Karnataka Governor Holds Back Cow Slaughter Bill

Karnataka Governor Holds Back Cow Slaughter Bill

Bangalore, Jul 29 (DHNS): Governor H R Bhardwaj on Thursday reserved the Cow Slaughter Ban Bill for the President’s consideration on the ground that certain provisions of the proposed legislation had inter-state implications. Now, the Bill, which was passed earlier this month by both Houses of the Legislature, can become law if and when President Pratibha Patil gives her assent to it.

The Governor’s action reflected his continuing political differences with the ruling BJP in Karnataka. In the past, he had openly launched a political campaign in which he had targeted the Reddy brothers, speaking his mind against the alleged illegal mining in the State.


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  • Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    A particular brand of ideology demand equality and democracy when in minority even if it not a part of their idiotic ideology. When in majority they over look or relegate other religions tell you what to do, based on stupid 4th century barbarian founder. Whether it is a cow or pig or lion it is left to individual, so bravo the Governor would do it right even if was for a pig. So preachers preach thy self

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  • Dinesh Kamath, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Fish is eating the most dirtiest things and yet 65% people of the world consume it. Anything wrong! The percentage of people consuming pork is about 60%. Are they all mad? Let us be logical and moderate people. If I follow a particular ideology, it it for me and I need not have to force others to follow me. Pointing fingers at USA and other countries because of food habits shows the narrow mindedness of some people. In China, 100% people consume Pork. What is wrong with that! Let us accept the facts instead of forcing people to accept a particular brand of ideology. People are not stupid. They know what is good/bad for them.

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  • Pais, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 02 2010

    Rajesh Rao,

    Dont preach Humnanity when you dont understand it... from the way you speak of Humanity, it seems like a very small word for you.. Not for me though!!, the amount of humanity that flows out christianity and christians knows no bounds.. My religion is based on the principles of tolerance and forgiveness. Christians dont go around asking you to ban certain things professed by your religion that christians look at differently. Then what gives you the right to do so??

    As for the animal instincts, If my animal instincts results in my food habits, then i am glad that it is where its shows.. Unlike the animal instincts which the people like you supporting the ban have exhibited, Desecration of holy places, non-tolerance to other religions and beliefs, disrespect to the human rights, abusing/assualt girls.. the list will go on...Where did your humanity dissapear??

    Just remember, Humans are animals too, and so are you.. The question is how much of HUmanity Vs the animal instincts is in you???

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  • Vishwamitra, Parnakutir

    Sun, Aug 01 2010


    When baby is fed by mother, it does not mean it is eating mother.

    Sameway, when a calf or humans milk the cow and depend on it, it does not mean that humans or calves eating the cow. This phenomenon is even seen in some animals which depend on others milk, For ex: Ant

    I am surprised by the illogical statement that you put forward to ban the cow milk.

    But anyway, there are lots of alternatives to cow milk such as Soya-milk etc., But the Soya milk produces female harmones and consumption by the males in the long run would end up in almos-no-re-productivity :-(

    anhyway, you may come up with some other logic to convince the state Government if they override the Governor's decision in future.

    In Korea, human foetus were in great demand for consumption many years back, but not sure the government has some legislation in place now.

    In China and some of our neighbor countries, money brain used to be in consumption. The table with a small round hole are still seen in some of the hawker centres in those countries, but are almost on the verge of vanishing due to law and order.

    If the bill is not in place, the theft of milking cows would go on forever (now a days - cows are being stolen heavily in the rural areas as it can fetch a dear money for the butchers).

    When country does not have farm to produce cows for eating, such bill may be necessary. Look at the poultry farm - there is no issue. There are few times more chicken in the poulty than humans.

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    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    Tom cat /Guru
    We want give some more explanation.
    Pig is the most shameless animal
    The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites
    its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times after
    dance parties, they have swapping of wives i.e. many say "you sleep with my wife and I will
    sleep with your wife." If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs. We Indians look upon America
    to be very advanced and sophisticated. Whatever they do, we follow after a few years.
    According to an article in Island magazine, this practice of swapping wives has become
    common in the affluent circles of Bombay.

    I agree that, what a person eats has an effect on his behaviour. This is one of the reasons
    why Islam prohibits the eating of carnivorous animals like lion, tiger, leopard, dog, cat etc. who are
    violent and ferocious. The consumption of the meat of such animals would probably make a
    person violent and ferocious. Islam only allows the eating of herbivorous animals like cow,
    goat, sheep, etc. that are peaceful and docile. We Muslims eat peaceful and docile animals
    because we are peace loving and non-violent people.

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    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    Dear Tom
    i am not preaching 4th century cultist ideology. For your kind information most of Indians last year (2009) suffered H1 N1 disease. (Swien Flu). Is it is in 4th century or 21st century. For your Further information The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, faeces and dirt. It
    is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In the villages they don’t have
    modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.
    Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean and
    hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No
    matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their
    own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.

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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    Anil ji,

    Actually California State Penal code 589b has prohibited the consumption of any animal that kept as a pet or a companion animal, either by killing it or eating the carcass after it dies of natural causes.

    Well that being said coming to Indian scenario, I am just pointing out that what BJP is doing is just following the guideline of the constitution in article 48. Instead of blaming the BJP and praising the governor, we would be better served as to why this article was included by the framers of the constitution in first place. If BJP is communal then so are framers of the constitution and I am pretty sure BJP was involved then.

    As for the question of what do we do... Ask the central government (CONGRESS) to amend the article 48 or it all together so that if the ban on beef by a state is challenged they cannot take the refuge of article 48.

    FYI - Most of the states of India ruled by congress have cow slaughte ban rule including the national capital

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  • Esther, Mumbai

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    It all depends on the sensibilities. If Hindus do not want to eat cow flesh, to respect their sensibilities, we can restrict the cow slaughter.

    In Mumbai beef is available, but it is not of cows, or bullocks.
    May be Karnataka should consider forming a law in these terms.

    A sensible education of Hindus, along the line of Muslims slaughtering animals in Mecca, will yield results in the long run.

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  • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    cow slaughter bill cannot be limited only to Karnataka.Introduce the ban on national level and therby we can say it is justified.In modern society each individual has his own taste and choose to eat and live.If any one knows how the milk is derived from cows body ? I am sure even milk is forbidden for those who forbid the cows meet.Karnataka Governor is wise and he has made the right move.

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  • Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    Don’t preach 4th century cultist ideology, which was based on fairy tales running wild those days, where the Jews reared pigs as scavenger. These days pigs are grown in farms go for your self and see University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS, Bangalore), Bangalore, Karnataka, PIN 560065 and then again think about phrasing or running your imagination wild. Pig meat is good for health, and fat a medicine.Even the founder of the ideology allowed pig fat to be used as medicine.

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  • Anil, Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    Sudhir ji
    You write that there is restriction in consuming horse or dog meat. But no ban. Well here, there is ban on cow slaughter, which means ban on eating beef. What do we do...any suggestions?

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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Sat, Jul 31 2010


    I have no problem with beef or people eating beef. I was just quoting what article 48 of the constitution says.

    As far as the constitution of US is concerned beef is not banned but there is definitely a restriction on Horse meat and dog meat. For Koreans dog meat is a delicacy. So what should Koreans do? Nothing they abide by what US constitution says unlike what some people in India.

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  • Sandesh, Mangalore, Oman

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    What a dignified person, fit to be a governer of any state. He looks so young and energetic, he can continue in this position for another ten years

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    This platform is becoming a pro congi and just to criticise the ruling BJP government rather than healthy unbiased comments. Critics are eager to see the ousting of the BJP gevernment and day dreaming with fond hope on the Governors. Nothing will happen and those will be left in lurch. Who bothers for unrealistic comments by those who have not voted this government to power.

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    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    The Guguru
    Here detailed answer for your comments. (Part -1)
    Consumption of pork causes several diseases
    The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and
    science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types of diseases. A person
    can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most
    dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in
    the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost
    all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart
    it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can
    cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.

    Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about pork is
    that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was
    found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked
    the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal
    cooking teme.

    Pork has fat building material
    Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets
    deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is not surprising that
    over 50% of Americans suffer from h

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  • Rajesh Rao, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    Pais, Mangalore
    I donot believe in your religion, but in humanity. By rigorously professing eating of cow you have exhibited your animal instincts in you. Be a human being first to understand the pain of animals which they undergo while slaughtering.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    Man of Principle, man of responsibility - Thank God, we have a very good Governor otherwise, we will take permission from BJP what to eat, how much to eat & when to eat. God bless you Governor.

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  • Manvit, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    He is not Governor of Karnataka he is called as CONGRESSnor, another MLA elected & sent by CONGRESS.
    Really shame on democracy, person who himslef says congressman & still holds the post of Governor.
    No wonder even after becoming governor & considering his age he may touch Rahul Gandhi feet for keeping him in such posts.

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  • Nithesh R.M, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Good decision and Kudos Mr. Governor. India is a democratic republic and no individual or group has the right to dictate to others what they should be eating or how they should be living.

    The BJP MUST first learn the respect the constitution and the rights of citizens who belong to its own country.

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  • Anand, Karkala/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    If you wait for President's approval on the bill it will take years. This is a mean act of low class political parties to have publicity like MNS in Maharashtra. Public knows it well what to eat and what not. Maharashtra banned dance bar in Mumbai 4 years back, but the public still enjoying the same old entertainment.

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  • Lawrence Sequeira, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Thank you Governor. You have the courage and wisdom. God be with you.

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  • Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    @ Rajesh Rao,
    read below... extract from the first book of the Bible

    God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so.

    When no religion says that "Thou shalt not kill an animal for food" .. Then Who are the BJP to question us???

    By the way, i love Beef and dont care what the outcome is from the Ban.. I will continue eating Beef, if not in Karnataka, someplace else.. The Ban will never stop the Beef eaters from doing so..

    Long live the Beef Eaters..

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  • Maxim Dsouza, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Mr Sudhir
    I think in USa Beef is the main food did you ever comment on banning beef in USA.

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  • Gayathri, Karinja

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    This forum is a suitable media for Congress activities debate. 97% readers are Congies...? Jai Jai Congress.....?

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  • Rajesh Rao, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Why should someone kill GODs creation and justfy their cruelty by saying its meant for consumption?. The same God has created Tigers too, and they love human blood. Can any human being go and ask the tiger to kill him as god has created man for tiger?. Some one foolishly said if cows are not killed its population might increase on the same anology why cannot you people go before the tiger and get killed to practice what you preach here?

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  • Raju, Udeupi

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    All humanbeings has right to eat anything has they wish.Since God created all things for men to eat and rule over it.Then why? some people are opossing. make note that poor people cannot efford to buy mutton .

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  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Guys, Governor's decision suits BJP and Congress both!. Considering that banning cow slaughter is not practical and is just a wishful thinking, BJP can relax now putting the blame on Governor. Being a Congressman, Governor has served Congress with its policy of minority appease ment.

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  • Pavan, Karkala

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    It is all hidden agenda. Any cows you spare, the demand for fertilizers would shoot up. But the impact is - we have to eat non-organic food, and the P&L sheet of companies such as RCF, Liberty Phosphate,MCF would be no more negative.

    It is high time, Governor promotes slaughtering of Cockroach, elegators, pork, dog, horse, beetles etc. delecacies, The move atleast would turn out as an effective pest controller, would devoid turf club and eliminate straying of dogs in the streeet etc. This is followed in Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, Burma, USA, Cambodia and one of our bigger neighbour country as well. Even snails, frogs are delecacies in France.

    Last year, Australian government slaughtered several thousands of Camels too as it did not like people complaining of Camel attack.

    There is a nice book "The Giving Tree", Harper & Row Publication, meant for Nursery kids but worth reading once in life time.

    Moral is "Humans are selfish" they can change eco system much faster than the Beavers.

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  • Keshava, Puttur

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Aboobaker, do you know the population of India? It increases in crores every year. Do you suggest slaughtering humans to control the population?

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  • Dinesh Kamath, Mangalore, India

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Eating beef or pork should be left to the individual. So the so called Cow Slaughter Bill is not necessary at all. Let people eat healthy food whether it is veg or non-veg. See China which has made enormous progress in every fields and even in sports, mainly because of their eating habits. Pork and Beef dishes are always delicious and those want to eat them, let them eat without any fear or pressure. We should be broadminded and should not follow extremist ideologies to divide our country. Governor has very right to hold this unpopular bill. We do not want this bill. Let us have fruits of real democracy!

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  • Gladson, Brahmavar

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    As someone commented, most of Yeddy's cabinet colleagues are beef eaters. I have studied, worked and lived in various districts such as Belguam, Raichur, Bellary, Bijapur and Gulgarga in North Karnataka for quite long time and have known that except for the staunch Lingayats, rest all consume beef. It is in fact one of their primary delicacies.

    The so called the lower strata of the society, both economically and socially, never has any problem with slaughtering and consumption of beef. They too follow the same Gita and teachings which are followed by the ruling class, the Brahmins. So how does that cow become sacred only for Brahmins and Lingayats and not for SC and STs or other socially trampled sections of the society? Don't go far. Just ask Reddy brothers as how much beef cooks in their houses! The Edigas and Kurubas too are not exception for this.

    So does that mean these are not Hindus or they are not 'good Hindus? It's strange that Brahmins who constitue only a a minor section of Hindu community can dictate terms both for Hindus and for Hindustan! Are the Hindus from North Karnataka different from their counterparts from South Karnatka who are actually behind this Bill? In South Karnataka itself majority of BJP followers are from two particular castes and the youngsters of these two castes are the majority beef eaters, apart from Christians and Muslims in most of the non-vegetarian hotels both in Udupi and Mangalore! So what exactly is cooking Mr Yeddyurappa?

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  • Abusaad, magnalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Why only Cow? Chicken , Goat and all other animals also has life...

    even vegetalbe growing tress too has life....???? If we ban all then what is the diet of human?

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  • Shetty, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    This governor is a Italian Chamcha...It's better that he joins the Congress once for all

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  • Abu saad, Mangalore / SA

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Mr. Arth Yes we are living here in Arab country by leavinig behind our kith & kin. We produce large share of foreign currency from that Indian Govt. buying Oil. In case all of us went back you will not enjoy many facilities like which you are having now specially Jobs in Government and banking sector (We are not using our Quota) Another thing is the largest leather skin exporters are Brahmins from Tamilnadu (Hindus). Ofcourse we are getting tasty and fresh (Hygenic) beef here itself exported from India. Think about those people who are visiting bars and enjoying delicious beef......... Earlier beef was very cheap in Mangalore now all the communities are eating so price gone up dramatically. Take care my freind,, think about community not about yourself, such people are called selfish..

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  • Dave, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Sudhir K.USA,please clarify whether the article 48,stipulates to preserve & ban cow slaughter till they die a natural death. And whether it bans consumption of beef per se. Doesn't it contradict others' constitutional , the imported or indigenous variety should the act encompass? Can this bill stand the scrutiny of Supreme Court Rulings.

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  • Vincy , Shamboor/Bangkok

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    It is a foolish act to Ban supply and consumption of Beef.The Constitution allows you to appeal to the Supreme court for a permission to eat beef whenever there is a valid reason.It can be health reason or challenging the court for your legitimate right to eat a meat of your choice other than human flesh.So what is the point in convincing only less than 30% Hindu voters by passing this bill in both the houses.The people who passed the bill have not yet explained the answer for buffalo slaughtering at Hindu Temples to please the Goddess.The whole drama of this law was to please a handful number of voters of a particular community but if compared of all over India there is a majority voice to support for Beef.

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  • kevin, trasi

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    In a democratic country we should have the rights to choose what we eat. Is it Bhajrang democracy ?

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  • aboobaker uppala, uppala/Holy Makkah

    Fri, Jul 30 2010


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  • Keshava, Puttur

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    The governor of Karnataka recently (about a month back) supported the ban on cow slaughtering openly. He insisted other states too to follow the same. But all of a sudden he changed his stand entirely. He asked question to Home minister about how the other five states(which already had implemented this law) have the law defined. Home minister had clarified all his doubts, yet he put forward the bill to president. God knows what factor influenced him to change his mind.

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Thank you for the comment/information.This should enlighten the great philosophers on the issue!

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  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Mateen, Mangalore

    If you think human beings teeth suited for both herbivorous as well as carnivorous food i.e. they are omnivorous

    why u guys dont eat Pig ,dog etc??

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  • Shinchan, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Thank you Honble Governor,
    Please support the people right to eat whatever they want.75% people of karnataka eat meat only.

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  • mateen, manglore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Worship Creator of the creatures, Not Creature of The Creator.
    Read this God made our organs for both veg & Non Veg.If you observe the teeth of herbivorous animals like the cow, goat and sheep, you will find something strikingly similar in all of them. All these animals have a flat set of teeth i.e. suited for herbivorous diet. If you observe the set of teeth of the carnivorous animals like the lion or tiger, they all have a pointed set of teeth i.e. suited for a carnivorous diet. If you analyze the set of teeth of humans, you find that they have flat teeth as well as pointed teeth. Thus they have teeth suited for both herbivorous as well as carnivorous food i.e. they are omnivorous. One may ask, if Almighty Allah wanted humans to have only vegetables, why did He provide us also with pointed teeth? It is logical that He expected us to have both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food.

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  • mateen, manglore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    I do not mind if some people are pure vegetarian. However they should not condemn non-vegetarians as ruthless. In fact if all Indians become non-vegetarians then personally I would be a loser since the prices of meat would rise.

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  • chittaranjan, Doha,Qatar

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Dear All, Governor only asked the explanation thats all. it will be given by home ministry. As per the indian consitution Governor can only ask exp. he dont have the right to stop. only the matter of time. second. in india more than five state banned cow slaughter including jamu and kashmir. this is for the info only.

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  • Karthik, Banglore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    U people sitting in Dubai and Middle east countries want to come here and eat beef?.Better u eat it there itself and dont expect it here.Very easy to comment sitting there mr kokkikatte

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  • mateen, manglore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Kindly go through Vedas,Mahabarath & Ramayan.Read below article from Mahabharth it gives some knowledge.
    Mahabharata Anushashan Parva chapter 88 narrates the discussion between Dharmaraj Yudhishthira and Pitamah Bhishma about what food one should offer to Pitris (ancestors) during the Shraddha (ceremony of dead) to keep them satisfied. Paragraph reads as follows: "Yudhishthira said, "O thou of great puissance, tell me what that object is which, if dedicated to the Pitiris (dead ancestors), become inexhaustible! What Havi, again, (if offered) lasts for all time? What, indeed, is that which (if presented) becomes eternal?"

    "Bhishma said, "Listen to me, O Yudhishthira, what those Havis are which persons conversant with the rituals of the Shraddha (the ceremony of dead) regard as suitable in view of Shraddha and what the fruits are that attach to each. With sesame seeds and rice and barely and Masha and water and roots and fruits, if given at Shraddhas, the pitris, O king, remain gratified for the period of a month. With fishes offered at Shraddhas, the pitris remain gratified for a period of two months. With the mutton they remain gratified for three months and with the hare for four months, with the flesh of the goat for five months ... and with the meat of Gavaya for ten months. With the meat of the buffalo their gratification lasts for eleven months. With beef presented at the Shraddha, their gratification, it is said, lasts for a full year...

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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    As an ex law minister H R Bharadwaj I guess knows the constitution.

    Article 48 of the constitution reads 'Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry'. It states "the state shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle".

    So why is the governor being a obstacle in Karnataka government following the constitution????

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  • Ashok, Udupi

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Thanks Mr Shanawaz kukkikatte for sharing the inforamtion.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmannu

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Thank you Governor H R Bhardwaj.
    May god bless you with good health for the rest of your life.
    We also pray for our CM Yedurappa. May God help him in taking wise and bold decisions.

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    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Mr S.Kukkikatte,your question psuedo only applies to NNB.

    We have discussed a lot about the issue and I think it lost it's relevence. But one thing I remember is GOV, off the record supported anti cow slaughter movement and what made him to refer this bill to PREZ. As you said all political parties are appeasing one or other communities for their own benifit.

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  • Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Just because certain fascist forces along with udupi mutt swami worship cow as god, why others should not eat. They may do many things pleasing to their ideology which others don't believe

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  • Praveen, Udupi

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Another bad day for Mr Nagesh Mamu.....waiting for his comments. Thankyou Mr Nawaz Kukkikatte for your comments...Liked it lots and surely Nagesh Mamu must be feeling the pinch

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Beef delicacies are sold throughout Kerala, Andhra, Tamilnadu and Maharashtra and the like. Why beef ban in karnataka alone? Why the people of karnataka are only true hindus and others states people are psuedo hindus??? The bill is introduced as biased and to appease one particular organisation and have not taken into consideration the opinion of masses. The bill is full of flaws and I am sure it will not see the day light and shall remain as bill only and law shall not be enacted. Just ask how many of Yeddis cabinet ministers are beef eaters. 90% of them clandistinely consume beef. BJP a party with difference and party wih double standards.....

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  • Fredrick Castelino, Udyavara

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Kudos Mr. Governor. You have supported the right to eat which man wishes to eat. Let the dangerous anti cow slaughter bill remain in the file of President forever which was passed unilaterally in the assembly without consensus of all the members. Karnataka Govenment should know that beef is the food of poor people who cannot eat costly mutton which government is not in a position to supply with low price.

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  • Bruno DSouza, Udupi/ Dubai

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Bravo! about time someone stepped in to bring some justification.

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