Mumbai, Jan 18 (India Today) : Kabir Bedi's marriage to long-time partner Parveen Dusanj doesn't seem to have gone down very well with his daughter, actor-columnist Pooja Bedi. Kabir tied the knot with 40-year-old Parveen on January 16 this year, his 70th birthday.
While things have never been quite hunky dory in between Kabir Bedi and his daughter Pooja, there seems to be an even deeper rift between the two now, thanks to Kabir's marriage to Parveen.
The day news of Kabir's marriage to Parveen hit the headlines, a tweet from Pooja took several people by surprise. She tweeted, "Every fairy tale has an wicked witch or a evil step~mother! Mine just arrived! @iKabirBedi just married @parveendusanj. (sic)"
Once the tweet began to be circulated among the Twitterati, the equation between Pooja and Kabir was out in the open. Later, on January 17, Bedi tweeted again, "Deleted the last tweet on my dad @iKabirBedi 4th marriage. Lets keep things positive. I Wish him the best !!! (sic)"

Pooja later clarified her stand on her father's wedding with Parveen, "My dad and I have had personal issues a couple of years ago. They could have been sorted, but they were seriously aggravated by the animosity between me and Parveen. I wasn't invited to the wedding."
Pooja Bedi is Kabir's daughter from his first marriage, to Odissi dancer Protima Bedi. Kabir later went on to tie the knot two more times, to Susan Humphreys and Nikki Bedi, before his relationship and subsequent marriage with Parveen Dusanj.
Parveen and Kabir were in a live-in relationship for about a decade before tying the knot this January.