti muslim and christians group. Now Mr. Parlemar has proved he is an anti minority? I cannot see an educated, real hindus participated in this function.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Rajesh, Mangalore...My comments will be silly to the people like you, who are communally blinded..!!!Thank god I need not take blessings of people like you to grow up.. If mangalore has gone to dogs, it is the contribution of narrow minded people like you...!!!

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      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      As we know from years India wants to ban cow slaughter but dear all please read comments of Rajesh Poojary Urvastore do u really need to ban it? Most of the human beings in the world in the world (all religion) never even touch the holy books of the their own religion & just to please themselves (cheating the god)they do the work which is against god's wish

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    • Anthony D'Souza, Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Fantastic post. I'm for Indian pleasing.

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    • James Fernandes, Barkur, USA

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      As a consequence, there will be a severe shortage of Porcine species and pork meat, causing the outhouses overflow as shown/seen in a recent movie.

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    • Hariprasad Hegde, Mangalore/Udupi

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Mitwa , Abu Dhabi (UAE)... just wait and watch in coming days we will have to see many things which it had or didn't happen in mangalore...

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    • Sunil, New zealand

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      This is one of the Bible prophesy.... In the Last days many will come and say dont eat meat, dont kill animals which God created for his best creation called human! Many who say that they believe in Jesus have been deceived by the deception of living healthy and long by relying on vegetables.If you think that being a meat eater means killing animals than the whole world is violating the right of vegetables by plucking them before their time for which they weep from their stems when chopped!  All plants have life like animals, So should we eat soil? That to have living bacteria? Countries that eat meat has the highest life expectancy on earth and they treat the animals with more respect than the people who say Ahimsa!

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    • Nithin Poojary, Mangalore/UK

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      NDA led by Vajpayee ruled India for 6 years, now yeddi is ruling Karnataka. I dont understand 6 years is not enough to ban cow slaughter, today atleast they can ban it in BJP ruled states like Karnataka, Guj,Madya Pradesh etc. If they ban it there will be no eletion issue so they are dragging this issue to get hindu votes.

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    • Rajesh Poojari, Urvastore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      There are many Hindus who are strictly vegetarian. They think it is against their religion to consume non-vegetarian food. But the true fact is that the Hindu scriptures permit a person to have meat. The scriptures mention Hindu sages and saints consuming non-vegetarian food. It is mentioned in Manu Smruti, the law book of Hindus, in chapter 5 verse 30 "The eater who eats the flesh of those to be eaten does nothing bad, even if he does it day after day, for God himself created some to be eaten and some to be eater

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    • Sam, Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Really we Indians have lots of time so we are wasting our time in such useless programmes, i believe there is not God, then why we have to fight each other....,even in the name of cow and other animals, where which skin has been used in drums, shameful

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    • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

      Mon, Jan 25 2010


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    • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      I have request the protectors of Hindu religion to please monitor how many Hindus order beef based dishes in hotels in Mangalore. No non-hindu will starve due to non-availability of beef in Karnataka but your protests or sammelans are useless unless you expel the traitors within.

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    • Judith L, Mumbai

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      SO WHEN R ALL THE SUPPORTERS OF bjp,bd,rss DOING AS I SAID IN MY EARLIER COMMENT. PLS. ACT FAST. DO NOT LOOSE OPPORTUNITY ONCE AGAIN REMINDING IF YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN. This is an opportunity for all Hindu Brethren, if somebody from your community is poor, lacks education, unemployed, orphaned. Please refer them to the local BD, RSS, BJP office(They are having lot of money in organising such huge campaign). Hopefully they should get help and not ignored. All the best.

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    • Ramesh Mallya, Oman

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Good work done by Hindu youths,keep it up.We all need this function to be Host every month or week than only all culprits,terrorist will come to know about our Intension and Goal.They need milk to drink as well as meat to like killing ther own mother,how it could be wonder one day will come soon that we wunt see cows around earth.Thanks Daiji indeed.Jai hind!!!

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    • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Good to see Hindu unity. 98% of Hindu's want peace and they respect other religions. Holy Book Bhagwath Geetha teaching the same. Not to RSS and its branches ideology.

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    • sam dsoza, mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Ahmed, Mangalore..products from pork or pig :is the most widely consumed meat in the world. People eat many different pork products, such as bacon, sausage, pork chops and ham. A 250-pound market hog yields about 150 pounds of pork. Several valuable products or by-products, in addition to meat, come from swine. These include insulin for the regulation of diabetes valves for human heart surgery suede for shoes and clothing and gelatin for many food and non-food uses. Swine by-products are also important parts of such products as water filters, insulation, rubber, antifreeze, certain plastics, floor waxes, crayons, chalk, adhesives and fertilizer. source : let us also promote pigs in all over world..including islamic country..

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    • Ahmed, Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Beef By-Products: Page # 1 o Anti-rejection drug o Aroma chemicals for fragrances in a variety of household products o Biodegradable outboard motor oil o Carotid and femoral arteries for transplant o Fishing line (adhesive) o Food packaging o Glycerin as a fat substitute o New applications in pest control o Organic fertilizers o Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) o Slow release fertilizer technolog o Animal feeds (by-pass protein, meat, blood and bone meals) o Edible by-products for export o Glycerin based meat casings o "Gummy-type" candies o Medical research and training o Pet chews o Pharmaceutical tissues for export (Asia, South America, Europe) o Upholstery leather o Adhesives o Anti-corrosives o Antibiotic production o Asphalt emulsifiers o Bile for cortisone production o Biological adhesives o Book bindings o Brake fluid o Candles o Ceramics o Coated leathers o Coatings, protective film layers o Cosmetics (mouthwashes, toothpaste, skin cremes, gels, soaps, detergents, and lotions to name a few) o Crayons o Electrolytic surface treatment of metals o Explosive compounds o Fabric softeners o Fining of wines o Flavorings o Gelatin capsules o Glycerin for chewing gum base o Heparin o High performance greases o High performance coatings (automobile and aircraft) o Ink coatings on self-copying papers o Insulin o Leather products o Lubricants (auto and jet engine) o Ore floatation o Paints o Paper and cardboard carton glues o Paper coatings o Photographic emulsifiers o Pills, ovules and suppositories o Pituitary hormones o Plasma extender o Plastics o Propellants for military and industrial requirements o Regulation of metal deposition o Research applications (bioactive peptide, immunochemicals, tissue culture media, diagnostic kits and reagents) o Sterile gelatin sponges o Synthetic rubber o Thrombin o Variety of food applications

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    • Prakash D'Souza, Mangalore/Dubai

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      I am not against any hindu religon. because even this religion teaches peace and prosperity like other religion. but I want to know why do you support RSS, BD and SRS when you clearly know that this group has been actively involved in so many anti-social cause. Neither they live happily nor they allow other people to live happily. Remove them from our country.

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      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Congratulations!! For hosting such a Great Successful Hindu United Samavesha to dear Sri Sharan Pumpwel team in Great Hindu city Mangalore

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    • Fathima,SHJ, Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      No matter somebody plans anything for tomorrow,it happens if lord of the heavens,lord of all creature sitting high above on his throne wills.But if its something against him he ll never allow it to happen,eventhough anyone puts 100% effort.Many years back an englishman built a TITANIC ship,and he became so proud and said that he ll conquer whole world through this ship.But result was when it rode on its first trip itself it sunk.I pray that truth n justice always prevails-Ameen

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    • Ali Haroon, Saudi Arabiaa

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      On this occassion the promotors of samavesha should have invited the other two major community members (Muslims and Christians), should have named the event as "Unity Platform" or some other name and preached for co-existenance, love and respect for other communities, upliftment of masses, plans to improve the image of the district and the state, etc. etc. instead of preaching hatred. How long we can continue on these lines and destroy the country's economy. It is predicted that within couple of years India's economy would overtake USA and will be number 2 in economy after China and USA will take third place. If we keep fighting and destroy are we going to achieve the goal.

      Some of our Hindu friends have wisely commented what topics should bave been adopted by samavesha. Those commentators are Hindus and not muslims and christians - because the Hindu community as such (except those groups) are peace loving and par excellence. While commenting please take care not to mention any community because it is not the community but some groups (in all religions) who are responsible for some mischevous acts. I am just remembering Mangalore how it was couple of years back ? May God Bless all of us.

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    • Mitwa , Abu Dhabi (UAE)

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Flash News - 2 Churches have been attacked in Mysore, God Only Knows whats happenning in our Peaceful State.

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    • Norbert, Dubai

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Do not Slaughter the cow but you can Whip it,beat it,poke the stick in its behind,and make it to carry heavy loads untill its neck breaks.Dont send children to school but to beg. let the tribals not convert but be bonded slaves of rich Zamindars. Great agenda much waste of hindu time and resources.Thank the good lord that Most of the Hindus do not fall to these fanatic ideas .Jai hind Long live Hindustan

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    • Mohan Poojari, Kankanady,Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010


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    • Judith L, Mumbai

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      This is an opportunity for all Hindu Brethren, if somebody from your community is poor, lacks education, unemployed, orphaned. Please refer them to the local BD, RSS, BJP office(They are having lot of money in organising such huge campaign). Hopefully they should get help and not ignored. All the best.

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    • Nancy, Belman

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      First give respect to your fellow brothers and sisters then worship Cow, Sheep or whatever animal you belive in. I am not against of any belief. If a man trust that one stone can change his life by worshipping it, it is his belief. But other person will definitly use that stone building house, bldgs or whatever.

      But first try to give respect to the human beings. Dont kill, rape or torture the human lives. This message is for all the caste, creed and religions including me too. If I dont help humans who are in need then what is the use of worshiping God, Cow or visiting Holy places???

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    • Rajesh Kumar, Mangalore/Riyadh

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Irony of our democracy is we have only 2 major political parties and both have extreme ideologies on his own terms. One is “Minority Pleasing” other one is “Majority Pleasing”. I’m looking for the day when we have a party which is “INDIAN Pleasing”.

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    • Arun Noronha, Pangla/Kuwait

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      There is nothing above humanity. Let us all rise above religion and be united as human being. We all are born in certain religion it is not by choice but god’s will. We should respect all regions. We should be humble and thank God “which ever god be believe in” every day for giving us the gift of life. Life is uncertain, let’s do good deeds before we go back to God.

      At this hour we all should be reminded about the reality, think about the people of Haiti who lost their lives, lets mourn for this unfortunate incident. We never know when such an incident can strike each one of us. If we can let’s help the survivors of Haiti to rebuild their lives. I would say don’t listen to politician, listen to your heart.

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    • Rajesh , Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Charles D'Mello, Pangala How silly your comments are and how low you steep to agrue your silly points. No doubt nitte college gained glory only after you left teaching students there. Grow up .

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    • jayant s, suratkal/riyadh

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Every religion has faults which no body agree. Every one say his religion is best. Dowry death, child marriage, caste system, wearing Naqab these are all not there in our original script. Don't make religion as your base for the comments.

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    • shiva, mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Hats off to the youths of D.K district.. such programmes will really boost the confidence and we need to act so firmly against this 'Love Jihad.. Together all of us.. we can create huge difference.. This shows we hindus are really united and there is no caste based systems at all.. Keep up the great work.. God Bless, Jai Hindustan!!!

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    • Ashoka, Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Dear Friends First of all I condem all the coments raised by some of our Indians. The Karanataka government is not Secular. It is communal and it is under influence of some stong communal parties. If it is secular why it is not banning such provocative and communal gathering. WHAT THE SPEAKERS SAY THAT IT SHOULD BAN COWSLAUGHTER AND OTHER CONVERSION. NO IT SHOULD FIRST BAN ANY PUBLIC COMMUNAL FUNCTIONS THEN ONLY THE SECULARISM COME. BE STRONG

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    • Neena, Mangalore

      Mon, Jan 25 2010

      Cow is the most sacred animal, as it is believed to be one of the treasures churned from the cosmic ocean by the gods. Nandi, Monkey Snake, Salagrama is also sacred. But why we use the drums! The two sides of the drum are covered with a stomach lining of a cow. The strings used to tighten the sides from cattle skin.

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    • Khursheed, Karkala/Abu Dhabi

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Mr.Acharya sandeep Abu Dhabi, be cool. Great, you are proud to be hindu and like you muslims also very much proud to be muslim. Everyone knows what is hindu samajotsava and yesterday Prakash Sharma almost he was talking against muslim community. No question of rights here but barking will be interrupted one day.

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      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Thank u Sharath, Doha/Mangalore, We need peace loving people like you to keep our country secular and allow everyone to live happily.May God bless you.

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    • Roshan, Managalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      When taleban started it was all about religious belief. Fighting for culture,religion, foreign enemy, after they acquired weapons it is one of the gravest threat world is facing. We have similar idealogy, shaping up today elsewhere which is also started picking up weapons. Are we going to deal with it? Or are we going to be silent majority who always suffers getting caught in between?That is our choice.

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    • Zakir, Dammam

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Dear Friend, Stop blaming each others religion.. just concentrate on our work for which we are paid. "No one is prefect in this world, Only God is Perfect".

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Saif Bahrain, B.C Road, good research and well said. All these people who speak love for cow really dont love them, they love their Milk and manure...!! Once they render useless, they want Goshalas to take care of them...!!

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    • Rajesh Acharya, udupi

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Good work done by HINDU community, we are always with you........

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    • sharath, Doha/Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I am a Hindu by religion but i respect all religion with my full heart. Same respect I am getting from my other religion friends. But when i am reading the comments given here i am ashamed of some people. If you people have problems with BD comment against them not against Hindu religion.

      First of all clear your mind which full of selfishness and communal. Then all the world will be beautiful for us. We are Indians if we fight each other in the name of religion then what is the use of calling this country secular. If we have to comment against this BD and otherstuff first we should be seculer Otherwise you dont have the right to comment. Please my friends respect others feeling. its my humble request.

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    • Raj,

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Good work, jai bajranga bali.jai sriram.

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    • Harish Balalya, Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      This function is organised by Bajarangdal so it is COMMUNAL If same Progamme organised by some Muslim Organisations like PFI so itis SECULAR, Wow!

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    • Mitwa, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Gauri Nice Comments, Good Morning to all, This hyped Convention is over, was it really necessary to have such type of gathering, has it solved any problem ? its pity that we have to tolerate these Uncivilized Fools..they dont even know the basic concept of Hinduism which is Live and Let Live..

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    • Amar, Bantwal/ Malayasia

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      The Hindu’s they should say thanks to British ( we can say that , they were Christians) Else they would have not been able to organize this convention You guys know how??? As per history , India ruled under Mugal Samrajya ( 1526 A. D ) they were Muslims . if British weren’t in India .today India would have been Muslim country . today these Hindus who are raising voice about their country they were slaves , in their own nation What BD. VHP, RSS talking about??

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    • R.K.Pinto, Bantwal/USA

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I'm a Christian but vegitarian by choice due for better health and better treatment of animals. This is also good for the global food shortage issue that we would be facing very soon. I hope we all stop fighting and make this world a better place. Peace.

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    • Gauri, Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      This is not a relegious convention but Consolidation of vote bank for BJP. A convention should preach peace not hate. Associating Hinduism with the ideals of a political party is no good for hinduism.

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    • Francis, Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Why can not the Samavesha have a resolution that they will admit all Hindus, including scheduled caste and tribe people in to the temples? They can also have a resolution that they will a Swamiji from Scheduled Caste to the eight Mutts in Udupi. This will show that the organizers of this Samavesha are concerned about all Hindus.

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    • acharya sandeep, ABU DHABI

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      i am proud to be hindu.2nd thing mr.shahnawaz kukkakate you have no right to talk about hindu religion.what u know about it.when ur muslim juloos when it would led in mangalore have given comments on that.mind ur buisness 1st.if ur muslim b happy in your religion.jai ho hindustan

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    • R DMello, Mangalore/USA

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Who are these people to decide if I should eat?... Why are there stray cows on the road? Have these guys made any plans to protect them? I love beef and I don't want some fanatics to tell me not to eat it!!

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    • Rajaram , Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      WOW - great pictures and great event. Well organized for sure.

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    • Sanjay Kulkarni, Dubai

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      If the Bajarang Dal is so concerned about terrorism why don’t they send their unit to Kashmir or POK and fight real terror rather than making a tamasha in Mangalore. We Hindus form 80% of India’s population. Why and whom should we be scared of? Do we need these uneducated monkeys to tell us how to live our lives.

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    • Krishna Shetty, Mumbai/Bangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      All the people who are seen over here are illiterate,this raksha are taking our country to nowhere, please stop this stupidity or else our beloved country will be vanished from the map one day.

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    • prakash, italy

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      It is not one kind of terrorism training of the young youth against the other religions? is a brain washing of the young minds..I am sorry for it.

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    • Hariprasad Hegde, Mangalore/Udupi

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      First the Indian government should terminate the internal terrorist like the Bajrang Dal, Rama Sena, VHP, Shiv Sena and what not. These are the people who are terrorising our country... Right now all of you can see these people have dirty our state... O GOD SAVE OUR STATE FROM THESE CREEPS.

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      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Missed opportunity. no word of encouragement to live in unity and peace, work towards the future of our children, respect for human dignity, nothing. Just sowing poison in the young minds. What type of employment do our religious leaders and gurus assure to our unemployed youth. As long as there is unemployment, they will subscribe to this type of hate ideology. This is another type of terrorism.

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    • ifthikar, mangalore/dammam /K.S.A

      Sun, Jan 24 2010


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    • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Everybody has love for his own religion and they like to protect the religion, nobody can blame that. But the sad fact is hidden. These leaders are delivering fireband sermons to trigger the passions among the young people, and the leaders make a profession out of this, but the young people are wasting their life, by blindly following the leaders. When I watch some old movies of Hitler era, how he has destroyed a generation of young people with false promises of Aryan superiority. Nazi youths, communist youths, now that spirit has penetrated to India. If these leaders will motivate these young people to work hard to accomplish something in life, be socially active to uplift the poor people of their own religion, fight for the social evils etc it could have created a generation of productive young people with a definite purpose in life. How terribly, these young people are being used and brainwashed to create problems in the society. Those who failed to remember history are doomed to repeat it.

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    • V G Bhatkali, Dubai

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Hello Mr. Vijay, All the educated people knows Kannada very well in ?Bhatkal, no need to worry about it. It is the time to teach Bajarangdal people to learn Hindusim.

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    • Saif Bahrain., B.C.Road

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Cow slaughter ban??? My dear Hindus you believe Mahabharata?? Then agree to this point.” The history & culture of Indian people“ volume-2 page 578 R.C Majundar writes, in Mahabharata King Rankidev daily used to slaughter 2000 cows and 2000 other animals to distribute to poor people.

       Answer my sec qtn u Hindus believe Vivekananda ??? if yes read his book “The complete works of Swami Vivekanand“volume-3 page 536 he says “according to ancient rules of poojas if you don’t eat cows slaughtered meat then you are not a Hindu ...“ now decide yourself Rugveda chapter 10,13 & 85 it’s mentioned“on occasions like marriage, cows & buffalo’s to be slaughtered from bride side.“ So my dear friends so Cow Slaughter Ban, Terrorism, Love Jihad, these are baseless allegations from Sang Parivar Dear All read your Vedas and follow your proper leaders to make this world more beautiful & to live more happily, peacefully... thanks

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    • T.K. Hamza, Kushalnagar

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I am extremely dissappointed about Varuns absent, he would have helped BJPs downfall exactly the way he did it in north India by his speach in the last elections, dear BD please try your level best to bring him in your next SAMAAVESHA.

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    • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      People who are talking about poverty, Can you please tell me whose job is it to alleviate poverty? I think it is government(both state and central). Bajrang Dal is just a group of individuals who have a common idealogy. There have no obligation to work for removal of poverty and have every right to hold these samavesh. (Correct me if I am wrong) On the other hand the government is duty bound to work for the upliftment of the poor and removal of poverty.

      So now my question is if there is still poverty who should get the blame. And as far as I know most after independence most of the time Congress was in power in state and center. But 90% of the people who are shedding tears on poverty will happily sing paeans in praise of congress. (Dictionary word for this phenomenon is called HYPOCRISY) Shahnawaz -> Can you please enlighten me as to why some "secular" people did not allow "communal" people to hoist flag at Idgah maidan in Hubli some years back.

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    • Harish, Dubai

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      This is nice to see unity among hindus.Hindu youths are not divided.It will never.Plz put ban on cow slaughter & love jihad.JAI BAJARANG DAL.

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    • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      It is very nice to see the huge crowd, I have lot of repect for my hindu community specially in South Kanara Tulu speaking community. Not a bad idea to ban cow slaughters, BUT before you ban the cow slaughters..first you slaught those dirty minded, corrupt, selfish political leaders.. who are making drama to fill thier vote banks... no matter what parties they belongs to.. as long as bad leaders do it and clean the society for your own childrens THEN ban the cow slaughters.

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    • siddik, abudhabi

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Good programme and speach. Why no one talk about serial killer Mohan Bahi, Oh because he is a Hindhu. If he would have been muslim ? no need to tell todays agenda must have been about him.

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    • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      If the government ban cow slaughtering, we will end up spending huge amount on meet import. If any body willing to compensate the tax payers money, then yes we can have a healthy cattle population. Regarding protecting the country, we have a very strong Military power in place and it is quite capable. Let the Religion be int its sacred place and we have wise Clerics who will take care of it for the welfare and spiritual need of all human beings.

      All the Religions must get together and fight for Socio-economic development. Don't you think we need good infrastructure such as good roads, drainage, sanitation, recyclingplants. totally a clean environment to live. Let us fight jointly for some good cause. Any sect or groups must not indulge in Moral police job.

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    • vashal, Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      What kind of organisation is this? to plant poison in the peace loving youths of Mangalore? There are no good teaching to the youth such as for the upliftment of the poor families,help for the creation of educated society, tolerance among all sorts of people,help those people who are suffering specially those who are affected in floods,This kind of morality needed for this organisation to celebrate further 50 years.Jai ho my beloved People of Mangalore.

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      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Dear Hindu freinds samavesha is fine but which agenda you d here thats not useful for any society or community. in hindu community lot of Backword people and people behind poverty line.  why cant take any agenda for above problems.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Cow Slaughter, Terrorism and Love Jihad is their agenda...!! ha bullshit it is..!!! First of all think about your unity...take the downtrodden in your arms and then only you can be super power. Otherwise you have seen in recent elections, although self proclaim to be majority....but not in reality...!!!?????

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    • nithin, mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      manish , mangalore/ksa. realy what you said is 100% right. i fully agree with you ..i think for mr.shanawaaz it is more then enough... mr. shanawaaz first you grow up then teach us...

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    • Joy, Moodbidri

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      How nice if "Hindu" people come together. The "Hidutva" is ideology not a gathering of people. Hindu people are tolerant but hindutva is a threat to society.If this samavesh could bring unity and peace among Hindu community andpeople of other faith how nice it would be! i hope they will discuss "how to bring peace in Mangalore rathar than spread the violence in the name of Religion.

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    • Vicky Chopra, Udipi/New Delhi

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte,..onjee pethanlage..paat petanilake advise malpuna dala agathaya eejee.. we know majority people what's our right are?...let us build by us first strong defend terrorism/conversation and many more major problems prevails all over..than only able to look for small small issues..better before commenting here and wasting ur time..why not you go n preach ur own community people..atleast it will helpful in one or the other way.. Jai Hindustan..

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    • Vaman Shenoy,

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      you could have save your time for soul searching instead of commenting

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    • R.T.SHETTY, mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      jai bajranga bali.jai sriram.unity is strength.

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    • Vijay Shetty Gulvady, Dubai

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Hello Dr. Haneef Bhatkal, some of these are practiced in some regions of India, we never support such practices, it's not preached in Hinduism. Better you teach kannada to your community in Bhatkal first and then comment on others.

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    • Ashok Naik, US(ohio) / Kasaragod

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I see many of them commenting/ targeting hindu comunity.But definetly dont see any meturity with them.this will devide further among the atleast Daijiworld readers.I can only request/advice to be not to show "frustration".Be positive guys.after all we all have leave toghather. Thanks -Ashok Naik

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    • Boss modankap, bantwal

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      mr.varun first of all, you learn how to give respect to other religion.your four fingers are showing to you,only one is to me.u already understood,all are blaming you,but you don't know y all are blaming you.thats y you have to learn to respect others.

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    • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Mr. Gandhi might have learned a great lesson from the last speeches in U.P, that made him wise. He is an educated person from one of the best in the world (London school of Economics, and its former Professor Harold Lasky was a very close friend of Pandit Nehru) and Varun Gandhi is not going to repeat the same mistake.

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    • Dr. Haneef Shabab, Bhatkal

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Hi raj M'lor, one simple question, how about Burning alive a newly wed bride for NOT bringing the "Dowry"... or make to sit a young widow on the Pire of Fire of her husband as "SATI"... or beating to death a "Shoodara" for entering a Hindu Temple...or Burning alive a Christian Missionary with his two young kids for propagating his religion? Is it ok?

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    • Manoj, Mangaluru

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Good work by BD & Varun Gandhi. Every month just say you will visit, here so many people will not sleep in fear. Some are just showing thier anger by comenst because only they can comment nothing else they can do.

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    • manish , mangalore/ksa

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Dear readers you dont have any right to point your fingers to Hindu religion.You are conducted so many progremmes in public place and inside you holy place but nobody commenting on you. Now why you are worrying.Are you afraid. Mr shahnawaz dont teach us what to do. Teach your community.My son is studying in third standard,oneday one of his classmate asked him that are you Hindu or muslim. my son told Iam Hindu,then he laughed and told after death you are going hell and Iam going heaven. This is what you are teaching your children. Dont blame others.Everytime whatever happen in mangalore or any place like you narroww minded people started to blame Hindus. Please stop it. Give respect to other religion and take respect. Only praying God and reading Holy books nothing happened. Live like a human being.

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    • Roshan, Mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Nobody can and will insult hinduism, more than these BD/RSS/Ram Sene people yet they profess ignorence. Hinduism is peace, unity, love and respect to nature. Why none of them is relevant to these guys? Why they always profess the same idealogy one propagated by Osama? These are the questions people asking and will keep asking. Equally, they will reject BJP the political wing that in recent times started promoting the extreeme idealogy.

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    • raj, mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi..before insulting hindu relegiun my question to you..150 slash for a child for carying mobile phone in class room in saudi arabia.....?????

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    • V. Thomas, Bahrain

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Varun will fit only in U.P. and Bihar. Not in Mangalore. Majority of Mangaloreans are educated & peace loving people. His rowdiness won't yield in sweet Mangalore. B.D. better find a fitting person like Muthalik. ha ha ha.....Mangalore & Mangaloreans zindabad !!

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    • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Are hindu youths devided? No. Not at all. Instead, let these leaders preach and practice equality amongst their own hindu brethern. Let them talk about abolition of caste system, upliftment of hindu poor and backward classes. Let them take an oath to abolish untouchability and dowry. Sorry, guys, they cant. How then these organisers speak about uniting hindu youths when upper caste youths dont wish to sit and talk with lower caste hindus.

      This samavesha is organised at attacking non hindu community and for planning and planting apple of discord with muslims and christians of Mangalore. This samavesha has the blessings of BJP, RSS and some upper caste seers. Upper caste people want to dominate and rule rest of India. For these manuvadis dont believe in karma but believe in birth. For them moksha is achieved by birth and not by deeds. Even if a lower caste person becomes proficient in dharma, vedas, still he cant become a priest as he is not born in upper caste, so his destiny is hell fire. By founding and spreading malicious propaganda against Indian muslims and chrstians, they want to devide India on ethnic lines. But people of mangalore are wise and they do understand the hidden agenda. Dont be carried away by sentiments and emotions. Think by your head and not by heart. They plan and plot, but God too plans and plots, God is best of all planners and plotters. He is all wise, hearing and seeing...(Al Quran)

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      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      BJP already burnt it's finger bringing Varun forefront in the last general election!Varun in the inner circle of BJP, "PERSONNA NON GRATA"Then what can he make a magic in the minds of Mangaloreans?His mother a great champion of animal right where as his son Varun great champion of "HIMSA"As far this samavesha concerned,it lost it's real focus projecting Varun,s participation and failing to fullfil it's promise in the convention.Any how Mangaloreans have sigh of relief finally.JAI- HO- KUDLA.

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    • Jason Pinto, Byndoor

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I went to see this goddess Varun Gandhi but got a "KLPD" in return. This is almost like going to see a Bollywood show starring Shah Rukh Khan, but he not showing up at the last minute! I am highly disappointed with Varun's actions.

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    • Varun, mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I read all the comments which given here from diffrent people. In my opinion most of the comments against Hindu Religion. As per my knowledge all religion people conducted their programs in public places. When hindus conducting like this programe it is waste of money. I request all of my Muslim and christian brothers please respect all religion. If you give respect then only you can expect others respect.

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    • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      The total amount spent on this event could have been used in better way in contribution for the victims of flood where we can show the spirit of humanity.

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    • Nooruddin, Thokkott/Kuwait

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I think it was a false promise & a well thought propaganda by some jobless hindu youths (BD) to amass the crowd by propagating Varun Gandhi's presence in the gathering and now it's well known fact that it's big flop provided they(BD) tried their best to bring back communal tensions through this gatherings.Appreciation must go to officers like DC Ponnuraj and SP AS Rao for taking the precautionary steps to maintain law & order.I think no peace loving Hindu wanted this kind of convention to stenghten their religion instead they stay away from it,so next year i think numbers will be drastically decrease.

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    • Ash DK, Middle East

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Disappointment for somebody and pleasure for everybody. May be Varun didn’t get the time to get prepared for the 'Firing Speech'! Cool Cool Mangalore.

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    • abdullah, al khobar

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Varun Ghandi knows that, Mangaloreans all are well talented and well educated they never believe his superstition so, that he canceled the trip to Mangalore jai hind best of luck ....

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    • Stalin Misquith, MANGALORE/BAHRAIN

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Since India's independence, we have troublemakers in some parts of our country. I have every reason to believe that this people never believed in God, never.. they are just carrying "Hindu culture" to rule the subjects.

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    • Dr. Haneef Shabab, Bhatkal

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Sab Bhagwan ki krupa hai.

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    • AAkash, m'lore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      I knew this gimmick just to gather more more pepole,since begining they dint get any appointment with VG.

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    • shiva, mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      its good to see hindu youths are participating in hindu unity programmes ..jai hind

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    • lawrence, mangalore

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Thank varun gandhi for not coming mangalore so that peace will continue mangalore. THANK YOU VERY MUCH GOD BLESS YOU

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    • Rajesh Shetty, Surathkal

      Sun, Jan 24 2010

      Great set back to BD.

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