Kazakhstan citizen cremated in Udupi

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (TP)

Udupi, Jun 11: The cremation of a citizen of Kazakhstan took place at CSI Church, Udupi on June 10.

The deceased is identified as Sultanate Bektenov (51). The funeral of the Bektenov took place 35 days after the woman’s death at the CSI Church burial ground in Udupi. The funeral process took place after following the legal proceedings, with religious rites according to Christian’s rituals.

The legal process took place under the guidance of the district police superintendent and Puneeth Kumar, SI city police station, Sushma, investigation assistant, and other police officials.

The funeral rites were conducted by Jose Benedict Ammana, priest. Ison Sukumar Palanna, retired priest, Joyce Kuriya Kon, pastor, Abraham Pastor, Nityananda Volakad, social worker and other members of Udupi church were present.

The deceased, Bektenov, a citizen of Kazakhstan, was married to a resident of Udupi, the late Kulin Mahendra Shah, in 2009 at the CSI Church in Manipal. She was living with her daughter, 13-year-old Rebecca Kulin Shah, in a rented house in Puttur, Udupi. On May 7, Bektenova collapsed in the bathroom. On receiving the information, social worker Nithyanand Volakad, rushed to the house and took the unconscious woman to the Udupi district hospital in Ajjarkad.

After the examination the doctors confirm that the woman was dead. The body was shifted to the mortuary of the district hospital. A case was registered in the city police station regarding the incident. After thorough investigation, the city police succeeded in tracing the heirs of the deceased foreign woman with the cooperation of the Indian Embassy.

As the son of the dead women who came to know about the matter could not reach India to collect the mortal remains, a request was sent through the embassy to the CSI Church, Manipal to conduct the cremation.




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