London: Britons Vote 1980s as 'Coolest' Decade


London, Sep 6: Britons have voted the 1980s – the era dominated by mullet haircuts and shoulder pads – as the coolest decade in the past 50 years.

The new survey by an online sweets firm ‘A Quarter Of’ has revealed that a third of people were at their happiest in the 80s and thought that life was better and simpler at the time.

Live Aid concert in 1985 was what made the eighties so popular, followed by Queen and front man Freddie Mercury, ITV satire Spitting Image and the Rubik’s Cube, reports the Daily Star.

The film Dirty Dancing, with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey, the Pac Man game and TV show Saturday Superstore also made 80s the coolest decade.

The 1960s landed at the second spot with 20pct votes, helped by the World Cup and the Beatles, while the 90s followed at third place.

The top 10 things that made 80s the coolest decade are:

1. Live Aid 2. Rubik’s Cube 3. Pac-Man 4. Filofax 5. Dirty Dancing 6. The Goonies 7. Penny mix 8. Grange Hill 9. Dayglo 10. Spitting Image


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