Mangalore: Molestation Attempt in City – Married Woman Sustains Injuries

Mangalore: Molestation Attempt in City – Married Woman Sustains Injuries

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (VA)

Mangalore, Jul 14: It turned out to be a dark day for a lady residing in Kukkatte in Ganjimutt, near Gurupur here as a young man of her neighbourhood tried molesting her on Thursday July 14.

A relative of the 25-year-old victim said that 18-year-old Azharuddin, the accused, was known to the lady and on Thursday morning when she was alone with her baby at home, he knocked on her door asking for some onions.

"The man who was familiar with the lady knocked at her door this morning and requested her to give a few onions and tomatoes for cooking. She brought them from the kitchen and handed over the same to him," said the relative.

"The man then told her that he wanted to see her baby. As she turned to bring the baby he attacked her from behind. When she protested he manhandled her and pushed her against a wall injuring her on the head."

The lady was taken to SCS hospital for scanning.

The accused is absconding. Bajpe police are investigating the case.


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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sat, Jul 16 2011

    Mr. Nagesh Nayak has commented sensibly this time. In his list Halappa and Renukacharya are in front line and they belongs to which section Maamu ?

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  • Arun, Dubai/Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 15 2011

    Things of such kind has been happening since ages.. only b'coz the media is quite active these days.. each and every petty incidents has been focussed. what has political parties or organisations has to do about human nature ? people like Peter Pereira will also blame political parties for natural calamities, my dear friends grow UP!!

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  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 15 2011

    nagesh nayak, bangalore,
    Yes, that section is called as "CRIMINALS"

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  • mustafa, ksa

    Fri, Jul 15 2011

    A sensible thoughts from Nagesh Nayak!! Personally I like him and I agree he is a smart politician and nothing wrong in it. Keep it up Nagesh Maam.

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  • vishwa, udupi

    Fri, Jul 15 2011

    Guys dont worry about Peter Pereira Pune, this guy does not want non catholic boys to serve him, but he love to serve non catholic guests of his so called Hotel in Pune.

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  • anil pinto, kinnigoli

    Fri, Jul 15 2011

    kill tat azaruddhin... these people create our country problms

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    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Oops ... sad incident really. Isn't there any police complain /FIR lodged by victim's relatives? Have they interrogated the alleged culprit's family to find out the whereabouts of the culprit? Because these kind of incidents happen every day in different corners of the country. But never reported to police. Victims suffer lifelong.
    The situation is handled very badly by the victim's family, media and public in general. In this emotional and psychological disturbance of a new mother the situation in very sensitive. We should be very careful while getting ourselves emotional and diverting real issue of finding out the culprit and punishing him and taking care of the young mother. Let us be little matured in handling the victim in such cases.

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  • Guruprasad, mangalore/chembur/mumbai

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Very sad news indeed..
    Mr. Peter periera, pune, "People immediately jump to conclusion on hearing one sided story & give vedict to hang the accused". How you forget the same conclusion on Lancy Praveen D'souza case. Why you are always 'ulta khopdi'man.
    "Always remember that others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.” (Richard Nixon,Former President US,)thanks

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  • shiva, mangalroe

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Ashraf Sheikh, Dubai..
    defiently ..if sonia gandhis congress comes in rule they will make him innocnet..bcso more than rapsit ..minoirty vote is important.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011


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  • ayesha, bangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..
    doenst matter identity or relegion..
    i just wrote woman are woman and molestor are molestor..

    just repleid to you ..bcos you are defending a molsestor just on relegioin basis..

    according me only two relegion male and female..  its the duty of male to protect female..

    ill filled person cant understand the pain of woman..

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  • Ashraf Sheikh, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    With all due respects, Why not get the whole story and investigate it first . It could be that she tried to molest him and the frightened boy ran away. She then created this story to save her family reputation.

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  • shyam, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011 much supproter for molestor..just bcos of knowing his relegioun and name ??

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Ayesha Bangalore, if some Harish or Girish was in Azarhuddin's place, the incident would not have reached to Police Station at all. Your suggestion to take Azaruddin to my home, I will think over it once the truth is revealed. Don't jump to conclusion on person's name, but, listen both people. Next time comment with your true identity.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Mr. Nitin, Mr. Arun, Mr. Pravin & Ayesha (false Identity), Mr. Louis D'Souza has rightly answered all your questions.

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  • Robin, Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Shahnawaz Kukkikatte, Friend, Why you always tell... Hang him... Hang him.... It is not easy to hang in India you know ? British Constitution copied by Ambedkar has loop holes which can't be changed. Just see how difficult for Hajare and his followers to bring a change by means of Lokpal.

    See Mumbai Blast. Kasab is still safe. You are talking about hanging this guy.

    Just tell. How many times you said Hang him ...

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    Thu, Jul 14 2011


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  • irshad, udupi

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    I think make wrong conclusion especially Mr.Shahnawaz,he is having good remedies to this problem. He should better in al kabeer not to pass stupid comment in public forum

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  • Aris, Thodar

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    You are right Mr.Ethan, There might be a wrong in both sides. as experts says "It takes two hands to clap!" wait and see the story from the other side.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Mr Uday Shetty/Areena, pls. read my comment properly I am not saying not to trust a neighbour but be careful whenever u r alone. The days are differnt now. one incidence is right in front of our eyes.

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  • ayesha, bangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..
    so your saying that if soniajis congress are ruling karnataka ,they will not punish azaruddin ?
    and advice..if you have sympothy for azaruddn..take him to your home..bcos you will not make any complaint agaisnt him for his naughty at your home..

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  • BHB, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Hey folks, its really very bad incident & punish him if he is guilty. But investigation should do without any person influence. We need to know about the truth or drama to put him behind bars & the trouble the young boy bcos of neighborhood issues like, pet animals, waste water, wastage items etc. So don’t jump to conclusion on hearing one side complaint.
    It may be a same kind of drama as did for Lancy Praveen - Conversion Raises its Ugly Head Again

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Renukacharya had affair with nurse still minister in Yeddy ministry, Harathal Halappa raped his friends wife, when ministers indulge in such activities common man too take advantage. They are scot free despite solid proof. I hope Police will take action and arrest him soon and the lady will get justice.
    Onions & Tommato's prices should be reduced.

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  • Norbert Sequeira, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Thank You DaijiWorld for this newz.

    Sad indeed. A good samiritan to help a neighboour for his petty needs is heavenly blessed. However, times have changed. A lady must be very careful.

    SECURITY DOOR must be installed to halt such suspicious mind.

    Grocories like tomoatoes, onions, lasoon, etc. should be passed through small enclosurers custom designed of the security door. It will prevent such acts.

    Hope ladies, you are reading this.

    Small vendors, even paperwalla who comes to lift your old scrap piles of papers must not be allowed inside your flat. otherwise face it. Telephone man, electrician, etc. must enter your flat only when your man is at home, otherwise dial your friendly neighbours to come for few minutes to your home.

    This is the practice what we do here in Mumbai, and also our neighbours.

    Otherwise ...... face it.

    Blaming political parties, etc. is only a scapegoat. First, inhouse practice, is important.

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  • Samad, Udupi

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Please be noted that delivering such incident with pictures and name of the place itself is considered as media is highlighting the victim publicly.

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  • rajesh, bangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..
    your true .
    even a minority azaruddin cant molset in karnataka ...
    such a minoirty safe in bjp ruled states..
    if it was delhi or maharastra our congress leaders and soniaji and rahulji have definetly protected azar..
    bcos protecting azar means secualr.

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  • Rajesh Gonsalves, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Fences & Arguments, always have two sides. Judith L, pls note that he was not invited.  Some comments are disgusting.  How was the media present at the hospital when the victim was brought there?

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  • kiran, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..
    name of molestor published by media...thats y you are sympothising with him.
    otherwise you have blamed RSS,bajrangdal etc etc..

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  • rajesh, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..
    if yoiu have so much sympothy for this molestor just bcso he is not from majority relegion...take him home and have a cup of tee with him

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  • thomas, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..
    so your saying if rapist is from minority comunity ..there should be no punsihment ?

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  • Saif Ali Ullal , Mangalore / Duabai

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Dear Honest Police depatment please forget the name of the guy & Find out the fact and reality, dont come under pressure of politic leaders & sanghaparivars.
    this is unbelievable story If the guy is real culprit No Mercy he should be hang to Death.
    Something is fishy in this story And i agree with comments of Judith.

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  • shyam, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..what you want to prove here ?
    not to punish if the rapist beloongs to minority relegion ?

    by the way if it was hindu..yoiu should have written 100s of coments agaisnt hindus ,RSS etc..

    now yoiur supprting rapist just bcos

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  • Anne, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011


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  • Ethan, Mangalore/Florida

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Shahnawaz Kukkikatte, Please let us know exactly what to be done with this person, you cannot make anyone impotent after hanging them, first of all listen to the story from the other end too, there is always minimum two sides for any complaints and then the true one, the privilege given to us by Daiji to voice our opinion and comments let us not abuse it to propagate violence, In India everyone is given a fair chance to prove themselves innocent including Khasab !and that's why we have the best democracy in the world but because of this everyone is abusing it that is the problem in India, our mentality/attitude does fit the Laws!

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  • Uday Shetty, Shirva, Doha/Qatar

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Very bad incident. Trusting a known neighbour is not wrong in any circumstances. Due punishment should be given without regard to religion or caste. Bringing political parties to each and every incident is not proper. It is the TV serials, free internet, yellow journalism spoiling the youth. The surroundings and upbringing should sow good habits at tender age so that people become good citizens.

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  • Aun, Bahrain

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Mr Peter Pereira,,,why are draging parites in to this matter,,leave the partires and think like a humman plsssssss

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  • Praveen Kumar, Mangaluru/Bengaluru

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune i think you are always waiting for some bad news about Karnataka or BJP. There was a news about bomb blast in Mumbai where so many innocent people died. I didnt see you commenting on that matter, but when some bad news about karnataka or BJP comes you jump in a comment like anything.

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  • Arun, Bahrain

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN,,well this things are most probabely happening in india only,,Cant change that ,,because india is so Literate country maybe because of that its happening..No value for womens in india,,in india womens are treating like a use and throw things,,,,

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  • Saeed, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    foud out the fact, in this case woman get 90% favour and support. punishment must get who ever mistake. i agree with the comments of Mr. Judith L.

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  • Richard, Shirva

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Dear Peter Pereira, Pune...He is absconding, sure congress and jds people will come for Azhar's help!! to retain minority confedence!!!!

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  • Nithin, Mangalore/Oman

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Mr. Peter Pereira why are you bringing BJP into this case? Tomorrow if there is any feud in your family will you blame BJP for that too. Comment sensibly, just do not comment for the sake of it.

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  • Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar/Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    "How wud he feel and what he may do if some one tries or rapes his mother, sister or wife??????????"

    Dear friends,

    I can understand the anger against such crime and I do concur with the fact that no mercy should be shown to such criminals. However, let us understand that dog can bite us but we cannot bite the dog and therefore we must refrain from our rhetoric language against any human beings who may be related to the criminal. We are not condemning the crime based on what the criminal would or would not have done if it was committed against his mother, sister or wife.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    People immediately jump to conclusion on hearing one sided story & give vedict to hang the accused. If he was a BJP person like Mr. Chowta, the whole BJP gang would have arrived at Police station to create hangama to release the accused & punish/suspend the Police officers.

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  • areena, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Judith L, Mumbai..every man are not "azaruddin"..
    nothing wrong in trusting the known neigbour.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udipi

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    Hang him now.... no respect for women.. How wud he feel and what he may do if some one tries or rapes his mother, sister or wife?????????? No mercy. Handicap him and sterilise and make him impotent so that he cant approach any women... Thats the best punishment we can give to some one who tries to molest or rape women...

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 14 2011

    imagine inviting a young man into the house when you are alone with a baby. People do not learn from mistakes. These days one cannot trust anyone. It is better to be safe than repent later.

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