Karkala: Former Indian cricketer Ravi Shastri visits ancestors' temple

Daijiworld Media Network - Karkala (JD)

Karkala, May 15: Former Indian cricketer Ravi Shastri visited his ancestors' temple in Yarlapadi Karvalu Sri Mahavishnumurthy temple on Tuesday, May 14 and offered prayers.

He offered prayers at the temple and was also honoured by the temple administration on the occasion.

Speaking to the reporters Ravi Shastri said, “I have been coming to this temple of my ancestors since 2007. I have a dream to provide some contributions to the coastal region. There are very fond memories here. I feel inspired whenever I visit this place.”

Dr Santhosh Shastri, brother Kavita Shastri, Vishwajith, Narasimha Tantry, K Anant Pattabiram, temple management committee Bhoja Shetty, president development committee Sudhakar Hegde, vice president Sathish Rao, secretary and others were present. 

Later in the day, Ravi Shastri also visited Sri Krishna Math in Udupi, and received the blessings of Paryaya Sri Puttige Sugunendra Theertha swamiji. 





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