Mangaluru: Newpadpu mosque compound wall collapses in Harekal

Mohan Kuthar

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru

Mangaluru, Jue 26: The compound wall of the Twaha Juma Mosque, situated alongside the main road in the heart of Newpadu village, collapsed. Continuous heavy rains since yesterday weakened the wall, causing it to collapse around 8:45 PM on Wednesday, June 26.

Fortunately, there were no vehicles or pedestrians in the area at the time of the collapse, thus averting a major accident.

Harekal gram panchayat vice president Abdul Majeed, panchayat members Badruddin, Abdul Sattar, and Abdul Basheer S M visited the site to inspect the situation and informed the authorities.

During this time, the Twaha Juma Mosque management committee, along with local youth, successfully cleared the road obstruction. The mosque management committee has requested the relevant authorities for appropriate relief measures.




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