Mangalore: Christian Prayer Centres Asked to Register Details with Police

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Aug 25: In a surprising development, various Christian sects within the limits of Mangalore police commissionerate have been asked by the police authorities to submit details of prayer gatherings to the police stations concerned immediately.

Sources close to daijiworld said that there have been rumours about a repeat of attack on prayer centres similar to that in September 2008, hence police have asked details  like the name of prayer group or sect, place, time and expected crowd etc. But police authorities have denied the rumour and said that there was no need for panic. Perhaps, rumours have been created as the third anniversary of Mangalore church attacks is approaching.

A police official who did not want to be named said, "There are several prayer groups in the city, and prayers are conducted in lodges, hotel halls, private halls, houses and other places. It is difficult to protect such gatherings in case of attacks, and hence police have called atleast 75 pastors belongs to various sects of Christians, except Catholics, and asked them to submit the details so as to provide necessary protection."

When asked why Catholics were not included, police said that Catholic prayers and Mass are usually held within the Church premises.

Fr Ronnie Prabhu, general secretary of the Karnataka United Christian Forum for Human Rights told a Catholic news website, "The pastors were told to follow the instructions to the letter or they would be in danger. The police want the pastors to get permission from the district commissioner to hold gatherings and say how many people regularly attend services."

Reacting to the clause 'DC's permission for prayer' a delegation headed by some pastors including Walter Maben, who is the president of association of 27 Pentecostal churches in Karnataka, Fr Ronnie Prabhu and KPCC secretary Ivan D'Souza met police commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh and requested him not to enforce such a rule, which does not come under the district administration's provision. It is learnt that the police commissioner has assured that no permission will be required to conduct prayers.

It may be recalled here that some time back, Justice Somashekar commission had recommended to the administration that Christian prayer halls and centres must be monitored in order to provide adequate security.


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  • Naveen, Indian

    Fri, Aug 26 2011

    What is wrong in registering ? why r u afraid, if you r straight pls register, otherwise accept that we are not straight and we dont register, no need to make big hue and cry, as simple as that.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Comments from the HINDU friends
    standing with the Christian community, especially from
    MR. RADHAKRISHNA RAO is noteworthy.
    Those CHRISTIANS who can't afford to have their own prayer halls must
    worship GOD in their own homes instead of worshipping under the
    trees. And for some other CHRISTIANS, travelling too far to the prayer halls might be an extra
    burden so they get together at homes. They are praying, singing,
    reading the BIBLE and sharing their
    personal relationship with JESUS
    CHRIST, and leave the place in peace and joy. If the police is trying to bother them,
    that is a terrible act of harassment specifically targeting the minority CHRISTIANS.

    There are many organizations which are deliberately dedicated in creating anti-social activities,
    free to do anything they want but the Christians can't pray in peace at their homes! When I read the
    report, I was wondering whether
    Mangalore was shifting back to North Korea.

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  • Ravi, Dubai

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Why you pepole always show hatered against hindus?. This only because hindus are so accomodating that you pepole take it as granted. Is it possible in any other countries where other religinos are in majority like gcc. Where you pepole live like slaves.

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  • Justice Smith, Dubai

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    My dear roman catholics do not give any records to any police officials.These are available with government in various departments
    "Daal mein kuch kala hai"

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  • Juliana, Udupi

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    The concept of prayer is universal. Every believer is praying to God the almighty at the proper time to worship and thank. This cannot be a sin or malpractise unless it hurt others feelings. Prayers are done by individuals, family members together, colleagues, friends, etc. at homes, prayer halls, rooms, flats, lodgings, shades of trees etc. to show the almighty our gratitude. It is no show of strength or ill doing. Prayers are done for one's satisfaction like people breathe to live. This cannot be condemned. Those who do it their mental status is questionable.

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  • ruchi, udupi

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    If the Govt. or the police dept. has asked for the details why such a cry, it is a good thing, they can protect them, every day a new prayer hall or prayer group is created which sometimes can be a threat to the society or the demographic structure of that particular place, groupism develops an what sorts of things take place if it is a recognised group, there is no problem for them to give the details where as they can carry on their religious duties with dignity, I fully support the Police regarding, this we talk either way when an incident happen we blame the police when they ask our wherabouts we blame them, strange isn't

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  • praveen, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    there is nothing wrong in giving the info.but this can be applied to all religions with some criteria like more than 50 people gathering etc meeting periodically for religious purpose. in addition it can cover bhajan mandalis , any other gathering also.

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Commissioner Saab, Please provide a simple form so that, we can fullfil your requirements faster as required by you.
    What is wrong in providing the details???
    If you are true beliver of God, then why are you scared??? If I trust God then Where is the devil / evil???
    Konda Paapa Thindu Parihara. Every dog has a day....

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  • Calvin N, Surathkal/USA

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    This is nothing but a fascist and anti social act? I want to ask Anna Hazare ji. Is this also not worth fighting for?

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    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Saraswathi Nayak,Bangalore,I am in pains to hear your term "ATHITHI DEVOBHAVA"Who are Christians? Are they recently migrated from US OR UK?Athithi Devobhava, a word used for guest who are coming home for few days or hours.Christians and Muslims are MANNINA MAKKALU,bonafide citizens of India and do not warrant any cerificate from any invidual.It might be your mindset and I am sorry may be slip of words or intentional please clarify...

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  • Mohandas, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Roman Catholic definetly has exception. as far as my knowledge, they conduct prayers in Churches or Chapel only. Only in some special events Father goes to the house on request by the person for prayers. But to my best knowledge, they never conduct prayers in Commercial Complex, or Lodges. Perhaps they are peace loving people.

    Contrary to this, some sects as 'New Life' conduct prayers in different places, & often shift their venue. In Kunil Complex, 4th Floor, Kankanady, Mangalore a year back, prayers where conducted on every Sunday morning. Of course, most tenents their could not have exact knowledge, & more interesting is that the venue never had power supply by the MESCOM. But still the prayers where conducted with help of generators. Of course, some one must have opposed it & naturally they shifted. If such is the position, police can never be able to give protection to every lodges or apartments or commercial complex or houses or shuds, wherever prayers will be held without notification to police. Naturally, on any problems, the concerned people should be held responsible & not Police.

    It is in the interest of healthy atmosphere, that prayers be conducted in Churches or any place with prior notification to police.

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  • Koraga, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    If they are praying why they have to hide. People and govt officials should know what is going on. If some miscreant from these groups does something, all must know.

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  • sunil, manglore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    @nagendra banglr,u r right mr.nagendra.there is so many types in christins.roman catholics only doing thr prayers in churches.all others in manglr cms frm difrent places they r doing all thees things ,mostly frm kerala people,they have so many types protestant ,marthoma.orthodox first police want find thm.

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  • Sarswati Nayak, Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Christians are good. No harm to any people. They are Peace lovers and no trouble makers. A population of 2.5 is not a threat to India. We Hindus are 85 percent. We should extend Athithi devobhava to Christians.

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  • Rudolf, Bantwal

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Christians are again being targeted with high-handed antidemocratic behavior of the authorities. This clearly shows that Christians are being taken for granted in Mangalore. It is no more a safe and cozy place for the Catholic community after the advent of Rama Sene, BD, et al as they are going from strength to strength as demonstrated by the regular rowdy-type incidents occurring in the city at regular intervals!

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  • C D Souza, Mangalore / Jeppu

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Why Christians are targetted? They have every right to worship a God, who is the Creator of the universe and who has created human beings and He is the only true and loving God. Prayer meetings are held in homes, halls, etc. which last for few hours.
    Whenever any hindu festivals take place, any other ceremonies like weddings, naming the child, see how much of loud speaker noise in the neighbourhood, even late nights beyond 11p.m. so much of disturbance. What a pity on the sick/old people around it. During dasara/diwali feasts, see the amount of crackers, atom bombs, how much of those ear-paining sounds, if there is a heart patient, what about his/her condition...? They just dont bother. Who is there to question them? Just because Karnataka is ruled by BJP Govt, they can do whatever they want. And Christians to spend some time to worship need to take police permission! Something senseless is all I can say. May God forgive them for they do not know what they are saying and doing.

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  • Nandita, Manipal/USA

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    I agree with Mangalore Missionary from Mumbai. Everyone has the right to practise or preach their religion of choice.

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    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    I feel that the new CM DVS has planned this to keep a check and track.The BJP government cannot live without BD,RS,RSS,and other alliances.At the same time they have to protect them when ever they create some mess in the society.It is not a democratic process if the police is asking the church pastors to take permissions to hold prayer groups.There is no such law for the majority community who very often have religious activities with creatring huge traffic jams.It is the weakness of the police that they cannot track the activities of the would be church attackers.

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  • suresh, mumbai

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    i agree with viewes of Nagendra.

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  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Christians in India and especially Mangalore-Udupi districts are a peace loving people and loyal Indians. We all acknowledge the fact that our ancestors were Hindus as the history of India tells us. However, the reality is Christianity has come to India to stay and is now a permanent part of the Indian population. We agree that conversion by force or allurement is unjust as well as illegal and would oppose members from our community indulging in such practice to refrain from doing so. Having said this we do not want to be harassed and persecuted by trouble-making communal elements under the pretext of illegal conversion if it is false. Hindus are our brothers and so are Muslims and so are all other Indians as enshrined in our Constitution. In today's day and age when inter-religious marriages are so common it is very unfortunate that communal elements in our society create disharmony. At the same time I appeal to all christian sects and organisations to not indulge in any conversion which can reckoned as forceful or as done by allurement. Let us keep our society peaceful and let us live as one community in harmony irrespective of our religious beliefs. Dev borem korum !

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  • Harsh Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    really these people headache to long as as sonia is on power!! least concerned authorities can able to track where conversation will took place!!

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  • Ashwin Shetty, Manglore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    This is a warning to all fundamental groups stop interfering in other peoples religious faith believe and work, i think the Christians have become smarter after the earlier attack this time its going to be tooth for tooth, so fundamental groups please think twice before attack let the peace loving people of Manglore live happily.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Issue GUN Licenses & GUNS to all endangered species whose interest they are gaurantee-ing by these task of protection.

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  • lukas, malpe

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    these group send thier own people to church then give complaint to the police that church brought them by force and preaching bible in church.even in my native place in malpe they brought police for church even police told that we should preach Bhagavad Gita in church.then we came to know that these people send their children to church preplaning with police.

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  • Vazir, Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    So it will be easy for the police and DC to furnish information to the Bajrang Dal & Sri Ram Sene or other Sangh Parivar outfits to plan & ute their attacks better. Jai Ho, BJP & Nagesh Nayak

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  • Dave, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Even if everybody complies with the order-Police Will not be in a position to provide protection to all. As with these limited police force they won't accomplish this task in another 10 years!
    The intention here seems to provide this information to the BD & SRS to target these prayer meetings.
    If police are unable to provide protection to each & every citizen, how can they provide it to a few(minorities)?
    I ask police to let everyone come & pray in Police grounds where all will be protected!
    Another solution is the trouble makers are only handful- so arrest them all under Goonda Act & if they commit the same crime then shift them to Andaman!

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  • Anand, Karkala/Dubai

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Who attacked the prayer centres in 2008, try to find out and bring justice to the Christian brothers and sisters. Please don't threaten anybody of the rumours, this means everybody should be alert and be prepared. Endurance was for the time being and not this time.

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    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Those who are liable for this new PARAMANU are of "naam ke waste" instead our state is under the clutches of Communal force.This is a danger signal and unconstitutional which should be ignored and neglected.Right to preach and practice any religion is fundamental right of Indian citizen and permitted by the great CONSTITUTION OF INDIA.It prima facie looks as safety and prevention but inner plans is questionable...

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  • Nagendra, Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    People who is questioning why they should provide prayer hall details and all shouldnt question police when there is some problem arises. It is for your safety measures they have asked this. Muslims do prayer at Mosque and Hindu's in temples and every one know when some one is planning pandals, they should take permission from near by police station. Catholics will do prayers in Churches. But there are some people belonging to christian community do prayers in different places including houses. It is very difficult for police to find ot those and protect by themselves. An incident one year back i saw was a group of people doing prayers in one of the apartment in urwastore every saturday & sunday. After the apartment management asked them to stop and vacate that places after some months due to distrubance for neighbours they were moved to a house behind STPI in derabail. And for the same i heard the aquisations that bajarangadal people threatened them. I do agree that bajarangadal cannot take law into hands, but my question to people over here was why the christian brothers are afraid if there is no wrong in prayers and if they are not doing any thing wrong. Why they dont want to disclose the details of prayer halls. Many people in Mangalore knows how many areas these prayers happens with out a proper permission for prayer halls. Nothing wrong in Requesting details of these by police.

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  • Jenifer Dsouza, Udupi

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    This is all fake rumours and drama..if police have the rumours means they might be knowing the people plotting behind this attacks also. Do not give any single details on any prayer groups or peronnel details...the details might be misused like our brother Mr. Mohd saying...Police men family might be involved with Ram Sene & Bajrang Dal groups.

    Arrest all the Ram Sene & Bajrang Dal activits from their home itself and do a enquiry on the simple as that

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  • Anuj Nayan, Udupi

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Dear Christians Brothers and Sisters..

    Beware.. If you wanna pray then you got to have the permission from the DC's desk, which clearly states that our's is a no longer Secular country.. moreover no longer secular state.. but a state ruled by fundamental lunatics of a particular community.

    God Save Our India
    God Save Our Karnataka

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  • tauseef, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    arre yar...what is this...after all the details is provided let the concerned authorities provide some safety to our christian brothers...100% absolute respect to the police department but i do understand there are hands above the police department which also function...

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  • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai/Surathkal

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    These police authorities are crazy, instead of asking details of Prayer Halls & gathering please arrest all bajarang dal,hindu yuvasena & rama sena guys or ban that groups if these are threat to society, its simple. Nobody can give above details nor should give. Its very crazy decision by police authority.

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  • Radhakrisna Rao, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    This rule should be applied on the trouble making groups like bajrangdal, Ramsene etc. These are the groups who spoil the harmony in the society. Our Chritian brothers are a peaceloving and harmless community. So far they have not committed any public crime like the bajrangdal or Ramsena. All dtails the Bajrangdal & Ramsene people should be registered in the police station. This should be done for the sake of peace and to stop them from creating trouble.

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  • John Tauro, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Disclosing relevant data to the governmental authorities is a good gesture. This can make the Christian organisations more transparent and allay unwarranted suspicions about missionary activities in the country.

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  • Geo, Agrar

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    the very thought is undemocratic and anti secular. what rights does the district administration has on registering christian prayer halls. Do they have data of how many bajana Nandhirs, of which sect, which caste is running which temple, how many mosque and madrasa are around. then how can they think of such a mean step?
    What Fr. Ronniee prabhu is indicating register or there would be trouble....
    providing details is not the issue but why only to one religion. shame on the administration .

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  • Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Dear Police Commissioner:

    Why only Christian Prayer Centres other than Roman Catholics should Register Details with the Police. The Constitution of India is for all Indians to follow. After the BJP rule came into existence all these lawless details are asked by the government of Karnataka. I defy this false idea and we do not care for such orders from any government officers. Christians are the most loyal citizens of India. Christians awake let us fight with such government officials who try to create problems. I warn this type of planned miscreants who not only against Christians but against God himself. We stand with the government but when the government is playing game against Christian:ALL INDIA DEMOCRATIC CHRISTIAN COUNCIL, Udupi will fight against it.
    Pastor E. W. Frank

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  • Diljyoti, Allahabad, Kinnigoly

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    What Mohammad has voiced could be partially true, though it may not be 100% true. However it becomes the duty of every citizen to abide by the administrative laws if they come as GOs. Of course 'police protection' is a big question, that too in the case of christian institutions, churchs, prayer halls etc. Finally " If God is on our side, Nobody can destroy us"

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  • mohammed, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Our christian brothers please dont give details of your gathering places to the Mangalore police.I am 100% sure that the Hindu Mangalorean police will forward these details to the Hindu terrorists like Ram Sene,Bajrang Dal,VHP etc to plan other attacks.BEWARE

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  • Mangalore Missionary, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Why the fear? Please provide the data to the government. We are in a democratic country.
    "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance."
    UN General Assembly, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18, 1948

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