126 MPs, MLAs, MLCs get BDA Stray Sites from CM’s Quota

126 MPs, MLAs, MLCs get BDA stray sites from CM’s quota
From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network

Bangalore, Jul 7: Karnataka Government might be still struggling to prepare residential layouts for distribution of house sites from the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) to ordinary citizens are concerned.

But one category of people, however, are not bound by such constraints.

The BDA has allotted as many as 126 stray sites to MPs, MLAs and MLCs from the chief minister’s discretionary quota.

Mind you, these allotments were not made during the Congress rule in the past but during the last three years, which includes two years of BJP chief minister B S Yeddyurappa. Needless to say, the six months of President’s rule as also the JD(S)-BJP coalition regime under former chief minister H D Kumaraswamy is also included.

Replying to a question from BJP member Appachu Ranjan, the Chief Minister said the sites had been allotted between April 1, 2007 and June 30, 2010.

It is not that all legislators have been lucky. According to the chief minister, as many as 166 legislators had submitted applications for allotment of sites during the last three years but 40 legislators were yet to be allotted sites.

The list of legislators, who had been allotted sites during the last three years, includes a total of eleven Ministers.

Most of the sites allotted are of 50 x 80 feet dimension. Clearly, the needs of the elected representatives are bigger because ordinary citizens can consider themselves lucky if they succeed in getting a 30 x 40 feet site from BDA after five or six attempts.

'Action against MLAs with more than one BDA site'

Chief Minister Yeddyurappa, on Tuesday, told the Legislative Assembly that he would take action against those MLAs who obtained more than one site from Bangalore Development Authority (BDA).

He was replying to a question raised by BJP member M P Appachchu Ranjan in the House. The Chief Minister said he had no information about any MLA in possession of more than one BDA site. But he would take action if there were any such MLAs.


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    Thu, Jul 08 2010

    This type of allotment of BDA sites to neta's should be stopped immediately. Instead Govt. should make a policy that only flats are to be alloted to the existing MP's MLA's. Once their period is over then it will be occupied by the successors. Implementing this system will save Govt. land and money.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Jul 08 2010

    People of karnataka have voted BJP ito undo the wrong  done by Congress. Why BJP has to follow the wrong policies of Congress. BJP is anti poor. If it is poor friendly, it could have allotted lands to the poor people like how Mrs Indira Gandhi has distributed 5 and 3 cents lands to the poor people. BJP is just filling the pockets of rich people only. Why BJP cant reduce the sales tax on petrol just to pass on the benefits to poor? We dont need crocodile tears from Yeddi. He should be serious in his business and we dont need any eyewash either.

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  • Vishushetty, Nandikoor/Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 08 2010

    Mr .Nagesh don’t forget BJP came to power with slogan ,Party with difference . Please don't defend BJP whatever they do .If government distributes such sites to any soldiers or any one who gave a good contribution to our country & if he is in need of site give to them why to politicians already they have a lot of property.

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  • Chetan.S, mangalore

    Wed, Jul 07 2010

    Why this so called public representatives require houses from public money .the allotment should be cnacelled immediately for the benefit of common people.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Jul 07 2010




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    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Yeddi and gang keeping all MLAs amused!He can't allot BDA sites only for BJP MLAs so that opoosition party's law makers also included.This is nothing but looting state wealth by few politicians.Anyway compared to mines looting it is nothing.Go karnataka go!!!!!!

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    To contest and win the election these people's representatives have to spend a great deal of money to appease the voters and win.Hence,they become poor.Moreover,they have to stay in Bangalore to serve the poor.Their sacrifice has to be compensated with cash or kind.The C.M is honest because he allows others also to serve the poor this way.Jai Karnataka.

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  • clifford, bejai / abu dhabi

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Certainly a government and party of DIFFERENCE!!!.......Allot BDA sites only to neta's, loot 60000 crores of iron ore, neta trading (or horse trading!!)...wow...lot of difference from the previous inept governments and parties. way to go yeddy....

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