Mangalore: Justice Somashekara Commission Submits Interim Report

Mangalore: Justice Somashekara Commission Submits Interim Report
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)

Mangalore, Feb 1: The Justice B K Somashekara Enquiry Commission set up to investigate the church attacks in the state, presented its interim report to the government on Monday February 1. 

The Commission has made several suggestions and recommendations to the government to consider and implement.


The recommendations are:

  • Government should ensure protection to all religions and their institutions, particularly in the affected districts due to attacks and especially to minority religions and should be spelt out in clear terms without politicization. 
  • As a first measure, the government should convince the affected Christian institutions and persons that it shares their miseries and sentiments suffered due to unpleasant incidents of attacks in all forms with sympathy, compassion, and concern by taking all the religions and political parties into confidence.
  • The district administration at all levels should be made liable for all violations in any form and extent of such protection.
  • A common modality should be framed and adopted for all the district administrations to deal with all situations of religious matters uniformly, impartially, effectively, and speedily.
  • The intelligence wing of the government, at least in all districts, must be geared up with trained personnel, infrastructure, headed by expertise and commitment to social and religious causes especially to deal with all situations of religious conflicts supervised and monitored at least by an officer of IGP cadre of the state.
  • The state should take all measures to ensure fundamental rights for freedom of conscience and free profession and propagation of religion within the meaning of Article 25 of the constitution of India in letter and spirit. 
  • Religious harmony awareness programmes may be initiated at village and taluk levels to avoid unexpected religious conflicts with elders of all religions constituting the peace committees.
  • Legislations through special law within the competence of the state under lists of the constitution may be passed to ensure prevention of atrocities on any person in the name of religion in any form and protection of all persons claiming the privileges by virtue of a religion as per the law without reference to the conflicting legal consequences.
  • All communal organizations in whatever name or form preaching or practicing any activity against any religion in any form should be banned as per the law existing to be legislated with the serious consequences of forfeiting assets to the government free from all encumbrances.
  • All the materials in any form including literature, books, pamphlets, publications including the press and media in any form using abusive or insulting expressions either direct or with innuendos touching the religious interests should be banned if existing and censured if proposed to be published.
  • All criminal cases registered investigated or charge sheeted against all persons or institutions for the incidents of attacks etc, during the relevant period with cut out date ending 31 December, 2008 may be withdrawn or compounded as per law, however on any reasonable conditions including the plea of bargaining sentence and probationary measures depending upon the facts and circumstances of each case.
  • Compensation for all claims for damages to the property or injury to any person during the incidents and thereafter shall be inquired and paid within one month from the date of communication of the recommendation by the appropriate authorities like the deputy commissioner of the districts either pending or made within one month there from deducting any amount already paid as indicated in the report while dealing with petitions of each district.
  • There must be least or no policing regarding religious matters and to be handled with care and compassion by taking the religious leaders or heads into confidence and entry into any religious place by the police for any action should be totally with the permission or at least consultation with the religious persons in charge of the places.
  • The government should constitute a task force under the chairmanship of the commission with duly nominated members from the departments of the government to monitor and implement the recommendation of the commission. 

All decisions taken by the government on the recommendations of the commission and implementation by the government may be published as far as possible. All other questions not covered by these recommendations will be provided in the next or final report.

Below are the extracts from the synopsis issued by the commission to the public.

  • In some incidents there were indications of self-infliction or collusion or make-believe methods to create evidence of attack on churches or places of worship to support such things in other districts or places.
  • There are indications of massive conversions to Christianity by circumstances and inducements but not by compulsion. Such conversions were only by faith and not of religion in legal or technical sense.
  • The attacks on the churches or places of worship has deeply affected the harmony between the members of Hindu and Christian religions and created suspicion in the minds of each other.
  • Strong impression is created that the members belonging to Bajarang Dal, Sri Rama Sene, and VHP etc. are mainly responsible for attacking churches or places of worship mainly in Mangalore and South Canara districts spreading to other districts and other parts of the state. Other so-called attacks were only make-believe.

Impression given to the commission:

  • Top police officers and district administration and other authorities and panchayat heads in South Canara, Bellary, and Davanagere colluded with the members of Bajarang Dal and Sri Rama Sene directly or indirectly in attacking churches or places of worship.
  • Under guise of preventing Christian protestors, police exceeded powers in ‘lathi’ charge and bursting tear shells. Innocent people like children and women were also victimized unjustifiably.
  • The government and district administration did not treat the incidents sympathetically and with compassion to provide proper support or remedy to victims as and when they required.
  • District administration misused power and harmed innocent individuals, assaulting them and damaging their property sometimes resulting in incidents of fire.
  • Police officers were unprepared to meet the situation and some members heading institutions like corporation and municipality were responsible for such attacks due to their direct and indirect participation.
  • Christians are responsible for killing some Hindu persons in Orissa and therefore they were justified in resorting to violence against Christians.
  • Arrest of innocent persons, from both religions, detained in custody and prosecuted for no fault of theirs.

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  • Savithri, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 09 2010

    Well said Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikatte Hats off to you. If there are handful of sensible persons like you in our country, states,districts,towns and villages, India will be a Paradise to Live.

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  • Valerian Menezes, Kota

    Thu, Feb 04 2010

    The report is confusing as far as its direction is concerned. It speaks only of the 'impressions' given to it by both sides. The conclusion is yet to come, perhaps in the final report. Some of the suggestion given by it to the government are euphoric. Perhaps they will never be implemented, definitely till the present government is in power. We christians cannot hope much from this report. We shall stand on our own legs. Better wait and see.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Wed, Feb 03 2010

    I can see some positive recommendations, but very sure none of them will be implemented as long as this government is in power. In this type of issues only God can give the right judgment, and am very sure that he will give an opportunity to all those involved, to change and come to their senses. Once the limit is crossed we all can see his judgment very much here on earth.

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  • Diana Fernandes, Oman/Udupi

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Home Minister V.S.Acharya,if you wish to have peace in Karnataka, ban Bhajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sene and sack SP Satish Kumar,DySp Jayant Shetty(whom you have promoted)and Ganapathy immediately.

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  • yahawaha, usa

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Whatever the commission report says, we all know whose fault it is. The fundamentalist and illogical christianity that churches and illiterate,corrupt bishops want to throw at once peace loving communities is what to blame. Ban all those that spew venom against others'. christians cannot stand behind the constitution for freedom of religion and at the same time attack others' beliefs. It is high time they take responsibility for their crimes towards the comunity at large and stop whimpering. And all those threatening retaliation can kiss my- you know where. This is Hindu land which weathered Moslem domination. You don't frighten us.

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    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    We need commitment from CM and HM to honour findings of this commission.To make Distric Admin resposible about the issue is also a step forward to contain these anti national/social group of Goondas.We look forward immediate actions and ATR in this matter from our stae govt.

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  • Richha, Pangla / Singapore

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    As usual Justice B K Somashekara wasted many months and good energy to put down fourteen & odd bullet points on these church attacks, this report definitely would go into filling racks in some govet depots! In my opinion he should have come out with one point solution or suggestion that a law should be required to be passed in legislative or in parliament that anybody indulged in creating communal disharmony by pelting stones at church / mosque / temple or indulging in any other communal acts, is a unbaillable offense and if found guilty will get imprisonment upto 10 years, then lets anybody dare to stone church / mosque / temple?

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Its found out that Maoists are behind the killings of hindu seer in Khandmal, Orissa. But BJP ruled state in Orissa suspected Christian hand and started persecuting chrstians of the state. Christians of India are most peace loving people in any society and they preach and practice love and peace. But why the retaliation has taken place on christians of BJP ruled states only when christians are living all over India in all states. Its clear that BJP government stage manages the attacks on churches and serve only lip sympathy and shed croc tears. Mangalore is know for its education, peace and rich culture has stooped to the level of hate which is the hidden agenda of BJP and its parivar. If the government wills, I am sure, its capable of stopping such attacks. This clearly shows the policy of devide and rule adapted by fascist political party. Until and unless we practice tolerance, love, peace and forgiveness we cant march forward. Mrs Stains, widow of Stains forgave those repsonsible of burning alive to death her husband and two young sons. Priyanka and Sonia Gandhi pardoned killer of Rajiv Gandhi. Thats real forgiveness. First of all lets be good to our neighbour. Attacks on religious places is not the justififcation for retaliation. These are cooked up stories. Lets not waste more of tax payers monies. Let us respect others and live in dignity. India belongs to all Indians no matter what faithy they follow. Constitution of India has guaranteed these rights. Thats it.

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  • Reheman, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Dear Justice Somashekara, you will have a FULL TIME job to perform in Mangalore till retirement and thereafter as long as communal outfits like Sri Rama Sene, Bhajrang Dal etc. exist. They will keep pestering minorities and their place of worship with the support of BJP Government which will lead to formation of more commissions and in turn jobs for retired judges. Jai Ho Bharat Maata Ki ....

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  • Shanthi, Managalore

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    vg, Bangalore. Govt of Karnataka has banned 'Sharabu Angadi' and now they do not have money to spend on these issues. Severe shortage of power in Karnataka shortage because of non maintenance of machineries of power transmission. Hence our home minister refused to extend the time for the commission. God only knows when he will send next flood to our state to generate the side income!!!!!!! Sooner or later Karnataka will be corrupt and bankrupt!!!!

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  • Abubaker Pallipadi, Addoor / Riyadh

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    If C.M.Yediyurappa and his Govt. banned these hindu organizations, very next hour his govt.will fell down because these organizations ruling our state.

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  • vg, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Jacintha, Mangalore, why compare the RAMBLINGS OF A RETIRED JUDGE with Extracts from Constitutional Papers? He has not come out with any findings & his recommendations will surely be thrown into the Dustinbin by BJP Government. Apparently, you have not read any of the Constitutional Papers. If you did, you would not have commented like that. Justice Somashekar has merely EXPRESSED HIS IMPRESSIONS, BELIEFS AND SUPPOSITIONS WITHOUT GIVING ANY FINDINGS.

    Why did he have labour for almost TWO YEARS & WASTE CRORES OF RUPEES according to a report published in Daijiworld quoting Home Minister Dr V S Acharya when many Christian leaders had met him in Bangalore along with Mangalore BJP MP Nalin Kumar Kateel to demand withdrawal of cases against those wrongly and falsely implicated in the post-Church Attack cases. I remember Dr Acharya's comment quoted in Daijiworld that the Commission's term would not be extended. Please go through the Archives of Daijiworld.

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  • ravi, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    fathima, mangalore..absolutely orissa or in karnataka , the violent started only after conversin agend by maissionaries

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  • shah nawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    The attack on hindus by christians (?) happened in Orissa. Hindus brothers and sisters were hurt. Why retaliation in BJP ruled states only????? Christians are living in all over India and in all of the states. Why there is no retaliation and attacks on churches in non BJP ruled states? Can any one please enlighten me. Mangalore is hub of education, civilization and culture. Still such things are happening here! Very hard to believe. The answer is very clear. The government is stage managing such attacks and sheddin croc tears and giving lip sympathy. Had it not been patronised, encouraged by the govt. such nasty things are unthinkable, that too in mangalore and its sorroundings. In Orissa state machinery failed. But violence in Orissa doesnt give the justification for violence else where in the country. What BJP govt has to say when Stains and his two young kids were burnt alive to death in Orissa. But the widow/mother has gone long way in forgiving the culprits. Unless and until we imbibe the priceless quality of forgiveness, love and peaceful living, ultimate peace cant be achieved by any followers of any religion. The only solution to the present crisis to check the influence of hardliners in any religion. Its a testing time and touchstone test for people of karnataka. Election will come and go, but we have to face the same neighbours until we die. When you all vote next and elect your representative, please do it with added responsibility. All of us have responsibility.

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  • Frank Pinto, Mangalore, Dubai

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Waste of taxpayers money. Justice Somashekara has only served his bosses. Minorities will not get justice until and unless there is truely a secular govt in our state. God save our motherland!

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    These recommandation will help only for next election. Just a dust flown out of the wind. Request to the finance ministry, please do not forget to deduct the TDS 10% from this payment atleast!!!!

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  • Nawaz / Sahara Al-Qassim, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Mr.Shahnawaz u r ryt..... Gud Gud yery Gud..

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  • Patrick, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    All commission reports are designed to sooth tempers on either sides, justice "appears" to have been done to both sides,complete a democratic process(findigs irrelevant)and last but not the least, a drain on tax payers hard earned money. Rejoice yaar, We are the LARGEST democracy in the world (ofcourse only for the politicians, goons, the rich and the mighty).

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  • F.X.Quadros, Canada

    Tue, Feb 02 2010

    Do the Chief Minister Yediyurappa and the Home Minister V.S.Acharya have any guts to take against those VHP,Bhajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sena criminal goondas and hooligans?Its just an eye wash by Justice Somshekhar.Nothing will happen.The communal goondas all set to attack Churches and Masjids as usual. BJP leaders and the Police officers will support that communal goondaism.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Shahnawaz K. & Gabriel Vaaz u have summed up the report as well as its shortcomings. It qualifies for Britannia 50:50 contest.

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  • jacintha, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    This reads like extracts from constitutional papers. Is this a fact finding commission? After all the deliberations, is that all they can recommend? All the cases must be withdrawn, that gives a lease of life to BD, SRS, VHP goons as well, or may be only to them. The christians may languish furhter. With BJP in power, Yeddi and Acharya being the bosses, one can't expect anything better. Still 'god grant them the wisdom to follow raja dharma'. Let conversion of the heart/concience happen, and let them learn to acknowledge the freedom as per constitution. It is a waste of resource, this commission. He might have had the intent of dispensing justice, but environment isn't condusive.

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    Mon, Feb 01 2010


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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udipi

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Please go to the pages of post independence history of India on commissions. Many a comission has been set up to probe and recomend remedial measures in the past. Millions of tax payers money has been spent. All commissions repoort didnt see the day lights. Either it remained in the papers locked up in cup boards or travelled to dust bins - its final resting place. Without strong political will and unbiased judiciary, it looks like applying cream on the fresh wounds. These commission only serve as pacifying tools for the victims and the purpose is just time bound. No long term strategy can be seen in these reports. If the government has strong political will, then we dont need such commissions. Give ample power to police and district administration to deal with iron fist. Enact stringent laws. Send the convicted criminals to jail with hard labour and arrest them without bails. Treat them as anti social and criminals. Dont treat them as heros and dont Dont give political protection. Excommunicate them. Instead of setting up commisions of enquiries, which dont yield desired effects, please spend these monies in protecting places of worships of all religions without fear and favour. Start imparting quality and value based education at the beginning of schooling as almost all Indian go to school in their tender ages. The present generation is spoiled but dont pass on the spoilt legacy to our future generation. Make the society loving and peaceful and pass this as a gift to them.

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    Mon, Feb 01 2010


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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Gabriel Vaz, Bangalore. You are spot on. The report is on expected lines as the employer is state BJP govt. There are no facts, he has spent a huge tax payers money, to define possibilities, that they already know through news media.

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  • Gabriel Vaz, Bangalore

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    This is a lot of hogwash & waste of public money. Justice Somashekar has not come out with any specific findings & has given his IMPRESSIONS & SUPPOSITIONS. He has not said anything except saying BELIEVED & OTHER SIMILAR SUPPOSITIONS. If you had reproduced the entire synopsis (forget the 500 page report) instead of publishing mere extracts (obviously for lack of space, an idea of the report would have emerged.

    If Somashekar gets the impression (no factual basis) that mass conversions had taken place or that Sangh Parivar outfits had attacked churches, he does not say conversions had taken place in Mangalore or anywhere, he should have said it directly. Let us wait for the actual full report and the final report before coming to any conclusion. Going by the synopsis, the general IMPRESSION one gets is what a waste of money!

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    It is good to see the observations made by an honest and well informed person like Justice B.K. Somashekara. Indeed he has taken a lot of trouble and tried to go into details of incidents. However with regard to the incidents in Orissa I do not agree with his statement: "Christians are responsible for killing some Hindu persons in Orissa and therefore they were justified in resorting to violence against Christians". I tend to think that the Christians did not take the law into their hands and resorted to killings. On the other hand they were victimized and the stray killings may have been self-defense or a retaliation. Joe Gonsalves

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  • J.B.D'Souza, Dubai/Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Atlast the truth has come out. Hindu communal outfits like VHP, Bhajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sene have directly involved in church attacks.Communal minded Police officers like SP Satish Kumar,Circle Inspector Ganapathi and some other PSI's had insulted, abused and beaten some Religious Nuns and innocent Christian women. Now the VHP,Bhajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sene goondas should be booked. And the leaders should apologise for their henious works.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    The interim report just falls short of saying the following

    1.Christians by resorting to conversions and killing of some Hindus in Orissa are to be blamed for inciting the (un named) miscreants to attack the places considered holy by christians.

    2. Christians have misrepresented the facts of destruction, by willfully damaging the holy places to malign the Govt and the RSS/BD/SP etc.

    3.Christians should be comforted by the Govt, like new born babies, by giving them compansation,sweet-talk, and tell them, that if they dont change or mend their ways to the Govt dictums, the miscreants will be back again.

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  • Alex, Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Another enquiry, another report. Hope this too is not condemned to the corners of some government office to gather dust. I am not too optimistic...people will bark on some forums (like me) and then it will life as usual :-)

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Majority of the police force and the judiciary, either closed their eyes towards the lamentations of the persecuted Christian community or unlawfully persecuted them because the persecutors had the political support and leverage. The Somashekera commission has simply reiterated the prevailing situation in writing. If such savagery is taking place in a lawless country under dictatorships, some logcial explanation can be found. But what happened in India is beyond any civility and rationality, and this anti-Christian madness must be stopped at the earliest.

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  • Ivan Vaz, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Any possibilities to take any actions for protecting minorities (Christians)and their worshiping places or BJP Government will keep on continue to support to Bajarang Dal and Sri Rama Sene create a more troubles for minorities. These groups are targeting only for Christians?? Christian brothers we have to learn from Muslims brothers how they are gathering together answer.

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  • fathima, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    Conversion and violance always go together. Take the history of any place in the world!!!

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Mon, Feb 01 2010

    I think India needs a "Religious terrorism law" with teeth.

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