Gregory Patrao Land Dispute Costs MRPL Rs 600 Cr

Gregory Patrao's Land Dispute Costs Rs 600 Cr for MRPL

NEW DELHI, Jul 20 (PTI): Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals (MRPL), an ONGC group company, today said its expansion programme has got stuck due to a land dispute with a local farmer in Mangalore resulting in a loss of Rs 600 crore.

The disputed land belongs to Gregory Patrao, a local farmer, who is not willing to vacate his ancestral 14 acres despite losing his case in the Karnataka High Court, the company said in a statement.

After the high court order, the land was acquired by Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) on April 28 this year for the development of third phase of MRPL.

However, due to protests from Patrao, it is yet to be handed over to MRPL.

"It is a matter of concern that the Project cannot be commissioned in its totality without the Patrao family land and non availability of the same, in time, could severely affect the project completion and may have a further huge impact on the overall financials of the Project," it said.

The statement added that due to the non-availability of land, "the loss incurred has been around Rs 600 crore so far."

The total expansion project is spread over nearly 700 acres and land required from the farmers are about 282 acres.

Of this, 268 acres of land has been handed over to the MRPL by KIADB and the company has finished 46 per cent of expansion work amounting to Rs 9,638 crore by May this year.

The mini-ratna company's phase three expansion cum upgradation project will increase its refining capacity by an additional 3 million tonnes per annum, involving a total cost of Rs 15,000 crore. The target for mechanical completion is October 2011. 


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  • Jawar D'Souza, Doha/M'lore

    Thu, Jul 22 2010

    Thanks Mr. Rudolf, Mr. Bhat this is not a issue of minority and majority who says we dont need development but at what cost. I think a enquiry commission should be set up to find out the true facts, for this we have to dig out the document's which were released after the first Survey. If it was d as a barren land then we have to give a gold medal to Mr. Patrao for converting it into a 3 crop agricultral land. If it was a Agricultral land and was the as a Barren land then the surveyor who did this should be Shot. If he survives shoot him again and again. Now we will see Mr.Patrao case he has already sacrificed much of his land to railway and MRPl what little is left he want's to retain, and one more reason it is a farming land.

    If a farmer is taken off his land what can he, do he knows only farming to do. when are they going to stop aquring. Industries are needed but a safe envoirenment is also required. So we have to stand in Mr. Patrao's shoes and see then only we will understand. These MRPL are like the Europeans just to keep their job's going on they will sugest to lay a sewer pipe of 6" after a few year's they say the area population has increased we will have to relay with 8" pipes then after few years 10" it goes on like that. MRPL also doing the same. If they wanted 300 acres they should have taken it in beginning itself not every few year's we want to expand we need 10 acres this is sheer nonsence.Agriculture land is for only agriculture Bottomline

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Mr. Nagesh Nayak, I am not provoked by the evil possessed person like you. You cannot accept that you are against Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and the lower castes. How can you ask who guided Joseph to write against Prophet? You are not an eligible person to quote such words if you do not accept that you are not against non-Hindus. Your intention is to divide communities and divide India who is none other than a traitor. I support Gregory Patrao.

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  • Ninette, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Let us get down to thinking about the future of our Mangalore. Since last few years, the Government and big companies are taking over the land from farmers and poor people in the name of industrialization. As it is, the price of even our staple food has sky rocketed, and with the speed our farming land is disappearing, I just wonder what future holds for the generations to come.

    Gregory Patrao is sitting on the land, which is gold mine for these industrialists. But, for this man, it is his land. Nobody has a right to cheat him out of what is rightfully his.

    We love to see a progressive Mangalore. But, not at the cost of clean air, water and the greenery that made us proud to be Mangaloreans. Let us not be too welcoming and generous towards these encroaching elements that have already started to displace our own local people. If we have this laid back attitude about Mangalore at this stage, the days are not very far when we would be fighting for our rights and existence as Mangaloreans.

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  • Shyam Kunder, Bangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Mr. Nagesh Nayak, Bangalore.

    If it was with you you would have known the pain.

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  • Santhosh P V , Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    William Pais it is not good to become emotional. I think you should think twice before saying not to bring religion into Patrao case. We people are known for our double standards.
    When land reform act came did any one care who lost whose land. Everyone was happy except the landlords. Fine. No one cared for thier cries.
    The government gave the land to the people through act. So what is wrong in giving it back to the government. When so many people could give why Patro wants to be martyr and gain publicity. He is playing in the hands of vested interests who have no other job.

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  • Jacob, bangalore/Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010


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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Mr. M.Bhat, Mumbai

    When you are saying
    Had your opinion been same if the land belonged to majority community person? So do not blindly support any issue with a narrow mentality and religious outlook.

    Are you Mr. Bhat directing your comments to the personalities mentioned below who are supporting the cause of the farmers, including that of Mr. Patrao.

    1. T R Bhat, district president, All India Bank Employees Union,

    2. Rohitaksha Rai Kulaiguttu, leader, Krishikara Vedike,

    3. Vidya Dinakar, convener, Citizens Forum,

    4. Jamath-e-Islami

    5. Hind, Artists’ Forum

    6. Pejawar seer Vishweshatheertha Swamiji

    7. Former Kannada Sahithya Parishat state president Harikrishna Punaroor,

    8. T R Bhat from Karavali Karnataka Janabhivridhi Vedike

    Hope this will make you to support the cause of the farmers as well Mr. Bhat

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  • umesh, abu dhabi / udupi

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    It is a 'lesson learned' for MRPL.Nobody should have a 'take it granted' attitude towards farmers of mangalore.

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  • Shrisha, Surathkal

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Mr. Bhat please clarify in numbers what you mean by 'MRPL has created enough jobs'? Please furnish numbers as to how many have lost lands and how many out of them have got jobs?

    Grgory has sacrificed land since 90's for various projects, right from Konkan railway to MRPL Ist phase. How much more you want him to sacrifice? How much have you sacrificed?

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Nagesh Naik should mind his language and what is he writing.It should be in the context or relating to the matter what is under discussion.It must make some sense and not some thing like a insane person's comments.

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  • peter, mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010


    Is gregory ready to pay back them money that he was paid almost 10 years back

    Then he took the money and now is refusing to vacate the land

    why did he take the money if he did not have intentions to vacate the land

    and swamijis please keep out of this it

    Gregory the swami is in it for the publicity,

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  • kumar, udupi

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    In Case Any Hindu Farmer Protesting the same issue the christains comments will be entirely Changed. They Dont Support to save ancestral 14 acres land. This is True.

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  • William Pais, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Mr M Bhats Comments are narrow minded and highly foolish. Merrit of Gregory case is nothing do about religion if it was so then well respected seer of Pejawar Matt would not have supported Gregories case. If you think as mr Bhat thinks we would llike to say that Gregory is Elected member of panchayat fromthe BJP whic is supposed to be the party of the majority.

    Mr Bhat for gods sake donot get religion into these matters. You see the reason then comment. Tehe corportaes should follow ethics they pay various kinds of texes because they cannot escape from it but they know how fool farmers like Gregory. All those who lost the land are regretting money is not everything as claimed by Mr Bhat.

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  • William Pais, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    All daijiworld readers and comentators time has come for a united action. In democracy numbers is what matters. When numbers are less officails and giverment will misuse law to trouble citizens. Please undersatnd the importance of Gregory Patrao case. It is a warning signal to all of South kanara. It is now or never. Companies like MRPl come with perenial problems. If only they had rehabiltated the displaced they could have averted loss.

    Prosperity for whom? is the quistion we have to ask. Enough is enough. Atrocities of the SEZ should stop immediatly. let us all join Hands to save South Kanara. This earth has not come as right of acestral property to us but we have borrowed it from our children. Think!!!

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  • Vinay Samual, mngalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Bhat you are 100% right on this occasion.

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  • Diljyoti,Jagdishpur,U.P., Kinnigoly

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    It is a crime that these industries are committing. They have already displaced thousands of infants from their mothers' lap and usurped that precious place and committed crime by using industrial machinary on it. Thus they have made our farmers orphans. Is not the act of displacing the owners of their land like snatching away the mothers from their infants ?

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  • Shail, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Long years back when Mogaveera's strike against other communities(not even farmers) supported them !!. If they did MRPL would have not become a headache for Mangaloreans..

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Mr. M. Bhat Mumbai, are you better than the great Swamiji who stood by Mr. Patrao during his fight against injustice ? Have you ever sacrificed your ancestral land where your great grand fathers were born and grew up, where you spent your all childhood for the development of country ? It is very unfortunate that people of your mentality gives religious color to every issue and divide the country into pieces.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    syble, Mangalore
    The question here is, Not what WE WANT or What WE DONT WANT. That decision has already been done, and what you promote as "We dont want" is rejected and those who promote " We Want " is, not only accepted but work is underway to realise this thought.

    Since Mangalore is yet to produce people like the calibre of Mamata Banerjee, to drive out MRPL from Mangalore, like, driving out the mighty TATA-NANO group out of Singur in the process of fighting for the rights of the farmers. (I do not know if this action of the victory of farmers in Singur has been good or bad for the people of that place.)

    Since the possiblity of stopping the MRPL in Mangalore is next to impossible, and the land belonging to farmers will be taken one way or the other, it is better for Mr. Patrao and other affected farmers along with their supporters to fight for compensation, rather than be adamant in clinging on to their land by being emotional about it.

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  • Pavan, Karkala

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Kishore and Peter, for sure, we need people like and if you could represent boards of KIADB or MRPL, that is great indeed, for the developing India.

    Try to understand the emphasis given to the agriculture/irrigation in the very first five year plan, and again in the ninth 5-yr plan.

    India was importing daily food commodities from Russia after Independence and in about a decade, things started revesing.

    In between, the industrialization was needed to create jobs and to boost economy. In the process, agricultural economy was not reformed to even minimum extent, and ignored.

    Now that we are a open economy, only high-tech industries would rush in, and one fine day, we would only hear mining, imports of food items, exports of high-tech products etc.,

    For a high-tech industries such as MRPL, which uses traders' money, industry does not have to be rooted in 3-crop wet and farm-land. Government can alternatively provide dry and rough laterite hilly terrain.

    Development could be done but not at civilian cost. Green sectors such as Software industry could be attracted than health hazardous industries. Moreover, with a good academic inst base, education could be offered to overseas countries (like England, Australia). The institutes such as Hebbal, GKVK campus should have been initiated in the region to promote the growth of Paddy, Cashew, Mango etc.

    Also, some green energy projects such as Windmill, etc would have been ideal for this topography, not fossil fuel

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  • Rudolf, Bantwal/Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Yes Jawar, you are a person whose extended family has personally experienced such a situation and you know. As you said they just want to usurp the property/ancestral land of innocent farmers these sharks could go to any extent to acquire land in the garb of industrialization and what not. They know once the owner is dislodged, he will not be able to do anything and there is never a chance that these affected families will regroup themselves to fend off or fight these literal land sharks.

    Many of these land owners might have voluntarily left coz of greed and short term considerations, and most might have already squandered away the one time compensation on booze and such other things thus ruining their families in the bargain.

    I remember of a friend of mine who narrated his paternal cousin's family's story who once were owning a vast tract of land in a stragetic place where now a 5star hospital has been built. This land was taken away from an alcoholic father by paying him measly compensation and to please this person it seems he was given a free drink option in certain bars (morning and evening). The result was he died prematurely and subsequently his entire family was ruined coz of this sudden rush of compensation money in the bank account which led to vices!!!!

    Patrao is an odd one out and a brave man who has been fighting off these sharks and God will be on his side as his dispute seems to be perfectly justified in whatever angle one considers it!!

    God Bless!!

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  • Francis Lobo, Bejai,Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Since inception MRPL made losses and due to this Aditya Birla group had to withdraw from the joint venture. They have started just making profits since last three years, that is also after ONGC took over MRPL. The prices of crude where the main reasons for the loss . If MRPL has lost 650 Crore due to Patrao ,then who is responsible for the losses the company incurred till 2005.MRPL may think all people are fools and shareholders who invested in the company . I am not a supporter of Patrao or his detractors.But the logic of MRPL makes me astounded.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    MRPL is no longer a private company but now is owned by ONGC. It could have compensated the farmers adequately and provided thier family members a decent job according to their qualifications. Birlas wanted to make quick money when they started this project, which resulted in large scale rise in land prices in SK, but sold it to ongc due to delays ution of project and finally doubts about its viability etc. Every Company which emits carbon into air and lets its liquid waste into rivers are causing environmental hazard. If there is no industrialisation a country cannot progress. MRPL has created enough jobs for local people and now paying various kind of taxes to government in the form of Excise duty, entry tax, sales tax and finally income tax.

    You all want decent jobs and income but cannot sacrifice a little just because the effected person belongs to minority community. Had your opinion been same if the land belonged to majority community person? Loss of Rs.600 crores is not e small sum. So donot blindly support any issue with a narrow mentality and religious outlook.

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  • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    If MRPL is wise enough, let them Pay Rs.100 crore to Mr. Patrao before they incur another Rs.600 crore loss.Farmers are not bloody fools in India.MRPL must speak sensibly with the Back-Bone of India so called the dignified Farmers.Jai HO PATRAO.

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  • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    If MRPL is wise enough, let them Pay Rs.100 crore to Mr. Patrao before they incur another Rs.600 crore loss.Farmers are not bloody fools in India.MRPL must speak sensibly with the Back-Bone of India so called the dignified Farmers.Jai HO PATRAO.

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  • Santosh, Udupi / Bahrain

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Dear MRPL. Please pay 300 Crores to Mr. Patrao and avoid any further loss. Pay me the balance 300 Crores for this GOLDEN Advise.

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  • Sadananda, Pejavara

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Initially MRPL/KIADB was under the impression that Mr. Patrao will not fight for his right and leave the land to them. However, later they realised the iron in 'Mannina maga'. Now, they are coming out with false report of loss worth crores of rupees. Who is responsible for this loss ? I bet it is their own fault for taking a farmer so lightly. The unity of Mangaloreans (people of all religions) in this case is truly praiseworthy. Jai Mangalore ! Jai Jai Mangaloreans !!

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  • Carl Dsilva, Puttur

    Wed, Jul 21 2010






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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010






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  • nawaz, manalore/kuwait

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    God save Mangalore and our farmers from the clutches of the modern day devils...

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  • Jawar D'Souza, M'lore/Doha

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    MRPL is worried about its loss, it is not worried about development to hell with such development. Does any one knows how many farmer's were displaced during New Mangaloe Port project and where they got land and how many people got jobs,none got jobs, compensated land was given on a small island in the Netravathi river no one know's which is who's land, during rainy season everything will be under the water. My cousin was in Bangalore searching for a job for 3 year's after losing his land for Harbour, he had passed his ITI.

    When we were small we used to listen to the elder's famous dialouge "That also will go to the harbour it seems " which we never understood what it really meant now I understan it . Some of my relatives took the money and they could buy only a house to stay after losing their house,agricultural land every thing. This is called development guy's. If any one want's to know the details about these development's I can provide. Still the land which was given to them is not usable no record's ,when I checked with one of my Uncles he said the record's are in Ranipura Church we have to go and check.

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  • Navin Dsouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    This greedy man received the good amount years ago but he realise that the land value had gone up and yet his greediness doesnt allow him to vacate and there is no other matter than just the value. There is no reason to revise the value now instead he should be pulled out. People talking about no development in karnataka etc pity to see the same people commenting against the good development in the city. Patrao has done nothing much than living in that area, unfortunatley people who own acre of fertile land are called farmers in India.

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  • darrel castelino, Australia/udupi

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Dear friends, i feel the language used in this article favours MRPL rather than MR. PATRAO.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    I totally agree with Syble that we do not want industrialization at the cost of clean air, food, and water, we owe it to the generations to come!!! Mr. Patrao is fighting for a just and legitimate cause, that of his fertile farmland and his profession of farming, it is not the question of money. The compensation that has been paid to him is peanuts. What will he do when he leaves his agricultural land and goes somewhere else?

    All know that there is already a shortage of food items and prices have skyrocketed, even beyond the means of the local middle class all because of conversion of fertile land into supari/rubber cultivation and industrial zones. One should hold a very long term view and then one will know the value of preserving this valuable agricultural land.

    When the cycle changes again there will be tremendous demand for agricultural produce and what Gregory is doing is very right....he is a visionary!!!!!

    If MRPL has lost 600 crores only because of Gregory's 14 acre land how much has it gained by taking over other farmer's land???

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Jul 21 2010


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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Well said Peter, mangalore, We need man like you in Developing India.

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  • jayant s, riyadh/suratkal

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    The land of whole india is belong to all our ancestors that does not mean we should not vacate our land. Petrao just see the world outside of Mangalore as well.

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  • syble, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Mr Peter Mangalore, we dont want investors and developments in mangalore at the cost of our farmers, good air, water. We dont want to see Bhopal situation in Mangalore.

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  • Santhosh Bhandary, Surathkal/Dubai

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Instead of publishing such details at a later stage after already incurring huge losses MRPL could have and should have compensated him adequately in the beginning itself. I am sure Mr Patrao or anybody else for that matter would have willingly vacated the land. Instead of simply dragging the issue for so long and making it so complicated it could have been resolved amicably much earlier. Now what is the use of talking about it ? Is there any use crying over spilt milk ?

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Since the whole property is in dispute, the Patraos may not have sowed any seeds nor will there be any harvesting. Is MRPL bothered about a farmer's loss ?

    Wasn't MRPL aware at the time of its inception that there may be need for expansion and difficulty in acquiring land ? Why didn't they settle on a barren land in outskirts of the city than stirring the tranquility of these farmers ? Instead, now uproot the farmers to settle on barren land ! Who requires fertile land - the farmers or an industry ? Our farmer-friendly govt must wake up before its too late.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010



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  • Gilroy, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    MRPl-get out of M'lore and let us live in good health and enjoy the wealth of mother Nature. Use your crores to develop Thar desert-you can also serve as a guard against Pak terrorists.

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  • Wilson Dsouza, Paladka

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Dear M/S. MRPL, 
    Why do you want to waste your time and energy on farmer's fertile land when there is enough barren land available in North Karnataka or North India? Companies like yours not at all focusing on these areas when development is needed. Then what development or loss you are talking about? Farmer is the backbone of Indian ecomony and you can't fool people with your press releases from Delhi. DK famers have lost enough fertile land in the name of development. Now enough is enough.

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  • Vishwamitra, Parnakutir

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Business projection, Business projection loss - are all these high level management subject to defend oneself in the stock market.

    If MRPL gives statement like 600 Crore Loss, MR Patrao in fact should be compensated with much higher than 600 crores. this is due to the fact that - his land is able to sustain 600 crore projected loss.

    Utter insensible statements by the company! Moreover, there are some readers who are in favour of creating job at someone's fate. What Mr Patrao and his supporters are doing is indeed a boon to the future farmland that is going to be robbed by KIDB or other statutory board which is behind making money.

    Glad to know that the appeal is now recognized at national level due to the warm support.

    god bless one and all

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    Tue, Jul 20 2010


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  • A.R.. Ibrahim, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    MRPL is a commercial enterprise as such they should compensate adequately while vacating any land for development purpose. The same business entreprenuers pay millions to plitical funds under the pressure and threat from politicians then why not legal rights of land owner, this will be added to company assets, the land is easily now worth multicrores then pay his rights please otherwise it is called as zulm.

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  • MAKMON, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Kudo's PATRA'M. Keep It Up. Never Ever Give Up, In The Cause Of Fighting For Your Legitimate Right.
    If You Are Sincere,Clean, Straight Forward, Non-Corrupt You Will Definitely Achieve Success In Your Fight Against The Oppression Caused To You By These, So Called Anti-Social Elements Disguised As Industrialists,Causing Incurable Damage To You & And Your Family, In The Name Of Industrialisation & Development, Nothing But For their Personal Motives? Jai Ho INDIA & Its Sincere Citizens, Whose Moral Support Isd Always With People Like You.

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  • peter, mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    this is a whole load of nonsense,this man is taking mangalore hostage for his land for which he has been paid for many years back

    why doesn't he pay back the money that was paid to him 10 years back

    why did he take the money in the first place when he had no intentions of vacating it

    this is no the first time somebody has lost their ancestral land to some project if everybody protests in front of DC office ,THAT WILL PUT OFF ANY INVESTORS WANTING TO INVEST IN MANGALORE.

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  • surendra, mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Indian farmers are real MAHA RATNA COMPANY ,without out food how one can live .free food avilable during moses times from god

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  • igstor noronha, Mangalore/ Canada

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    JAI HO SWAMIJI.Do not fall for falls propaganda. First MRPL promissed good jobs, fair market price, until they sign the papers and gave them peanuts, out of more then 50% goes to currupt KIADB officials.Farmers lost 1000 times more then the MRPL. Bribe a KIADB surveyor and he will sell his mother for a buck and farming land as barren.and KIADB and thugs will intimidate, threaten, and kickout the farmer, rob his house, belongings, jewellery and sell the land 100 time more price to the industries. We R not against the development, but not in farming land, we have plenty of barren land. we dont want another BHOPAL.SWAMIJI opened our eyes and he is the only our savior. we all hve to fight against this currupt KIADB.shoe them this is another NANDIGRAM. Who benifits with these polluting industries? Patrao lost all his land for the development, first to NMPT,then Konkan railway , How many people from patrao family got jobs in Railways? Then he lost for first phase to MRPL, and remaining his livelyhood for 2nd phase.aaand he got peanuts as compansation. There is plenty of barren land in D.K. KIADB can take over and develope,only if it can guarantee jobs to locals, as in Maharastra. Or go to UP, BIHAR, RAJASTAN. where you can abuse, kill, and chase innocent people.We dont want another BHOPAL.Investigate surveyors credentials, and how many falls surveys , he d farmland as barren. Long live SWAMIJI.We have to fight like NANDIGRAM.

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  • syble, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Can anybody evaluate the emotional and mental damages caused to Gregory Patrao, his old mother, and family the way the the district administration has demolished his house, belongings and the way his household things have been dumped. We dont want Mangalore to be another Bhopal

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    When a farmer wanted to sell his produce in the market he receives the least and the middlemen are making money without physical hard work. The poor farmer who has cultivated the land with bullocks is nothing for MRPL they don't want to lose however the poor farmer losses never mind. This is the logic of MRPL/ONGC authorities. I support Gregory Patrao

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  • Madava Nayak, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Due to extention of MRPL, Mangalore people are not gaining the benifit. Why they want farmers land? Let them go out side non develpoed area. MRPL's profit benifits to higher level people & not poor people.
    Stop grabing farmers developed land.
    Big Companies having enough money let them go & develop non develpoed areas.

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    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    rubbish report,600 crore is included goonda,party,vehicle,bribe to the officers what? let it be more ! my earlier comments i wrote mr gregory dont trust these people ! they all are colour changing GOSUMBE.

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  • Jerry Moras, Canada

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    I think MRPL has ckd the books. I don't like MRPL's strategy on financias to conner Patrao. If 600 cr. financial personnel should be sacked from MRPL because they are not taking right decisions. MRPL need to find win-win situation for both Patrao and MRPL. Please don't blow out of proportion on financials. Work out your math again guys.

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  • K.Shenoy, Dubai

    Tue, Jul 20 2010

    Dear MRPL/KIADB,
    Please pay him 10% of total loss to Mr.Patrao in cash.

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Title: Gregory Patrao Land Dispute Costs MRPL Rs 600 Cr

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