Udupi: Tourists flock to Malpe Beach despite water restrictions amid monsoon beauty

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (MS)

Udupi, Jun 23: Malpe Beach saw a significant influx of tourists during the weekend drawn by the favourable weather conditions with minimal rainfall in the city.

From early morning, tourists' vehicles streamed towards the beach, eager to enjoy the monsoon ambience and the sight of impressive waves. However, many visitors expressed disappointment as they were prohibited from entering the water.

To manage the crowds and ensure safety, additional staff, including police, lifeguards, and home guards, have been stationed at the beach around the clock. Their primary duty is to prevent tourists from entering the water, thereby reducing the risk of accidents.

Despite restrictions on water activities, tourists continue to appreciate the scenic beauty and the pleasant weather typical of the monsoon season at Malpe Beach.




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  • Tulasi, Udupi

    Tue, Jun 25 2024

    The big problem that they make so much mess and make our beautiful beach absolutely filthy

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  • Prakashchandra Jain, Moodbidri

    Mon, Jun 24 2024

    Karnataka now is a Kuruba land with herd mentality.

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  • Ramachandra, Udupi

    Mon, Jun 24 2024

    Inform them, educate them still they don't listen to you and want to venture the waves especially this season, leave them to get drowned. Look at the statistics, hardly any locals venture the sea and get drowned . We are cautious, cultured and educated than some of those tourists.

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