'Socially Many things have Changed..' - Nithyananda

'Socially Many things have Changed..' - Nithyananda

Bangalore,Jun 27 (PTI): Freed from the confines of prison, where he spent 53 days on charges of rape, self-styled godman Nityananda says the purported video footage of him with an actress has not affected him spiritually, but socially - ''from being one of the most watched gurus on YouTube to one of the most watched scandals.'' 

 "Spiritually nothing changes, because the truth is always the same. But socially I can say many things have changed. I used to be the one of the most watched guru on youtube – now I am one of the most watched scandal on youtube!" the 32-year-old swami told reporters.

The godman defended himself from 'media reported charges' of sexually exploiting gullible women, pointing out that over 23 lakh women have so far attended his programmes. "In my ashram, I have female ashramites aged between eight and 80. Though CID issued repeated appeals since March this year, not a single woman has lodged any complaint so far."

"Over 300 women come to the ashram each day for darshan and blessing", said the swami, whose ashram faces allegations of asking women devotees to sign an agreement stating that the course enrolled for could involve exposure to nudity.

He appeared in no hurry to clear his name. "After three months,I think devotees and public are beginning to understand the truth. All their queries are being automatically answered. I think I can say I don’t need to clear my image because in course of time the truth will emerge on its own strength."

Nityananda felt spirituality has not entered deep enough into money, sex or politics."
"We always have an idea that spirituality should be kept separate from regular activities. No! Only if spirituality penetrates every dimension of our life can even material life become sacred. And only then can planet Earth move to the next level of superconsciousness", he said.

The 'godman' hit the headlines last March after a purported video footage showing him in a compromising position with a Tamil actress was aired on local TV channels.
Told that swamis being embroiled in controversies seemed the order of the day and asked when religion, money, sex and politics has got mixed, he said "The problem is exactly the opposite! Religion – or rather, spirituality - has not entered deep enough into money, sex or politics".

Asked whether the incident had made him mentally stronger, Nityananda Swami,who reportedly spent hours meditating in prison, said "I can say all devotees who survived so much sensationalism have emerged stronger. It has been a tremendous learning experience for all." Nityananda Swami does not appear to hold a grudge against those who distanced themselves from him following legal wrangles. "Any individual handles a life situation according to his own intelligence and understanding", he said.

"So some people got carried away by rumours. Those who experienced the truth around me stayed strong throughout. Some were shaken, but are bouncing back as the rumours are being cleared", he said.

The alleged video had allegedly been shot by his driver Lenin, who is being questioned by police."Let us move towards peace and positivity. Let us work towards a world where there is space for everyone to coexist peacefully. Let us live and let live", he said.

Reiterating his philosophy that inner peace, freedom and contentment were not results of any favourable conditions, but of perception, he said he perceived little difference in the days spent in prison and ashram.

"When you clutch onto one place, one lifestyle, one set of people as your own, all other places become alien for you. When no place is your own, all places are yours!", he said.
"Physically there may be some hardship in prison life, but mentally I am always free, always blissful. Your outer freedom can be taken away, but your inner freedom is always your own choice", said the swami

Asked whether his prison stay would impact his missionary goals, Nityananda who has several followers all over the globe said "The mission is poised for a giant leap. Between the mission as it was and what is going to happen now, I can say these few months are nothing more than a small ‘intermission.’

My mission never changes– to raise spiritual consciousness of our planet and create a harmonious world through yoga and meditation.

"Whether happens through words or silence, let the Divine decide",he said when asked of plans to continue his missionary goals in the face of a court directive restraining him from preaching.

"My concern is for my ashramites, devotees and seekers who chose this path and want to receive spiritual guidance. I feel their suffering. But I shall abide by the High Court direction", said the swami who has now sought relaxation of bail conditions.

He reiterated his trust in truth and prevalence of justice. "Satyameva jayate - Truth alone triumphs. Clouds can only hide the sun, they cannot destroy it! Yes I believe in the judicial system. Ultimately, justice will prevail", he said

He however evaded a question on whether he was still in touch with actress Ranjitha, purportedly shown in the clipping and his alleged infatuation with her as a young lad.

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  • Watch Video : Swami Nithyananda Speaks to ETV- Click Here
  • Watch Video : Swami Nithyananda Speaks to TIMES NOW - Click Here

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    Comment on this article

    • Gatahora, Bangalore

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      However, it has been misinterpreted by certain people for political motives & selfish gains of certain people. These 'Dongi' Babas are also harming the quality of Hinduism. V. Thomas

      Thomas, you do not have to worry or be alarmed about harming the quality of Hinduism. It is not a canned religion that needs to be rated. It is a way of life, which you will never understand. Even, If I try to praise Hinduism, it matters little and that is the reason why Hinduism is a calling and not a faith based religion. It's success does not depend on a person's faith or head count. Even if the entire population in the world get converted, Hinduism will still flow in every vein as it is a Dharma .. a Sanathana Dharma at that.

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    • asif muktesar, honavar/dubai

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      @shiv.... do you think burqa is punishment for muslim women.... better you ask any good muslim women. she answer u very well. for u r kind information please read your wedas. and bible also thn u come to knw about "PARDA"

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    • Sumithra, Nellore/Manipal

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Women are Gods creation for men to enjoy, and Nithyananda swamy didnt do naything bad He just enjoyed women .So whats wrong in that We should always follow his teachings and should not ponder his personal life at all

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    • M.Bhat, Mumbai

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      A message to all warring parties. Everyone has right to express his views, which may differ from the one which you profess or believe in or find extremly diverse. Donot insult just for his divirse view. Repect everyone's thought whether you like it or not. I strongly condemn personal attacks out of frustration and your inability to get your views across. Some persons attitude is sickening as they simply criticise others views / writing with out offering suggestons or pointing out mistakes. Last but not least, level of comprehension of news and writing skills of many are abysmally low.

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    • KPN, Mangalore

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      NN your sex Guru is back in acion....

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    • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      I think our public system, culture & mind set everything are going in a wrong direction.I expected complete KICK-OUT program of Nityananda from Bidadi Asram.Instead,he became more famous after "jail" rest. Two MLAs already visited him and gave open support to Nityananda.Shocking news is that many middle aged ladies(aunties) are visiting him and waiting in the Que.They are praising him in fluent English!!
      I read about serial killer Ravindra Prasad's real story (six murders) who spent 14 years in jail.It was a sensational news in Karnataka 20 years back. After his release he got nearly 500 love letters from girls.!! Main reason in both Nitya & Ravinder case is that Media gave them high importance.Slowly they made them HEROES.

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    • Shiv, Karkala

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Dear carl D'Silva

      Please read the comments of Gatahotra, Bangalore once again. He never said that, Nithyananda is Good. But he commented on the disparity in handling the issues.

      Immediately after three days of Nithyananda's case, there was incident at Bangalore, belonging to other religion. But, it flashed in news for a single day and closed. It was of the same magnitude of Nithyananda's case.

      Gatahotra just said that, Repenting for the mis-act is accepted in every religion. Do you say this as wrong.

      Why you people are not showing this enthusiasm to comment on the issues of other religion. Bcoz, it raises alarms of Communality. If you dare, comment on the Freedom for Women in Muslims. Why are they funished with Burka for the lifetime.

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    • manoj, Mangalore

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      This happens only in India.Great judiciary/great decomcracy .

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    • Kunikullaya, Udupi

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      It seems he was a traffic policeman before entering to this lucrative business ( Swami business). You can see his right hand raised always as if he is giving signal to a busy traffic a head of him.or his right hand is paralyzed by birth. Any way the clips in youtube are enjoyable. Those ladies in his ashram are afraid of complaining against him in fear of insult to their social status.But this Hijada swami " Majboori ka Fayeda Utatha hei".. Now nobody will marry those girls who visited his ashram.

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    • SAN, DOHA

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      If you are with 1 Girl......It’s ANAND
      If you are with 2 Girls.....It’s MAHANAND
      If you are with 3 Girls.....It’s PARAMANAND
      If you are with many Girls,
      then you must be ........................NITYANAND !

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    • V. Thomas, Bahrain

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Gatahora, appreciate your comments. Please note, no one has pointed fingure at Hinduism. It is your guilty conscience which makes you feel so. According to me, Hinduism is a great religion with high qualities. However, it has been misinterpreted by certain people for political motives & selfish gains of certain people. These 'Dongi' Babas are also harming the quality of Hinduism.Unless you seperate these rogues from a great religion, Hinduism is bound to have a wrong image in the world.
      1) The issue of child molested priest is quickly re-solved because 'ACCUSED' Priest accepted his fault and apologised immediately. However, this Nithya Ananda, still tries to be an innocent saint. That is why the matter is prolonged.
      2)Meditation: True meditation doesn't come in front of Cameras & Open place. He should have gone in seclusion for meditation.

      It is ofcourse shocking to note that there are still people who support this 'Dongi' Kama Baba only because he is a Hindu. India will never unite, nor develop till we feel that all Indians are one irrespective of religion.

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    • Krishna Kundar, Udupi/UAE

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Now he looks like Sadaa...Ananda,
      no wonder if he changes his name form Nithyananda to Sadananda!!!this suits him better.

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    • Aflal DK, Kudla

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Hello Bajarangees, VHP, RSS, RAmSene and other Hindu extremist,

      Would you like to follow this Human being as your spiritual Leader again? Are you ready to send your Womens to his Ashram for “healings”? Do you still believe this common human being as a 'GURU' and his Ashram as a "centre of Sacred place" ?

      Can anyone comment on this please? Recently Pramod Muthalik visited him and had a conversation but not revealed the Ramsene's next agenda.

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    • Vikram, Kundapura/Dubai

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Nithya & Mithya two faces of same coin. There is perfect script to make blockbuster Kannada movie name will be "Nithyavo Satyavo "

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    • Rajesh, Mangalore

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Searching God is easy but finding Hidden camera is so difficult.(Nithyananda)

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    • Pradeep, Mangalore

      Mon, Jun 28 2010

      Lage raho munna bhai !!!

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    • Rajesh, Mangalore

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Socially many things will change but physically it will never change. (Great thoughts from Nithyananda)

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    • Sujith Nayak, Mangalore/AUH

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Guts,look at his comforts,dressing,life style and his face.Dosent look god man from any angle.He looks much like a Tamil film star and a brand ambassador for some fabric company.Nithyanada is not wrong.He is doing his job.Peole are fools who still believe him.People need to be educated.

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    • anamika, Mangalore

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Hey Nitya Kamananda Dongi Swami.. you don't know how to work hard for a decent living. You are got used to enjoy the luxury of life at others cost in air conditioned ashrama. To know the sufferings of a poor, just for few hours come out from your ashram and try any laborious Job under the hot sun. Then you understand the real value of a hard work. You are pocketing such hard earned money from the people in the name of spirituality and blessing with your natural cunning smile. You are not an illiterate, you are an engineer . why cant you open a workshop and do mechanical work for a decent living. The costly costume adorned by you is filled with the smell of poors sweat. You are lucky to be born in India to perform such dongi tricks since India is a breeding ground for such fake swamis, babas, mullas. etc.. Don't think that the smile in your face will last long. You can fool the ignorant mass but your days are numbered and ultimately you have to meet your creator where your all fake actions are questioned and your final destiny will be decided. So go ahead and enjoy the limited days with maximum luxury. When the angel of death knock at your door, you will realize your Karma and you won't be allowed to repent.Leaving the bank balance, posh ashram, and millions of devotees your soul will be dragged to the court of ultimate creator for the final justice. Just wait for that

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    • Carl, D'Silva, Puttur.

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Mr. Gatahora, Bangalore,

      Just read the comments from Madhava Nayak, Mangalore and Vishwamitra , Parnakutir.

      After reading your comments its very clear you are filled with hatred towards other religion/community.

      Religion is man created thing first of all try to instill in you love towards one another irrespective of religion caste and creed.

      Nithyanada Swami has never mentioned about religion any where. Bcoz God is one irrespective of any religion/community.

      Why you People try to politicize?

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    • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      'ADIGE BIDDAROO MOOGU MELE" Wah re wah, now you have not given up your trick of fooling innocent public. The women who visited you are afraid and ashamed of raising complaint against you, not because you are pious and holy, but because of their exposure and social status>

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    • Gilson, Mangalore

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      S.Moorthy sir, Mangalore/Dubai,

      Why talk about price rise when an inflation rate of 16% is never managed by the Government ? Nowhere in the world you can see a cabbage costing more than the Cheese or Sauce. Toor-dal is dearer than the Moong-dal. So why do we all tollerate ? Government is focussing on Industrial reforms, not agricultural reforms.

      Why talk about Union Carbide issue when several tens of thousands of peoples' life is never addressed by the Government/Court properly when it happened.

      For a tollerant society - talking about price rise and union carbide has gone beyond reach. By talking about this Faker and the fraud Nitya, you may still influence our fellow Mangaloreans not to get trapped.

      When a tollerant society or reglion allows some cults to operate with their insignia or colour code (whether saffron, Green or White), one can witness the decay of the society and the image of the nation and religion.

      Nithya is one big blackspot of the society. These kind of cults to be condemned by the religious, political and administrative chiefs of the country.

      Not all the countrymen have voting rights (NRIs are not Indian citizen if you look from this voting right angle, and also NRIs cant possess agricultural land).
      Seems total misorganization.

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    • Vishwamitra, Parnakutir

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      On the cool-end, we have primary, secondary, pre-university, university colleges educate people honestly. Those who acquired descent degrees are abroad for descent means of living.

      On the hot-end, panchayat, municpality, corporation, assembly etc teach politics to the society

      On the tertiary end, Spiritual organizations/individual such as knick-named Nityanadanda and many more TV celebrity Yoga teachers etc etc teach people yoga, bhoga, karma, kama, consciousness, unconsciousness and what not.

      On the fourth end, we have RSS/BJP, Congress, AIDMK, JD, Bhujrang Dal etc who appoint looters whether mine or the society for the assembly

      On the sixth dimension, missionaries, jihadis, Fanatics, Fundamentalists are hoisting their flag

      Then at the nucleus, we have maoist, Naxals, Rama sene, LeT, .....

      Then at the periphery, we have some rogue nations such as Pakistan and one more.

      This Nithyananda is doing his best to hit the society with the right weapon.

      When other countries such as China, Japan is rebuilding the country towards modernization through able leadership, India may have to depend on several natural disasters to re-build the nation and hopfully this natural disaster would engulf this Nityanada, Mutalik etal first.

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    • Gatahora, Bangalore

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      " My mission never changes– to raise spiritual consciousness of our planet and create a harmonious world through yoga and meditation. " - Swami Nithyananda

      I do not believe in any religion or god men. Nithyananda is no exception to this rule. However, I want to clarify that no one has the right to point fingers at hindusim in the guise of punishing Nithyananda. The Bible talks about repentence and in islam it is Twabah. "Repentance generally leads to salvation" in the christian faith so if a sinner repents he will get salvation. The swami has gone to Jail and then undergone a puja which is repentence and has clearly stated his mission.

      So there is a return or change in this Swami which we need acknowledge as repentence. If a Priest has molested a child there there is a quick fix by the church. This is a case of double standards. My friends, no one is a fool, no religion is true. Religion is nothing more than a bandaid and not a fix.

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    • Alwyn, Canada

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      contributed wealth of 32 crores from people time to distribute back to poor. God is not eating money and you don't need money so why keep in bank for your pleasure.

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    • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Nithyananda himself has to change if he wants to Teach Spiritually Good things to others. Need of the hour is, he should go on a fasting at least for 3650 DAYS.After this we can consider his Advise if any?

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    • shiva, kota-dubai

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      once there lived an old woman. once her grand son asked where is god? grandmother didnt reply. one day boy lost his gold chain. it was dark at home. grand mother took the boy out and searching under the street light. boy laughed at her and said have i gone mad to search under the street light when i had lost the chain at home. i have to search at home. if its dark i have to light the lamp. then grand mother replied S God is in you and in me. we all have gone mad we are searching him outside
      S, we are mad. we go to so many gurus like you and you will earn lakhs by reciting any bhagawad gita or upanishad. we get metally temporary solution and again come to you with someother problem. So problem lies with us nitya. you are not at all wrong.

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    • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Your perpetual smile with a new outfit is very fascinating, and you can fool a few gullible people because they will be motivated to forget the past while watching your tricking smile.

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    • S.Moorthy, Mangalore/Dubai

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Talk about price rise, Union Carbide etc....dont waste your time in these silly matters. People know very well who is wrong and who is right.

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    • CID Moosa, mangalore/dubai

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      if u think that Pink Chaddi Man Muthallik will save u.. ur Wrong

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    • Rion , Udupi

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Now romance is over..? Now you try Bollywood Actress.. then Hollywood..

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    • Roshan, m'bidri/a'dhabi

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Aft cheating so many ppl he is still smiling for the camera? not even feeling any shame swamy? very strange isn't it.

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    • Eric Coelho, mangalore

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Of course for swamiji many things have changed in a span of just 10 to 15 years - Criminals walk with their head high, witness hide away from the accused fearing for their life. Truth has been buried in the name of false spirituality. This man is playing with people's sentiments and emotions in the name of religion. We have seen many frauds, scams etc and today do we have any high profile people prosecuted. The High Courts in India have always why is it that the weaker section is always arrested immediately but when it comes to powerful people only charge sheet is filed. The People are not watching the scandal but only watching a blue film on You Tube. Such shameless talk can be expected only from a shameless person. That is why I have said Criminals always walk head high.

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    • nelson, mangalore/kuwait

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Shameless character. Anyways, whatever happened is for good. It must have opened the eyes of thousands of devotees who treat these self styled godmans/swamis as real gods and submit to their wills and fancies.

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    • Madava Nayak, Mangalore

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Hi Swamiji please stop fooling people. If you are true swami then please sacrifaise your bank balance to poor people & come out from laxurious world.

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    • V. Thomas, Bahrain

      Sun, Jun 27 2010

      Ofcourse, many things have changed Nithyananda. The greed for money is such that you are still trying to fool the people. when there are fools to be voluntarily fooled,you should not be blamed for fooling. Even the great leaders of India are bowing down to you Nithyananda. So, pretend to be very innocent. Some 'peace disruption' contractors will come to you for your blessings as well.

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      Sun, Jun 27 2010


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