New Delhi: Need for Federal Agency to Fight Terror - Home Ministry

NEW DELHI, Jul 27: The serial blasts in Ahmedabad and Bangalore have again brought to the centre stage the need for having a federal agency to deal with crimes having inter-state and cross border ramifications and a meeting of Chief Ministers is on the cards, the Home Ministry on Sunday said.

Highly placed sources said that in the aftermath of the two incidents in as many days, the Centre will again push for such an agency, in line with the suggestions made by various police reforms panels.

They said efforts should also be made to elicit views of all Chief Ministers, MPs and MLAs for evolving a consensus, but maintained that many states were not very forthcoming.

A meeting of Chief Ministers would be convened soon to have a close look at the security scenario.

The Centre was trying to convince them that such an agency would be useful, but unless they came onboard, it would be difficult to carry out the task.

The sources said that the Centre was keen on amending the CISF Act and introduce an amendment bill in the next session of Parliament so that IT setups could be guarded by this central paramilitary force which was raised to protect only state-owned industrial establishments.

After analysing the information received from the two state governments, the Home Ministry would prepare immediate short-term and long-term measures to deal with such situations.

Sources said immediate and short-term plans include rehabilitation of the affected people and restoration of confidence in their minds.


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