Over 1,000 Killed in Quake and Devastating Tsunami in Japan

Over 1,000 killed in quake and devastating tsunami in Japan

Tokyo, Mar 12 (PTI) : More than 1,000 people were feared dead in the massive tsunami triggered by Japan's most powerful earthquake which wrought devastation in northeast coastal Japan forcing the government to declare emergency at two nuclear plants after their cooling systems failed. 

Kyodo new agency reported that 217 bodied have been recovered while the toll could be over 1,000.

The cooling systems in two key nuclear power plants at Fukushima plant were disabled and Japan's nuclear safety agency has said that the plant will release slightly radioactive vapour from the unit to lower the pressure in an effort to protect the reactor from a possible meltdown.

There has been no radiation leak.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan ordered evacuation of over 45,000 residents living within 10-kilometres radius of the nuclear plants.

A strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake hit the country's mountainous Niigata prefecture northwest of Tokyo early this morning, causing landslides and avalanches and destroying some wooden houses.

Yesterday, the gushing waters following the 8.9- magnitude quake, the most powerful since the 1923 tremor in Great Kanto area in Tokyo and its vicinity which was 7.9 on Richter scale and had killed more than 140,000 people, swept houses, overturned ships, vehicles and set ablaze several buildings, including a petrochemical plant.
Most of the bodies were recovered from Sendai.

Japan's military mobilised thousands of troops, 300 planes and 40 ships for the relief effort, Kyodo reported.

At least 60 people were killed in Iwate prefecture and other places. A 67-year-old man was killed after being hit by a crumbling wall in Chiba prefecture, while a woman in her 50s died after a portion of a roof of a hall collapsed in Tokyo.

The National Police Agency said 531 people were reported missing and 627 others were injured in the quake and the 33-foot tidal waves in the country's northeast coast.

Television images showed fires raging in several building complexes as also a major petrochemical complex in Sendai. The tsunami also flooded the Sendai airport.

A ship carrying about 100 people was washed away by the huge tidal waves in Japan's northeast coast and its fate was not known, public broadcaster NHK reported, citing Miyagi prefecture police.

A passenger train with an unknown number of people aboard, running near Nobiru station on the Senseki Line connecting Sendai to Ishinomaki, was unaccounted for, the Japanese new agency said, quoting the police.

Buildings, even in far away Tokyo, shook vigorously and live footage by NHK showed a wide, muddy stream moving rapidly across a residential area near Natori River in Miyagi, levelling everything in its path.

The quake struck at 2:46 pm local time (11:16 am IST) and alerts were issued across the Pacific, including areas as far away as South America, US west coast, Canada and Alaska.

Kyodo quoting the fire and disaster management agency said more than 80 fires were reported from Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Fukushima, Ibaradi, Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures.

Over 600 people, many of them students, were seen stranded atop a school rooftop in Sendai after a fire broke out nearby. 

 Earlier Update:

Massive Japan Earthquake Triggers Tsunami

Tokyo, Mar 11(Agencies):  A 33-foot tsunami slammed into the coast off the city of Sendai in northeast Japan on Friday after an 8.9-magnitude quake struck offshore, Japanese media reported. ( US west coast, Hawaii on tsunami alert )

TV footage showed cars and houses being swept along in the water. The runways at Sendai Airport were submerged, with dozens of people seen on the roof of the terminal building.

Kyodo news reported that a seven-metre tsunami had reached Fukushima prefecture.

At least one person was killed in Fukushima prefecture, north of Tokyo where four million homes were without power. The quake caused many injuries, fires and a wall of water across the coast, prompting warnings to people to move to higher ground. ( Japan nuclear plants shut after quake )

There were several strong aftershocks. In the capital Tokyo, buildings shook violently.

TV pictures showed a vast wall of water carrying the debris and even fires across a large swathe of coastal farmland near the city of Sendai, which has a population of one million.

Public broadcaster NHK showed flames and black smoke billowing from a building in Odaiba, a Tokyo suburb, and bullet trains to the north of the country were halted.

Black smoke was also pouring out of an industrial area in Yokohama's Isogo area. TV footage showed boats, cars and trucks floating in water after a small tsunami hit the town of Kamaichi in northern Japan. An overpass, location unknown, appeared to have collapsed into the water.

Kyodo news agency said there were reports of fires in Sendai where waves carried cars across the runway at the airport. ( How a tsunami is caused )

The western prefecture of Wakayama ordered 20,000 people to evacuate after further tsunami warnings.

"The building shook for what seemed a long time and many people in the newsroom grabbed their helmets and some got under their desks," Reuters correspondent Linda Sieg said in Tokyo. "It was probably the worst I have felt since I came to Japan more than 20 years ago."

The Tokyo stock market extended losses after the quake. The central bank said it would do everything to ensure financial stability.

Passengers on a subway line in Tokyo screamed and grabbed other passengers' hands. The shaking was so bad it was hard to stand, said Reuters reporter Mariko Katsumura.

Hundreds of office workers and shoppers spilled into Hitotsugi Street, a shopping street in Akasaka in downtown Tokyo.

Household goods ranging from toilet paper to cling film were flung into the street from outdoor shelves in front of a drugstore.

Crowds gathered in front of televisions in a shop next to the drugstore for details. After the shaking from the first quake subsided, crowds were watching and pointing to construction cranes on an office building up the street with voices saying, "They're still shaking!", "Are they going to fall?"

Asagi Machida, 27, a web designer in Tokyo, sprinted from a coffee shop when the quake hit.

"The images from the New Zealand earthquake are still fresh in my mind so I was really scared. I couldn't believe such a big earthquake was happening in Tokyo."

The U.S. Geological Survey earlier verified a magnitude of 7.9 at a depth of 15.1 miles and located the quake 81 miles east of Sendai, on the main island of Honshu. It later upgraded it to 8.9.

A police car drove down Hitotsugi Street, lights flashing, announcing through a bullhorn that there was still a danger of shaking.

Japan's northeast Pacific coast, called Sanriku, has suffered from quakes and tsunamis in the past and a 7.2 quake struck on Wednesday. In 1933, a magnitude 8.1 quake in the area killed more than 3,000 people. Last year fishing facilities were damaged after by a tsunami caused by a strong tremor in Chile. ( Major tsunamis in the world )

Earthquakes are common in Japan, one of the world's most seismically active areas. The country accounts for about 20 percent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater.

Six Dead, Reports Confirm

At least six people were killed, 20 injured and many were missing, including a number of children who were sucked into the sea, the public broadcaster NHK reported.

The six deaths were reported at a welfare facility that collapsed in Minami Soma in Fukushima prefecture, and the Kyodo News agency said eight people were missing in a landslide in Fukushima prefecture.

Waves swamped buildings and swept away cars, boats, crops and even buildings. People gathered on the roofs of inundated buildings and houses. Women waved white handkerchiefs from windows, seeking help.

NHK showed footage of submerged vehicles in Kamaishi, Iwate prefecture, as a 4.2-metre tsunami hit the city's coast and of many houses in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, being washed away by quake-generated waves.

High tsunami waves also hit Hiroo on Hokkaido, Japan's northern island.

The agency warned more waves up to 10 metres high would hit the coast of eastern Japan.

A tsunami advisory was issued in wide swathes of the eastern coast and around the Pacific.

The US Geological Survey said the initial quake was followed by at least eight large aftershocks, the strongest measuring magnitude 7.1 and striking 40 minutes after the first tremor.

Media reported extensive damage to buildings in and around Tokyo and the collapse of roofs on Tokyo buildings.

NHK showed footage of fire at petrochemical complexes in Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo.

Narita International Airport and airports in Senda, Iwate Hanamaki, Aomori and Yamagata were closed, the Jiji Press agency said. NHK showed footage of the Sendai Airport submerged.

Nuclear power stations on the Pacific coast in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures shut down operations automatically after the quake hit.

More than 4.5 million households experienced power outages in the metropolitan area, Tokyo Electric Power Co said. Almost all the households in eastern Japan experienced power failures, NHK said.

Japanese train service, including bullet trains, were suspended in northeastern and central Japan.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii issued tsunami warnings for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas and tsunami watches for Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hawaii, Guam and other Pacific islands.

The centre forecast arrival times for Russia's Urup Island at 0714 GMT, initial times for Taiwan at 0932 GMT, the Philippines at 0955 GMT and Indonesia at 1049 GMT.

Quake Caused Huge Damage: Japan PM
The massive earthquake that hit Japan Friday has caused extensive damage, said Prime Minister Naoto Kan.

The prime minister said the government would make every effort to deal with the impact of the earthquake that measured 8.9 on the Richter scale and triggered waves of tsunamis.

"Our government will make all-out efforts to minimize the damage caused by the earthquake," Xinhua quoted Kan as saying.

The government has set up a task force to deal with the quake, Kan said as he noted that the temblor has caused extensive damage.

He said so far there was no problem with nuclear power plants. Initial reports said that six people had been killed.

No Tsunami Threat to India

There is no threat of tsunami along the Indian coast, officials said Thursday after a massive earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami in Japan.

"There is no tsunami threat to India and people should not panic," Shailesh Nayak, ministry of earth sciences secretary, told IANS.

Nayak said the tsunami warnings have been issued to east Asian countries and not in the Indian Ocean.

Following the 2004 tsunami, India in 2007 had set up a tsunami warning centre run by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) in Hyderabad under the ministry of earth sciences.

A massive earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale hit Japan early Thursday, triggering tsunamis as high as 10 metres that slammed the far east country's coastal areas. There was no immediate estimate of casualties.

The earthquake struck off Japan's northeastern coast, forcing people to flee their homes.

Tsunami alerts were issued in the Philippines, Taiwan, Guam and Russia as well as islands in the Pacific, and Indonesia.


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  • gerard, mangalore

    Sun, Mar 13 2011

    to all the people in japan, take courage

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  • Hisham Ahmed, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 12 2011

    This earthquake reminds me a story of Qaroon, ome of richest minister advisor of Egyptian Kings Phroah. His wealth was so huge that he need a cart to carry the keys of treasury. He was very proud and thought that he earned all that wealth due to his intelligence and never remained grateful to Almighty God for his wisdom and wealth. One day earth swallowed his entire home and his wealth. People who witnessed this incident realized that it was Qaroon who forgot his creator and lost everything. Eventullay history witneseed drowning of Phraoh with his entire might and army in the Red Sea, Phroah's body recovered from Red Sea after thousands of year can be seen in measuem. Hope Japanese people will not feel the same way as Qaroon and Phroah feel instead they must remain grateful to Almighty God for all the achievemnts they did in 20th and 21st century. These catastrophes serve as warnings to mankind we should remember death every day and attain utimate success in the life after death no matter how and when we faced our end in this life.

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  • Rudolf, Bantwal

    Sat, Mar 12 2011

    Hardworking and scrupulous that the Japanese are, they will overcome this catastrophe soon and get back to normal.

    Despite having earthquake resistant structures 8.9 Richter is beyond human technological ingenuity. This earthquake will also focus attention on the longterm safety vs hazards of nuclear energy. This will give more weightage to concerns raised by environmentalists for civilian nuclear plants.

    Tsunami is nature's way to get even against humankind's excesses (naturalists are of the opinion that nature though slow will definitely reclaim the land which man has forcibly grabbed from her). If such a disaster were to happen to Mumbai, all the seven islands will get separated like how it was originally. From a human social and economic point of view Tsunami might have caused havoc, but if we were to see this from the otherside through fish eyed lenses, it brings relief and time for fish and marine ecology to be restored. Fishermen from all over the world are being haunted by fears of a Tsunami. More and more fishermen discouraged children to inherit the traditional profession. It is not only the impact on fishing infrastructure and psychological fear that helps the fish, but tsunamis help by churning up buried sea nutrients.

    We pray for the people of Japan!

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  • Rudolf A. D'souza, kirem

    Sat, Mar 12 2011

    God shows mercy on sinners and the water of the sea can be counted, but
    God's merciful deeds cannot be counted. So this is the time to repent for our sins and ask God mercy and stop cheating others and deceiving and money money nothing only good deeds are counted by God.

    God save the world.

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  • Rudolf A. D'souza, kirem

    Sat, Mar 12 2011

    God shows mercy on sinners and the water of the sea can be counted, but
    God's merciful deeds cannot be counted. So this is the time to repent for our sins and ask God mercy and stop cheating others and
    deceiving and money money nothing
    only good deeds are counted by God.
    God save the world.

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  • George, NZ

    Sat, Mar 12 2011

    yes we need to pray and go in our hearts for Japan, as we all are one all over the world, people just forgot it. Disasters such as this should unite people of the planet, remind them that we all are indeed ONE, live as one family on this globe. Stay strong, Japanese friends, we are with you. May Lord stop this disaster soon.

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  • mai raja, beerib

    Sat, Mar 12 2011

    o man plz dont go aganist the nature. let god be the supreme controler of all.

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  • Sr.monthie, Sultanpur

    Sat, Mar 12 2011

    My the Lord the creator, Save the people of Japan. Stop this disaster. With tears I pray you Lord

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  • Sayed Mansoor Ali, Udupi/Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Oh God save Japan & world

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    I think this worst than Hiroshima and Nagasaki disaster. Lets join our hands and pray let their soul rest in peace those who died. Lets pray to God for all who has suffered. Their suffering is ours. Despite of all the mysery happend lets pray to God that worst is over and now their normal life very soon by God's grace. God, gave them strength and power to overcome this impact, we all shall pray for them.

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  • Prashanth.Donimane, Yenekal, Subramanya

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    ohh..... God pls save Japan people & World

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  • Shannawaz, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    A.S.Mathew, U.S.A. please correct yourself, India is the third largest economy in the world..

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  • Dr Madhyastha H, Hungarcutta/Japan

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Dear Kanadigas
    We are all safe here in Japan. It is unfortunate and nasty game of nature.As per Embassy there is no dead or injured Kanadigas or Indians. We are all rushing for resue operation today.

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  • Preetham, bantwal

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Hi rudolf your knoweledge of nature is very good.Keep it up. At least one got a clue of whats going on.

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    Fri, Mar 11 2011


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    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Dear all.. belive in God u and ur family will be saved.so let us keep trust in God all mighty and pray together. God is our seviour let us praise him.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Pray for the suffering people of
    Japan...it is too deep to comprehend
    the gravity of the situation.

    This is very shocking. 4 million
    people in Tokyo without electricity
    which shows the gravity of the
    earthquake. It will be years to
    rebuild Japan from this catastrophe, and economic impact
    due to the tragedy will affect the
    whole world because Japan is the
    third largest economy in the world.

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  • john r lobo, belgaum/abudhabi

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    o god we all are your people,you have power over mankind, protect your mankind,come soon and save us from our sins,hindus ,muslims, christians and all we pray for you

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  • eugine, bombay

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    God help these people who have suffered in this disaster God is calling us to come more closer to him just keep praying

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  • clester, Dubai Kallanpur

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    lorr save bless our land we are our daily bread thank you LORD Japan quke Tuumani srowing fly give ur good strength

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Very sad, I deeply mourn the
    untimely and sudden death of
    hundreds of innocent people.
    May God give the strength and
    courage to the survivors and their kin to overcome this tragedy.

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  • Valerian, Doha/Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    God is all powerful Mighty. Even powerful countries thier militaries cannot protect their people from death ,devastation during such devastation. This life is always temporary. Be faithful to God/ Obey his commands and he will give you strength and save them from eternal fire.

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    My prayers are with Japanese.

    Dear readers, this could happen even to Mangalore/coastal line as this area is highly prone to earthquake. Are we prepared for it? Is there any disaster managmeent team ready? As the ecological balance is lost, there is a serious need for keeping the emmergency measures ready in the coastal districts.

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  • Fr. Vincent Crasta, punacha

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Let us all pray for the people of Japan as they are facing a great national disaster. Only the prayer can give them consolation.
    "O God be with your people of Japan, give them all courage to face the tragedy.comfort and save them"

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    Fri, Mar 11 2011


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  • naveen lobo, dubai

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    oh god pls save japan people

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  • jennifergracian botelho, udupi,karnataka

    Fri, Mar 11 2011


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  • Vinod Wilfred Tauro, Madanthyar, Dubai

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Quite devastating earthquake alongwith Tsunami.We are bit worried,especially about our last brother who works in Tokyo. He send a message at 549am saying earthquake hits, but later no message, no contacts. They evacuvated themself from the building and took shelter in a Train.They walked home from all the city center. I could get him on the line later afternoon. As per him the amount of loss to Japan is not thinkable. Still tremours are coming now and then.
    Whole telephone lines,mobiles were disconnected and no connection at all. Long live Japan

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  • Rudolf, Bantwal

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Shocking pictures of earthquake of more than 8.5 on Richter and Tsunami waves paralyzing Japan. Hope the hard working people of Japan overcome this soon...

    Just yesterday there was a prediction warning extreme turbulence due to the moon coming very close to the earth....read on...

    Earth headed for chaos as supermoon closes in

    London: The world could be in for a bumpy ride next week when the moon will make its closest approach to Earth in almost 20 years,say experts.

    According to them,the astronomical event extreme supermoon may trigger earthquakes,volcanic eruptions and other disasters.An extreme supermoon occurs when the Earth's natural satellite reaches its absolute closest point.On March 19,the moon will be only 221,556 miles away the first extreme supermoon in nearly 20 years.

    Previous supermoons or lunar perigees happened in 1955,1974,1992 and 2005.Each year had extreme weather events.

    However,TV weatherman John Kettley was quoted by the media as saying,A moon can't cause a geological event like an earthquake,but it will cause a difference to the tide.If that combines with certain weather conditions,then that could cause a few problems for coastal areas. PTI

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  • Alwyn Crasta, neermarga, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Japan Govt. and people of Japan always helping for other country. Dear God pls. help Japan.
    I want to request Govt. of India give more and more support to People of Japan.

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  • Roshan Pinto, Hubli/Hubli

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    very sad to see such visuals. I pray God to save the Japan people from such disaster and also give them strength and courage to face the situation.

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  • L N Rego, Bendur

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Every tragic incidents prove that god is in control if not our science and technology would have prevented the danger.
    Its time to confess with our inner soul and present a clean heart the god almighty. Anger, hatred, disharmony, war and what not we see around us pause for a while and try to make this place a paradise to live in.

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  • sahil, udupi

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    o my god save japanies and us

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  • Venkatesh Prasad, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Hey God! Plz Save us. . .

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  • jackson lobo, indian, siddakatte

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    O,god please save them

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  • antony monteiro, saudhi arabia

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    oh god pls help japan people. very sad news..

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  • Precilla /Dsouza, Vamadapadau /Israel

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    very sad news & very sad to see this kind of pictures may god bless japan give comfort those family who lost thier loved once may god bless japan our prayer with u.

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  • lawrence, Nakre - Karkala-Sultanate of Oman

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    We all world wise join together [As a children of almighty GOD] and extend our assist to them ……..

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  • kennith, brahmavar

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    o god plese save them

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  • K. Vishwanath/Rohith Shetty/Sudhakar, Konchadi Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    There is no power to controll the strenghth of nature.This is matter of great sorrow for good country japan.We all pray god not to repeat these sort of incidents again any contries in the world

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  • Josina BS, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Dear brother and sisters, we are with you. Take courage

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  • Laveena Alwyn Nazereth, Karkala,

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    We can build lost houses and other things but not life. god please save their life and their near and dear ones, coz this cannot be built again.......

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  • subray bhat, karwar

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    oh god save japan peoples. We all have Prey for them.

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  • josheela lobo, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    o God save this World frm d disaster

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  • We must seek refuge to God Almighty, Peace-Riyadh

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Dears,Why was I created? Why am I here? What am I doing in this world? Why did God
    create me?"We must know the our Creater. we worship the our Creater. Not to worship the Creations.We should repunt to out Creater.These are the Sign to know our Creater. He is Greater than All. God Almighty give Rightpath to All of us.

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  • olivia miranda, GUNDLUPET

    Fri, Mar 11 2011


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  • SUSHMA, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011


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  • Kishore, manglore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Oh God... Save the world..

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  • prakash, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    while praying for the people of Japan it is said in the bible
    New Testament: Lucas 21

    - 5:121, 12:19, 20:20,

    29:33 Letters of St Paul 3 - 8 - 14 Isaiah 40, 1:5:9.

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    when we forget the basic tenets of humanity, peaceful co-existence and love, nature reminds us..

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  • Laveena Pinto, Dubai

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    God please save Japan people.......

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  • Robert Lewis, Brahmavar/

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Oh God save Japan people and world.

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  • sowmya, kallamundkur

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    May God Bless All of Us..
    Save Japan & World

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  • sowmya, kallamundkur

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    May God Bless All of Us..
    Save Japan & World

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  • c j simon, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    I am deeply distressed. It is very sad. People of Japan are very brave and industrious.
    People of Japan - no amount of comfort will be sufficient. But we promise we are with you.

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    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    May God Bless All of Us..
    Save Japan & World

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    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    May God Bless All of Us..
    Save Japan & World

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  • Sunitha Arun Sohani, Manela, Punacha/ Valencia Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    GOD...Save them

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  • Hamid, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Japanese are very hard working people, from like those natural or mankind calamities they will become more stronger and faster. God be kind on them.

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  • govind, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Oh my god,why chaina still alive?

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  • AshaCynthia Rajeswari, Moodbidri

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    O God,Be kind to the Mankind and save this World from the disaster

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  • Roopa, Ujire

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    pls help of that all people pls help god.

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  • John L. D'souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Oh GOD!!! Save them..

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  • mohan, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    ohh..... God pls save Japan people & World

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  • Rudy (Mantrady), Mantrady

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    WHAT A TRAGEDY!! May God in His infinite goodness and mercies comfort those how are affected in one way or the other.

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  • pray for japanese, ramesh naik

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Japanese are the source of every nation because of their ever green contribution to all over the country, realy it was very shocking news

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  • bhavya, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    pls help of that all peoples pls help god.

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  • thimmappakc, pulikal

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    oh god save japen peoples and world

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  • felcy pinto, Mallikatta/Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    May God bless all of us. Very sad to see the visuals.....

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  • thimmappakc, pulikal .andhra pradesh

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    oh god save japen peoples and world

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  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Oh God almighty be kind to Japan.Restrict the damageand loss of human life to minimum.We pary, nothing is imposssible for you.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    god bless all of us

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  • Aramus, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    come what may ..Japanese know how to rebuild the same in very less years....forces of nature can take only lives but not their hard work and
    will power to survive

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  • Rocky Lobo, Bajpe

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    O God Save people from disaster. Very sad to see the visuals.

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  • ravindra, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    I prey god that damage is minimuum
    Why the nature so unkind to good people of good country who have immensely contributed to growth of other countries particulary electronic industry.

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  • Roshan, m'bidri/a'dhabi

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    Saw the visuals..very sad to see...god save this planet

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Title: Over 1,000 Killed in Quake and Devastating Tsunami in Japan

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