New Delhi, Sep 9: The Central Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday said it will not a file a chargesheet in the sensational Aarushi murder case for the 'time being' as the probe into the case was not yet complete and that the agency was looking for some witnesses and evidence in neighbouring Nepal.
In a hurriedly-called press conference in New Delhi at the CBI headquarters, agency's Deputy Director (Coordination) Neerja Gotru said the CBI will pay a cash reward of Rs one lakh to anyone who would give further clues to recover the weapons of offence and mobile phones of the deceased -- Aarushi and her domestic help Hemraj.
"The investigation of this case will continue. The CBI will file its report under section 173 Criminal Procedure Code only on conclusion of investigation. The full facts of the case will be presented before the court," Gotru said.
With this, compounder of Dr Rajesh Talwar, Krishna, may get a bail in the absence of a chargesheet within the stipulated 90-day period which expires on September 13.
"If and when the bail applications of the accused persons in custody comes up in court, the full facts of the case will be presented before the court in a truthful, legal and professional manner by the CBI," she said.
While some of the officials in the CBI had favoured filing of the chargesheet on the basis of scientific investigations conducted in the case, the top brass of the agency, however, felt that some more evidence was needed before approaching the court.