Media Release
Puttur, Jun 22: International Yoga Day was celebrated by St Philomena Educational Institutions, Puttur, at St Philomena High School auditorium, on Wednesday, June 21.
The correspondent of the institutions Fr Alfred J Pinto inaugurated International Yoga Day and in his message said, "Regular practice of yoga will help us achieve physical and mental health."

The principal of St Philomena Pre-University College Fr Vijay Lobo, president of Old Students’ Association N K Jagannivasa Rao, and vice president of Parent Teacher Association of St Philomena High School Vijaya Saraswathi graced the occasion.
NCC cadets of the institution demonstrated yoga on occasion. NCC officers Lt Johnson David Sequeira, Clement Pinto, Roshan Sequeira, Naresh Lobo and Physical Education instructor Prakash D’Souza coordinated the programme.
Headmaster of St Philomena High School, Oswald Rodrigues welcomed the gathering. Teacher of St Philomena High School, Rajshekhar, compered the programme.