Mangalore : Fr Joseph Martis New Rector of Jeppu Seminary

Mangalore : Fr Joseph Martis New Rector of Jeppu Seminary

by Fr Francis Rodrigues - Raknno

Mangalore, May 12: Rev Dr Joseph Martis has been appointed as the new  Rector of St Joseph’s Inter-Diocesan Seminary, Jeppu  by the  Congregation of  the Evangelization of Peoples, Vatican, of which Honorable Cardinal Ivan Dias is the Prefect at present. This was declared by Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, the Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore on the 10th of May, 2010 at the Seminary and Fr Joseph  will take charge as the Rector on the 3rd of June, 2010.


About Fr Martis:

Fr. Joseph Martis was born in Pangala on 4-6-1960 as the son of Late Baptist and Celestin Martis. He had his primary education in Pangala and Pre – university studies at St Aloysius College, Mangalore. Had priestly formation at St Joseph’s Seminary from 1977 to 1988. After the priestly ordination on 3.5.1988, he served as the assistant parish priest of Bondel and Bendure parishes. Completed his MA in Philosophy from Dharwad University together with Diploma in Formative Psychology. Had his specialized studies from 1996 to 2003 with a Licentiate and a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Paris – France. Joined the Staff of St Joseph’s Seminary, Jeppu in 2003; played the role of a formatter  in different capacities as Minister of philosophers, Dean of Studies and Editor of ‘Unitas’ the annual magazine of the Seminary. 

About St Joseph's Seminary :

The 131 years old Seminary established in the year 1879 was managed by the Society of Jesus for number of years.  In the year 1995 the administration was handed over to the  Dioceses.  At present it is managed by the Board of Administration consisting of three Dioceses – Mangalore, Calicut and Kannur; the Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore is the Chairman of the Board.  In the year 2009-2010 it has formed 249 seminarians and religious sisters from 27 Dioceses and 9 Religious Congregations of men and women spread out all over the country.  Since last four years it has taken up the mission of  teaching Theology to the laity.  In the recent batch there were 25 lay students of Theology.  The Seminary accommodates 18 resident professors and more than two dozens of visiting professors as to teach different subjects.  It would  focus on the multidimensional and wholistic formation of the would be priests and religious with spiritual, human, intellectual, pastoral and missionary aspects and elements.  

Response to Key Issues:

He responded with definite answers when he was contacted after the declaration, with regard to some of the key issues on priestly formation, life and mission.

Do you see any change in the approach and orientation of a seminarian of  the past and of the present?
There is a drastic change in the orientation and approach of the seminarian of the present times when we look at the past.  The attitude of looking at every issue is different.  Because the atmosphere of the present is totally different.  The outlook of  youth regarding family, spirituality, church etc is different.  They come from that background.  Today the life experience is poor;  the hunger, work, cultivation, poverty of the past is not felt by the present generation.

What are the key elements / issues / challenges that are to be given maximum attention in the present priestly formation?

The wholistic formation is the need of the hour. The spiritual experience of Jesus, feeling and knowing the tensions and tresses of the common man, feeling of oneness with the suffering, sharing of Christ’s love with all are some of the key elements.  The spiritual and psychological formation towards these issues is to be focused in the present times.  

With the widespread structures of the Church, most of the time of a priest has to be set aside for the administrative work. Whether this slows down the  missionary zeal and spirit?

It is a technical question.  The answer cannot be affirmative. Every   priest is called to become  a shepherd.  His attention has to be multifaceted.  He has to  heed to every aspect of human life like spiritual, human, social, economic etc and etc.  When a priest works in an institution he attends to these multifaceted needs and aspects of life and becomes a promoter of wholistic growth of the society.  

‘There is a huge structural growth in the Church’ – it is said. Whether there is a parallel spiritual growth?

There is a huge spiritual growth around us.  Yet as it is not complete, much more is yet to be done.  There are a number of issues and responsibilities that are to be taken care seriously.  

Number of priests and religious serve in the cities. But it looks that there are no candidates for priestly / religious life from the cities. How would you respond?

These are facts and figures which are to be accepted and cannot be denied.  We need to create a great awareness in this regard and we have the responsibility as to concentize the people of the city with regard to the responsibility of every family as to foster good vocations.  The small number of children in a family is one of  the major deciding factor here.  Now as there are more and more colleges, English medium schools, traveling means and multimedia facilities are entering the rural set ups, in the years to come there would be a very narrowed down difference between  the cities and villages.   

There is a fear in the local Church as to work as a sincere Christian because of some of the fundamental groups. How this would affect the missionary Church?

The fear is a fact that cannot be denied. But it is good challenge to us as to prepare ourselves, prepare the present seminarians and  give them a right orientation.  It is a challenge as to prepare spiritually and psychologically.  With this, we would learn to be ready for any eventualities and sufferings in the future; we would train ourselves for a committed and courageous future; we would be better equipped spiritually and psychologically. 


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  • Albina Dsouza, Pangla/Dubai

    Fri, May 21 2010

    Congatulations and our best wishes to you Fr.Joseph. God Bless you and give you strength to take this

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  • Sr. Mabilia A.C. , Bangalore

    Thu, May 20 2010

    CONGRATULATIONS dear Fr. Martis on this special mission entrusted to you. May the Lord be by your side to guide you in this important formative responsibility. 1997 rings a bell in me. I am the sister of Br. William Lobo who died that very year due to Osteo Sarcoma. I am in Bangalore and greet you on behalf of all the A.C. Sisters. Be sure of my support of prayer for the effective fulfilment of your leadership role.

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  • Praveen Martis SJ, Pangla/Belgium

    Wed, May 19 2010

    Congratulations to you Fr. Joseph Martis. I was so happy to read the good news. May God bless you in your new responsibility to serve the people of God. My prayer support is always with you.

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  • Vincent Barboza & Fly, Pangla / Fujairah, U.A.E.

    Wed, May 19 2010

    Congratulations Fr. Joseph. May God bless you and give you the strength and courage to fulfill your mission.

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  • Fr. Archie Gonsalves, OCD, Bangalore

    Wed, May 19 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph Martis,
    Wow! you have done it! The Carmelites of Karnataka Goa wish you best of luck. May my alma mater, rise to greater heights under your able and dynamic leadership. We promise you our prayerful support,
    with every good wish,
    Fr. Archie Gonsalves, OCD

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  • sister Alice Serrao U.F.S, Mumbai

    Tue, May 18 2010

    Congratulations Fr. Martis. May the Lord bless you in your new responsability and keep you always with good health. I assure you my prayers.

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  • gretta pinto, Pangla/Surathkal

    Mon, May 17 2010

    congratulations Fr. Joseph. May God bless you and give you the strength and courage to fulfill your mission.
    Dr.R.N.Pinto &Gretta

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  • sr.Hilda castelino, pangala Cameroun

    Mon, May 17 2010

    Congratulations &prayers for your
    new responsability.
    Sr. Hilda

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  • Fr. Anthony Dias, Karwar/Rome

    Mon, May 17 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,

    Congratulations and may the Trinity help you carry on your mission faithfully.

    Fr. Anthony Dias, Rome.

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  • Mrs. Maria & Navil D'Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, May 17 2010

    Congratulations Fr. Martis,We are so
    proud to see you as new Rector of St Joseph’s Inter-Diocesan Seminary, Jeppu.May our kind loving God Bless you and protect you always.

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    Mon, May 17 2010

    You met the challenge with determination, strength, and total confidence!

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  • Theresa, Francis, Shanti & Frankline, Shankerpura

    Mon, May 17 2010

    May today's success be the beginning of tomorrow's achievements. Congratulations!

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  • Melwin, Benny, Jane & Brandon, Shankerpura

    Mon, May 17 2010

    May the blessings of Lord be with you Today and Always! Congrats..

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  • Sr. Supriya A.C., St. Agnes convent, Managalore

    Mon, May 17 2010

    Congratulations Fr. Martis. May God bless you with wisdom and knowledge in your new assignment. Praying for you. Sr. Supriya A.C.

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  • leena, pangla

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Congrats Fr. Joseph

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  • Blessie D'Souza, Adyapady

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Hi Fr.  Martis!!
    By chance,I came to know the news of you being elected as the rector of Mangalore interdiocesan seminary. Some times it is worth browsing, right?? My heartfelt congratulations!! May God bless you and lead you in your new responsibility. You can count on my prayers, always!! Bravo!!!
    Blessie, S.C.B. Argentina.

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  • ceaser, pangla /london

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Dear fr. martis. congratulations.

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  • Fr.Prakash Cutinha, Melbourne, Australia

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Dear Rev.Dr Joseph Martis,congratulations.I was very happy to know of your new appointment as Rector.I do agree with Fr. Felix Monteiro,and wish you all the best.

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    Sun, May 16 2010

    congratulationsand wish u all the best

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  • Fr. Rudolf V. D'Souza OCD, Madanthyar

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Hi, dear Fr. Joseph, what a surprise that you have become the Rector. I bet you really deserve this post and may be soon you will be elevated to the higher ranks in the Diocese. God bless your simplicity and humility. God has really lifted high a servant. I remember your spiritually provoking preaching to our parishioners in St. Joseph's (Mira Road).

    Well, keep it up and my prayers are always with you. God bless you with many more talents, and opportunities to serve the people of God, and now especially to serve and form the Seminarians that look for wisdom, example and spirituality. All the best. Fr. Rudolf V. D'Souza OCD (Madanthyar)

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  • Annie D'souza & Fly, Moodubelle

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Heartly congratulations and best wishes in your future Endeavours. May God bless you abundantly & we will Pray for your success.

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  • Fr.Wilfy Rodrigues OCD, Farla/Mysore

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Congrats Fr.Martis! God Bless you in your new responsibility as the Rector.

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  • Rashmi Dmello, Shankerapura/Mumbai/Kuwait

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Congratulations for your new post as you deserve the most in leading gods way. May god give all strength and health,to do more works which inpsires new generation children to do god's will.

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  • Eugene dias, Shirva, London

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Dear Fr.Joseph Martis,Congratulations on being appointed as the Rector of the Seminary.Having known you for so long as a family friend, we are delighted at the news.Fr.we wish you all the strength, wisdom, and understanding along with prayers to carry out your priestly duties as the Lord Jesus requires you do in this presently confused and troubled world (specially catholic church). May the Lord bless you.Many thanks, Eugene,Helen,Hazel,Santosh,Elisha and all people you know here in London

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Fr. Martis, Congratulations. Our church is built on the strong foundation of word of God, Bible and Jesus Christ as centre of our life. Today unfortunately the priests lacks word of God and many do have cold attitude to it.
    In the Seminary pls give utmost importance to Word of God, nothing but word of God. Let the seminarians learn and experience this. Then the believers will be lead rightly by the priests. Otherwise we will be like scattered sheep without proper priest and shepherd. This fact true but sad, which prevails now.

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  • Wilfred, Nora, Tania, Vaslane, Mangalore

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Dear Fr.Martis, Hearty Congratulations to you and best wishes.May the Holy spirit guide you in your endeavor and may God Bless you.

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  • Melvin Vas,Shanthi,Sharon & Shaun Vas, Fujairah. UAE

    Fri, May 14 2010

    Dear Fr.Joseph,Many congratulations!!!
    May God shower His richest blessings upon you and guide you in every moment of your life.Love and wishes - Melvin & family,Fujairah.

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  • Joel Miranda, Mangalore / Abu Dhabi

    Fri, May 14 2010

    Dear Rev.Dr.Fr Martis, Congratulations on being appointed as the new Rector of St.Joseph's seminary & also wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

    Joseph Miranda & Fly

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  • Jose/Sarita.pinto, France

    Fri, May 14 2010

    Félicitation Fr.Joseph.Martis,may almighty God guide u well in your future.Bravo continue...

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  • Pratap Naik, S.J., Kundapura/Alto Porvorim, Goa

    Fri, May 14 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph Martis,
    As you assume your new mission as a rector of St. Joseph Seminary, May Almighty God grant you the wisdon of solomon, will power of samson, ability of David, simplicity of Joseph(foster father of Jesus), simplicity of Mother Mary, commitment of John the Baptist, vision of Paul, leadership of Peter, patience of Job, faith of Abraham, shrewdness of Jacob, authority of Moses, prophetic voice of Samuel, humility of Jeremiah, tongue of Isaiah, words of Amos, discernment of Daniel, concern of Tobit, vigour of Joshua, heart of Mary Magdalene, loyalty of Ruth, compassion of Esther, courage of Judith, serving attitude of Martha and moreover a personality of JESUS.

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  • Fr. James D'Souza, Venur

    Fri, May 14 2010

    Congratulations and best wishes.Your life is more appealing than preaching.

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    Fri, May 14 2010

    Congratulations to you dear Fr.Joseph Martis on your new appointment as the Rector of St.Joseph's Inter-Diocesan Seminary,Mangalore. May God bless you and be with you in all that you do. We wish you well. Be assured of our prayerful support.

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  • Mavis Carvalho / Pinto, Bondel / Dubai

    Fri, May 14 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,
    Congratulations and best wishes. Wish you all success in your new assignment.

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  • Fr. Antony George Pinto, Naravi

    Thu, May 13 2010

    My dear Fr. Joseph martis, I am happy about your appointment as the new REctor of St. Joseph's Seminary, Mangalore. You have already spent a good number of years as formator in the seminary. Your pleasant personality and your balanced attitude to life and to the Formation, will surely help you to carry out this noble ministry well. I wish you well in your work as Rector, assure you of my full and sincere co-operation and pray for you daily. Yours Loving, Antony Pinto

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  • judy, mangalroe/bangalore

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Congratulations, I think you will fit the role, as a good administrator, soft spoken yet firm and most of all a loving human being.

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  • Maurice D'Mello, Toronto

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Rev Dr Joseph Martis, glad to know that you are appointed as the new Rector of St Joseph’s Inter-Diocesan Seminary, better known as the Jeppu Seminary., Mangalore. I was trying to place you in Pangla, finally I realized you are the nephew of Fr. Elias Martis. As you know, we have quite a number of them in Pangla.
    Dear Fr. Joseph, you have an impressive track record. May the Holy Spirit be your guide in your current assignment. We are proud of you and our prayers are with you.


    Maurice D'Mello

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  • Stella and Melwyn vaz, Mangalore/London

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Congratulations to Fr are the right Person to guide our young seminarians,Good luck,God bless you,our best wishes to you Fr Matis.

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  • Deepak Alvares, Nottingham,UK

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph Marts, Congratulations on being appointed as Rector of Jeppu Seminary. Wish you Good Luck in all your future endeavours.

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  • CGS, Mangalore

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Congratulations Fr.Joseph on your
    new appointment.Eager to listen to your commanding voice!All the Best!

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  • Denis Mathias, Shirva

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Congratulations! May God's blessings be with you throughout.

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  • FR. AUSTIN, Moodbidri Town

    Thu, May 13 2010

    V.Rev.Dr. J.Martis Hearty congratulations
    and best wishes.

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Thu, May 13 2010

    I see that that are any number of comments on the appointment of Rev. Father Joseph Martis as the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. I am not surprised at all at the seemingly high rate of kudos offered to Father Martis. I have had occasions of hearing Father Martis on several occasions and I am quite emphatic when I say that HE IS GIFTED.

    I join scores of people in congratulating this man of God who has been called upon to guide the future destiny of this great Institution which over 130 years old.

    Submitted with good wishes to Fr. Martis.

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • james DSouza, Mangalore/SAC

    Thu, May 13 2010


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  • Felcy Mathias, Shankerpura,UAE

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Dear Fr.Joseph Congralations. Wish You all the best.

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  • Asha/Lionel Saldanha, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Dear Rev. Fr.

    Congratulations! May God's blessings be with you throughout. We are proud of you.


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  • alwyn sequeira , bondel/kuwait

    Thu, May 13 2010

    congratulations fr. on your appointment as rector. we wish you all the best .

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  • Maurice D'Mello, Pangla

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Rev Dr Joseph Martis, Congratulations and best wishes on being appointed as the new Rector of St Joseph’s Inter-Diocesan Seminary, Jeppu. You have an impressive resume and track record. Our prayers and good wishes are with you. Your fellow Pangla parish faithful are proud of you.

    Maurice D'Mello

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  • Emirates Pangalites, Dubai, UAE

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Congratulations to Fr. Joseph Martis being a new Rector of Jeppu Seminary. It is great good news for us. We wish you all the best.

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  • Lavina Anil Rebello, Shankerpura

    Thu, May 13 2010

    Congratulations Jujebab.....This is year Bday gift....

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  • claver dsouza, japan

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congrats Fr. Martis,
    keep up the good work!
    may god bless you.

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    Wed, May 12 2010


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  • Olivia Pereira, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Wonderful news Fr.Martis! Congratulations & and all the best as you venture into your new assignment.

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  • Jovin, Pangla, Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to Fr. Joseph Martis Pangla, being appointed as a Rector of St. Joseph Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore. Wish you all the Best.

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  • Sr. Ivy Fernandes, Mysore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr Joseph Martis,

    Hearty Congratulations and sincere prayers.

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  • Fr. Henry Mendonca SVD, Pernal/Brasil Amazon

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations der Fr.Martis. May the lord bless you in your new responsability.

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    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr.Martis being appointed Rector of St.Joseph's Seminary Jeppu,Mangalore. Wish you all the best.

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  • William D'Souza & fly, Kirem/France

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Dear Fr Joseph Martis, our prayerful support to you in your new responsibilities.

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  • Priya Das, Karkala / Mumbai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Hearty congratulations to you Fr. Joseph Martis. May God help you to carry on His mission.

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  • Edwin, Jessie & Jane D'Souza, Pune / Bahrain

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis, Congratulations on your appointment as Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, Mangalore.

    May all vocations be well groomed under your able leadership and may St. Joseph's Seminary lead the way. Our prayers and good wishes are with you always.

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  • Fr Leo, Rome

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr Martis. May God bless you to form the future priests.

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  • Fr.George Santhumayor, Infant Jesus Shrine, Carmel Hill, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations dear Fr. Martis and all the best wishes from all of us Fathers and Brothers. May God bless you and keep you in his care to form shephereds according to Hid Heart.

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  • Fr. Cyril Fernandes, USA

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulation on being appointed as the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, Mangalore. As we were studying in the seminary I have known Your simplicity and humility impressed me so much.I am sure you will be be the perfect model for the young seminarians. I will pray that you will be a guided to prepare good priests.

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  • Fr Eric Crasta, Mnagalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr Joseph Martis
    Congratulations and all the best. Right person for the noble and responsible post and position.
    May God bless you.
    Fr Eric

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  • conrad franks, Arizona/Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Rev. FR. Joseph, Congratulations on being a rector. I was very happy on reading this article. Will pray for you. Please pray for me as well.

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  • Fr Arun Lobo, Siddakatte/Kulshekar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congrats Fr Joseph Martis, all the best May God give you special grace in forming the future priests.

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  • Fr. Pius James OCD, Farla/Agrar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,
    Congratulations and all the best. Fraternal and prayerful support to you in your new responsibility.

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  • Rohan, Bendore/AUH

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr.Martis being appointed Rector of St.Joseph's Seminary Jeppu,Mangalore. Wish you all the best.

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    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Rev.Dr Joseph Martis (my Guru and admirer), hearty congrtulations and all the very best in your new appointment as the Rector of prestigious St Joseph's inter-diocesan seminary-Jeppu. You were my prefect in the Juniorate and then itself we all appreciated your leadership quality, wisdom, talents but above all you were down to earth, simple, prayerful and winner of hearts. Our entire batch without an exception liked you, even today the same. I am sure you will do extreemely well as a Rector in the seminary. You will win the hearts of the seminarians and the staff. May the name and fame of St Joseph Seminary reach to the sky under your leadership with the co-opration of your able and efficient team. all the best. Fr Felix Monteiro

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  • Douglas D'souza, Pernal/Doha Qatar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr.Joseph.Wish you all the best.May god bless you.

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  • Violet & fly, pangla/palimar

    Wed, May 12 2010


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  • Fredrick Fernandes, Moodubelle / Boston USA

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to Dear Rev Dr. Joseph Martison being appointed as Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. We are confident that under your able leadership, all seminarians will be properly trained and groomed to withstand the challenges in the Catholic Church.

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  • 'Hosanna' Family, Bondel/Doha, Qatar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Rev.Fr.Martis,

    Hearty congratulations on being appointed Rector of Jeppu Seminary. You are an excellent priest who deserves such a honour and much more. May the Almighty bless you and give you strength to achieve your mission.

    Best wishes,

    Mrs.Stephania, Ancilla, Rosy, Bonu, Alwyn, Louis & their families

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  • Fr. Pancratius Kerketta, Gumla/Michigan,USA

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis, Congratulations on being appointed as the Rector of the Seminary. How good it is to be the Rector of the Seminary where you studied! May the Holy Spirit guide you in your endeavour.

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  • fr. Richie Quadros Cap, Mudarangadi

    Wed, May 12 2010

    congratulations dear Fr. Martis. your examplary life may inspire many more young people to join seminary. may god be with you and all the best.

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  • victor castelino, mangalore / Kuwait

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr. Martis. Wish you all the best on your new assignment. From Victor, Annet, Vanessa & Vanida - Kuwait

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  • Melba and Ronald Martis, Pangla/Bahrain

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Rev.Fr.Joseph Martis,
    Congratulations!!!. May the almighty give you the strength to carry this great responsibility.
    Wishing you all the best for your future endeavours.
    Regards and best wishes from,
    Rony/Melba,Melisa and Rolwyn.(Bahrain)

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  • Fr.Romeo Lewis, Thottam

    Wed, May 12 2010

    CONGRATULATIONS,Wish you all the best. May God bless you.

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  • Vivian Lobo & Fly, Jeppu/Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulation to Rev.Fr.Joseph Martis on being appointed as the new Rector of St.Joseph's seminary.We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.May God shower his choicest Blessings on you.

    Wishes for Vivian Lobo & Fly

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  • Fr Henry Mascarenhas, SJEC Vamanjoor/Switzerland

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulation to Rev.Dr.Joseph Martis on being appointed as the new Rector of st.Joseph's seminary. I am very happy to hear my philosophy professor has been appointed as rector. Wish you all the best for your future ministry. May God guide you and bless you.

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  • Naina, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr.Martis,
    Wish you all the best. We are really proud of your achievements. God Bless

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  • Cyril Martis, Pangla/Ottawa/Canada

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr.Martis. Wish you all the sucess. May God bless you to lead and carry out the spiritual duties.

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  • Melwin D'Souza, Mira Road/Sastan

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Juze, Congratulations for being appointed as Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary Jeppu Mangalore. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

    Wishes form Mark & Fly / Melwin & Fly.

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  • sunita aranha, pangala/mumbai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations dear fr. Martis. on being appointed the rector of Jeppu Seminary. Wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Regards and God Bless from Mrs. Veronica D'Sa, Mrs. Sunita Aranha and Ms. Sharlene Aranha, Mumbai

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  • Mrs & Mr Boniface Monteiro & Fly, Valencia - Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations on your new assignment as the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary.We wish you all the very best.

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  • Henry Castelino, Pangala/Bahrain

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as The Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. Wishing you all the best.
    henry castelino & Fly

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  • Henry Martis, Pangla/Muscat

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph
    Congratulations Dear Father, you being appointed as a new Rector of Jeppu seminary.I am sure under your leadership seminary will grow and young seminarians will learn lot from you.Your are the Great.God will Bless and Guide you.

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  • Rajesh Sequeira, Cordel, Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr Joseph Martis . Right priest for the Right post. May god bless you

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  • Sujith Noronha, Bondel / Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr, Joseph Martis,,,
    Congrats on appointment as the Rector of St. Joseph Seminary. May the God bless u in ur new assingment and may the seminary grow with ur administration.
    Wishing u all the best From
    Sujith / Olivea - Luke , Lisa Noronha

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  • Fr. Oswald Monteiro, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Hearty congratulations to you Fr. Joseph Martis. May God help you to carry on his mission.

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    Wed, May 12 2010


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  • Fr.Benjamin Pinto, Puttur/Agrar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Rev Dr. Fr. Joseph Martis,
    I wish you all the best. May God bless you and protect you, may He grant you good health and peace of mind as you mould the future priests.

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  • Shubha Rodrigues, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph,
    Congratulations and wishing you all the very best....with best wishes & prayers, Ozzy, shubha,Sonali & Saloni.

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  • Ronald Mathias, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis, Congratulations on your new appointment. We Wish you all the best and Good health to continue your mission with lots of more responsibilities. Ronald/Lavina & Nigel MATHIAS - Bahrain

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  • Fr.J.B.Crsata, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr.
    Congratulation on being appointed as the new recor of seminary. It is a great task. Wish u all success.Fr J.B.Crasta

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  • Sunil Noronha, Siddakatte / Ajman - UAE

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,
    Congratulations on being appointed as a New Rector of Jeppu Seminary. Wish you all the best and god give you strength, health to take this responsibility.

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    Wed, May 12 2010


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  • Fr. Dominic Mendonca OP, Pangala\Nagpur

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations dear Fr. Joseph. I am sure the Lord will work his wonders through you. Praying for you.

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  • Peter Basil Dsouza, Bondel, Mangalore, now in Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis, Congratulations on being appointed the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, May God Bless in you and may the seminary grow under your leadership - From harold Dsouza & Family - Bondel

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  • H M Pernal, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr. Martis. Wish you all the Best.

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  • shaan bondel, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Dear Fr. Martis, Wish you all the best.

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  • Jossie D'Mello SJ, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations, Fr. Joseph Martis. May God bless you and be with you as you carry out this noble task.

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    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis

    Congratulation on being appointed as the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, Mangalore. Your simplicity and humility impressed me so much when I met you last in the seminary. I am sure the young seminarians will learn a lot from you and I pray that you will be a guiding star to them in their priestly formation.

    Wish you all the best in your new position, may God bless you always. Our prayers are with you always.

    warm greetings:
    Urban, Anita and Amanda

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph Fernandes, Mangalore/Doha, Qatar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr.Martis being appointed Rector of St.Joseph's Seminary Jeppu,Mangalore. Wish you all the best.

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  • Henry Martis, Shankerapura/Pangala

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations.Wish you all the best.May god bless you.

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  • Henry Martis, Shankerapura/Pangala

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations.Wish you all the best.May god bless you.

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    Wed, May 12 2010


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  • Fr. Thomas Baretto, Navilur/Austria

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph Martis!
    Your appointment as Rector of the Jeppu Seminary is a great and joyful news for me and many more. I know you very well both during our seminary days in Mangalore and also during the time of our priestly service in the Diocese. You are a sincere and normal disciple of Jesus. Your simplicity and a number of other human qualities which you possess will make you a good leader in the Seminary.

    The young seminarians will learn a lot not only from the books but mainly from your living example. The Vatican has made a right choice. I thank God for it and congratulate you for accepting this great responsibility for the good of the church. "May God bless and guide you every day to love and serve Him"! This is my prayer for you. All the best!

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  • Rita lobo and Family., Moodbelle/Mumbai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations.Wish you all the best in all your Endeavours.May God bless you abundantly.

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  • flavia, kalathur

    Wed, May 12 2010

    fr..martis... congratulations ...and wishing u all the best in ur future endeavors

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  • Ann Maria, Mangalore / Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr.Joseph,
    Congratulations on being appointed as the New Rector of St.Joseph's seminary.Wish you all the very best.May the lord bless you abundantly.

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  • Harold Albuquerque, Bondel/Kuwait

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,
    Congratulations & all the best for your new assignment.

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  • Sr. Maggie, Pangala

    Wed, May 12 2010


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  • Sequeira Roshan, Bendur/Abu Dhabi

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as Rector of of St Joseph's Seminary Jeppu Mangalore. We pray to god almighty that in your leadership this renowned institution reach new hights
    Wish you all the best.

    Roshan Sequeira & Fly Bendur/Abu Dhabi

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  • cynthia stevan pinto, Bendur/dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr.
    Congratulation on being appointed as the new recor of seminary. Wish u all success and best of luck in your future spiritual work.

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  • alphonse mendonsa, Pangla/Abu Dhabi

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph,

    Hearty Congratulations on appointment of Rector of Mangalore's great institution Jeppu Seminary. It is a great achievement and you have been entrusted with great responsibilty to move forward and lead the seminarians.

    Wish you all the best in yr new post and may Almighty guide you thru every step.

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  • Matilda Saldanha,, Shirva/london

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr.Martis,
    Congratulations And Wish U All The Best In Your Future Endeavours.God Bless You.

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  • Prajwal Pinto/mathias, bondel/bangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph,
    Congratulations on being appointed as the New Rector of St.Joseph's seminary.I wish you all the very best.May the lord bless you abundantly.

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  • Shalet Fernandes, Bondel / Mumbai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,

    Congratulations from Lobo Family, Bondel, on being appointed as the new rector of Jeppu Seminary. Let God give you strength, health and ability to discharge your duties effectively. A very well deservered honour. We are very glad to hear this.

    Good wished always,
    Alphonso Lobo & Fly, Bondel, Juliet Lobo & Fly, KPT, Sylvia Lobo & Fly, Dubai, Annette Rebimus & Fly, Mumbai, Shalet Lobo & Fly, Mumbai, Roshan Lobo & Fly, KSA, Wilson Lobo & Fly, Bondel.

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  • Sofia Dsouza (Nazareth), Pangala/Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as Rector of St Joseph's Seminary Jeppu Mangalore. Wish you all the best.
    Wishes from Emiliya Nazareth & family.

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  • ozzie, bendore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations and wish you all the best fr. Joseph

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  • Mickey Castelino, Pangla/Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr. Joseph on being appointed as the new Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, Jeppu. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors. God Bless you.

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  • Harry & Leena Lobo, Pangla / Doha-Qatar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulation FR.Joseph on being appointed as the rector of St.Josephs Seminary,Mangalore.We wish wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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  • prema crasta, derebail

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations for being Appointed as Rector of St.Joseph's seminary Jeppu, i wish u all the best in your future.

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  • Sylvia Lobo, Mangalore / Dubai

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to you Fr.Martis, on being appointed as a New Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. Wish you all the best and god give you strength to take this heavy responsibility. Best regards and wishes from, Sylvia,Lency & Rolin.

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  • Naveen, Bangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Rev Dr Joseph Martis on being appointed as the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary.

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  • Dr Edward Nazareth, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations your new assignment as the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary.I Wish you all the best.

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  • Christopher D'Souza, Bendur, Mangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as The Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. Wishing you all the best.
    From, Christy,Christine & fly

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  • Congratulations., Leetha dsouza,Bejai,mangalore.

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations to Rev.Dr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as the New Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore.

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  • Sch.Santhosh Fernandes,sj, St.Joseph's college. Bangalore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulation to Rev.Dr.Joseph Martis on being appointed as the new Rector of st.Joseph's seminary. I felt very happy to hear my philosophy dean has been appointed as rector. Wish you all the best for your future ministry.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Rev. Dr. Joseph Martis. I am proud of you since you are a Pangalite and also known to since our childhood. Congrats again.

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  • Christopher Roshan Lobo, Kulshekar/Bahrain

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congrats Fr Joseph. Wishing all the best in your future endeavors

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    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations,dear FR. on being appointed as a New Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. Wish you all the best and god may give u strength to take this responsibility. regards and wishes from jossie & felcy Bondel, Mangalore.

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  • suman barboza, pangla\shankerpura

    Wed, May 12 2010

    congrates fr.martis we r proud of you

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  • Fr. Vincent, Pangla/Lucknow

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph
    Congratulations. You have always made us proud by being an excellent priest. Now that you have been entrusted with this new responsibility we are with you with our prayerful support. I am very confident you will be an expemlary spiritual leader to many youngsters who need a committed leader during this most challenging time. Take up your responsibility and believe God is with you.

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  • Fr Ronald Cutinho & Fr Pius Pinto, Samanvaya, M'lore

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr Joseph Martis on being appointed as the new Rector of St. Joseph’s Inter diocesan Seminary, Jeppu Mangalore.

    Your hard work, simplicity and dedication to duty may play a major role in forming Holy and committed priests.

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  • Fr Francis Crasta, Nityadarnagar

    Wed, May 12 2010

    Congratulations Fr Martis for being chosen as the Rector of our alma mater St. Joseph Seminary. May the holy spirit guide you to form the future church leaders. All the best

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  • McQueen, mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    On behalf of mum, dad, vivian, malin and their families, please accept my hearty congratulations.God bless and may attain greater heights.
    God bless you dear father. will pray for you now and always.
    Looking forward to (hopefully) seeing you placed in Rome, with the most prominent position :).Now this is a prayerful wish.

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  • Lathika Castelino, Pangala/Ras Al Khaimah

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph, Congratulations for being appointed as Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary Jeppu Mangalore. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors

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  • Juliet Lobo, KPT, Mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Rev. Fr. Martis,
    Congratulations, on being appointed as a New Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. Wish you all the best and god give u strength to take this heavy responsibility. regards and wishes from, Mr. Alphonso Lobo & Fly. Bondel, Mangalore.

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  • cleevan lozil, pernal/ dubai

    Tue, May 11 2010

    My hearty congratulations to you Fr Martis.Wish you the best in life for future endeavours. May God Bless you

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Clevin D'Souza, Pangla / Dubai

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Congratulation father Joseph.We wish you all the best for your new appointment and pray Almighty to give you much more strength and spritual guidence to go futher heights in life.

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    Tue, May 11 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as the new Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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  • Roshni, Mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr.Martis Congrats...All the best and God´s blessings.

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  • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr. Joseph, many Congratulations to you for on your appointment as the Rector of the Seminary. I am sure your Education, your knowledge, your experience will play a vital role in keeping up the expectations of this coveted post. God Bless you with everything good. Eula from Lia Travels, Bijai.

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  • Sony Albuquerque, Bondel / Doha Qatar

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr Martis, Congratulations on being appointed as Rector of St Joseph's Seminary, Jeppu. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours. From Joachim, Genevieve, Amrith, Prashant & Sony.

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  • callen dsouza, Bendur, Mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    congratulations dear rev dr joseph martis and wishing you all the very best.

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  • Ligoury Fernandes, Jeppu, Mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Congratulations father. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors. May our Lord, good God bless you and be with you at all times.
    Bro Loy`s fly, Jeppu

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  • Violet D'Souza, Pangla / Muscat

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as the new Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary. Wish you all the best.

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  • Franky Vas, Mangalore/Muscat

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Daer Fr. Martis,
    Congratulations on being appointed as the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary.I Wish you all the best and pray to God that may your life of humility and simplicity be an example for all the seminarians who are the future priests of Mangalore Diocese.

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  • melvyn, bondel

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,

    Congratulations on your new appointment. From your days as Asst. parish Priest at bondel to now the Rector at St. Josephs Seminary you have come a long way. keep up the good work and lots of good wishes

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  • Denis & Gracy Mascarenhas, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Congratulations on being appointed as the new rector of St. Joseph's Seminary... Wish you all the very Best....

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  • Gabriel Vaz, Kulshekar/Bangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Congratulations to the new Rector.

    But Daijiworld should have provided information on the posting given to the present Rector Fr Victor Machado. Is he going on higher studies, perhaps to Rome.

    Incidentally, Daijiworld published the first list of priestly transfers on May 9. Apparently, there have been subsequent transfers. If so, it would have been nice if those details were also given.

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  • Ray Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Father Joseph,
    May GOD Bless You always,in all your work.
    Congratulations on your new assignment.
    Regards Always
    Margaret, Del, Dru & Ray

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  • Rev. Dr. H M Watson, Mangalore

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Dr Joseph Martis,
    Congratulations on being appointed the Rector of St Joseph's Seminary Jeppu, Mangalore. Hope and pray that the Seminary will grow in all aspect under your leadership.
    We also hope that you will strengthen the eccumenical relationship.May God Almighty shower his gifts and blessings as you taken up the new responsibility.

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  • Samith Fernandes, Bendoor/Dubai

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Fr. Joseph Martis Congratulations for being appointed as Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary Jeppu Mangalore.Wishing you all the best & may God shower his blessings on you & help you in your endevour

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  • Deepak D'souza, Bendur/Muscat

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr.Joseph Martis,
    Congratulations and wish U all the best in your future endeavors.

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  • Uttam Menezes, Bendur/Sharjah

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr.Joseph,

    Congratulations......Wish you the best in life for future endeavours. May God Bless you

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  • Fr. Leslie F. Shenoy, Melbourne/USA

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr. Martis,

    As you take the new office as the Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary, please accept my congratulations. I wish you all the best and ask the Lord to guide you in training the future priests to be very pastoral minded. May the Holy Spirit, guide you to do what is right and good for the Seminary. May the Lord to continue to bless you and be with you always.

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  • Fr Roque DSa, Bantwal

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Fr Joseph,
    My hearty congratulations to you Fr Martis! To be a rector of such a renowned Seminary is a privilege and a responsibility. May God strengthen you you to be an inspiration to all-seminarians and staff alike.

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  • Cedric Alvares, Bondel/Dubai

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Dear Fr.Martis,
    Congratulations for being appointed as Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary Jeppu Mangalore.Wishing you all the best

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Tue, May 11 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Joseph Martis on being appointed as the New Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, Mangalore. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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