Moodbidri: All Communities Gather to Bid Farewell to Fr Vincent D’Souza

Moodbidri: All Communities Gather to Bid Farewell to Fr Vincent D’Souza
Daijiworld Media Network – Moodbidri (RD)
Pics Vinod Nazareth and Roshan Madtha

Moodbidri, Jun 13: A function to bid farewell to Fr Vincent D’Souza, parish priest of Our Lady of Rosary, Alangar, was organized by the public felicitation committees of various religious and social welfare organizations, here on Sunday June 13. 

It was a rare incident in the vicinity; perhaps the first time a Catholic religious priest received the highest honour irrespective of caste, creed, language, and religion.

Fr D’Souza is a pious priest who has been involved in promoting peace and brotherhood in the locality by partaking in the religious functions of each community over the past eight years, while working as parish priest of Alangar. He was an active member of the Lions Club and popular with people of all communities.

Dr M Mohan Alva, chairman, Alva’s Education Foundation, Jain Swami Sri Charukeerti Bhattaraka, former state minister Amaranath Shetty, and timber merchant and Rotary Club president Mohammed Abbas Ali, lauded the social concern and zealousness of Fr D’Souza in promoting peace and communal harmony in the locality. 

The Swamiji blessed the occasion. He said that Fr D’Souza is not only for Catholics as, through his service, he had become a father figure for everyone. He hoped that one day the priest would become the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. 

Fr D’Souza has been transferred to Our Lady of Dolours parish, Bela, Kasargod district.  He will join the parishioners there on Friday June 18.  Fr D’Souza began the practice of organizing get-togethers of people of various communities and religions during Christmas every year. 

Deanery vicar Fr Austin Peter Peres and Fr Mark Walder were present on the dais.

A large number of people of diverse religions and faiths attended the felicitation.

Fr Basil Vaz of Bela will take charge of Alangar parish.


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  • Stanley R.D'Costa, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    I am really very glad to see a christian priest is loved by all communities that too in todays modern world. It is a living example to other priests to study the way of life of their own brother en. So it is possible to be popular among other castes too when there is communal tension through out DK. Let Fr.Vincy be a model priest to our diocese and the church should deliver the message to other churches how to lead a normal friendly life with the laity and with other community people. May the God almighty bless abundantly to Fr.Vincy in his future mission too and to take him greater heights.

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  • vincent miranda, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 16 2010

    Fr. May God give you long life to continue to do such good works for the society. I wish/pray that other relilgious leaders/priests take Fr. vincent as a role model.

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  • Fr Basil Vas, Bela,Kasaragod

    Tue, Jun 15 2010

    Praise The Lord and congratulations Vincy Padriyaba.I am proud of a brother priest like you.Pray for me that I may inherit a double share of your spirit.You will do well wherever you go.I wish you all the best

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  • Fr.Peter Pinto SDB, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 15 2010

    Brovo Padre. may your humanitarian service take Christ to people and may people find Christ in you. Keep up the good work.

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  • Anand Dsilva, Dubai

    Tue, Jun 15 2010

    India's strength lies in its unity in diversity. The priest has led the way in being the man of the masses wherever he goes and our Hindu & Muslim brothers have recognised his work and rewarded by honoring him. This shows that people of different faiths can co-exist in peace.

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  • Sheela D'silva, BARKUR/UK

    Tue, Jun 15 2010

    Dear Fr. Vincent,
    Priests like you are very rare!!!!! it's proud to read about your felicitation from all communities in Alangar.God bless you.
    With best wishes from:
    Flora D'souza, Piusnagar/Koteshwar.
    Harry/gretta & Family,Piusnagar/UK.
    Sheela/Gratian & Family,Barkur/UK.
    Latha/Charles & Family ,Kallianpur/Dubai.

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  • Advocate Cyril Mathias, Farangpette/Cannada

    Tue, Jun 15 2010

    I am really surprised to read and to know whether such priests still exist in our Mangalore RC church. A down to earth, humble, religious, having clear consciousness, dynamic, sociologist, priest of people who yet live a calm and quiet ordinary life serving all God's Children. Although his looks are like baby saintly faced yet t having great Chanayka movement / qualities to bring peach among hard hit communal violence areas. He could be a role model for other priests and to seminarians to learn something new from the beginning. I endorse someone’s views in this page that Fr. Vincent should be given more dynamic role in the church to inspire laity, non-Christians and other biased entities against Christian Church.

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  • Gracy Menezes, Belvai/Bangalore

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Hearty Congratulations to ur Fr.Vincent. We are really happy for u. I have known him for past 7years now and he has been a wonderful priest soft hearted and supportive. his kind words give peace to mind. The recent prayers strtd for infant jesus have helped in making our faith still more stronger and it has also made people to increase prayers in their life. thanks to u ..
    I pray god to grant u all the strength required to carry out his mission and all the best :)

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  • Maxim Patrao, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    We really need such progressive thinking and people conscious religious leaders like Fr Vincent especially during these times. Times have changed and religious leaders should cater to the need of the hour. I was impressed when I happened to listen to one of his sunday preachings. Trust me its not of much relevance to keep elaborating on the bible reading of the day over and over . It is more important to guide the common people on how to face the present day challenges and day to day problems. He will be a great leader wherever he goes .

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  • Roshan D'Silva, Vamanjoor/UAE

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    All the best Rev.Ln.Vincy,
    all these comments and felicitation from the Public of Moodabidri highlights your personality,you are truly a 'priest for people'.

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  • K. J. Jose, Bella/Kerala

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Assuming importance felicitation out there by all and Dr.M. Mohan Alva, I forsee that if Fr.Vincent D'Souza contineous same work in Bela Church, I hope after 8 years Kerala Ministers might intervene to retain him in the same region having realizing importance of his good works from the humanitarian and communal harmony point of view. Good Luck Father and Looking forward to welcome your presence in our Church.

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  • Lion Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    A roaring lion and humanitarian Fr. Vincent was loved by all. It is nice to have such personalities in our communities to lit a candle and bring light to the needy. Wherever he goes, may his mission succeed with flying colors. Wish you all the fbest Rev. Lion Vincent D'Souza.

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  • Thomas D'Mello, Piusnagar, Kundapura

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Congrats to Fr. Vincy.
    He has done misracles wherever he went. That includes Piusnagar.

    For me he is my mentor in Social Work and a friend.

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  • Sohan D'souza, Moodbidri

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    rightly said Mr. Perinje... There is no single commual riot incident in Moodbidri even though entire Mangalore or Udupi burnt with it. even people like Muthalic tried to disturb the peace of Moodbidri few years back. But the Jain Kashi of south India never allowed it. This is all because his holiness Dr. Charukirthi swamiji and peace loving catholics and Hindus...
    Namma Bedra is always great...

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  • Lucy D'Souza (Teacher), Mudarangady/Canada

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Dear Rev. Father,
    I am very proud to read about your felicitation from all communities in Alangar. You deserve it, as you are a loving, caring priest. You had done great work also at your previous parish ( Mudarangady).
    I pray to God to give you good health.
    Best wishes for your next priestly journey at Bela.

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    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Don't show these pictures to Mr. Mad Man Mutalik

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    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    It is very nice to see all community leaders joined together to give fitting farewell to Fr Vincent D souza of Alangar Church.

    Let me remind our readers that Moodbidri is great peaceful city having number of educational institutions called to be JAIN KASHI.I have never heard of any communal clash in and around moodabidri. Shri Charukeerthi Bhataraka Swamiji,Mr Mijarguthu Mohan Alva,Mr Amarnath Shetty,Mr Abayachandera, Mr Jagadish Adhikari,Mr Sheenappa & Brothers,Abbas family Alangar and all community leaders working hand in hand for the peaceful living in Moodbidri and beyond.Having said that I have to add one more name in the list of Fr Vincent D souza was Fr William Martis of then Fr of Venoor Church and now some where around in Udupi has also have the same quality of social work and humanity.

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    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Father Vincy May God Bless you. We will all miss you. Come back to Pisunagar for the 60th anniversary of our Church.

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  • Victor Tauro Permude, Bangalore

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    It looks like Fr. Vincent is a role model for other priests to follow.

    Kinldy keep up your good work Fr. Vincent.

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  • Felix/Alangar-Bahrain, Alangar/Bahrain

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Dear Fr.Vincent D'Souza, We all Proud of you, and was the felicilation from various religious & Social welfare organization, that shows your very humble,simple & compassanate to all
    the people who are in need of help.

    I Pray our Lady Of Rosary Bless you in good health and Success in your New Assignment.

    Hearty Congratulation to you & Best wishes.
    Felix S.Fernandes-Bahrain

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  • Anil, Mangalore, Dubai

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    God Bless you Fr. Vincent. You are the true follower of Jesus. Your ways of living life has brought the whole mankind together.... I request the Bishop of Mangalore to get back Fr. Vincent to Mangalore and allow him to contribute to the whole mankind the way he lived in Mudarangady & Alangar so to prevail peace & harmony among all people which is d must need of the hour.

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    The headline of the news does not bring any surprise for me.This is not the first time he is being honoured by ALL COMMUNITIES. It exactly started from Mudarangadi the tiny village in Udupi dist in the year 2003 when he was on his transfer to Alangar church near Mudabidri. I had the fortune of associating with this great man for three years when I was the Branch Head of Vijaya Bank of Yellur/Mudarangadi.

    In fact he has done wonderful things in Mudarangadi as a Priest of St.Xaviors Church during his long tenure of eight years.He is responsible for the best model Engilish high school in Mudarangadi and even today this is one of the best schools for the near by villages.He has not only brought allround development to this tiny village but communal amity of highest level.He is very humble, simple and compassanate to the people who are in need of help.

    He is like a child in nature but Chanaksha in discharging duties to the soceity.He is a Dharma Guru not only to his community but the soceity at large.I give an example of his grateness.In Mudarangadi Sarvajanika Ganesh Uthsav is being celebrated in a big way every year.  Fr.Vincent D'souza was presiding the public function of the ceremony all the eight years during his tenure there.  He was the highest donor for eight years for contributing to the event. When he was transferred to Alalngar Church in the year 2003 there was a huge turnout virtually from entire village folks to bid farewel to him..

    Best wishes Fr.Vincent D'souza.

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  • B.F.Saldanha, Udupi / Dubai / Fujairah

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    I have known Fr. Vinci from Dubai when he was a Parish Priest of Mudarangadi Church. He is a role model & inspiration for the present and future young generation. He is down to earth and he never ever sent any body empty handed. We took some time out of our busy schedule and visited him in his Mudarangadi Church along with my family and had a lunch with him which I never ever forget.

    That was our first lunch with a humble & popular priest like him and we feel very much honoured. Recently I went and met him in his Alangar Church and found him so simple, humble human being who take care of all human beings equally without descrimination and redered his services to the local community and he is very much popular amoung Lions Club's International community.

    Congratulations and all the best to your mission with a vision. Jai Ho Fr. See you soon. From: Canara Catholics Fujairah - UAE. President, Core Comitee & All Members.

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  • Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar/Kuwait

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Dear Rev. Fr. Vinci,

    I can not believe that we have a liberal priest like you among our Diocesan priests. With you by side, I feel proud to be a Christian. You are the perfect answer to those who are advocating distinct identity based on ideologies inconsistent with the Christian faith. You are certainly a role model and the future for Catholic faith in Mangalore. Hearty congratulations to you and wish you all the very best in your mission.

    Kind regards

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    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Dear Fr.Vincy Dattu,
    You are not only a Priest for all communities but also a very nice humanbeing.You are ever ready help the poor & needy.This function itself is a witness to your good work.Am sure,very soon the Bela parishoners also will be mesmerised by your good deeds.
    Am proud to be your sister & yes! this August I will come to Bela to see you in person.
    seeking your blessings
    Premila Vas & Family.

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  • Lima, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Priests like Fr Vincent should be handed over with a better responsibility then looking after a lone parish. He should be kept in a place where he can involve or mingle himself with all the communities and lessen the gap which is building up within the city area. I salute Fr Vincent for setting up an example for many other junior clergy members. The members of the Clergy should take a feedback from him to live the way he lived in Moodabidri, in their respective territories.

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  • Pious Danty, Moodabidre

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Firstly, I Thank Daijiworld for the forum given to express our views. Secondly, I am impressed by the straight heart talk of Mr. Kuldeep Kamath and the subsequent endorsements. Thirdly, although I do not want to interfere in the transfer matter, however, wisdom of such transfer of Fr. Vincent is highly debatable at a given circumstances. It is the open truth that almost all the priests work for their given churches . However, when one is cut about the rest Fr. Vincent is required amongst us to initiate communal harmony which is the need of the hour.

    Message of Jesus was clear and loud ‘ let you light shine among all men’ and ‘What great you are, if you love those who love you ?’ Just observer above in the dias how such ‘light’ is appreciated by all men for initiating communal harmony in the way Jesus taught. In our church, Fr.Vincent loved everyone as children of God whether poor or rich, Christian or non-Christian and whoever approached him received God’s Love. I don’t think so next priest can step into his shoes in this regard except in the matter of piety and sermon.

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  • Denis Prakash Lobo, Panahagama

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Dear Fr. Vincent, you have not only won the hearts of the Catholics of Alangar parish but but of the members of every other religious community around Moodbidri. Congrats! May Jesus the Good Shepherd bless you, keep you always in good health to do many more good works & inspire you to shepherd the flock well wherever you are sent.

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  • George Borromeo, Pumpwell, Angelore, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Fr. Vincent D'Souza is a true follower of St. Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles.
    Hence the Gentiles Honored him. I pray to God all Priests and Nuns come out of their Church/Convent Compound and profess peace and tranquility to the Human kind at large.
    Let us live peacefully with our neighbors, that is what Christ has taught us, Love Thy Neighbor.

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    Mon, Jun 14 2010


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  • Vally Vagga, Mysore

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Dear Fr. Vincent, priests like you are very rare and indeed very much needed these days when communal harmony is deteriorating gradually. May God give you strength and courage to continue the same!

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  • Krishna Shetty, Karwar

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Kuldeep Kamath, you have a strong point there. When communal harmony is deteriorating gradually midst us, we require son of soil like Fr. Vincent to build our community harmony first among us. Yes, church transfer authority should grow, lest one day Fr. Vincent might demote or transfer him from his present position even if he has strong god fathers out there. Learn from Fr. Vincet how to run the priestly life like Jesus yaar.

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  • Freddy, Bahrain

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Dear Fr. Vincent, Alangar Parish will really miss a great visionery and a great spiritual force. Your contributions and achievements will live on in the hearts of parishoners. Our humble prayer is that the good Lord make you even more fruitful in his wineyard and give you the strength to bring harmony among the different communities.

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  • Kumar Fernandes, Mudarangadi/ Dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    I’m very happy to see the Fr. Vincent is felicitated by people irrespective of caste and creed. Yes he deserves . In my parish (Mudarangadi, Kehna) he was given the best name as "Mudaragnadicho SHILPY" I wish that all the priests become pastors not only to catholic community but to all

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    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    No - we don't want Fr. Vincent to become the Pope. He is needed in our own place than elsewhere. Fr. Vincent is indeed a rare breed having shown his genius in uniting people of all religions. This should be an example for all other priests when they are at their respective parishes which will generate plenty of goodwill among people. Now Bela will benefit from his good work. Likewise, Fr. Basil Vaz should continue what Fr. Vincent did in Moodbidri. In fact, Moodbidri is blessed to have some fine social workers with noble ideals from various communities.

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  • Wilson Dsouza, Paladka

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Dear Fr. Vincent, priests like you are very rare and indeed very much needed these days when communal harmony is deteriorating gradually. May God give you strength and courage to continue the same in Bela. Wish you all the best.

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  • Fr. George Olivera, Mysore

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    God has touched your life and you have touched the lives of the people more than thousand ways. As Jesus went about doing good, may you do good wherever you go. Father Vincent heartfelt thanks for what you have done for people of different strata of the society. May you be His Instrument of Peace in Bela - your new Parish as the New Parish Priest.

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  • Oswald Lasrado, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Well done Fr Vincent D'Souza. Wish you all the best at Bela. You have ample scope to continue the same kind of work in this "Karnataka outside Karnataka".
    The people of Moodbidri need not be disheartened at the transfer of Fr. Vincent. His successor Fr Basil Vaz is capable of working wonders.

    Good wishes to both of you.

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  • Manoj, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    I am very happy to see the Fr. Vincent is felicitated by people irrespective of caste and creed. I wish that all the priests become pastors not only to catholic community but to all.

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  • Dr Edward Nazareth, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Vibrant personalities like Fr. Vincent D'Souza attract the people of all walks of life by his simple, honest and sincere works. Wherever he has gone he has shown that he is a 'priest for people' not only to his parishioners. He is the one who practices gospel and spreads the good news of love and compassion by his good deeds, the one which the 'People of God'need to do

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    What a great modern day example for all clergy to follow all over India. One wonders why he is transferred to the boarder of the diocese instead of appointing him to one of the communally sensitive parishes in the town. Now the Catholic hierarchy can recognize his contribution by honoring him for his unique contribution that is “unity in diversity”. The Christian clergy like Fr. D’souza need to promote inclusive mentality and ideology in an extremely diverse culture like Mangalore for the Church to be an instrument of harmony and peace.

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  • Luca D'silva, Mudarangady/Jeddah

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    I have never Seen Priest Like Fr.Vincent D'souza. God has blessed him with such a high faith with all religions. He was Parish Priest of St.Francis Xavier Church. Mudarangadi, where he served for 8 yrs. During his period all religions praised him. He started Lions Club.. I still remember when we were leaving him at Alangar, more than 1000 people visited out of which more than 50% non christians. All Auto drivers,taxi and shops were closed to bid farewell to him. Even he use to visit the functions after his transfer. Non Christians use to invite him for the functions. Fr.Vincent, I still remember when you took initiative in collecting more 50,000 rupees in a single day on the death of Jaganath Son. I pray God for your good health and brotherhood with all religions...

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  • P.B.Pinto, Permude-Kuwait

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Fr.Vincent not a ordinary priest,he is everything for needy and unpreviledged brotheren of all cast,creed and religion, as Swamiji rightly mentioned he would become Pope of Roman Catholic Church,it will be honour to those of our priests to make him as their role model in serving our Master and Saviour Jesus. We Konkani Community of Ahmadi Kuwait wish Fr.Vincent all the success and Good health in his new assignment in Bela, MAY GOD Bless him in all his ventures as he always does.
    with Love & respects,
    P.B.Pinto - Kuwait.

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  • Antont T. D' Souza, Karkala/Qatar

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Amongst us , a Priest’s strength should be binding with other religions without a second of thought for conversion. Such Priests are trusted, loved and honored by all irrespective of religions, caste and creed (wishing him Pope or Bishop) for creating religious harmony as we witnessed above. Rev. Fr. Vincent has set an example where ever he was nominated earlier so it be Cordel church, Pavoor, Hale Hallve Kundapura, Mudarngadi and now wishing the same Glory of Infant Jesus to be seen next 'Our Lady of Dolours' parish, Bela, as was shown in Alangar Church.

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