Bengaluru, Oct 30 (IANS): Karnataka police investigating the suicide case of the Lingayat Seer Basavalinga Sri Swamiji of Kanchugal Bandemutt of Ramnagar district under mysterious circumstances have launched a hunt for the woman who honey-trapped him.
As the case took many twists and turns, the police sources on Sunday explained that they have collected more than 20 video clippings of the seer and the woman who was used to honey trap him.
Preliminary investigations have revealed that the lady who honey-trapped is from Bengaluru. But, police sources explained that the deceased seer was seen moving closely with many women and it is becoming difficult for them to identify who among them honey-trapped him.
The videos and audios with the woman were used by a gang of religious seers, politicians to blackmail and torture deceased seer, who ended his life by hanging himself in the premises of the mutt on Oct 24.
He had left a suicide note mentioning names of a religious seer and politician who compelled him to commit suicide. Many pages of the suicide note are still missing and the police have asked people to submit them or cases would be lodged against them.
As the police launch a hunt for the woman who allegedly trapped the seer systematically as per the conspiracy. Police sources explained that though they had got her photograph, it has become a challenge for them to track the lady sparrow.
Meanwhile, police sources explained that one of the sages named by the deceased seer in the death note has disappeared and is approaching court seeking anticipatory bail from the court. Further investigations are on.