Two products Puro San Spray and Puro Veggie Wash
Media Release
Mumbai, Jul 4: The whole world is grieving about COVID-19. Hundreds and thousands of lives have been lost due to the pandemic. A person infected with coronavirus can spread the virus to 1.5-3.5 people, so it is very important to follow good hygiene and other preventative measures as the first line of defence. With the virus threatening to run riot around the world, there are certain measures to be taken in order to keep oneself safe from this scourge which majorly includes sanitization.
According to the WHO, along with hand sanitization, the things one touches or come in contact with must also be sanitized. It is important to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Hand sanitizers are easily available in the market but for the sanitation of things around and all the essentials that a person touches, DVN Group has released a range of sanitization products.
Two of the cleaning products are Puro San Spray and Puro Veggie Wash.
Puro San Spray (Broad Spectrum Cleaner)
Puro San Spray solution can be used on doorbells, knobs, furniture, handles, switchboard, toilet seats, window panel, table tops, refrigerator and every other household item and hard surfaces. Puro San spray can also be directly sprayed on the floor. It can also remove biofilm. The product is a spray bottle that makes it very easy to spray it on things around that need sanitization.
Puro Veggie Wash
Puro Veggie Wash is used to clean the fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and any other raw food product.
Why Puro Veggie Wash?
As per some experts, viruses can remain active on fruits and vegetables for a few hours. Washing raw food products with Puro Veggie Wash can kill the germs, bacteria and virus present on the raw food. DVN's Puro Veggie Wash washes away the doubt about safety as well as the germs.
To avail, the fabulous products, one can contact the address below:
Nimra Anvis (Managing partner)
DVN Group, Mumbai
SSS Trading Company (Karnataka distributor)
Ph: 9845047869