San Francisco, Mar 15 (IANS): Highly-encrypted mobile messaging platform Telegram on Thursday saw a surge in sign ups as Facebook and its other services like WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger were down for hours.
Accroding to a report in TechCrunch, Telegram garnered over three million new users during Facebook's downtime.
"I see three million new users signed up for Telegram within the last 24 hours," wrote Telegram Founder Pavel Durov on his page.
After suffering a massive outage on Wednesday, Facebook and its apps were back in action amid sporadic reports of some users still facing some issues.
"Good. We have true privacy and unlimited space for everyone," Durov added.
Telegram confirmed to TechCrunch that the Facebook apps' downtime is the likely cause of its latest signup spike.
Telegram has over 200 million monthly active users.