Daijiworld Media Network - Chicago
Chicago, Jan 13: Mayor of Forest Park, Chicago in USA will be honouring Dr Austin Prabhu with his own street sign in Forest Park. Dr. Austin is the resident of Forest Park for the past 37 years and involved in many organizations and associations for the betterment of its citizens.
Below is the extract from Mayor’s letter to the President of The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club:
“Thank you for your letter dated November 13, 2017 in which you asked that Dunlop Avenue from Harrison Street to York be named in honour of Dr Austin D’Souza Prabhu. I could not think of a better qualifier for this type of honour and it would be my pleasure to move forward with this presentation. I am, however, going to ask that we conduct this ceremony in the spring of 2018 due to the frigid temperatures in the Chicago region at this time of the year. Towards that end, I have asked my assistant to reach out to you early April to begin making formal arrangements for the event. In addition to the official unveiling of a street sign, I will also be drafting an official resolution to be adopted by the Village Council in this honour and I hope that his family and friends can be present for the meeting and the unveiling.”
Anthony Calderone, Mayor of Forest Park recognized Dr Austin’s selfless dedicated social service to less fortunate to make their life a better place to live for tomorrow. His leadership is recognized all over the world and recently he has been named as the ‘International Konkani Icon’ at the programme held at the Milagres College, Kallianpur by Valley Quadras where prominent Konkani writers gathered.
Mangalureans in the world should be proud of Dr Austin’s achievement as such name streets of Indian origins are very rare in Western countries other than Mahatma Gandhi Marg or Mother Teresa Avenue in Chicago.
About Lion Austin D’Souza Prabhu
Austin has been an outstanding leader throughout his 39 years of Lionism. Lion Austin is a hard working Lion, dedicated to service in Lionism. He has served at the Club, District, State and International levels doing an outstanding job at all levels. The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club bestowed upon him a Life Membership from The International Association of Lions Clubs in July, 2005 for his dedication and hard work for Lionism.
Austin has volunteered in his home community of Forest Park for the past thirty-three years. He was the member of St Bernadine Parish Council & School Board, Forest Park Neighborhood Watch, Friends of the Library, Forest Park Chamber of Commerce, Main Street and Forest Park Citizens Police Academy. He came first in his age category 65-69 twice this and last year in 5K Run for Breast Cancer in Stickney.

Austin received Award from the President of India in December 2009 in Mangalore for promoting Konkani culture and literary contributions through his books and articles in the US; He received ‘Millennium Leadership Award’ from Federation of Indian Associations in 2000 and a Leadership Award by Bishop of Mangalore-India, also in 2000. He was named as Asian American Hall of Fame in 2003 for Community Service. Received special award for his literary contributions in 2004 in Dubai and Chicago Mayor’s Award in 2005 for organizing ‘VisionFirst’ for Chicago Public School children. Lion Austin’s family received Asian American Humanitarian Family of the Year 2005 Award from Asia TV Chronicle. He is also a Certified Public Service TV Program Producer by Comcast Public Television. Lion Austin & Terry received Distinguished Couple Award from Chicago Filipino American Lions Club. Lion Terry and Austin were named as “Lifetime Asian Humanitarian Couple 2013” by Asian Chronicle, USA.
Lion Austin joined the Padil-Mangalore Lions Club in 1979 in India and has been a member in good standing ever since. He has held all of the offices in his clubs including the Presidency in 1992-1993 (Chicago Damayan Lions Club), Charter President, 1996-1998 Broadview Kala Sampath Lions Club).
He has served on all of the club committees and chaired most, including Candy Day, the July 4th Parade, Chicago Christmas Parade and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Twice he was the governor of District 1-A and Vice Council Chairman of MD1 for 2004-2005 and 2012-2013. He initiated 5 New Clubs in 2004 -5 and one new club in 2012-2013, He started District 1A signature programs like Lions Open University in Chicago, VisionFirst Program in District 1A with the help of Lion Ron Johnson from Beverley Ridge (Donated $25,000 and provided more than 80,000 pairs eyeglasses to needy students in Chicago with the help of Lens Crafters Luxotica) and for Tsunami Relief Fund (Collected $48,000) in District 1-A with great success.