Mangalore Pub Attack, Media, Administration and the System

Mangalore Pub Attack, Media, Administration and the System

by Walter Nandalike

Jan 28, 2009: The name 'Mangalore' has once again captured the headlines of the world media. For a few, it was  a 'minor' incident, and for others, it is a national shame, where the modesty of the weaker sex was outraged by a group which has taken upon itself the task of imposing the code of ethics it believes in, on others. which is fast marching towards a decade in the media world, has once again been facing a tough challenge since the last couple of days. On one hand, it has to carry on with the responsibility of keeping its readers informed of the goings on and on the other,  supply the information it has in its possession,  to the other media houses worldwide, and also answering queries being raised by  the local administration.

It was surprising to receive a notice from a police station in Mangalore, as daijiworld videographer who was one of the first persons to reach the venue within few minutes of the incident,  was questioned about his presence there. He was asked to give an explanation as to how he reached the venue, as the policemen had no inkling that such an incident was happening right under their nose!

This is indeed a sad part of our administration as well as the system itself. Being in the Daijiworld office located within a couple minutes drive from the Amnesia Pub, it was our office which received the call from a passerby or someone who knew daijiworld, to be present there. Our videographer and photograper took just seven minutes to reach the venue! Had daijiworld got  advnce information, perhaps our colleagues would have captured earlier developments at the venue and more stills too !

But saddest part of the system is that the  mediamen could  reach the venue within a  few minutes, while the  police took more than an  hour to reach the venue.

When the incident was reported soon after the attack on the pub on Saturday evening, many people including state ministers, administration and responsible people never took it seriously. It was Daijiworld's video on youtube that created awareness and on Sunday morning, several national television channels and press houses enquired daijiworld office for the videos and photographs relating to the incident.

Times Now was one of the first TV channels to break the news at the national level, followed by NDTV and others. It took our administration more than 24-hours to realize the seriousness of the issue, just after looking at the flash news on television channels and until then, no official statement was  received either  from the government or the police department.

Even the London-based daily and a New York based media house contacted daijiworld office in the late hours last night,  with a request to provide  them with stills and videos of the pub attack. This shows how the incident in Mangalore has captured the attention of the world. Unfortunately, it is our 'system' that was very slow in taking action.

It is also sad to know that, when national TV channels like NDTV and others put the Mangalore Pub attack on their breaking news and front space story,  the newspapers being published from coastal Karnataka, which should have been the voices of the people, reported the incident in their  inner pages, as if nothing serious had happened in Mangalore. That too, the incident was completly twisted and blame was put on the students for dancing in the pub!

Hats off to the visual and print media of India, which stood for a cause, and showed real social responsibility. The chief minister of Karnataka, though alerted late, handled the issue in most diplomatic manner. He was very quick to apologize to the  media men for issuing the notices to them, and asked the department  to withdraw the notices immediately. There were several leaders who condemned the government’s action in issuing notices to the media and for pressurizing the media to come to their line and preventing them  from bringing out  un-biased news. It was his initiative that led to the arrest of Sri Ram Sena leaders.

It is ironical that, when the system cannot work for the people, it blames the 'people' who work for the people. There was no need of pointing at the media as they just had done their duty by covering the event. As no media will realize at that moment of time that  they need to inform police, as the police is always the first to know about  the incident (Some time after the incident and sometime before the incident!).

We daijiworld, are very much satisfied  with the way we have discharged our duty towards the society, and let us keep the faith on the three top men (Home minister Dr V S Acharya, DC Ponnuraj and IGP Ashit Prasad) in the district who will surely see that  justice is done  to the women who were assaulted in the incident.

Daijiworld Follow-up:

  • Attack on Pub - Watch Video Click Here
  • Arrest of Prasad Attavar - Watch Video
  • Watch NDTV News Clip - Click Here

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    Comment on this article

    • Anna, DUBAI

      Sun, May 24 2009

      I fully agree to what Sohan has to say , good suggestion Sohan

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    • Clifford, Mangalore

      Fri, Feb 13 2009

      Hats of to you Mr.Walter for the good coverage on this topic. But I totally disagree with you on having faith on the BJP government especially the home minister V S Acharya and the chief minister Yedurappa. Let us call them cheap ministers. They are the ones behind all these troubles. Please correct your stance on this. We should not trust the home minister and the chief minister.

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      Tue, Feb 10 2009


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    • shareef/dubai, puttur

      Mon, Feb 09 2009

      Daijiworld doing fantastic & exclusive news. Keep it up. We are with you.

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    • ronald, barkur

      Mon, Feb 09 2009

      It is nice to have faith in the top three named by Walter. But, alas, Mr Ponnuraj is no longer his own man. He has to listen to his bosses who only promise but it is mostly throwing mud in Society's eyes. Look at the 27 who were charged arrested and now walk scot-free !

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Tue, Feb 10 2009

      Congratulations Daiji world. Some anti national specimens still feel that media is anti-national !!! It is sad note but your courage in showing the real picture to the public is very much appreciated. May God bless you Mr. Walter Nandalike.

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      Mon, Feb 09 2009

      Only Ravanas can handle Shoorpanakas.....

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    • Imthiyaz, Mangalore

      Sun, Feb 08 2009

      Dear Fr, I appreciate your stand on this. I would like to request you to educate the mass students that you have an easy reach. Please inform all the students that these kind of dirty games played by some low class politicians will only hinder development of our city. These people are selfish and eventually our brothers and sisters loose job opportunities coming from new organisations that are waiting to come to this beautiful city. Let every student take oath to eradicate such elements from within our community and disgrace them for their dirty cowardly acts. God Bless us all.

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    • joe, mangalore/canada

      Sun, Feb 08 2009

      Enough is enough .propaganda by the news media .come on People be realistic .do not blow anything out of proportion. thats all.god bless u all

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    • Unita, Mumbai

      Sat, Feb 07 2009

      nagesh nayak, bangalore You are also the part of it and to save your skin you are supporting Shri Rama sena. The same you will experience in your future family among your girls and then the repentence will began. Thanks for your advice

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    • K. S. Mayya, Mangalore/South Korea

      Fri, Feb 06 2009

      Incidents like these are just the beginning. We must not be decieved by the religious angle. The pubs like Amnesia flies in the face of those who cannot afford and despise those can afford to dine or whatever in those places. This is a clear sign of growing disparity between haves' and have nots. Our economy is picking, but the wealth distribution is not uniform and our government and the responsables should understand that a growing gap between rich and poor always brings with it social unrest. I am sure these ram sene activisits might have been promised liqour in return for this national outrage. There is nothing religious about their act. Our Cheif minister and Home ministers must understand that goverment coffers will run dry if not for the tax on these lubricants sold all over the places with goverment regulated stickers on them.

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    • Raymond, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Fri, Feb 06 2009

      My dear fellow Mangaloreans, though the justification by the attackers of the pub incidence is not acceptable, and also all of us know it is a state sponsored terrorism, let us not put the blame fully on them. There is at least some truth in what they say. We the so called educated people (not only Christians but also people from other faith) after having a little western influence, try to depict the western culture at our place, which has irked the so called protectors of Indian culture. So let us follow the saying "when you are at Rome, do as Roman's do"

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    • Fr. Francis Almeida SJ, St. Alysius College

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Dear Walter, Congratulations for your bold and courageous step. It was a commendable job on your part. Please do not cowed down by the police or any other agencies. We are with you.I have gone three times to the DC,s office to submit the memorandum and the signature campaign letters to the DC to be forwarded to the President of India, the PM and the Chief Minster, Governor etc. Today also I went to the DC to submit the signatures of the 3000 students and staff of St. Aloysius College. The MSW students took out a rally in the city. Any attack on women or any attack on human rights we will protest in future.

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    • anita, India

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Watch the video and the attackers are worse than Ravanas. Just mad dogs!

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      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Excellent job daiji

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    • Asif, Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Good Job by Daijiworld Reporters! doing an fabulous job. Wish you all the best in all that you do. Its high tim Gove for Govt to wake-up and bann all the political party's who is involved in suach an activity to give justice to all those who suffered.

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    • Edward Steven, Bombay / Dubai

      Mon, Feb 02 2009

      Hats off to you at for capturing the visuals and spreading awareness about this most condemnable attack. If Times Now and Daijiworld had not shown the visuals, the world would not have known the severity of the attack. It is now up to the BJP government to show that it really is serious about tackling hooliganism by banning the Ram Sene. A big THANK YOU to Renuka Chowdhury for standing by Indian women.

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    • Cynthia Miranda, Mangalorez

      Fri, Jan 30 2009

      Keep Rocking!! Excellent job done. You have done your job and justice to the people of Mangalore. Police cannot blame you for the job not being done by them. Why should you inform the police? Then who will do your job? You are the voices of people and God will Bless you and your team. Please keep us informed about these culprits. We want them to be punshed.. Thank you Daiji World. You are the strength of our society..

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    • nadeem, sagar/bahrain

      Fri, Jan 30 2009

      Exlnt job done. first information to daiji shows that people have lost faith in police.. they have started believing more in media... we all need to support media who honestly highlits these kind of issues keep it up daiji u should be a role model to all the forms of Indian media

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    • Kevin Mascarenhas, Dubai/UAE

      Fri, Jan 30 2009

      I appreciate the breaking news given by Daijiworld. It was also necessary to send a bulletin to the other media and clarify how they covered the event. As a feeling has gone that the media was aware of the same and had not informed the police on time.

      Double speak politicians should not be encouraged and should be exposed for what they really are.

      Keep us posted on who these guys are and their background.

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    • Joachim Fernandes, US

      Fri, Jan 30 2009

      It is astonishing that journalists are being attacked for the failure of the law and order machinery. The India press has a record of kowtowting to political rulers. It is refreshing to see journalists put the cause of the people first for a change. As for the BJP government it has failed in its duty to maintain domestic peace.

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    • Ajit Kumar, Mangalore

      Fri, Jan 30 2009

      While appreciating the concern of the police for the lost time due to the press not informing the matter to them first, I beg to differ. The duty of the press is to record the incident and expose things to the general public in a democratic setup .They were at the spot in 3 their office was nearby and started their duty.The police reached there in 10 mts.time.Instead of asking the press why is anybody not  talking of the silent spectators who were just watching the tamasha? If we expect press is to call the police, ambulance and fire truck first, and then roll their cameras we may only get blank pictures.

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    • Kusum Wilson Kunnath, Kundpaura/Hanglur

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Diajiwold has done an excellent job. It was only Diajiworlds views that made this barbaric act national attention I want to congragulate Diajiworld for the same The corupt police officers (They are corrupt everyone know that) Should not punish and find fault with Diajiworld but rather appreciate the job that this wonderful organisation has done I wish Diajiworld all sucesss.

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    • Carol Dsouza, Mangalore/Riyadh

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Thank you daijiworld. If it wasn't for you...the rest of us would not have known this was happening in our city of Mangalore. Keep up the good work. I truly thank you and your entire team.

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    • Ajay, Mangalore/USA

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Freedom of press and impartial journalism are a pillar of democracy. When those are attacked it is an attempt to attack and stifle democracy. I am glad that the CM of Karnataka realized that and acted soon to stop from trying to blame media for what happened. I am glad that Daiji Team is Mangalore is doing what high calibre journalism ought to be doing. This calibre of journalism will make Mangalore a better place. Thanks for your courage to stand up for the truth despite intimidation from the entrenched. I wish you continue with the same spirit in the future too. This is what makes your site a great one.

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    • parvez, oman

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Daiji world team you did the great job you proved that you people too honest towards your proffession..and u people proved that "pen can make the changes in the society" and u did ur duty honestly (which is forgetten by other so called journlists or news representatives shame on them atleast try to learn From daiji world what ur responsilibty towards people and support them agst so called law protectors who is completely fail to do their duties and blaming the media)...keep it up daiji world we are always with u

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      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Mr.Walter, You done a wonderful job by taking clips of this incident there by bringing attention worldwide. This would not might had happened without Daiji world. I can understand you have lot of pressure from police department and politicians. There by you might have created lot of enemies also. Don’t be afraid and continue doing this kind of jobs in future. All the best to you and your team. One thing I want to inform you that as far as BJP is in power in Karnataka state these kind of things sure will continue in coastal area. Today they molested girls tomorrow they will not hesitate to rape in public also. One day sure will come, public will take law in their hand to eliminate these kind of notorious social elements. How nice was our Mangalore and what happened to it nowadays, my soul crying. These people will not decide which dress girls should wear and where to go ok.And if this repeats believe me Mangalore public will not keep silent.Enough is enough.

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      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Excellent job done by daiji. Keep it up! We are with you.

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    • vijay, mangalore

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      "WHEN GOD IS WITH US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US". When you do service to humanity without any discrimination or prejudice, you will always have a win,win situation. There will be turmoil, hardship, threats, but victory will be yours. Good job guys, be just to everyone. We are all Indians, and India belongs to all us, no-one can be superior or inferior,hope we all realize this soon. Great going Daiji!

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    • valerian, uae

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Kudos to " Daijiworld".you are in service of society. Jai Hind.

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    • Mahesh Prabhu, Bajpe/Kuwait

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      SIMPLY SUPERB WALTER! Let me be honest with you that when the DGP said media should have informed us, I was a little disturbed to know the real story. You could not have said it better like the way you have done herewith! All of us are with you wholeheartedly ... the comments of fellow Dajiworld well-wishers say it all!

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    • A.R.Ibrahim, Jeddah

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      When the truth prevails falsehood perishes, by nature falsehood bound to perish. Great job Daiji World, you can make a difference and people will judge you and people will support you as they voted political leaders. Your footage mirrored the crime.

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    • chikka, mangalore

      Thu, Jan 29 2009


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    • Mathias Robert, udipi, mumbai

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Congratulations to shri. Walter Nandalike and his team. You have done an excellent outstanding job and national duty of informing the citizens of this country and the world of the happenings in Mangalore. Police have shown  their true colours.. It is shame. All the best to daijiworld for doing the excellent work of exposure of such incidents. May Almight Bless you all daijiworld team to continue to render service to people at large.

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    • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      To be a fair and just journalist is not an easy matter but Daiji World has proved time and again that it stands for justice.Walter is right when he said that some of the local news papers are acting like as if they are in favour of the criminals..This incident was the most read news in for two days and that shows the concern of the people.Keep up the spirit Daiji.

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    • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      To be a fair and just journalist is not an easy matter but Daiji World has proved time and again that it stands for justice.Walter is right when he said that some of the local news papers are acting like as if they are in favour of the criminals.Keep up the spirit Daiji.

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    • Rajesh, Udupi

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Looking at the work has done " True impartial Journalism" it would be better for you to think of expanding your selfless services to print media as well. People of the region who do not have access to computers and internet need to know the reality and the truth. This can happen only with a new news daily other than the existing ones.  For a long time now Karnataka / Kannada is clearly divided on policially motivated news media. It is time thought of venturing into Kannada daily news service or a live TV Channel.... Please Keep the news reporting to project as it happens as you have been doing without any political or economic colour. News as it happens True journalism indeed, Keep it up... Good luck and God Bless.... Truth Shall Prevail in the end....

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    • Rajesh, Barbados

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Media across the world has become biased, no matter what they speak. I will be surprised if i can find a single media which is so transparent and unbiased. Gone are the days where ethics and integrity was the priority. It will hurt me if I say it is not the same with daijiworld. Perhaps I am not picking up a single matter. This incident in Mangalore does it really breaking news and to printed on a first page!! i will be happy if it is so just because i can confirm that India has then really became a super power and that all serious issues and poverty is been wiped out. This should be for a political gain or loss and of course they know poor media is all set waiting for anything to kill their time. Finally Mangalore becoming very popular.

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    • Reny Fernandes, Dubai/ Bangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Bravo Daiji team, Police acted same as in Hindi moves by arriving to the site late.Proud of the brave shooter (Photo). BY your team's express coverage & News publication, at least now the rest of the world will know what is happening in and around Mangalore.Every steps are challanging for you Daiji. God Bless your entire team.Keep the same sprit.

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear walter and Daijiworld team - bravo and kudos to you. You deserve praise and respect for your good work and your spirited coverage. Daijiworld has been a source of information basket, wherein, it provides quick news coverage to all its readers. Through this media, many donors have come forward and financially helped the poor and needy. Once again good work daijiworld. My prayers and best wishes to you and your team. May God grant you good health to serve the society.

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Great job.. Media is always like miror of events taking place and u did your job brilliantly . .

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    • adam Indraje, Sullia / Sharjah

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Daiji did really great to bring on track of Mangalore terrorists, I hope you to conitinue such great work in future...

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    • Praveen, UAE

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Excellent job daijiworld! You are serving soceity in a meaninful manner. Why dont you plan to bring out a 'kannada daily'?

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    • P.Ramachandra, Mangalore / Ras Laffan, Qatar

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      The extent of authority the fourth estate that could wield, importance of emerging mode of media , concern and social responsibility of mass media ,standard norm of turning the blind eye by the local newspapers published from coastal Karnataka( which should have been the voices of the people),laxity of government department and apathy of existing system substantiating fact that it cannot work for the people are authenticated herewith.

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    • Dr.Shanthi, mangalore

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Well done daiji ! if it weren't for you.. this incident would have gone unnoticed and unpublished and unpunished! The media alone is the protector of the  people .

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    • Alex Saldanha, Mangaluru/Sydney-Australia

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Congrats Daijiworld, excellent work, which gives us most of the local M'lore news at this end of the world. Recent pub attack is unfortunate, every M'lorean should strongly condemns it and shouldn't give a chance for such incidents in future, and Karnataka Government should ban radical groups like Sri Ram Sena, Baj Ranga Dala, Sangha Parivar and many other organization which take law into their own hands and cause chaos to the public. But too much has been made about this issue by media, NDTV and other channels, it has become far superior issue than Mumbai terrorist attack, and church attacks last year. . Daijiworld job well done, keep up the good work.

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    • F.L.Fernandes, Bangalore/Detroit

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Dear Walter Nandalike,you are doing a good job.I know you have a tough challenge..Media's main job is to give justice.It is my experience, the  last persons to go the troubled spots are the police .If they go early they will be in trouble.When everything is cool then they come and report according to their convenience. Any way since a decade you are trying to give justice to the people of mangalore in and arround.Keep it up.God will bless you.I am also regular reader of are covering all the events of all the societies of that area.One more thing I observed any important event happened world wide it immediately appears in daijiworld.Keep it up.

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    • Wilfred Mathias, Pernal/Dubai

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Hello Daiji & team these miscreants may try to harm your office and staff .Take care .Thank you for the unbiased report. Daiji can bring changes in the current spoilt society ..The videographer has done great job and hats off to him for his courage.

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    • Lavina Rodrigues, Bantwal/Canada

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Many Congratulations to you Walter & your Team, for a wonderful job. May God Bless and protect Daijiworld and its team always.

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    • Ronald, Udupi

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Well Done Daiji. You have exposed the mean people using religion and culture as career because they have no other ability ie, no education and no desire to work in order to earn the daily bread. Newspapers like Gulf News wrote in its editorial- SOCIAL MISFITS ARE A BANE TO INDIA. It said Mutalic are woven from fabric that is definitely not Indian. Every one including who are not Indian can realise that the paid goons are doing the damages. World knows that such people are fit to chew only three Rupee BEEDA! Nothing more. We have daring people like Walter Nandalike & Aruna Goswamy of TIMES NOW to feel that beating young women is not a small issue. That made the difference. With this, frequency of such crimes will be reduced and it will become a habit not to support nonsence from petty Jokers.

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    • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      The greatest scenario is that THE IMPARTIAL NEWS coverage by ‘Daiji’ is profoundly appreciated by all the party concerned either they are FOR or AGAINST.

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    • Merwyn Pinto, Mangalore / USA

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      In the olden day Hindi movies, it was usual for the Police to arrive at the crime scene last. It appears to me that the Mangalore Police are following that tradition. Thanks to Dajiworld for the excellent coverage. Keep up the good work.

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    • Tad Sequeira , AlAin U.A.E.

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Well done Daiji. Keep it up good works towards society.

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    • Ninette, Mangalore / Canada

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      The authorities should be happy that Daijiworld has done the major part of their work and provided them with the proof needed. Then again, police should not complain about Daijiworld personnel being on site of the crime in time. You can always count on the police to reach the crime area to handcuff the perps, as shown in almost every Indian movies. The case file of pub attack would have been shelved or would have collected dust with no action forthcoming – just like church attacks. Great work Daijiworld! You have pulled the culprits out in the open. The truth is on your side and the support of all your readers.

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Waltybaab and members of the Daijiworld, In a Democracy, people’s aspirations are expressed through their elected representatives like MLAs, MPs….and in the modern times it is the MEDIA. MEDIA stands for the TRUTH……informing the people whatever that is true and whatever is THE TRUTH…….and live pictures are the instrument of portraying the truth and placing before the public THE Truth, Nothing but the Truth and only the Truth. Those who try to silence the media, or bully them to deviate from the path of portraying the Truth do not have any place in Democracy…. The Karnataka government should be grateful that DAIJIWORLD has conveyed the truth by which it could save its (government’s) own face from disgrace. Please DO NOT BE COWED DOWN by the notices sent by the pawns of the suppressors….. In your fight to expose the truth, we are with you, and especially In whatever way it is possible for me in particular, I will stand by you……… Martin Luther King sang this……Gandhiji sang this and even Jayaprakash Narayan founder of Tarun Shanti Sena sang this…and most important my late Father Vokil Kaithan Lobo always repeated these GOLDEN words........ “Truth will live again…truth will live again…truth will live again someday Oh Deep in my heart, I do believe…that Truth will live again someday…”

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    • Niyaz, Katipalla / Al Khobar KSA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      thanQ Mr Walter "Daiji" for trasmitting such news, it's really fantastic to having such news edition in our native place, you are the real voice of Mangalore..... and we wish u all the best !!!

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    • Ashraf Kabaka, Puttur

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Mr.Nandalike another lankesh of Karnataka. Good teamwork.Keep it up ...

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    • vandana, Mangalore/Las Vegas

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Honestly, after I return from the USA, I would like to work with you people. You guys are simply great.

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    • Ronald Vaz, Bejai/Bahrain

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Dear Walty, we are proud about you. I read Daijiworld from the very beginning of its existance. I feel pity about the present administration and I have a strong feeling that, we are not secure in Mangalore. We feel ashamed about what is happening in Mangalore. The pictures and the coverage given by Daijiworld is excellent. Thanks a lot.

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    • Praveen Kumar, Mangalore. KSA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Daijiworld is always excellent. You are doing a very good job. Also take care from these Goondas. It is really a shame on us that we are reading one of the leading daily newspaper in the district who is so the Mukhawaani of Sangha Pariwar and always pouring oil on fire.

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    • sushil, mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Daiji...keep up the good work...If not for the unbiased media these incidents would not have seen the light of day and the culprits would have gone free.

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    • abba, abudhabi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Mr> Walter nothing to worry,Go ahead.God bless you.

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    • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala/Qatar

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Full of appreciation to ‘Daijiworld’ in its last 10 year of  service. You have faces such tempests in the past and come out stronger. . The blessings are above you (all readers, all leading Indian and International Media) Do not worry about opposition Your readers will be your strength. Well done  ‘Daiji ’staff.

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    • Jeevandas, Manipal

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Sir, We are ashamed of the daily print media of Mangalore who have cover-up of attacks on girl’s news and hide from knowledge of common people. Woman is worshiped in our culture, she is been beaten in Mangalore what this local print media has done is just an act of coward. Why this print media is afraid of reality? Have not they realized that the beaten girls were students and if the students were attacked they will never come down to our Karnataka for studies from northern states.

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    • Sharat, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent job daiji

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    • Sunil S, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Three cheers to Daiji and its team for doing a wonderful job. Keep it up. If they have guts then let them  fight at  our National borders and not attack helpless women. What a shame !

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    • bharath shetty, Kateel-USA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Appreciate Daijiworld for the prompt coverage of the news! Keep it up!

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    • shameer, mangalore/karama,dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Well done Walter.........We are proud of you. Thanks daiji.

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    • Ganesh, Chennai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      This is the time in which we the citizens of India have to come together and stand against communal forces which demean human dignity and freedom. Its time that we have to come together to build a better society. Government of India should ban this  organisation.

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    • N, Moodbidri, Moodbidri/ U.A.E.

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Well done daijiworld. Carry on and do not look back.Keep it up

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    • clarence miranda, mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Thanks a lot Mr. Walter & Daijiworld, for standing strong for the Mangalorean community once again. It is an oustanding courageus and prasieworthy coverage done by you by bringing the atrocities committed to the world at large. This is really an unselfish and daring task done by you for  us Managloreans. May God Bless you. You have made us proud and you deserve all praise.

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    • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Mr. Krishna Narayana, first of all let me correct u when Indira Gandhi was assassinated Rajiv Gandhi was not in Delhi. Next day it was Rajiv Gandhi gave open statement to stop the violence so that the soul of Indira Gandhi will rest in peace. Even after 24 yrs Rahul Gandhi apologized for the massacre of Sikhs during 1984. For your guidance Godhra incident raises many doubts. You are saying 60 karsevaks were killed. Who killed them? Here my question is inside the train more than 2000 karsevaks were traveling and what they were doing? Why only 2 bogies got fire and why the fire did not spread to other bogies.? That is the reason US govt. has branded Modi as supporter of terrorist. Even statesman like Vajpayee after this Godhra incident did not wanted Modi to continue as CM of Gujarat.. You justify the massacre of 800 Muslims? Do u you know what impact it has left on the children who have grown today. You are a fascist and has no right to live in civilized society. If men can drink in public pub why not women. Aren't they equal to men as per Indian constitution?

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    • Sohan Domingo, Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      At the outset , hats of too DAIJI  for the excellent media coverage and do continue the fabulous work.  I fully support your GREAT JOB FOR A GREAT CAUSE. Its sad to see the place I was born is turning to be like this. What will the world think of us/ My education in India taught me secularism, democracy ,freedom of speech and respect for woman.But all this seems to be diminishing in time with such barbaric acts. Education is lacking in our country most of these cowards who where hideous in their acts are uneducated  youth with little or no knowledge of how to lead a dignified life in society. People of India especially Mangalore should start protesting such  criminal activities.

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    • raj, uae

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      East or west Daiji is the best, Great job daiji. We are with you, do not be afraid. All the best. Good luck

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    • Alfred, Mumbai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to Mr. Nandalike and his team for the great job you have done by exposing the evil deeds of these evil pathogenic persons. Your photographer and videographer also deserves the accolades for reaching the place in under 7 minutes!!! Whereas the police took more than one hour.  If not for Mr.Walter Nandilike & his team this gruesome incident would have been downplayed by the cops and their political masters.

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    • divya,

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      It is  disgusting to watch girls being hit......dont they have sisters at home ? .How cheap can one be ? Is this the way to protest....What a shame !

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    • Rayan Calvin, Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Thanks a lot for making us aware of our surroundings. Hope the ladies  get justice.

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    • k m siddique, shirur - dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009


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    • Vinod, Mangalore/USA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Thanks to Daijiworld for your courageous journalism. Without your coverage even this incident would have been swept under the carpet. Please continue your good work. If the system doesn't work for us when it ought to be, let us force the system to work through your media network. Again, thanks for standing by the truth & democracy and helping to promote "true" secularism.

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    • Kumar H, Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      There are many comments we have seen in these columns for last 2-3 days. But I am quite surprised not to see any comments from Dr.Kiran Acharya.

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    • Valerian Dalmaida, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Walter, Well done. May God bless you with courage and strength. I condemn the attitude of the police. This is something, if one is inefficient, then blame the other who is efficient so that his/her inefficiency is not noticed. On behalf of all the readers, I take the liberty to request you,"Please take care of your office,media men and even the web site from these hooligans, because you never know when these people will take revenge for exposing them". Please deploy adequate security for yourselves and the office so that the high handed people in Politics,Administration and these organisations who are hand in glove with each other may not disturb your duty. God Bless you. Jai Hind. Jai Karnataka.

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    • Aboobaker puttur, jubail k s a

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Well done daiji team.Keep it up. Success comes to those who dare and act. God bless you.

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    • stan, U.S.A

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Bravo Bravo Daijiworld. The first alert and first step you have taken. We appreciate your professionalism. Keep up the good work and spirit. I salute all your dedicated staff  helping this immense cause and wish you good luck.

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    • Kevin, Mangalore/Sydney

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      I applaud and appreciate your great work. Would like you to keep track of this issue and inform us on what will happen now!. As previously mentioned by the readers it will all be forgotten and the culprits will be back on their monkey business.

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    • John Cutinha, Bangalore/USA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congratulations! Daijiworld. Success always is difficult when you are on the right side of Truth. Don't compromise on your mission and be courageous. Our well wishes and prayers are with you. As reported by you, one could see the Rama Sena's leaders walking freely during the arrest but Mr. Sitaram, the editor of Karavali Ale being hand cuffed.

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    • Abu Mariam, Managlore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent work, Daiji…..Definitely, there will be pressure from Govt. But do not forget your strength. Previously, Daiji was limited to Mangalore city & Gulf. But now, the world is with you. Government is, of the people, by the people – now the people are with Daiji….

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    • Vera Alvares, Mumbai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent coverage and an informative article! Even NDTV picked up your pictures- they are so good and vivid! Thanks to sites like yours, Mangloreans all over the world get an insight into the happenings in their beloved city. Congratulations!

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    • Jovita, Mangalore/USA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      If These Goonda's of the Ram Sena feel pub style is not their culture, or in a broader sense drinking is not their culture then it applies to both men and women. Why don't they manhandle men who drink . Why don't they beat men who drink and beat their helpless women at home ? Is it because they would receive double the thrashing they give ?  Mangalore in recent times has been in the news for all the wrong reasons just because of few illiterate, jobless and insane people. Hope daiji and the peace loving people of Mangalore have these elements banned. Hope India has stricter rules for the generations to come, so that such hypocrites get a deserving punishment.

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    • Ronald, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Daiji, you are brave. God bless you for your good woork.

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    • Mubeen, Pandeshwar

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Good job done by Daijiworld Team. I hope you will continue the work with the same sincerity and dedication and will not succumb to any external pressure.

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    • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      True service to the nation would be to come up in life by embracing good education and then become a responsible citizen and then you can really give back to the society and your own people so that your country moves towards prosperity. We are the flag-bearers of our destiny and WE MUST ACT NOW TO ELIMINATE ALL SOCIAL EVILS.  We got physical freedom from colonizers but we still live in slavery and bondage. We must strive to get back our true freedom - in minds and spirit and hearts.

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    • Pradeep,

      Thu, Jan 29 2009

      Agreed, great coverage...awesome job!!! But I think the question is not how good the media is in reaching the place within 7 mins...but WHY did the media not call the police? As a responsible citizen, can you say with a clear conscience that you did your duty of notifying the law-enforcers?

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    • Michael Lobo, Banglore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      We have not forgotten the recent Church attacks and the vandalism done by these hooligans and so far no serious action has been taken ! The perpetrators of these crimes are allowed to go free without even a charge ! Hats off to BJP government. So the matter is indeed grave. Reason quoted for attacks is Destruction of Hindu Tradition ! Let me ask some questions. Do they believe in hindu faith and tradition ? If the answer is yes then they can't commit crime. No hindu sage or a devout man will do harm to the dignity of fellow humans. If you deeply inculcate whatever values your faith administers to practice, it must manifest in the people in the form of nonviolence and fatherly and motherly love for each other.

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Iff there was no daiji definetly no one would have known this incident. Dear daiji you are  really the voice of Mangalore. Well done keep it up.

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    • Rajesh D'souza, Mumbai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Daijiworld, Congratulations to you all. You are brave people and it is so shameful of the police that you needed seven minutes to reach the spot and police took hour and yet they are questioning you! Three cheers to daijiworld and other media personel and what to say to police and our politicans whose daughters luckly were not molested in the pub?

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent job, its a good example for voice of Daijiworld is voice of Mangalorean. Keep it up

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    • Zeena J Noronha, Belman

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Geart job Walter and team!

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    • faizal, Mangalore/ Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Wonderful.... DAIJI WORLD. Thank you  and  best of luck... Help us get back our peaceful Mangalore.

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    • m.farook, talipaduppu,b.c road

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      exllent job.....daiji ...keep it up ..we all with you

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    • Najam Batrekere, Bajpe

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Walter excellent work! Only 3 media/publications are there in Mangalore which are right and unbiased including Daijiworld. Hope you will continue your efforts to bring out the truth without discrimination & hesitations. God Bless You & Your Team.

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Krishna Narayana Puttur, you are speaking about 20th century but we are in 21st century. For the killing of Sikhs everybody have regretted and recently Mr. Rahul Gandhi suggested to provide remuneration to the victims. Do you remember Mr.Vajapayee suggested Late Indira Gandhi to use military force against Sikhs? Why? Indira Gandhi became victim for protecting integrity of India. Do you need the failures of top 10 while BJP (NDA) in power which I have commented in daijiworld earlier. If you need I will provide that too once again. It was Late Rajiv Gandhi who started economic reforms/development projects and Late P.V Narsimha Rao carried out economic reforms through finance minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Congress is working for all irrespective of caste, creed, colour and religion whereas bjp is biased due to which chaos is spread through out Karnataka.

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    • Saleem G.H. Puttur, Abu Dhabi - UAE

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Mr.krishna Narayana, Puttur. your coments represent the fascism its not at all moral and socaial background. Don't blame media they had discharged thier duty towards the society, at least apreciate their work.

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    • Melwyn- Vogga, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      One special request to team daiji .. please do the follow up on this incident and we readers of Daiji want know what futher action is taken by the goverment and police on accused people. Also we need you to Highlight bravary of MR . Pawan ... so that at least some who will get motivate to act in these kind of situvation

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    • melwyn, udupi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      east or west daiji you're the best.

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    • Margaret D'Abreo, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Lord Ram, this sena is defiling your name!! The Hindu culture and the Indian culture we know of and practice is one of non-violence and peace and not of hooliganism .....…..or perhaps this is the 'sena' of a different 'Ram' with self-appointed chiefs and unemployed recruits!!!

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    • Jabbar Kabaka, Mascow

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Welldone....Now everybody has come to know that Daiji Means People's voice...

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    • Melwyn- Vogga, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Walter you are doing the excellent work . Today daiji world become very famous for the work you people do . I used read daiji & today all my friends read . Hats off to you Daiji & walty

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    • Benedict Barboza, Shirva / Bristol (U K)

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Very Proud of you DAIJIWORLD. Congratulations to you and your courageous team. Be strong to face more difficult times ahead. May Almighty Bless and protect Daijiworld and its team for ever.

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    • Eulalia Dsouza, Bijai / Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Walty, Many Congratulations to YOU & your Team, for a wonderful job done. If not you, who else should bring these kind of un-ethical, in-humane acts of elements of society. In the pretext of protecting women of society, they have committed malice, which has brought Mangalore to a shameful situation. You havnt manipulated the incident, like they are manipulating it now, bcoz it has attracted national n international media attention.

      Administration always looks for a scape goat to get away with their inefficiency & it's YOU this time. It's nothing new with Govt Departments. I am sure you will over come all these and still justify what you have done is Right Thing. Our systems are so corrupt that these persons who are caught in camera will still manage to get away with it & we will not be surprised when that happens, coz that's nothing new. Unless they have a strong back up, they will not dare do such things in public. Walty, such events have happened in the past & might happen again. I am sure all media persons will take it to your stride and go on with your good work. We are proud of you Daijiworld....!!

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009


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    • Nahla, mangalore riyadh ksa

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent coverage with pictures Best of luck Daiji

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    • JPS, M'lore/dxb

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      KEEP IT UP DAIJI, IT IS GREAT & A PROUD MOMENT for all the PROUD/PATRIOTIC CITIZENS OF HINDUSTHAN. Even though the local Daijiworld cover the story earlier on the police & state govt admn machinery woke up lately after Media coverage at the national level(TIMES & NDTV) All actions/responses/statements from the BJP govt/politicians/police was made possible just because of DAIJI'S TANGIBLE MEDIA COVERAGE. Had it not covered by daiji i doubt whether the matter was taken up so seriously at the best interest of the society. It should be noted that police will not take cases against BJP supporters unless u go with with tangible evidence, hence, we should keep camera's on every where to stop these evils causing damage to the public & peace loving society.

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    • Thilak Shetty, Kondana, Mlr / Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Mr. Acharya those old days have gone where people used read only biased News. Now you can't fool people. Will you consider it as an small incident if we do same thing to your family members ?

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    • Anil, Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Sir, after going thru what has happened in mangalore, i strongly believe that, we dont have any right to ask pakistan to ban the militant groups when we have enough militant groups within ourself like these who have done their job. Sometime I dont understand why why we do so? may be coz we are growing old or we dont have enough money to spend on girls or to go to pubs or they dont have attracting power & take the frustration on others who enjoy the life.

      My question  Is Rama Sena or so called bits & nuts of these groups are they saviour of the world? have they borrowed India? are they are the ones who will dictate how do we live? If so my request to them is please do provide the necessity requirements of your own brothers & sisters who live in difficulties.

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    • Manoj Bangera, Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Superb Efforts by your team, My suggestions is to the adminstration, send all the accused to the border and let them fight with enemy. Let these people fight for serious issue, and not for such cheap publicity. Let these accused be isolated in single room, and sing devotional songs

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    • Lancy, Ganjimutt/Abu_dhabi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Thanks,Daiji..You had opened district admistration blind eyes,It is (Nugalarada Bisi Thuppa) to them.I personnaly thanks Daiji team to expose what is going on around Mangalore City.Thanks Walter keep it up

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    • Farooq, Mangalore, Saudi Arabia

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Well done Daiji... Keep it up...

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    • shihab, KSA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      I appriciate ur stand, it is fact when you stand for justice you will have to face difficulties STAND strongly

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    • Shenoy, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      It is very sad to see Mangalore in news for all bad reasons  in the recent past. All of us know how great our city is and district as a whole. There are lots of positives.. We are good in terms of literacy/education, Health care, Public transport system, Telecom more importantly civilized people(forget about few people those are any way less in percentage. Those elements are there in every society). The image of  Mangalore has suffered due to these events, which is unfortunate. I would like to see a day where Mangalore is in news for good reason which entire country watch and will try to emulate. Let that happen through Daijiworld in near future and i pray god for the same.

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    • Javed /Dammam, Mangalore/Dammam

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Really good work from daiji team and we appreciate and prove that daiji team can do anything best of luck

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent Daiji, I appreciate your effort by heart. May Allah grant you all success, Aameen, we all are with daiji.

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009


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    • Siddik, Mangalore/Saudi Arabia

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Perfect comment from Mr. Alfie Mumbai, suits very well to Ramasena GOD bless Daiji team, keep up the same spirit.

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    • krishna Narayana, Puttur

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      I personally agree to it that what these people of Goonda culture have done is wrong(I dont call the Sri Ram Sena people as it will be insultto Lord Rama,who hadhigh regards to ladies).But this ,incident is getting excess attention.I think this is because this happened in BJP ruled state and media always like to bash BJP. Unlike last time , BJP govt has acted swifety and arrested all concerned step by step a they gathered evidences. Media calls Modi as hardliner,facist and so on, because they think he is responsible for murder of 800 muslims in Gujarath riots ,which was reaction to Godhra train incident ,where 60 Karsevaks were killed.Why doesnt same media call Rajiv Gandhi as hardliner,racist,fascist and so on,as he is responsible for murder of 5000 sikhs in 1984,which was a reaction for murder of Indira Gandhi.Campare the numbers 800 and 5000,still Modi is fascist and Rajiv Gandhi not, as per Media Media should stop being hypocratical about BJP and be fair to all parties.

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    • Anoj Rai, Mangalore/ Australia

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      People in mangalore are good commentators.Why dont people get together and protest against these kind of things. And BAN all these kind of SENA's???? In the name of god these people are doing what they want and nobody is protesting against them. Who have given these desparate hooligans the right to decide if girls are following the culture of our country. if they are so much interested in fights they should join the army and go the the fronts and fight like a real men and not show their strength to the weaker gender........

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    • Avinash, mangalore/U.K

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      This is nothing but,taking away the attention of people from the real culprits.Shame on police and politics who involved in this.Thanks for daijiworld for your great job. We are all with you with our great support.

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    • Alfie, mumbai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to Mr.Walter Nandalike and his team for reaching the site of this dastardly attack by the uncivilised hoodlums on the weaker sex. Shame on you the goons of Ramsena and Bajrangdal. The act you have committed goes well with Eunuchs so castrate yourselves and join the bandwagon of the Eunuchs at Goregaon railway line in Mumbai. Shenoy for your information the Manager of Amnesia informed the police the same time Daijiworld was informed and the police turned up much much later.

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    • Ronald D.F.D'Souza, Maangalore/Bahrain

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Yes Mr. Walter, you are right. The people of Republic India have their right to express their views to the public, and the press media is the right persons to inform everyone.Now the ruling government may twist the incident, but dear Daijiworld you may pass all your video clips to international media.Shame on those people to do such type of Talibanisation in Mangalore.

      Why the cops didn't put handcuffs to those culprits of Rama Sena , they will not because ruling political party is behind to support them.My request to our new D.C. to take tough action to those who are involved. Ronald-Bahrain

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    • Ronnie, M'lore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Walter, had it not been you and your team, the whole episode would have been too generalized and brushed off by the chain of corrupt system we've in M'lore. Daiji world has been doing a great job. You guys are our hope and confident. Let this kind of skirmish from cheap politicans not deter you reporting the honest truth. We are there to support you. Thank you very much and honestly appreciate courage.

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    • denis vaz, karkala

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      First of all i thank you showed your courage. and hard work.keep it up.

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    • Ronald Prabhu, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Well done DAIJI FRIENDS... Keep up the good work

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    • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Rama Sene cliamed attack on girls is very small. Government said - there is no need to ban Rama Sene and Bajaranga Dal. Today whole world is crying loudly and asking for justice about this issue. Why is that ? Is the issue really small that it doesn't deserve to be examined thoroughly ? Does it not amount to capital punishment for the attackers ? Where is our society heading ? Why is so unrest in our society ? Why is all people clinging on to religion and fighting out against each other ? What are they going to gain by wasting time on these matters and not doing the job for the family and the country ?

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    • R Prabhu, KSA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent coverage with pictures and stills that caught the minds of the entire nation. Well done Daijiworld. Now we know how white is the dress code of the ministers.

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      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Yes Minister - The people who uphold the CONSTITUTION of India have taken no noticeable action on this matter so far - The same old tricks of evasive action (party not considered in this argument) when will the INDIAN get justice by sub standard governance - Rise Ministers rise atleast make Karnataka a model state - we have the inteligence capacity and manpower to this all it requires is will power- Come on CM you can do it - I will hold you in good stead in the future.

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    • Neil, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Daijiworld, thanks for all the coverage and getting the world to know the truth, seeing is beleiving, inspite of video clips they had the audacity to claim that they did not beat the girls. Just imagine if there was no such proof then they would have easily escaped. in fact as one of the girl said more than beating they were molested. Keep up the good work...God bless

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    • aman.indian, udupi/uae

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      you r the best daijiworld. keep doing the good job. all good people are with you. don't loose your courage. thank you for waking up system

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    • Anil, Bannur,Puttur/Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to Daiji. We are getting through you only.Keep it up.

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    • IBRAHIM KALEEL, Ullal/Mangalore,Al-Taif,Saudi Arabia

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent work done bye Daiji..We are all support to daiji becoz of publishing fact news..All The best.

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    • Praveen KC, bangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Keep up the good work DAIJIWORLD...these incidents(women Harrasment) keep happening every day and in every city in india..unfortunately,they go unnoticed and if noticed they are not followed as these big news channels are puppets in the hand of central govt...u guys had the guts to show it...kudos...I think such sena's , vedikes are just vasool rajas...strip them in public and beat them...NO Idiot would then dare to do such atrocities.

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    • javid, Muscat/Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Keep it up Daiji, this is just a bigining lot more expected from you..................keep up the good work............

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    • Bash, India, KSA

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      I would like to thank Mr. Walter and his Daijiworld team for bringing the truth and reality to all over the world with so much trouble & hassle by the Goodnas (Poli-tics) and administration (Poli-ce). Those who are involved in such a cruel act should be put in to the bars atleast for 10 years. This is really shame to all human beings. If it continues like this, the sati sahagamana culture will not be far. Everywhere women being tortured. Hope Daijiworld will help to give justice to those women. All the best.

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    • Janet Sequeira D'souza, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      You are the true,loud and clear voice of Mangalore Daiji. Hats off to you. You are doing a marvellous job. Nobody can intimidate you.

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    • Khalid, udupi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Shame on the government for issuing the notice to Daiji. Let the world see what kind of people we are getting ruled by. thanks daiji for showing the uncultured goondas of mangalore.

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    • cypri., Kgl/Kwt.

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congratulations, Daijiworld! You have done the best,excellent work, keep it up.

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    • Dusty R., India

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      The Govt machinery to look after the security and welfare of the people has failed not only in Mangalore, but all over India. Media is the only resort left for the people look up for justice. It is because of Daijiworlds courageous coverage that the victims are getting justice to a certain extent. I hope Daijiworld will not succumb to the pressure of the Govt and Govt agencies, but continue the great service, which they are doing to the community as a whole,

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    • Joe, Mangalore / Sharjah

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Aptly put Walter, crisp and to the point. The way they acted and the situation handled, it creates a doubt in our minds if the Administartion is hand in glove with the culprits? Keep up thr good work, God bless and protect you from their dirty clutches.

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    • Zuber, Bangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Really a great peice of social work by Daiji team.  think media will definitely play an important role in changing India's corrupt system. Its not the girls but the policticians who are doing the "nanga naach" and they talk about the culture, they will be brought to justice sooner or later. All the best and keep up the good work.

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    • Jasmine, Jeppu

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Great work Daijiworld..Thanks for the news s and live coverage of mangalore horror..thanks for alerting whole india about it.. welldone..!U guys rock!

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    • bilal, Karkala/riyadh

      Wed, Jan 28 2009


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    • Reyan, Kuwait

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Mr Arnab Goswami of TIMES NOW is doing marvelous job in this regard. Hats off to him for his courageous Debate on News HOur.

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    • hasan, mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Good job Daiji...we all are with you..

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    • Norbert lobo, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to you “ Daijiworld” and to Mr Walter, Chief Editor and your reporters and videographers. You have shown highest social responsibility , that media can show by publishing the heinous activities of some of these self proclaimed protectors of “ Indian Culture” . But for you it would have been a just another as usual “ a case has been registered in the police station and strict action will be taken” . Just to add to what you have said , it was the highly biased and manipulated reporting of this coastal kannada paper mainly responsible for the emergence of these unscrupulous sadist elements in coastal districts. We must feel sorry for our Police higher officials for their ignorance and also arrogance in seeking explanation. Kindly do not succumb to the pressure tactics of this government and its bureaucracy. Coastal Karnataka has been polluted with the deceit journalism standards of this biased daily and other evening yellow tabloids . Daijiworld is a ray of hope . Carry on , save the place and its people

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    • Saleem G.H. Puttur, Abu Dhabi - UAE

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      We realy appreciate your good work keep it up Daiji

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    • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Mr. Walter Nandalike, Hats off to you and your great team for the super fast fantastic and above all accurate reporting which you have done. We just love you, your team and your reporting, keep up your fantastic reporting, we depend on you. God bless all of you abundantly. As usual police are trying to hide their inefficiency and divert attention by serving notices to you. On the basis of the accurate video evidence documented by the Daiji team the police should concentrate on prosecuting the guilty rather than try and hide their inefficiency.

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    • Prashant, Vadodara

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Police will never reach the spot of crime in time unless responsible citizens like you and me care to contact them. Please do not blame the police and instead understand their problems and shortcomings. Help them to overcome these shortcomings and you will find police force to be more efficient.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to you Daijiworld. But for your video, our Karnataka administration would have twisted the issue and the poor girls would have been in custody. This is our administration. What else could be expected from this government. Our local kannada paper was lethargic to publish the news. It is sad that the police reach any problematic site late and they question the presence of media there when the crime was happening!!!

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    • Amit, Gangulli

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Some daily news papers printing from coastal never says true when it comes to minority issues always hiding truth. We need like daiji news coverage to say truth.keep good work...

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    • Amrith, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Good Job by Daijiworld Reporters! You are really doing an excellent job. Wish you all the best in all that you do. Hope atleast now the Govt. will wake-up and bann all the safron party's to give justice to all those who suffered.

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    • Lobo, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congratulations Daijiworld!..........if not people GOD will support you for your work.

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    • Liaquath Ali Bolar, Bolar/Saudi Arabia

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent Job done by Daiji World.... Keep it Up...

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    • Arun Lobo, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to you Daiji.... your power shows this...

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    • Prashant, Vadodara

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congrats for covering the news event. However, I sincerely request you to desist from blaming the police and the administration for making enquiries with the press. Since they have to go to the root of the conspiracy, let them question any (repeat ANY) citizen, be it press reporter or a politician to dig out the facts.

      Yes, the police should not come to conclusions and blame anybody for not informing them about the incidence the moment it was noticed. The police should be polite in their fact finding mission when they are questioning the press reporters as the latter are not the culprits or criminals.

      I request all and sundry to cooperate with the police and administration when such incidents occur in future too without cliaming any previlege or false prestige.

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    • Robin, Kundapur

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      OK. Let us not blame on any one. Let Government keep a police official at each Media Centre in the City. Let us see media people have least courtesy in informing police sitting with them before making a big show and get undue advantage of the situation or free glory... Police official at media centre also ensure a security for the Media office as well. If Media is really interested in harmony in society than enjoying game of social commotion....

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    • Abraham Coutinho, Mundkur/Bombay

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congratulations Walter. You have very well exercised "The Freedom of the Press" the right enshrined in our Constitution. Daijiworld has done it fastest. Whoever calls this as " minor incident" may be responsible for the the consequences.

      Mr. R. R. Patil, Maharashtra Home Minister lost his post for calling Bombay Terror Attack as a "small incident". Daijiworld appeared on the spot first and the police came one hour later. A joke - in such an incident some one asked a question why the police come late after the incident took place? Another answered, because they are Rain Bows, which appears only after the rain has gone.

      There is no mistake on their part for coming late but is it an offence why and how Daijiworld reached early? Is Notice to be issued and inquiry is to be made for that? Tell them you are not Rain Bow. Also tell them, in the Media/Press Line "late" covers nothing.

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    • chandra shekar.H, bellary.

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Good job done by Daiji. However it is not way to handle the girls...... Keep up the good work,stop the girls to cross their limite

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    • Mahesh Lobo, Bangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congratulations, Daijiworld! You have done the best! Because of this coverage, let the nation wake up to the evil of "Talibanization" of our Dear Mangalore. We do not need these thugs as calling on "god" and "culture" as criminal minded (im)moral police!!

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    • Rocky Moraes, Bangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congrats Daijiworld!The Police force in Mangalore is only to safe- guard the interests of Sangh Parivar,Bhajrang dal,VHP,Srirama Sena,Hindu Yuva Sena and other Fundamentalists groups.They are not bothered about the safety of the general public,especially of girls and women.

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    • M.Andrade, Hyderabad

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Great Job done Daijiworld. Keep up the Good Work

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    • Ibrahim, Surathkal, Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Really Great work Dear Daiji Team. May Allah bless his rahmath & barkath for all your good works. Aameen. We all with you dear Daiji

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    • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Shame on the Editors of newspapers published from coastal Karnataka, They should have been honest in delivering the news and should have reported this inhumane act on the front pages. But now this is clearly shows the loyalty of the coastal Karnataka publishers to the present government. The notice to the media is a childish act of the police. The IPS cadre officers should think twice when they follow instructions from BJP leaders, home minister and the CM who do not have a leadership experience. They simply passed orders to Mangalore police to issue notice to media and now they withdraw because the the CM is worried of the consequences.

      The police instead being thankful to the video and photo available by Daiji reporters they showed the cowardness and nasty thoughts on being late at the pub after the incident. The CM has fooled once again the people of Karnataka by denying that the Rama-Sene is not a part Sangh Pariwar. Mangalore is not safe once again and the impact of this will be visible very soon on the socio-economic activities in Mangalore.

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    • abbu baker badiyar, dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      dont worry millions of million people suporting you.ignore notice .now a days police are servent of ruling party.

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    • sohaib mohammed , Mangalore/Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Mr.Walter Nandalike Editor-in-chief.. your team did a great job.May god bless this media network to grow from strength to strength. Its my request dear sir please dont hide the facts and things happening in your channel is our only hope to stop such discriminations happening.continue to do your job in the best way as your team has always been doing.. fight and speak for the people of mangalore.  I thank you and your team once again....

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    • Khatib, UAE

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      We know the situation of media in India particularly in Mangalore, that’s why we trust Daijiworld for its secular and uncomplicated news. Pls. initiate this noble cause of serving this nation. We pray with Allah for your blessing and wish you all the best.

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    • Naveen, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Sir , All happening from last 1 year is in Mangalore are Pre-Planned attacks .Here nobody is secure ,Thanks to you "DAIJIWORLD " you are our hope to survive .I knew you will be target for this "Mangalore Pub Attack" LIVE video news .

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    • Thanzeel Moosa, Kallapu, Kuwait

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to Daiji. We are getting through you only!

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    • terence, mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Dear Walty , please keep it you. Daijiworld done a wonderful job to the society. keep going. thanks

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    • Mohammed Ali, Al-Jubail / Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congratulations Daijiworld! Thank you very much for publicising the news in world wide. We are the common people are always with you. keep it up

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    • norbert pinto, mangalore - dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to Daijiworld for giving us upto-date information in the past few days on "Mangalore Horror". You have done an excellent job in flashing out the news on your site immediately which spread like wild fire to the national level. Only hope and pray that justice is done to the victims and the culprits are punished at the earliest. If not for media, nobody would have come to know this horror incident in Mangalore. So hats off to media of Mangalore. Police force in Mangalore, wake up.

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    • Lancy / Muscat, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent job by Daijiworld, those ugly faces are exposed to the world through your media. keep going, we are with you all the time..... All the best.

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    • Jane Misquith & Fly, KULSHEKAR/ DUBAI

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hi Walter & your entire team, Hats Off! for wonderful coverage & great work. Keep up the good work by forgetting all the notice behind.

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    • Peter Pereira, Permude / Bahrain

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hi Walty Bhai, Least bother about notices. This shows how weak they are and how strong our 'Daiji' is. .....don't forget to keep a waste basket in the future you may need more of them

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      The news reporter’s work is to report news to the public and police have to take action on the credibility of the provided information or they should have first knowledge/information well before any incidence happens. Police are well-known where and how everything is going on in Mangalore. They are lured by business people. Police wanted transfers for which they provide goose to Ministers. From where they will recover this money? From well versed business establishments. So they keep mum for anything and everything and once reported to police only they will come to take action. DAIJIWORLD YOUR WORKS ARE GREAT. KEEP IT UP I AM WITH YOU. Media is not at all responsible and not necessary to report to police. If media is informing everything for what our police are paid?

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    • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Mr. Walter and his Daiji team has done a marvelous job - Almighty will bless you and your team for the good work. It is very natural that when some good work is done the evil forces will do everything possible to suppress you and mutilate the truth. We the educated class in the society must speak up against these kind of issues. Government is prepared to do everything possible to protect Rama Sena and Bajaranga Dal and sister organisations. We are also prepared to do fight against evils no matter what happens to us. Truth will always prevail. There will be victory for justice. We all must strive to protect our gift of freedom at any cost. Every child is under the custody of their parents and no other person has a right to tell or act against other people in the democratic system. We do not want a system and government which acts against its own people. We must think and decide once for all to bring an end to all these menace and atrocities. Enough is enough. We have seen it all. In the guile of development agenda what actually happening is "GOONDAGIRI". We wont succumb to this.

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    • Rakesh,

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congrats Daijiworld! By way of comment I would like to say that the real seriousness of the issue lay not in that girls/women have been attacked. Yesterday it was the religious minorities, today it is girls/women, tomorrow it could be anyone. Not knowing who is next is the terror that is being spread in all this.

      The real issue here is that we have certain organizations in this country driven by a certain destructive ideology and which use every means to achieve their end, not excluding taking law into their own hands.

      I wonder if NDTV and TimesNow know about all that has been 'silently' happening in this city and state... like the attack on office of an evening paper, it's editor, its sellers, etc., all for the same core reason. It is but natural that any media which exposes the Hindutva agenda should be 'silenced' by these self-appointed guardians of state, religion and culture by inaugurating this new rule of terror.

      This problem must be weeded out from its very roots if this country is to have any future at all. The morality of pub culture makes for a separate debate and that must not be allowed to defocus from the real issue at hand. The media has a truly important and prophetic role to play here. Standing up to truth and conscience demands courage. Once again may I congratulate Daijiworld for sharing its visuals with other media so that the world could wake up to the truth about forces tearing our country apart.

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    • Shenoy, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Let me first Thank Daijiworld for giving very detailed coverage on Mangalore local news(Not only this). I read it very regularly. My Special Thanks to Walter for that. Now coming to the pub incident in Mangalore, no doubt it has to be condemned and serious action needs to be taken against all people who are responsible. Having said that let us all understand that we are part of the society and we have our own social responsibilities. It is always easy to put blame on administration, police ...etc but it is our duty to cooperate with them and make the entire system very strong. Police might have reached hours latter media reached there, but we need to think why it happened so? May be no body bothered to inform police. If some one had informed they would have probably reached much earlier and things probably would n't have gone this bad. So my only request is let all of us be very responsible citizens first before anything else.

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    • William Mascarenhas, Moodbidri / Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Wonderful Article. Thanks to daijiworld & Mr. Walter. I thought, in films police will reach late to the spot, but real life also they followed the same.

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    • Franklyn Lobo, Mangalore/Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to Daijiworld. Your news is faster than lightening and always the fact. Keep up the good work and service to society.

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    • Rajesh , Mangalore/Bahrain

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Thanks Daaijiworld ... Keep ur Goodwork going .. Local adminstration or govt can not tie ur hands from publishing true news .. u r really done a gr8 job ,,we know our police in manglaore always late entry , 24 hours to our govt to realise the truth.... keep going ,,,all the best we are always with you for truth ...

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    • Johnson Pinto (Neerude), Mangalore / Bangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      As everyone knows Daijiworld is doing a great job. The incidents like attack on pub, attack on churches, communal violences in Mangalore were brought up first by Daijiworld. Its obvious to get threats or notices from the higher authorities, while working for a social cause. May God bless you and give strength to serve better. ROCK ON DAIJIWORLD...

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    • Shilpa, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Good Job Daijiworld. Many people in mangalore wanted this incident to be brushed under the carpet because now mangaloreans are sort of used to similar atrocities by these goons. A leading daily of coastal Karnataka has shown how biased it is when they report on such issues.Keep up the good work and please be unbiased.

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    • J Miranda, PANGLA / BAHRAIN

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off to Daiji world. You are doing a wonderful job, At a time when state media fails to cover the incidents you have done a commedable job. Wish you all the best. In your struggle we affirm our solidarity.

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    • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Thanks Mr. Walter for your excellent article and your team has done an excellent job and the video in you tube has created lots of awareness, even today there was an news in Arab News( Leading newspaper in Saudi Arabia) regarding the pub issue in Mangalore.

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    • Alwin, Kuwait

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      We the people are having full faith in Daiji as far as police and politicians are concerned they are always try to blame either media or opposition to cover up their failures. Keep up the good work Daiji..

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    • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Daiji team, you have indeed done a good job. However, may I ask that we make our voice heard in a generalised manner ? Can we leave the girls alone and not press for justice on their behalf ? They have suffered enough already - we must allow them to come out of the trauma and live a normal life. Let us unitedly ask the authorities to punish the group involved so that our privacy in future is not invaded. So that the law will be left to be dealt by authorised people but by a handful of hooligans. My concern is with the girls and wish them to emerge as a stronger fighter than a timid victim.

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    • jane, Bangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hi walty and team, excellent work, keep it up. God bless

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    • Vaseem Sheikh, mangalore/Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Good work DAIJIWORLD,right media for the right news for the people like us who are aways from Mangalore but still feel within, Daijiworld made a world a small world with the instant news and quick s. proud that this media is from Mangalore

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    • Praveen, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      wonderful job done by Daiji...dont worry about Notice..keep it up

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    • Tina Pereira, Kelarai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Very well said Walter and a very good job done!!! I hope these groups concentrate more on working on the welfare of our people rather than creating havoc in the city. If anybody comming in the name of any party starts taking law in their hands and we have so many to support their inhuman behaviour we cannot ensure any safety for girls to walk about freely on the streets of Mangalore.Our administration seems to be in deep sleep and needs all our media to wake them up. Continue the good work Walter.

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    • Rakesh Dsouza, Mangalore, Dubai.

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Hats off!! to you Team Daijiworld and Hats of To Mr.Walter nandalike. Daijiworld done a greate job for the public...hope Daijiworld will continue this same attitude in future also...

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    • Stany lobo, Derebail

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Good work by daijiworld team. keep up the good work. All sang parivar groups should be banned immediately. they dont have any right to attack anyone lives.

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    • Austin Martis, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Thanks Daijiworld, because of your initiative this news became international headline.Wish you all the best.As you mentioned in your article let us keep faith in our district administration.

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    • arun, mlore/nri

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      keep up the good work,because of the media these guys are exposed today. these people are all goondas rama sene, bajrang dal and rest,they think they can do as they like, mangalore never had incidents like this before,only after these organizations, all this started

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    • thomasaquin, mangalore/qatar

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Daijiworld was the first to have done a wonderful job and service to the public. If news personnel were to give information to the police, why do we need the police? There seems to be a nexus between the troublemakers and the Police, as police did not turn up and later covered up (partially) the incident. Daiji would be aware that the police pass on information after an incident to the media. In this case the fact that they seem hurt is a cover up for having the information and not doing their duty.

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    • Nabeel , Mangalore \ Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      you Guys at Daijiworld are absolutely doing wonderful job with good coverage and hats off to you guys to throw light on what s happening in the city which caught the worlwide attention where in our system took it lightly as always

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    • A.sequeira, Mangalore - Dubai

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Excellent write up Mr. Walter. What you have said is 100% right. For suitations like this the Police are always late but if it was Sri ram sena in trouble they would have arrived like lightening. Anyway excellent peice of information. Daijiworld has given us time to time info and pictures of this horrible act by the goondas.

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    • yasir, baikampady mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      keep it up the good work...

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    • Jess, Mangalore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Congratulations Daijiworld! You are really doing a very good job. May God bless you and We wish you all the very best. We only hope that, all these Senas and other groups will be banned.

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