By Dr. Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Pics by Wilson, Shirva
Daijiworld Media Network
Udupi, Apr 15 : The newly constituted Diocese of Udupi opened its account with first priest-Fr. Mahesh D’Souza of Moodubelle when he was ordained by the first Bishop of Udupi, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo in St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle on Monday, April 15, 2013. The historical day of the Udupi Diocese in general and Moodubelle parish in particular was observed with great solemnity and extremely significant and meaningful ritual of administering the Sacrament of Ordination to Deacon Mahesh D’Souza which the parishioners of Moodubelle had not witnessed since a long time.
The church with floral decoration was well prepared to host the ordination ceremony. At the stroke of 9.30 hours in the morning of Monday, April 15, 2013, Deacon Mahesh D’Souza acomapnied by his parents-Frederick and Matilda D’Souza along with the family members followed by 81 priest from different parishes of Udupi and Mangalore Dioceses along with Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo came in a grand procession entering the church through the main door.
Meanwhile, Fr. Boniface Pinto who acted as the Master of the Ceremonies in his introductory remarks explained the significance of the ceremony. The first part of the Mass proceeded as usual. The Gospel was read by Deacon Mahesh D’Souza.
The ordination ceremony began with Deacon Mahesh ascending the altar from the congregation. Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis, Rectors of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore where Deacon Mahesh had undergone the training for priesthood presented him to the Bishop saying that Deacon Mahesh had fulfilled all the conditions necessary to be ordained .
Accepting the candidacy of Deacon Mahesh to be ordained a priest, the Bishop addressing him pointed out the status and responsibilities of a prelist in the Church. He said that a priest is the one chosen by God from among the people to serve them and lead them to Christ. The Bishop gave examples from the Old and New Testaments to show how God chose humble persons to be His messengers on earth. Thereafter the Bishop asked few questions to Deacon Mahesh regarding the responsibilities of a priest to which the latter answered in affirmative. Deacon Mahesh also pledged his obedience to the Bishop as his superior.
Following the preliminaries, Deacon Mahesh prostrated in front of the main altar as the choir sang the “Litany of Saints”. Soon after the litany, the Bishop placed his palms on the head of Deacon Mahesh and prayed for the grace of the Holy Spirit on him. All the 81 priests one by one placed their palms on the head of Deacon Mahesh and prayed for the same.
Soon after, as the symbol of priesthood, Deacon Mahesh wore the priestly vestments with the help of Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes, parish priest of Moodubelle. Thereafter, the Bishop anointed the hands of Mahesh and thereafter handed over to him the paten on which the host is kept and the chalice symbolizing the priestly responsibility to offer the Eucharistic Mass.
Having completed these rituals, Deacon Mahesh D’Souza came to be designated as Fr. Mahesh D’Souza and the Bishop offered him the ‘kiss of peace’. Similarly, all the 81 priests offered the sign of peace to Fr. Mahesh.
Having ordained a priest, Fr. Mahesh joined the Bishop and other priests in concelebration of the rest of the Eucharistic Mass, first by receiving offertory gifts brought by the family members and relatives and hereafter by assisting the chief celebrant, the Bishop. At the end of the Mass, after the general blessing by the Bishop, the newly ordained Fr. Mahesh also gave his maiden priestly blessing to the congregation.
The entire ordination ceremony took exactly two hours during which the church was full to capacity and the aura of the celebration was enhanced through the melodious singing by the choir well trained by Fr. Paul Sequeira. Following the end of the Mass and the Ordination ceremony Fr. Mahesh posed for group pictures along with the priests, family members and relatives. Besides the Bishop, Vicar General of Udupi-Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes, Dean of Udupi Varado-Rev. Fr. Fred Mascarenhas, Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary-Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis participated in the Eucharistic celebration.
The solemn church rituals were followed by a grand felicitation function organized in the parish hall. The stage was aesthetically decorated and the audience was eager to felicitate the newly ordained priest-Fr. Mahesh. A group of dance students from Sharada Nritya Kala, Udupi performed welcome dance.
Following the welcome address by the Vice President of the Parish Pastoral Council-Alphonse K. Alva, Fr. Mahesh along with his parents and dignitaries on the dais lighted the lamp. Fr. Lawrence Mascarenhas, presently the parish priest of Madanthyar, who, Fr. Mahesh considers as his inspiration to join priest hood while he was assistant parish priests at Moodubelle delivered the felicitation oration highlighting the good qualities and talents of Fr. Mahesh.
Next, Fr. Mahesh was felicitated by his parents, by Alphonse K. Alva on behalf of the Moodubelle parish and by Fr. Kiran Pinto-parish priest of Ajekar where Fr. Mahesh had served as the Deacon. Thereafter, Vicar General Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes read out the Papal Blessing addressed to Fr. Mahesh and felicitated him. Fr. Joswey Fernandes speaking on behalf of the parish said that the day would go down in the history of the parish and the diocese as the day when the diocese of Udupi got the first ordained priest and the Moodubelle parish for having given such a priest to the diocese.
Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo speaking on this occasion thanked Fredrick and Matilda D’Souza for dedicating the second of their three sons to the service of God and His people. He also thanked the Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D’Souza for giving priestly training to Fr. Mahesh and made an appeal to the people to promote vocations in their families.
In his reply to the felicitation, Fr. Mahesh D’Souza was quite emotional while he recalled the role of his parents in supporting him in his vocation. He recalled the help and support rendered to him right from his childhood till the day of his ordination, his grandmother, Lucy D’Souza, relatives, teachers inschool and professors in the colleges, teachers in Jeppu Seminary, friends, well-wishers and all those who had helped in organizing the ordination ceremony in the church and the felicitation function in the parish hall a grand success.
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Dr. Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India
Mon, Apr 22 2013Hearty congratulations to Reverend Father Mahesh. God Bless.
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Mario Mathias, Shirva/Mumbai
Thu, Apr 18 2013Congratulations on this memorable occasion in your life, May God bless you and showers his choicest blessings upon you.
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Fr.Valerian Castelino, Moodubelle/Chikmagalur
Wed, Apr 17 2013Dear Fr.Mahesh, I congratulate you on being ordained as a first priest of Udupi Diocese.You are indeed privileged to be the first priest to get ordained in the new diocese of Udupi.May you have many first places in your priestly ministry.I wish that you become a saintly priest.
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Avil, Shirva / Qatar
Wed, Apr 17 2013Congratulations Fr. Mahesh, we wish you all the success in your Priesthood.
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John M. Alfonso, Loliem Goa
Tue, Apr 16 2013Congratulations to Fr. Mahesh. May the Almighty Goa give you strength to be with HIM,to know HIM and to be like HIM
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Janet/Urban D'souza, Shirva/Kuwait
Tue, Apr 16 2013Congratulations Fr. Mahesh and his humble parents. Gods abundant blessings upon you dear.
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Sr. Sharal BS, Mangalore
Tue, Apr 16 2013congratulations Fr. Mahesh. God help you in your mission. Prayed for you.
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Francis, Abu Dhabi/Perampalli
Tue, Apr 16 2013Congratulations Fr. Mahesh as you became the 1st ordained priest of Udupi Diocese. our prayer to Almighty God bless you always with good Health as you become stronger and stronger in the Lord's vineyard.
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prashanth pinto, jantra, belman
Tue, Apr 16 2013Congratulations Father Mahesh.May your ministry to the church bring blessings to you and to all you serve.
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Stivan D'souza, Mudarangady / Sharjah
Tue, Apr 16 2013congratulations Fr. Mahesh.Wish you all the best for your mission. Best wishes from Stivan.
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Ivan Menezes, Moodubelle/Dubai
Tue, Apr 16 2013Congratulations to Father Mahesh. We are proud of you. May God bless you and Guide you in your mission.
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Vincy and Mabel , Dubai
Tue, Apr 16 2013Congratulations Fr.Mahesh on your ordination .May God shower his blessings on you and your family .
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Machenzie Nazareth, kalathur/Muscat
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations to Fr Mahesh D'Souza on being ordained priest & the first priest of our new Diocese Udupi.All the best
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Gladys D'silva, Moodbidri/Manipal
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations Fr. Mahesh as you became the 1st ordained priest of Udupi Diocese. our prayer is that Almighty God bless you always as you become stronger and stronger in the Lord's vineyard.
Wayne,Warren,Gladys & Walter
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Mariette Mathias, Siddakatte/ Mulund Bombay.
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations Fr. Mahesh on your Big day. May God Bless you and your parents.May God Bless you in your mission.
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nixon melroy corda, shirva/ kuwait
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congrts fr mahesh dssouza wish u all the best for your mission....
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Fr Stephen Dsouza, Shirva/Belgium
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations dear Fr Mahesh D'Souza on being ordained priest of Christ. Wish you a fruitful ministry in the diocese of Udupi. May many people experience the love and peace of Christ through your anointed hands....praying for you.
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Peter Lewis, Kalmady/k s a
Mon, Apr 15 2013Indeed, the Day would go down in the History of the Parish and the Diocese of Udupi. Congratulations Fr. Mahesh.
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Stany Dsouza, Miyar / Mumbai
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations Fr.Mahesh.You have created history being the first ordained priest in the Udupi diocese.
May God bless you and your parents with abundant blessings.
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Prakash Alva, Moodubelle/Pangla
Mon, Apr 15 2013Hearty congratulations to Fr. Mahesh. May your mission be fruitful and sucessful in the Lords vineyard.
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Naveen Ranjith, Kayyar / Kuwait
Mon, Apr 15 2013congratulations Fr. Mahesh...
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Laveena Mendonca, Pamboor/Dubai
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratultions Fr. Mahesh, Wish you all the best for your mission.
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John Peter Fernandes, Mooudbelle/Nottingham UK
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations Fr .Mahesh. May your ministry to the church bring blessings to you and to all you serve.
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Francis dsouza, Udupi/Kuwait
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations to Fr.Mahesh and his parents Fedrick and Matilda dsouza.
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Fr Roque DSa, Mangalore
Mon, Apr 15 2013Many Congratulations Fr Mahesh. God has blessed you with many gifts of heart and head. May He assist you to put them to use for His Kingdom. Best wishes..........
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Linnet Machado, Mumbai/Bahrain
Mon, Apr 15 2013May God sustain you in celebrating the Sacraments, in proclaiming the Gospel and in consecrating your life to God for the good of the people entrusted to your care. Hearty congratulations and Best Wishes Fr. Mahesh on your ordination day. Please pray for us.
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Rohan, Kayyar, Bahrain
Mon, Apr 15 2013congratulations Fr. Mahesh.Wish you all the best for your mission.
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Ambrose D Mello, Pangala / Mumbai
Mon, Apr 15 2013Congratulations Fr.Mahesh. May God give you enough strength to serve in His vineyard and our new diocese be blessed with more priest and nuns.
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Deepak, Paladka
Mon, Apr 15 2013A big congratulations to Fr. Mahesh and Udupi Diocese. May the numbers start grow with regards to the Priesthood in this Diocese.
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