Udupi: Violence Erupts in Udyavar

Udupi: Violence Erupts in Udyavar

The Hindu

Udupi, Feb 21: The laying of pipelines from some fishmeal companies to the Arabian Sea led to violence at Udyavar village near Udupi on Saturday, February 20. Prohibitory orders under Section 144 have been clamped in the village till 6 a.m. on Monday.

Udupi Tahsildar V. Prasanna told The Hindu that rivalry between two groups on laying the pipelines to the sea from three fishmeal companies led to the violence. The district administration had given permission to lay the pipeline to the sea and, accordingly, work started around 10.30 a.m. on Saturday. The situation became tense around 3.30 p.m. and work was stopped.

The administration decided to pursue the issue on Monday.

Mr. Prasanna said that a group of people from Padukere and Udyavar were opposed to these fishmeal companies. Their demands were that the wastewater from trucks carrying the fish should be stopped and the effluents should be treated before they were discharged into the sea.

He said some people assaulted Mohan Salian in the afternoon as he was opposing the fishmeal companies. This infuriated the people, who began burning tyres and throwing stones at buildings in protest. Hence Section 144 was imposed on the village from 5 p.m. on Saturday, Mr. Prasanna said.

Deputy Superintendent of Police Jayant Shetty said that a police jeep and a car were damaged in stone throwing. The police had to resort to a mild lathi-charge to disperse the crowd. Shops downed shutters in the village, he said.

He said that the police arrested four persons. A platoon of the KSRP and two of District Armed Reserve had been pressed into service. “The situation is under control,” he said.


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  • Mark , Udyavara, Bahrain

    Fri, Jul 02 2010

    All is well! This is INDIA. Don't ask question. You are free but no "rights".

    Who cares if environment gets affected. It's a matter of filling bureaucrats pocket, which matters!

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    Thu, Feb 25 2010

    My friend Ronald Donald Machado, our Pithrodi, Ankuduru and entire Udyavar is really in bad shape and is stinking due to the greed of some of the capitalist. during my recent visit, I was really surprised at the level of pollution, both air and water, in the villege. The stink enemated from these fish meal is unbearable and one cannot breath easily. The water in the river has become so polluted that we cannot see the bottom of the river, which I used to see and enjoy in my childhood.

    When the first fish meal was set up, I had this reservation of air and water pollution which was piosonus to the health of the villegers. Though there were some resistance from the villegers at the inital period, the greecing of the palm of some of the so called leaders and authorities made the authorities to turn a blind eye at the enviormental hazards. At last the peace loving residents of the village has risen to the deteriorating envioronmental condition of the village. It is the corruption at all levels in the government machinery who are responsible for this state of affairs. This can be stopped only with the unity of the people.Dear Ronald, please keep in touch with me. my email - snmaindan2004@yahoo.com

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah.

    Tue, Feb 23 2010

    As per "daijiworld" report It is said police arrested four persons. Can any body tell us arrested persons were riotors or the goondas who attacked Mr. Mohan Salian and Family.!!!??? If goondas are caught the truth will come out like who are all involved!  But I donot think this will happen!!???

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah.

    Tue, Feb 23 2010

    Udyavara is a very very peaceful village. As far as I remember this is the first time section 144 imposed. It is very very sad news.

    In the name game of making more money, poor people, enviornment and water has been ignored by the authorities and business owners.

    Now the time has come, the general public has to get to gether and raise voice against atrocities committed towards people and enviornment.
    Government waits till the matter boils and when it overflows there is more needless damage to the property and people.   Very very sad situation.

    Mr. Raghuveer thinks by saying "Bholimakle" the problem solves. His problem is solves for the time being. But who cares about the real problem?

    By scaring people problem does not solve. Many a time police is ruthless unnecessarily.

    Two months before it happend at katapaby, a case of theft of Rs. 35000/-, registered against three boys, by the owner of the house, who were working for him.
    The police collected the boys , removed thier cloths and started beating them black and blue till they agree to the crime. Later on negotiation started settled the issue for Rs. 25000/-. Then the moblile were returned to the boys. They contacted thier uncle and arranged the amount. Later it was learnt that there was a misunderstaing between husband and wife. The money was returned to the boys but not before giving a cut to the police Rs. 2000/- It is shameful. This is worst than prostitution. But there are good police also!!!.

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  • Venance A.J. Crasta, Udyavar / Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 23 2010

    All should support for the peacefull agitation. Otherwise, Udyavara will become one more smelly/polluted village because of some industries who are not following the industry norms. The district administration as well as Punchayat should impose strict rules/penalty for any voilation of enviornmental norms by any industries. I strongly support the people of Udyavara who rose agaisnst the bad practices of some industrialists who are discharing the bad/polluted water to the Udyavara River and polluting the entire area/village.

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  • Mike, KSA

    Mon, Feb 22 2010

    I have gone through each and every pros and cons comments posted over here and some of them presented by Rajesh, Ronald, Harsha etc. are very convincing. The businsess mantra "Minimisation of cost & maximisation of profit" is the root cause of the incidents that took place in Udyavara recently, while business rivalry could not be ruled out completely. The problem started two decades ago, when one of the Factory owner discarded the safe disposal of the effluent and the matter turned from bad to worse when couple of factories sprang up during the recent past.

    The pollution on the land, water and atmosphere is so horrible that the unbearable, stinking smell and the associated respiratory diseases have driven away some people from that area once & for all and others are contemplating on leaving. Few people may have the means to move away but what about the Poor? The local Enviornment group is fighting for the cause, with the Government Departments for the last two decades, but in vain. All the petitions, requests, complaints and morchas have gone with the wind. Now it is the ideal time to find a permanent solution that acceptable to the Majority.

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  • Umesh, Mulki

    Mon, Feb 22 2010

    Mr. Wilbon has correctly speltout that Money does makes all these corrupt officials close their eyes and allow the Nature to spoil.  dear Udyavar guys, don't let those mindless people to succeed in their mission.

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  • Robert Fernandes, Udyavar / Dubai

    Mon, Feb 22 2010

    Good that the heat is felt now and the agitations have finally picked some momentum. Mighty and politically influential entities were so far successful in silencing the villagers but it cannot continue anymore. Well said Ronald D. Machado Udyavar and Rajesh Udupi. The points mentioned by Salim Udupi and Jason Udupi are worth noting.

    This waste releasing episode has been going on for 15 years. Peaceful protests carried out earlier have fallen on deaf ears yielding no results. Ronald D. Machado had been part of the team who represented the problems in Panchayat and Taluk Level. The fish waste released directly into Udyavar river has snatched away daily bread of many villagers and the charm of fishing in the river does not exist anymore. The residue deposit on the river bed is so thick that even heavy rain fails to wash it away.

    Sad but true that in our country the environment portfolios are only for namesake and the mighty can easily break rules and thrive in their business.

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  • jason, udupi

    Mon, Feb 22 2010

    Malpe has a perpetual stink in its air, thanks to all the canning factories, as owned by a certain influential person there. Nobody can do anything in Malpe because of his powerful, political connections and money power. How come he is running his business while others cannot in Udyavara? What is it that he is doing different compared to other small business owners in and around Udayavara? How much money has he paid to authorities to turn the other direction and only focus on Udayavara.

    In India, if you have spare money to give public officials, you are the king! One can even get away with murder and be a free man, if you have money to pay the authorities. All netas, and bureaucrats, police etc. in India behave like prostitutes, they only work for money...If you pay them money, they will take care of you...

    sad, but true!

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  • Chris, Udyavar, Dubai

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    The polluted water that is being sent to Sea should be stopped immediately. Dont give licences to these type of canning factories. In Malpe too they are there I guess and they pollute the enviornment a lot. Due to all this it is dangerous to take bath at the sea.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Dear readers, God has created this earth in all its perfection and in proper measure and made arrangements for the provision of all its living creations. Of all Gods creations, man is the best of creations and is full of wisdom. We have the right to use this creation (earth/nature) for our benefits and every living being has right on its resources. But certainly we dont have any rights to damage and waste the resources (nature/flora/fauna) and all its resources are to be used with responsibility to the One who created it. Its fundamental duty of all of human beings to protect our environment/earth and cause least damage to it. We should teach our children the importance of cleaner/greener enviorment.

    Ecological imbalance shall lead to major natural calamites which we call as natures fury. ITS OUR DUTY TO PASS A CLEANER AND SAFER PLANET AND POLLUTION FREE ENVIORMENT TO OUT NEXT GENERATION. Economic competition, politics, ego factors need to be compromised before finding a lasting solution to the problem. Clean environment, fresh and clean air, healthy marine resources, clean beaches, balanced ecology, natural flora and fauna are our strength and preserving and protecting them is the need of the hour. So wake up citizens. Lets all sacrifice for our future generations.

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  • Wilbon, Udyavara / Canada

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    How come Fish Meal factory got OK From Govt Without viable plan of Treating waste water,Dist Admin Given Ok to Fish meal factory? How come ?  Why not good Citizen of Udyavara get stay order or Court order Stop releasing waste water into Sea which is Bread & butter of this part of the world
    what is environmentalist doing? Where is Local Panchayat,MLA, MP ? what are they doing, all 3 LEVEL of admin ( Govt) failed in protecting Environment & People.police target the protester`s not that person which own factory which he polluting land & Sea?  Ohh Ya !!!I forgot Money talks everything !!!!
    My dear Money is not everything...love & respect the Nature..It will give back in Hundred fold....In short term you`ll make money...in longer term this will be disaster in waiting.

    Don`t blame the nature why the weather Hot, cold ,or NO RAIN...look around how you treat your Mother (Nature) !!!!

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah.

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Mr.Salim, here we are not talking about wastage of water. We are talking about polution of water. Mr. D.M.D.Souza rightly said "read twice before saying anything". Mr. Salim tell your friend to do the business in a right way in udyavara or anywhere. No body will touch him. Why he wants to make more money, without scientifically treating the water before releasing it to the sea.

    Even, Treated water he should not release it to the river at all and to the Sea may be O.K.. Why he wants save the cost treating the water, at the cost of public and enviornment. I think Mr. Salim is not worried about water and enviornment polution at all. He talks like a shareholder in fish meal factory business at udyavara.!? and who is this Mr. Mahesh Udyavara he is talking about.?

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Mr. Salim point is to be very clearly understood and not to be confused with new business, old business, business rivalry and party politics...   One can not more viciously be intent on poluting the river and see water and if it is new business coming up now and adding to it then be it, an additional contributor to the already existing polluters who have been doing the damage to the environment for the past at least 10 or so years. The silt and the residue thick and poisonous is directly drained off to the river and to the sea and has been causing stench (air pollution) and poisoning the water where fish are dying and locals can find no more fish for their livelyhood ( water pollution and soil pollution) the river and the sea feels like mounds of gelly in the areas.

    It is time the authorities review the situation on ground arround all the industrial units and review the working of the factories and suitably reward or punish for protecting or damaging the environment.
    For once let us listen to the locals and not bring politics and business interest into a much more serious issue that is facing Udyavar for few years now.

    It is good that the issue has come up and it would be wise for the media to be monitoring the cause till the perpetrators are brought to book and corrupt officials nailed and accountability ensured be it in law enforcement or in panchayat admin. or in political establishment. People in Udyavar need to live in peace and in safety of clean environment.

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  • Balwanth, palimar

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    This very unfortunate. in this civilized society the owner of this fish meal company wants to make money by polluting the sea and river and disturbing the villagers.Shame on our leaders and government agencies for approving these kind of projects-

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  • salim , udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Its not a fight for wastage of water.This is totally business deal.May be some one from malpe wanted to close down udyavar fisheries companies due to his loss of business.Thats the reason he has hired some locals same area and purposely wanted to close down their business.Now he is happy that udyavar fisheres close donw since 25 days..and how much he made profit in these 25 days.But finaly udyavar fiesheries lost their business..and nobody there to listen their views...god will help them
    Good luck Mahesh udyavara..we are all with u

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  • Satish MK, udupi/dubai

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Even common people are know about impact / aspects of the waste water , but govt dept /authorities not aware , shame on them

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  • Ranjith shetty, Udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    I agree if there is a vital damage to our coastal environment with regard fish meal wastage products. This should be sorted as per the environment protection policy. Having said that in same city area how come other fish meal factories running with out any damage to the envirorment? This is the question to DC??

    Is this because of jealous from other competitors for the same or to gain more political benefits?.. I know there is fish meal factory in Malpe belongs to Pramod madwa raj....isn’t... why not sort out the problem with consultation with him and ask him how he is managing to run his factory considering environmental benefit, accordingly Pithrodi fish meal follow the same? Other point I would like say our current local panchayat or any other governmental body is totally useless for any development for our local economy.. All they know how to make money...

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  • harsha, Udupi, dubai

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Dear Mr. Jason, you are sitting in mangalore and dont know any thing about the real problem which innocent people face, if you are in that place then only you understand

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  • Sunny, UAE

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    I agree with Mr. Shanavas Kukkikatte on this issue.

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  • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi / Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    I am sure now police will protect those fishmeal companies and under the supervision of police force they will lay the pipline. who cares environment? which ever side pays the police they support them. After all " Dudde Doddappa"

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  • Alban D' Souza, Udyavara, Doha Qatar

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    It is the duty of the citizens to see the protection of the environment, If it causes for the damage of any kind specially health and environment then the citiezens has right to protect it and question the authorities. After the public support Govt has to do something for the good of the people and support the cause. So let us protest peacefully instead of violence and give a chance for peace and let everyone realize the cause and maintain harmony.

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Suppressed feelings break out at last. Days of bonded labour and Zamindaarism should have gone long since... am I wrong to think so?

    How can the civic authorities give permission to a facroty / industrial unit to release the untreated waste (here it is filthy smelly and highly poisonous) fish waste into the sea or river that provides livelyhood for the residents of Udyavar ? I have heard that some time back trucks from the neighbouring towns were coming and dumping the waste into Udyavara riverside because the officials were possibly were hand in glove with the polluters and were ignoring the complaints and requests of the locals to the contrary.
    This polluting work needs to be stopped and authorities involved with the industry in polluting should be taken to task and exposed. Media is requested to keep a watch on the developments and expose the high hand. Power Play is much at work in rural areas suppressing the livelyhood of poor people who do not have a voice against the powerful...

    Police better be after the polluters than the poop people who have no option but to retaliate as a last option at a point of no return with the authorities....

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    What Mr. Raghuveer, Buntwal commented was his own experience. First and foremost the duty of the police to protect themselves against the odd situation. If they cannot protect themselves how can they protect others and control the law and order situations.

    With regard to Jerry Moras, Mangalore comments about bollimaga, my opinion is that there is no point in throwing pearls in front of swine. Similarly when police personnel speak the language which the unrest crowd understand, is there is anything wrong. Parents should avoid their children to watch or participate in this type of agitations. After all most of the parents are like angels of heaven, 100% clean. Isn’t it. So the children will the same.

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  • D.M.D' Souza, Bantwal

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Ronald D. Machado,udyavara,Sharjah-U got my point of view right. I call upon any readers to read atleast twice before commenting on any news or comments-as my PUC lesson had taught me many years back-'Its Always Two To Speak'. All white things are not milk or some incidents though there are several eye-witnesses-but they all will give different versions, when questioned. Iam not condoning violence by mob or apathy of govt. towards problems faced by common man. I wish some day "Mathadararu" will become"Vodeyaru".

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  • Jason, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Dear Jerry Moras,

    Nothing wrong in Police saying "Bolimakkle" to crowd that does not understand civil language, at first go.

    Take, for instance, our honorable 'manninga maga', ex-pm Deve Gowda, who called Yeddi "Bosudemaga" and "Bloody Bas***D".

    When our politicians don't listen to each other, how can public quietly listen to police?

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  • harsha, udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Is it advisible to discharge the effluent, wastage of any type of industries directly to the environment, which causes water pollution, air pollution.are we all cannot live peacefully only because of few rich people wants to become more rich by destroying all natures gift. its the time now we must get up and at least fight for the natures gift.

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah.

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Mr. Raghuveer, here, I think Mr. D.M.D'Souza Bantwal is not Talking about the police but is talking about govt.The government is implementing the projects, in this case fish meal project and do not see that it is implemented with full safety of the people around. (envioronment polution and water polution is not taken care by the concerned authorities or the party) What Mr. D'Souza is trying to say is the residue of the fish meal factory should be treated scientifically, before releasing it to the sea. In this case they are releasing it to the river!!!!and without treating.

    The result is water polution and mass death of river fish. There are lot fish mongers whose daily bread is river fish. This is going on since 15 years. After highlighting this to the Panchaayth, taluk office, and Polution board through written application and through peaceful protest, and through news paper for the last 10 Years the concerned authorities have given permission for bigger fish meal project. Now Udyavara river water is poluted and Udyavara and nieghbouring village roads and atmosphere is stinking with fish smell, because the trucks which carry fish release water on the road. When we go to the authorities they pass the buck to others.

    All and sundry are involved in this. This is an example of high level corruption.I am against violence and damage to the public property. But there is limit for everything. If any body has any better solution they should come up with and we will be obliged.

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    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Indian police dont knw how to respect the people,,come and see Dubai police and all..how they are giving respect to the people,,so that a single police can handle more then 100 people ..but in india is it possible?,,here no stick in police hand,,but he can manage the people..

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  • Jerry Moras, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2010

    Raghuveer, Suppose in that mob your child was there, would you call bolimakkale or hold a stick and then command? Your trainer has not done a good job. This says a lot about police force and their languages. Taking care of law and order does not mean use inappropriate language.

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  • Raghuveer, Buntwal

    Sat, Feb 20 2010

    Dear Dsouza, it is simple to understand. Some time your own child will not accept pampered instructions, and then you need to hold a stick and then command. When I was a SI, one day I tried to request a mob to disburse addressing them "dear brothers", but surprisingly mob instead of disburing became more aggrivated. Then I used my Police stick and shouted "Bolimakkale.. hogthira illava", immediately all disbursed and my duty easied. People sometime respect vulgar then prudent language!, its a common Psychologi isn't it!

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Feb 20 2010

    The protection of environment is the duty of all of us. The villagers are picketing for a right cause. The vested interest must have been paid to carry out eco damaging activity. Well done Udyavar guys. Before issuing any permits the administration should evaluate its impact on ecology- flora and fauna of the land. Lets keep our country pollution free. Those who fight for preservance of nature, God shall come their help. Udupi being the temple town and abode of Lord Krishna, I dont want the rest of India to say that Udupi is unpeaceful. Lets maintain peace and harmony.

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  • D.M.D' Souza, Bantwal

    Sat, Feb 20 2010

    Why govt., acts high-handedly even now after more than 60 years of independence-by forcefully implementing projects without consent & pursuation to dispose off waste scientifically.

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