One Family has Ruined Everything in India: Narendra Modi

One family has ruined everything in India: Modi
Press Trust of India 
NAGPUR, Feb 8: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday made a scathing attack on the Gandhi-Nehru family alleging that a "conspiracy" has been hatched to promote the family posing a danger to the future of the country.

"Ek parivar ke ateet ko age badane ke liye jo shadayantra chal raha hai usse Hindustan ke bhavishya ko khatra hai (Conspiracy to promote one family's past is posing danger for the future of the country)," Modi said without directly naming the Gandhi-Nehru family but the indication was obvious.

Noting that members of the family have ruled the country for as many as 37 years, he said that if the past five years were also taken into account, then it would be a 42-year rule.

With Manmohan Singh being an "invisible" Prime Minister, it was "power without accountability" for the family in the last five years, he alleged.

Addressing the party's national council meeting, the BJP's star campaigner gave a new spin to the victory of Barack Obama in the US Presidential elections claiming that it was the result of the American citizens being fed up with the stranglehold of a few families in politics.

"It was senior Bush for two terms followed by two terms of Bill Clinton and then two terms of junior Bush and then there was the possibility of another Clinton. The people there felt if it will be only two families that will run the country", Modi contended.

Modi, who was participating in the discussion on the political resolution, said, in India "only one family has ruined everything".

Making a strong pitch for L K Advani as the next Prime Minister, he said that what the country was needing was a "strong" leader like the BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate and "not like Manmohan Singh whose presence is not felt" despite he occupying the top post. 


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  • Carol, Mangalore/KSA

    Tue, Feb 10 2009

    Commentators, With blood on his hands, Modi definitely is not a suitable candidate for the post of the PM of my beloved India. Not with his idealogy...NEVER. He has developed Gujarat, yes! but at what cost????

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Feb 10 2009

    I fully agree with Mr.Narayana, Mangalore. It has become a fashion and passion of minorities to spew venom and hate hindus and BJP/RSS/BD for every untoward incident happening in Manglore. People are quick and media is quicker than police here in condemning peopel without knowing the facts and the real truth. Mr.Narendra Modi is the right candidate to lead India. He is patriotic and will be tough on terrorism, bring about economic prosperity, create more employment and wealth for the  country and people. Instead of blindly commenting against Mr.Modi, please go to Gujarat and see for yourself all around, the  development that is  taking place there.

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  • Narayana, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Dear adverse commentors of minority community, Do you know a marxist Member of Parliament, Com.Abdulla Kutty of Kannur[kerala] has praised Sri. Modi for the development activities and improving the industrialisation of Gujarat? He could have quoted any other state for this purpose Including Kerala or W.B., but as he is a believer and communist he has to say the truth. Ofcourse he paid BIG PRICE!!! Yes, he is suspended from the Marxist Party!!!FACTS AND TRUTH ARE OFTEN UNPLEASANT TO MANY LIKE YOU. ONE CAN NOT HELP IT AS LONG AS YOU ARE HAVING SUCH A PARTISAN VISION.

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  • Carol, Mangalore/KSA

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Narendra Modi is CRIMINAL NO.1. He is another HITLER in the making. Beware Indians....

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    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Modi is right - Only one person man demolish the dream of every Indian - and that is MR. N.modi himself. Only the business community is close to him. The down trodden constitue the major part of Gujarat - (cheap labour) What has he done for them .

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    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Angelina for your kind information when NDA was ruling,  Advani was home minister Vajpai was PM & INDIA never turned into hell..There was  drastic change in Indian economy. It was stable. Karnataka is still a heaven . Always look at both sides of the coin.

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  • ishan, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Yeah!! very true but not one family its one man!!! thats u Mr. Modi

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  • Angelina, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Karnataka is already turned to hell in such a short term and if Advani becomes the PM then I think we Indians will have to experience the life of hell and immediately start praying to God to take us to Heaven as soon as posssible.

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  • Ronald P. Sequeira, India

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Know this, the Nehru-Gandhi family was more noble and patriotic than some of you BJP leaders !

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  • ronald, karnataka

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    I agree with Pastor Frank.

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    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    For those who have commented against Modi, please see how he has developed Gujarat. He is the No 1 CM in the country . We want him to be the PM. All the best Modi. India is with you.

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  • Rajesh, M'lore, Dubai

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    If we wants to call our self developed Nation instead of developing Nation then We need leaders like Mr. Modi since Independence Congress is busy with their dynasty politics, minority Appraisal, dirty tricks of divide & rule. If we want to see India on the Top of the World all the people of the India support Mr. Modi.

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  • RSK Mangalore, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    We need strong and sincere leaders like Mr. Modi to run the country. Fellow writers in this column go and see how Mr. Modi transformed Gujarat into wealthy organized state. Stop writing with your religiously biased eyes.

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  • Ashok Anchan, Padubidri/Dubai

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Shetty and nagesh ....I respect you ...Modi you did a incredible job.

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  • Devdas, UAE

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    WE INDIANS DON’T NEED A MASS MURDERER TO BECOME PM. nagesh nayak, You may need Mr.Modi, because you &  Modi belong to same group.

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  • Praveen, UAE

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    Mr.Modi, you should recall the event Ms. Sonia Gandhi rejected the Prime Ministership. She could have become PM for atleast ONE DAY,but did not, because she is not power lover. You including Mr. Advani, want only power not peoples happiness.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Sun, Feb 08 2009


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  • Sam, Managalore

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Please first think as an Indian, then think about the region and religion, if we want to fight with terrosrist we must have unity, not party.

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  • josephine moniz, mangalore/doha

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Effective leaders place the 'TRUMP CARDS' (acheivements) on the table not the weakness of opponents. Mr. Modi as a true leader please tell the public what you have done (Godhra????) & what you are willing to do in the future.

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  • Prem, udupi

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    To take our country into a progressive way the leader should talk about his devolepment plans. There is a saying . "barking dogs seldom bite." Jai hind.

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  • Shetty, Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Please note: HINDUS ARE UNITE. Only BJP can save INDIA and HINDUS. Congress destroyed economy and country together for 50 years. They can't do anything about Terrorists. If they do they will lose "MINORITY VOTE BANKS".

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  • imran, saudi

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Everybody knows you very well Modi. People know what BJP is up to. No need to fool the people. Our prime minister is one of the greatest India ever had.

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  • Anthony Coutinho,

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    "Ek parivar ke ateet ko age badane ke liye jo shadayantra chal raha hai usse Hindustan ke bhavishya ko khatra hai (Conspiracy to promote one family's past is posing danger for the future of the country)," Modi Mr Modi, pls note that Mumbai Blast terrorist came from Pakistan via Gujarat sea port. Where were your Intelligence and what made you visit Mumbai before it was attacked.

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  • Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi/Udupi

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    The entire world knows Modi is a criminal and a murderer. He has no right to speak. Why USA refused visa to Modi? Because he is a criminal. He should have been in prison. He is still at large. Our Prime Minister Mr. Manamohan Singh is a jem, brilliant and one of the best prime Ministers of India. I salute him with all my heart. Congress is the only party at present to rule the Nation deligently. Mrs. Sonia Gandhi is the best leader of India. BJP tried to condemn her and Sushma thought she can defeat a foreigner but totally defeated and that made her mouth shut. Yes Sonia must have born in Italy but she is an honest Indian citizen and a leader. May God bless her and the goverment of India ruled by Congress.

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  • ashok, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Mr.Modi fantastic speach, keep it up,you are doing a great job,

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  • Marshal D'Souza, Manipal

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    One family which has saved India is Nehru Gandhi family which has sacrificed two lives for the unity and integrity of the country. It has really saved the country from the divisive policies of Jansangh, RSS and the BJP. People who have murdered Gandhiji have no moral right to talk all this nonsence. This is a direct insult to the 100 crore people of India.

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  • ajith, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Narendra Modi is absolutely right.But unfortunately he does not know the family he is refering to is RSS family.

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  • santhosh, mangalore/dubai

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    In karnataka BJP is ruling and there no peace in state where they rules there is no peace if BJP comes power in center then GOD only have to save the country.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    God may give the right mind and total understanding to the people of India to identify the tricky motives of Mr. Modi, is my diligent prayers. God may save India from repeating another German era of world war II.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, udupi/dubai

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Both Mr Advani and Mr Modi are keen on deviding India on communual lines and are dreaming of becoming prime ministers. I bet they day will not come and the Indian electorate is keen to defeat these communual forces. As anybody else both these guys have the right to dream and these two in that are day dreaming. Mr Manmohan singh is clean and good politician like Mr Atal Vajapayee.

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  • Khatib, UAE

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Hon’b Modi, we know who have ruined our country so far. It is your party that divided the whole country communally by taking an issue out of Ayodhya. If given a chance you will definitely massacre the whole nation as did in Gujarat. We can afford infinite corruption but not communalism. Your party is the root cause of current scenario our India is going through like terrorism and communal riots. Jai Hind

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  • Staney, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Atleast the family had the guts to run the country. If BJP comes to power then it's going to be hell for all of us. What changes Mr. Advani is going to bring? all people know what BJP is no need to fool the people. Apna bhashan apne paas rakho. Mr. Manmohan Singh is far much better than Mr. Advani. We have only one khatra and that too from BJP.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Modi is telling about President Barrak Obama who was elected by the people of the United States of America. History is made in USA. We do not want a rubber stamp Harijan to become President of India but Can Modi give chance to a Harijan, a Christian or a Muslim to become Prime Minister of India? Modi has a record of hating Indian citizens especially minorities.

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  • vijay, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    What good did this man do? I agree he did develop Gujrath? But this man has blood in his hand, and now he is pointing finger at others. He has 100 evils over a few good things and he feel all the evils have been nullified. Alas! when will the blame games end, and the country prosper...........

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Quote : "Ek parivar ke ateet ko age badane ke liye jo shadayantra chal raha hai usse Hindustan ke bhavishya ko khatra hai (Conspiracy to promote one family's past is posing danger for the future of the country)," Modi said " Unquote : Ek Party jo Hindustan ke Hinduon ka patinidhi hua kertha-tha (BJP), aaj usi-ke vaha-se hamare Hindu Bhai-Behno-ko sar jhukana pada ! Translation : Because of the very party that once appeared a repersentative of Hindus of India, today our Hindu Brother/sisters have to hang their heads in shame. Example : Mangalore !

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  • Ashok, India

    Sun, Feb 08 2009

    Jo Diktha hai(visible) Woh Kartha Nahi, Jo Kartha hai Woh Diktha Nahi. we love our present Honble Prime Minister of India.

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