Mangalore: Campaign Against Anti-Cow Slaughter Act Held in City

Mangalore: Campaign Against Anti-Cow Slaughter Act Held in City

Pics: Sphoorty Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (SR/CN)

Mangalore, June 11: A march against the Cow Slaughter Prohibition and Protection Act, took place in the city from Dr Ambedkar Circle near Jyothi to DC office on Friday June 11.

The march was organized by former MLA and poet L Hanumanthayya who said that the Act is against the people of minority tribes, castes, and creeds who all partake of beef.


“Unyielding cows which cause a loss of Rs 36,000 to the farmers are used as beef and this is also the income for a poor farmer. And the government is bringing in this act to create disturbance in the minds of the people of different castes and religions and not for any developmental purpose”, he said.

A K Subbayya, president, campaign against Cow Slaughter Prohibition and Protection Act, said the government is simply bringing cows to Pinjarpol Mysore and they cause the animals’ early death by either giving it salt water or injections. The bones are exported abroad for making medicines and skin for leather materials. This Act is intended to hurt Muslims but it is affecting the farmer”, he alleged.

Subbayya also lashed out at Congress leaders who did not come for this campaign and said that they ask for help only during election time and don’t co-operate at other times.

On Monday June 28, people from all the villages will protest in Bangalore during the Vidhan Sabha Adiveshan to inform the government that they are ready to do anything to change the thoughts of the government.

U T Khader, MLA, Walter Cyril Pinto, president, Catholic Sabha, Shahida Tasleem, president, National Women’s Front, M B Nasir, district general secretary, Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI), N Venkatesh, Karnataka Dalit Sangarsh Samiti, Ali Hassan, president, Meat Dealers’ Association, Mangalore, Illiyas Muhammad, president, Popular Front of India, K R Sriyan, state committee member, CPI(M), and N Venkatesh, member, Karnataka Dalit Sangarsh Samiti, were present in the protest.   


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  • asim, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 16 2010 is amazing that you think cow should not be slaughtered but are ok with chicken being slaughtered.

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  • Asim, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 16 2010

    Sandy - ur pathetic.what a wierd logic....which century do you belong to????

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  • sandy, Mlore/UK

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Mr Noor,pls dont tell that India is not a Hindu country,It was,it is and it will be ever.U will have to knw that It was formed by Bharatha and its known as Bharatha Kanda.U might have to ask ur forefathers as they were converted to Islam.Independence ,Republic and all these its done for legislature.Anyone who is born in India is a Hindu but can practise any religion.U can have vegetables and other meat.

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  • Sundar Salian, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Those who support the act are inhuman first, hypocrites and unkind Hindus. They are very cruel Hindus because the 'MILK GIVEN BY THE COWS IS FOR IT'S LITTLE ONE (BABY COW), JUST LIKE HUMAN MOTHER'S MILK IS FOR HER BABY" How unkind is the man who robs and drink the milk from animals which is ment for its babies! This is equally as bad as killing the animals!

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  • Shail, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Dear Nayal Khan, here the matter is Cow Sloughting, and no where in Veda the Cow sloughting is supported. Better u google again.

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  • Noor Mangalore, Dammam/mangalore

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Mr.Sunil Kumar Karkal/Dxb, Hindustani means this is not a hindu country, in india all the peoples are have rights what they want to eat and drink, we dont learnt by sanghaparivar, we respect hindus culture and hindus also must respect islam and christains culture, please any body dont make their own rules here, we are got freedom 1947.. dont break that...

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  • munna muloor, dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    mr sunil kumar shetty if we did not came to road they will trying to ban some think els so in that time what we can do? frist u shuld b respect other cast ok.

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  • Habeeb, Bahrain

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Do support compaign, Even go interstate of Kerala, people can't live without Beef. How can provide BEEF for those people. Most of the people are depending this. Imagine how the BJP Govt improve the state from poverty level. If you keep it brings more income over the next Budget. Other wise your Govt will be lose roling party and candidates.

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  • abdul hai, udupi

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    yes bro u r right but who will speak with this blind minded gov and public

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  • abdul hai, udupi

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    hi dear what happen its hurting u when we come on road,,well we remember the time whe ur people on road shouting to kill humanity... the bajrangi

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  • vijay, belthangady

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Hey,sunil kumar shetty, karkala/Dubai- U.A.E, your saying-
    (Here i am not condem any religion/people,but as we are staying in hindustani country, we should follow /respect hindu culture),Muslim or Christian we are not only staying in this county, this is our county,we are all brother and sisters we have to respect each other culture.

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  • zayed, mangalore /qatar

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    dear sunil kumar remember now you are staying in U A E ok, so you have to follow U A E culture.

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  • abdul, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Mr.Sunil as u tld we r in hindustani it doesnt means we hve to follow hindu culture. hindustan is democratic country we hve rights to follw our culture.. so plz dnt tell to follow ur culture

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  • Harees sheik, london/Malpe

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Recently on NDTV, Rajdeep Sardesai asked BP Singhal why they do not educate people on the merits of not eating the cow. He said they were doing it. So why not have a ban when there is a consensus on a ban, Rajdeep persisted. There was no clear answer. I have a clear answer. Even if there is a consensus, there should not be a ban. Educate me to hell about the demerits of beef-eating, and I would be happy to listen and make up my own mind.

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  • Ronald Vaz, Bejai, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    India is a secular country with all religious freedom. What we have lost is individual freedom in our state with negative thinking. We can not blame BJP governance or of Congress. What we need at this movement is self understanding. Why you guys came together to help our own people during Dubai - Mangalore flight accident. Come on, something wrong over here try to fatch up and be together, we are all mangaloreans. If any one feel this message hard eat mangoes and be cool

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  • ancil , mangalore/bahrain

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Mr.Sunil for your kind information, our country might be a hindu country but there were no rules before while framing the constitution.Instead hitting on the poor stomaches without providing with their rights fight for better roads etc.I wish all the muslims a better start and end up with success and mean while i request all the christians to join for this better cause.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    It seems like " religion" is the
    greatest barricade of human liberty
    and progress. If various religions
    are telling everybody, what to
    eat-whom to marry-what to wear etc
    etc then we are sacrificing our
    own God-given liberty. On the other hand, a few are encroaching
    and enslaving our personal liberty under the pretext of religion.

    Who has
    right to tell me, what kind of
    food I must eat? If I like to eat
    dog meat or rat meat or beef, it is
    my personal choice and liberty.
    We are not living in the stone age,
    but in the 21st century.

    Nobody has the right to force
    anybody to eat certain food,
    on the other hand to take the
    liberty through any avenue to
    curtail the freedom of others
    to eat whatever they like to eat.
    The food we consume has a great
    bearing on our health and emotions,
    but God is the least bothered
    by what we eat.

    Some people are arguing to ban
    beef-eating for health reasons.
    Those people may first start a
    war against smoking and liquor
    consumption in India, because those
    two habits are killing more
    people than anything else in India.

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  • Asif, Saudi

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Who will decide what the hindu culture is. Is it a Brahmin Culture or Kshatriya or Vaishnava or Shudra CUlture. Who will decide?

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  • latheef kodagu, al kobar k.s.a

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    davanagere kill 1000 of cow y no 1 arest davanagere allow y not m lore other placess mr . must wake lokk this things

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  • saleem, moodbidri

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    This is clear by " Anti-Cow Slaughter Act " that Govt. want to put meat business in danger which infact done mostly by minority group.

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  • Gilbert D'Souza, Madanthyar, B'lore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    The cow slauhter issue is not a matter of religion, economic and ecological. The protogonists will understand it soon, It need not be debated on the roads. It needs to be debated in the legislatures and parliament before enacting as a law. Let the congress blokes hadle it in appropriate fora

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  • Vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Dear Sunil Kumar Shetty-Dubai,The people on the road are not to disrespect hindu culture,they want freedom to consume the meat of thier choice.I hope you know the freedom that people have in Dubai for food.Dont you think that the rich arabs who employ you also visit India and they want to eat beef.When they provide you beef why not you provide them.It is not a matter of hurting any cutlture,It is a right to have your own choice of food.

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  • Prakruthi, manglore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    All vedantist(hidnu religion) if u follow ur religion u must eat beef y? in ur scripture "Ramayana, Mahabaratha & Baghavathgitha its mentioned eating of beef.If ur follow the ur books Pig&Rat its also ur some avtaras is it. Do not follow double standard

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    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    The BJP agenda 'beef ban' is to create terror in community and it also works as a tool for collecting protection money from vendors.I dont think the governor will sign the bill.The BJP has to create havoc to prove to the voters about the promises made during elections.But they always forget to build the Ram Temple and instead they talk about ban on cow slaughter.

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  • abdul kader, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    who is bjp to ban the human food culture?food culture is ourfreedom by birth we,ll not allowed to enforce brahmans food culture

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  • ashiq, mng

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    masha allah good going....keep it up

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  • Mohammad Hanif, Kaup, UAE

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    There is a need of Muslims, Christians and Dalits Unity against communal Hindus, PFI doing realy good job for society.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    It is not wise to argue and counter argue for their religious supremacy. Any religion becomes great if they are tolerant towards the fellow human being and their needs.
    Countrymen and my dear Mangaloreans, religion is here to make us all a good human being and not to listen to our problems or solve them. The problems are our creation and we should solve them. Mind you, the creator of this universe can never act partial to any of his creations on request. This is not a radio show where you can request for a song but an imaginable mega-mega universe and our imagination has its own limit.

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  • Sachin, Dubai

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Mr.Sunil If u can let me know what is Hindu Culture than we can understand properly what we have to do. Is it to go and hit the girls because they were in Pub ? ... This is not Hindu Culture.. and even no where in Hindu Culture it's daid that you cant eat beef. This only the Politics which is saying this. Definitely I believe even u might have had Beef before. Now dont become a saint.

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  • Andrew, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    What a foolish Government of Karnataka? In-lieu of helping poor Muslim who's profession and they depend upon this also feeding their respective families now how they can
    live? Give answer Mr Yedirappa,CM

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  • Nayal Khan, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    As I ideal Muslim, I would like to point out you that, “A Muslim can be good Muslim even being pure vegetarian” there is no compulsory that we have to non veg, since we have permitted to have non veg subject to our choice, further I really strange to mention that “ even Hindu scripture also allowed to have beef, then why people not following their own authentic scripture like Veda. Is politician are grater then Veda? Kindly refer below where Hindus allowed to have Beef.

    It is mentioned in Manu Smruti, the law book of Hindus, in chapter 5 verse 30

    "The eater who eats the flesh of those to be eaten does nothing bad, even if he does it day after day, for God himself created some to be eaten and some to be eater.

    Mahabharata Anushashan Parva chapter 88 narrates the discussion between Dharmaraj Yudhishthira and Pitamah Bhishma about what food one should offer to Pitris (ancestors) during the Shraddha (ceremony of dead) to keep them satisfied. Paragraph reads as follows:

    "Yudhishthira said, "O thou of great puissance, tell me what that object is which, if dedicated to the Pitiris (dead ancestors), become inexhaustible! What Havi, again, (if offered) lasts for all time? What, indeed, is that which (if presented) becomes eternal?"

    "Bhishma said, "Listen to me, O Yudhishthira, what those Havis are which persons conversant with the rituals of the Shraddha (the ceremony of dead) regard as suitable in view of Shraddha and what the fruits are that attach to each. With sesame seeds and rice and barely and Masha and water and roots and fruits, if given at Shraddhas, the pitris, O king, remain gratified for the period of a month. With fishes offered at Shraddhas, the pitris remain gratified for a period of two months. With the mutton they remain gratified for three months and with the hare for four months, with the flesh of the goat for five months, with the bacon (meat of pig) for six months, and with the flesh of birds for seven. With venison obtained from those deer that are called Prishata, they remaingratified for eight months, and with that obtained from the Ruru for nine months, and with the meat of Gavaya for ten months, With the meat of the bufffalo their gratification lasts for eleven months. With beef presented at the Shraddha, their gratification, it is said , lasts for a full year. Payasa mixed with ghee is as much acceptable to the pitris as beef. With the meat of Vadhrinasa (a large bull) the gratification of pitris lasts for twelve years. The flesh of rhinoceros, offered to the pitris on anniversaries of the lunar days on which they died, becomes inexhaustible. The potherb called Kalaska, the petals of kanchana flower, and meat of (red) goat also, thus offered, prove inexhaustible.

    I wants comments from those who against beef with genuine reference stating that beef not allowed in Veda, then we all agree and stop beef consumption as it’s our duty respects others believes.

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  • sandy, Mangalore/United Kingdom

    Fri, Jun 11 2010

    Guys Please dont waste time in all these silly protests.I hope that u knw that ther are lot poor people arround the globe with no food to eat.If there is no beef eat

    Vegetables, Egg, Chicken, Fruits, Herbs..humans will not die if u dont eat beef. Do something productive and always have in mind "Eat to Live and NOT Live to eat".God had given other things to survive in this world.God Bless.

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  • sunil kumar shetty, karkala/Dubai - U.A.E

    Fri, Jun 11 2010

    Here i am not condem any religion/people,but as we are staying in hindustani country, we should follow /respect hindu culture. So dont come on road.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Fri, Jun 11 2010

    Despite the ban, beef is freely and openly available in coastal karnataka. Of course the price has gone up. This act has benefitted the police and other parivar organisations and facilitated them to mint illegal wealth.

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  • raju, mangalore

    Fri, Jun 11 2010

    many bars and pubs serving Beef to the customers. all eat beef. hindu, muslim, christain, sikhs etc. i think this is just to create riots in the city. this is not because its an holy, this is bcause they want to export cows skin and bones to foreign countries for a huge money.

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  • ranssomross, mangalore

    Fri, Jun 11 2010

    i support!! i request even christians should join, and hindus too

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