Mangalore: Mangalore Kazi Condemns Palm Chopping Incident

Mangalore: Mangalore Kazi Condemns Palm Chopping Incident
News: Haneef Puttur
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RD/CN)

Mangalore, Jul 16: “The Jamaats should work for the betterment of Muslim community.  They should make honest efforts to empower the community educationally, socially, and religiously”, said Mangalore Kazi, Twaka Ahmed Muslyiar.
He was speaking at the consultative meeting of the heads of various Jamaats in Dakshina Kannada (DK) district, organized at Zeenath Baksh Yatim Khana, here on Thursday July 15.

He condemned the recent incident in which a palm of a lecturer from Kerala was chopped off as a revenge for allegedly preparing an internal examination question paper in his college, containing blasphemous remarks about the prophet. He asserted that such dastardly acts send wrong signals to others on Islamic principles and practices.

He advised Muslim preachers and leaders never to allow corruption to set in, while discharging duties towards the community, and not to twist the original religious principles while preaching to the people or following Islamic principles, as these acts can mislead the people, resulting in disastrous consequences. 

Anti Dowry, Burkha and Mobile:

Speaking to the Jamaat heads, he said, “Jamaats are  responsible for helping the community whenever the people of the community suffer from health problems and poverty, and also to extend assistance to talented but poor students of the community. If the Jamaats fail in discharging their duties in this regard, their failure adversely affects the interests of the community.”

“Every Jamaat should convene a monthly meeting of community members in order to collect information about their grievances and redress them”, he said.  He also urged the Jamaats to take census of community members living within their individual jurisdictions and prepare a comprehensive report thereof.
“The anti-dowry campaign should not be allowed to lose steam after a short while from now, and the Jamaats should take earnest measures towards implementing steps against the menace of dowry at the earliest.  The community youth and their parents should be taken into confidence to make this campaign successful,” he added.
 “Burkhas are meant for covering the entire bodies, and ladies should not resort to display parts of their bodies in the name of fashion”, he outlined. He also appealed to the parents of young girls of the community to be watchful of their children’s clothes and dress sense. 

“The community’s college-going girls need to be taught about judicious use of their mobile phones”, he stressed.
The Kazi also urged the Jamaat authorities to set up notice boards prominently in each Jamaat, displaying information on various government facilities meant for the minority communities.  He said that every talented student, irrespective of caste and religion, should be encouraged to avail of the facilities extended by the government.
He further called upon the Jamaat authorities to earnestly work to improve the condition of Madrassas by paying good salaries to the Mullas, since Madarassas work to promote harmony and unity in the community.
Central Committee president, Masood Zeenath Baksh, secretary, Hanif Haji, Jumma Masjid treasurer, S M Rashid Haji, Wakf member, Mohammed Kunhi, and various leaders of the community from DK district, were present.

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    Comment on this article

    • Felix F., India/Ksa

      Mon, Jul 19 2010

      Mujeeb Rahman, Kasargod,

      I was thrilled from your comments. Thank you. Though I am a non Muslim, I am a well wisher of Islam, I have studied the basics of Islam and always gain knowledge about Islam from people who know about Islam, and I know, because of Ignorance on the part of some Muslims, Islam is unnecessarily dragged into conflicts.

      I hope those who preach about Islamic principles will do so, only after reading and understanding the holy Koran in the right way. Thank you again

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      Sun, Jul 18 2010

      Nagesh Nayak,
      As usual your comment proves as you are a Kalanayak. I think you are a brilliant person If we count from bottom. your mind completely saffronized. Better to clean your mind please approach mental hospital.

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    • Akthar, Shj

      Sun, Jul 18 2010

      The present Kazi is Masha Allah very active and he has been a good leader for the Muslims. He has worked for and given his time and knowledge for the betterment of the society. May Allah Guide him and us, and give him more strength. Ameen

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    • Mujeeb Rahman, Kasargod

      Sat, Jul 17 2010

      Its nothing but a public stunt. Kazi talking about islamic rules! if he is honest then what these guys did is as per islamic law. time for kazis to read well and stop confusing people. If they want to condemn the act do not pull islam in to it.
      Felix.F you got it right. Irrespective of religion those who read, understand from others know it better a good example here is Felix.

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    • Ashu, kundapura

      Sat, Jul 17 2010

      Nagesh Nayak think twice B4 Ink.
      Your Mahta" Ms.Swadi Prajna Singh" she never wore Burka in her life then how she suuply the bomb to Maalegau blast"

      dont be a funny.

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    • ajith , bangalore

      Sat, Jul 17 2010

      It is no surprise that the Congress is not forthcoming in condemning the attack on a catholic lecturer by a group of Muslims and endorsed by PFI a Kerala Muslim outfit.The electoral arithmetic of the congress has a national perspective and catholics do not count much in this.No one will value the certification of Mr.Chandy that there is no revenge in Islam.There is definitely scope for revenge in Islam ( as in any other faith)as it has been proved time and again all over the world by small groups of self proclaimed defenders of Islam.The resposibilities to counter that this revenge is contolled within the law of the land lies with the large body of peace loving Muslims only . Nothing else will be effective in curbing such extremist activities.

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    • NT- Thumbe, Thumbe

      Sat, Jul 17 2010

      Absolutely matured & sincere comments from SAJID HALEYANGADY 

      The intension of copper is very clear, they want to stop forth coming Independence day and Freedom parade celebration from PFI. Some media will colorize crime and as usual they will fix onto Muslims. After that, some Muslim leaders will blindly admit as if the crime done by Muslims.

      This practice routinely happens to innocent & peace keeping Muslims.

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    • Irshad, Kaup/Dubai

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      For those who oppose wearing Burkha:
      Tell me if Ram Sena activists were wearing Burkha while attacking the Pub?, Is Sadhvi pragya singh,
      [who is accused of carring out criminal activities} wearing Burkha? Is Purohit wearing Burkha? Were those wearing Burkha,who planted the Bomb in Ajmeer Dargah & Makka Masjid? are the RSS activists wearing Burkha,who are the criminals in Babri Masjid demolision. Is Narendra Modi wearing Burkha who is responsible for the massacre in Gujrat? Is Muttalik wearing Burkha who is caught redhanded in camera for Rent-A-Riot in Bangalore?
      All these criminals surely dont belong to BURKHA wearing community.Insted of wasting time in Burkha matter,let us raise our voice against the stay of these Criminals in Public & request the Central to put all these criminals in TIHAR JAIL.
      This could be something good for "INDIA SHINING"

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    • Khaleel Ullal, Uchila/Abu Dhabi

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Mr. Nagesh, in western country ladies are showing 95% of their body. Let your family to follow western culture.

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    • Nazeer, Mangalore/ Riyadh

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Weapons or explosives can be carried not only behind burkha but even saffron clothes also. Why we forget Sadhvi Pragya singh, Sadhvi Rithambara and Umabharathi? It is ill minded people who oppose wearing veil. In northern part of India many of the Hindu women cover their full body even better than the modern Muslim women. They wear sarees and blouses in a very decent manner. Why someone doesn’t oppose this? It is not compulsory that burkha should be in black only. In northern part of India some Muslim women doesn’t wear burkha at all but they wear loose outfit like salwar khameez and face covered with a shawl. The main purpose of wear burkha or veil is to protect themselves from evil eyes. I request someone to ask any Muslim lady, are they feel uncomfortable in wearing a veil? I am sure he will get the positive answer. But nowadays the real meaning of burkha has changed. The modern Muslim women wearing tight fit burkha by showing their shape of the body. I request them better not to wear burkha at all because there is no use of it. By doing so, at least you can help respecting the values of Islamic teachings. There is no force on wearing veil but the parents or husband can tell them about the importance of Burkha. Even in pre- Islamic era the Arab women used wear veil to protect themselves from attackers and as well as from the dust and wind. So there is no harm in wearing burkha to anyone who wants to be safe.

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    •, Rashid/ Moodbidri

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      My dear friend, if you want to carry any sort of lethal weapon, Sari also very much useful, therefore we should ban wearing sari in India, So please allowed Indian women to wear bikini everywhere, which better.

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    • aboobaker uppala, uppala/Holy Makkah

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      It looks like this Qazi is really serious in the subject.I appreciate his instructions to the jamaat committees to help the community.But in our places in Uppala and other parts of Kasaragod the jamaat committees are a burden on the community.They believe the jamaat committee means it is a group of rich peoples and some thing came directly from the paradise.They pressurise and threat the community members.Adding extra burden on them, specially on the poors.I appreciate his condemnation of palm chopping incident,but also it is his duty to instruct his community members to refrain and to stay away from the muslim terrorist organizations such as NDF,PFI etc.Also they should not take the law & order situation in their hands by the provokings from the other communities.The majority of the peoples from all the communities are peace lovers and living in harmony.The mutaliks,Josephs(palm choppin case)and Naser madanis are very very few in this country.They should be loyal to their country as long as it's constitution is giving you all your rights as at present.Best of luck Qazi.Mr.Nagesh Nayak,you are a Mr.Negative man of this column always.You cant be a Mr.Positive man?A humble request.

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    • ashfaq, mangalore

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      my dear brother 1,900 raped every day in America
      Washington: Nearly 1,900 women are raped every day in America, according to a study released on Thursday that paints a much grimmer picture than US Justice Department figures announced earlier this week.

      The National Victim Center, which promotes the rights of victims of violent crime, said 1.3 adult women are raped every minute and 683,000 US women are raped each year, based on a survey of more that 4,000 women, including 579 rape victims.

      One in eight adult American women has been raped, bringing the total of rape victims to at least 12.1 million, it said.

      The survey indicated that 61 per cent of all rape cases involve women under 18 and that 29 percent of all rapes occurred when the victim was less than 11 years old. Reuters (Source: MID-DAY Bombay 25-4-92)

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    • Felix F., India/Ksa

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Condemning the Plam chopping incident by Mangalore Kazi, Twaka Ahmed Muslyiar, will do very little to propogate the correct Islamic teachings, and to make non muslims understand what Islam really means.

      From the Media reports it is made to understand that the Palm chopping was done using the name of Islam. Courts which directed that the palm be chopped was done in the name of Islam. The Kazi should clearly indicate whether the courts which handed down this punishment, and the groups which are aligned to these courts are in fact following the teachings of ISLAM or NOT.

      By merely condemnig the palm chopping incident without banning the organsaiton which did this, gives the impression, that the Kazi approves these courts and the organisation aligned to it as working under Islamic principles and teaching, but condemns only this incident as wrong.???

      My understanding about Burqa, after listening to the Islamic scholers in Saudi Arabia, is that, wearing of Burqa (Covering the face )as being Islamic, is not mentioned in the Holy Koran. Islam only says, women should dress modestly, and to lower the gaze. Covering of the face is not advocated in Islam

      It would be good for the benifit of all, and stop mis interpretations of Burqa,if correct explanation is given whether ,The statement of Kazi, "Burkhas are meant for covering the entire bodies, means covering the face as well, or covering the entire body, without covering the face.
      Thank you.

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    • Sajid, Haleyangady

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      This half minded Khazi not even know who has chopped professor's hand and blindly giving we can say its muslims has chopped his hands while indian police always arrest muslim young sters for each and every case in india! Friends there is a every possible chance to RSS to involve in this issue just to hide their involvement in Mecca masjid and ajmeer blast and there by divert peoples mind and media...
      Same thing happend when Mr Hemanth Karkera proved abhinav bharath involment in malegav blast and at the same time preplanned mumbai attack took place and utilising those circumstances they had killed karkera and his team...

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    • Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Dear Kasi they are choping of hands because certain verses in certain ideology encourage it and you can not change the versus.

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    • razak, mangalore

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      when kazi spoke about burka he should have turned his head left & right,cos ladies of persons sitting next to him does not wear burka at all

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    • Judith L, Mumbai

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      STRESS ON TO GIVE EDUCATION says nagesh nayak - first time he has given a worthful comment

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    • Harry Martis, Bantwal /Gujarat

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      This is regarding the dress code and the use of mobile-religions can no longer claim full control over the changing times and culture. what it can do at the most is to call for modesty and moderation both in attire as well as in use of mobile phones.

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    • Frank, udupi

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Mr nagesh go and stay in western country and have treatment, grow up its not your western country stop dreaming ..its our India Christian .Muslim, Hindu ,no one got right to say which religion what to wear,

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    • moshu,

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Nagesh Nayak
      Are RSS,BD,R.Sena, Abhinav bharath, wearing burkhas? Are the Kings of drug mafias Italy and columbia wearing burkhas?

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    • Usamath, Kanhangad, Dubai, UAE

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Really great step taken by our shikhuna Khasi Twakha Ahmad Usthad….We entire people should support his significant anti-dowry work. we everybody have the responsibility to destroy dowry system from the community. We should emphasis that the girls from poor family are also getting marriage properly. It’s the time to make brotherhood against social anarchism.

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      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Those who believe in such punishment as chopping off arms need to be given the same punishment. Why be cowards to hide the crime. Come forward and confess that you committed the crime in the name of religion and be prepared to accept the punishment. What type of religion are preaching with such type of rowdy behavior? All this in the name of and for the greater glory of a Merciful God?

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    • STALIN MISQUITH, m'lore/Bahrain

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      KAZI saab you are right. The whole state Kerala should standup and condemn the heinous act and take necessary actions to stop such Talebanism from taking root in this secular state before it is too late.

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    • STALIN MISQUITH, m'lore/Bahrain

      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      Kazi saab you are right. The whole state Kerala standup and condemn the heinous act and take necessary actions to stop such Talebanism from taking root in this secular state before it is too late.

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    • nagesh nayak, bangalore

      Fri, Jul 16 2010




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      Fri, Jul 16 2010

      The statement came bit late but in expected lines.Right to give punishment left to god only.Resorting on voilence and crimes are forign things in all religions including in Islamic point of view.Community youngsters need to be educated in this matter and also the imortance of education in this competitive world.

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      Thu, Jul 15 2010

      you can change one person in your life . i.e. yourselves.animals need not be taught, they learn themselves.that is why it is better to change ourselves instead of teaching others and be better than animals.

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