Media Release
Israel, Dec 10: Indian migrants working and residing in Israel went on a Padyatra (Walking Pilgrimage) to the Bethlehem.
It has become an annual event in the life of the Indian Community in the Holy Land. As an expression of their love and devotion to the Baby Jesus, they track on trails of the Holy Family.

This year there were than 600 participants who walked from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.
The pilgrimage began at the Tomb of Jesus (Holy Sepulchre) with a singing of Carol and brief blessing by a Franciscan Priest and proceeded to Jaffa –Gate to rearrange the enthusiastic pilgrims from all over Israel even as far from Narya, form the extreme north of Israel. This Christmas yatra was characterized by singing of carols and praying of Rosaries throughout march.
The Energetic dance of Santa Claus and the singing of Santa- Cap -clad choir have stolen the attention of the Israelis and Palestinians on the road to Bethlehem.