Mangalore: Senior Advocate Sees Police Hand in Malbari Lawyer's Murder

Mangalore: Senior Advocate Sees Police Hand in Malbari Lawyer's Murder
Pics by Prajwal Ukkuda
Daijiworld Media Network- Mangalore(RS/SP)

Mangalore, Apr. 10: "The policemen have killed my boy. Naushad  Kasimji was defending a number of victims who suffered torture in the hands of policemen and several cases involving human rights violation," charged  K  Purushoththam Poojary, senior advocate of Naushad Kasimji, who was  allegedly  killed by unknown shooters on Thursday, April 9. 

After filing a police complaint personally giving detailed information to  N R Mukri,  Circle inspector of police  in Pandeswar Police  station, Purushottam Poojary  said, that his  complaint is  against   Venkatesh  Prasanna, circle inspector in the District  Crime Intelligence Bureau (DCIB) and Jayanth Shetty,  deputy commissioner of police, Shivaprakash, sub-inspector, Ullal Police station and Velantine D’souza,  circle inspector, Panambur,  as they are the  main suspects in his  junior Naushad’s Murder.

"I  urge for an investigation by the  Central Bureau of Investigation and the First Information Report should be handed over to to that agency for enquiry,"  he demanded

"My  boy was  brilliant, he was able to  quote any  judgment   relating to any High Court  in  India and also the Supreme Court, and he could reproduce what he had read once. He was such a brilliant person," he said about  Naushad.

He was defending many cases of police atrocities and the police had an  eye on  him, Poojary said, giving examples of cases relating to fake encounters, arrest of suspected terrorists and many atrocity  cases on minors.

Purushottam  Poojary is a well known  criminal  lawyer as well as a senior citizen. Most of the criminal lawyers in the city were trained under him. He  is held in high esteem by other lawyers in  Mangalore for  his seniority and  ability to  win even complicated  criminal cases in  criminal, backed by an experience of about 55 years in the line.

" If policemen do  not  register  my  complaint, I will follow my own way to ensure that justice is done. I have many legal options to get justice," he added.

In the said complaint, Poojary  quoted the  Naushad as saying that he had heard a policemen telling him,"you will have no more arguments’  and this happed in the court premises, after the conclusion of his argument in the court objecting to any extension of policeice  custody of Rashid Malabari, who  was arrested in connection with  underworld connection. 

 Police  killed my  boy

Most of his cases  were against the police department, like the onces where police tortured people belonging to minority community, poor and cases in which  police  violated the human rights. So the police were absolutely nursing a grouse against him. So they  killed him, alleged Purushottham Poojary.

The police were knowing  about  his activities and had collected information that he had planned to  go to Bhatkal on Friday for  attending the  marriage of his cousin. He had also  distributed invitation to  his lawyer friends, duly  requesting them to  participate in the  function. On the basis of  this, the killers planned the murder after coming to know that there is no one in his apartment, Poojary said.  

"My  wife and me  had planned to attend the said marriage  and  his  wife had been to  Bhatkal to take part in the marriage function. So,  he was alone here and  I had invited him to  stay with me at my  home," he said. 

Killed with sword, not with  bullets

I have  seen his body  at the spot of murder, the bullets  were live  as they were lying near his body.  His neck had serious wounds inflicted by sharp weapon like a sword and Naushad  breathed his last because because of  the injury to neck not due to bullet shots, he Poojary claimed..

 Why did Ravi Poojary have to kill him?

Underworld criminal Ravi poojary has  owned up his murder. But Why did he have to kill Naushad?, asked Poojary. If  Poojary is arrested,  he also will  need a lawyer.  His confession is misleading and false, because  there is  some conspiracy, he  said.

  `My  boy`

Purushoththam  Poojary, referred to Naushad as 'my kid' and  'my  boy'  while speaking to daijiworld, which  shows the level of his affection towards Naushad.

" The law was  at his  fingers, he  had a bright  future but  what to  do? he commented,  feeling a lump in his throat. Finally  he  said, these things are happening because of those who are at the helm in the  state. The BJP, which is  the ruuling party, has  brought disrepute to democratic principles, where  an advocate defending his client is treated as wrong.

 A copy of the complaint has also been sent to the state Human Rights Commission, Minority Commission, chairman of the state Bar Council and  also the  inspector general of  police. Advocates Dinesh Hedge Ulepady and Narayan were with Poojary at the press conference.   


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  • Ismail, Tamil Nadu / UAE

    Mon, Apr 20 2009

    Dear Readers, I want to comment to 'Reshma's comment' that she has to remember that India is not Hindu Country. Keep it mind. Without all Indians (Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and etc) India can not be India. Otherwise you have to call Hinduia

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Mon, Apr 13 2009

    Dear Readers..Law is taught in the Colleges & the Degree is awarded to practice & to ensure that no one is wrongly charged.Let us here agree,taking up the case of a criminal (traitor ),was a wrongful cause. But then he is only a lawyer.

    Not a Judge..Do you believe he was smart enough to bail the Rasheed Malabari out. Are our public prosecutors/Judges not efficient.Mattter of 1 or 2 hearings.Malabari would have been convicted..No tears would have shed if Malabari was hanged in Hampankatta public place ...but to justify the killing of Lawyer only raises the doubts as some of the readers have pointed out....

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  • imtiaz, udipi

    Mon, Apr 13 2009

    Yes, I trust Mr.Poojari, I hope he will succeed in throwing the light of truth, but still his life too now in danger. May Allah take care o him till he succeeds, in unveiling the truth. Also i observed some guys commenting against him Mr. Naushad who was trying to help Mr. Malbari out of trap, it is different matter.

    But now here is the question of a cold blooded murder... May Allah Rest him in peace... my heartfelt sympathies to his bereaved family members including Mr. purushottam, for whom he was like his dearest son. In this aspect whatever happened on 9th April 2009.... should never repeat...Aamin !! It was a Political Murder... we should all support Mr. Purushottam for his courage at this age without fear for his life. Cograts !! to Mr. Puroshottam.

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  • Reshma Rao, Udupi

    Sun, Apr 12 2009

    Dear readers, Its really sad to to read about such deaths. But please do not drag this unfortunate event into politics & minority. India being a Hindu country has accepted all religions with due respect . Minority & Majority is all in the minds of people & is the words used by politicians & those uneducated people  who want to create unneccesary fights.  Be  proud that you are India.  Its peoples mind set one has to change for peaceful act & be good to others, change yourself & then try to change the world.If you support someone thing for a wrong cause you should never accept a good result.Mr.Poojary your student may be good but he died because he support something which was not to be done in this world, Dont blame any political party for that, this could have happened with any party. We are really sorry for the death of one of the soul on this earth.

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  • naseer, mangalore

    Sun, Apr 12 2009

    almighty god give peace to his soul and he should get jannath

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  • Rathan sequeira, bikarnakatte/dubai

    Sun, Apr 12 2009

    Its really sad. I m asking whenever these RSS elements caught by police one lawyer is always present in day and night to protect these criminals, now where is mr. P.P.hegde? why he is keeping silent? You are not a lawyer? you are a judge fixer.

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  • Dr. Haneef Shabab, Bhatkal

    Sun, Apr 12 2009

    Keep it up Mr. Purushoththam Poojary. let the Almighty give you patience and strength to follow the case and unveil the truth. Naushad was suspecting some conspiracy and threat to his life since he took the fake encounter cases and Padma Priya murder case into his hands.

    Many times he had discussed these sensitive matters with me and personally he had told me that he has suspicsion that one he too will be a victim of fake encounter by the police. The Answer to the question why Ravi Poojary has taken the responsibility for the murder, is that the task might have been deputed by the henchmen of the Ravi Poojary gang on the instruction of some Police officials who have the nexus with under world dons which is an open secret.

    So no confusion please on the move of senior most advocate Mr. Purushoththam Poojari.Let the departed soul rest in peace.

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    Fri, Apr 10 2009


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  • C.J.Dantis, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    Longtime back i commented in your same coloum that most of the underworld Goondas are hiding in Mangalore and Udipi Districts. Now the Ball is in South Police hands . either Do or Die. There is lot of difference in Practicing the Law and defending culprits. Mangalore and Udipi names are shining in the world news papers and the media.

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  • Tony, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    Mr. K Purushoththam Poojary, but Rashid Malbari is not an innocent. You should have advised your junior not to take this case and defend criminals. May his soul rest in peace.

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  • prakash, mangalore

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    dear shankar why u r supporting congress? if hindu lawyer murdered u r gving comments against congress

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  • Rajesh Naik, Mumbai

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    Police are no 1 thieves and thugs by taking crores of bribes. If we have to have to stop all crime in India we must give a chance to all thieves to rule the country................. and see How the Kaala Pani works like Andaman and Nicobar did during British rule in India.

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  • Manoj, Bangalore

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    The people of the state are shocked to hear from Poojary that "these things are happening because of those who are at the helm in the state. The BJP, which is the ruuling party, has brought disrepute to democratic principles" Dear readers, for the sake of our democratic State, throw out BJP from the land!

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  • Denis Lasrado, Valencia, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    It's all happenning in Mangalore at day light by the mercy of BJP State Government under whom the Police Force are serving. It is best time for all Hindu-Muslim-Christian and other caste voters to reject BJP and Communal Parties

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  • mohnaz, mangalore

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    Congragulations to Mr poojary for taking up the case of Mr Naushad.Mangalore lacks such courageous lawyers like him who are responsible for restoring our faith in the judiciary .Since Mr Naushad has also defended Atul Rao, a CBI probe is absolutely necessary to establish the link to the murder. let us all stand by Mr poojary

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  • Thomas Pascal Andrade, Mangalore / Toronto

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    It is a heinous crime to kill a defenceless lawyer, Naushad Kasimji. I join the Daijiworld readers in submitting my condolences and sympathies to the bereaved family. May Almighty give courage to his family to sustain this irreparable and untimely loss. Senior Advocate, Purshottham Poojary claims that he sees police hand in the killing of Naushad Kasimji. If he has proof of police involvement, then he should produce it and there should be an investigation to see if he right. I don’t understand why Purshottham Poojary does not want to believe Ravi Poojary who called a TV channel to claim that he is behind the killing. In the past Ravi Poojary has also tried to kill Lawyer Majeed Memon, who was one of the lawyers taking cases of Dawood’s henchmen and many a times he was successful in winning the cases he took, not because of his efficiency but because of our corrupt police who could destroy the evidences they had against those men. Dawood can buy those corrupt police and win the cases. Ravi Poojary has claimed in the past that he was behind the attack of Mr. Memon because he was defending the anti-nationals. Having said this, I am not supporting Ravi Poojary in his crimes. He or Chota Rajan too are like Dawood or Shakil or those ganglords who are living in Pakistan. They too are killing, extorting, kidnapping like Dawood and Shakil do but they are not doing terrorist activities against their motherland. The main reason for Chota Rajan to split from Dawood was that he was against serial bomb blasts in Bombay and since then they are dead enemies of each other. Everyone knows how dangerous and crooks they are but some of our lawyers (I repeat some) line up to defend them. Some lawyers claim that they are defending them because they belong to minority group and police are harassing them but the fact is, it is not the minorities they are concerned about but the amount of money coming in from their mentors make them to defend them. Yes our law says that until and unless an accused is proved to be guilty, he is innocent. Because of some of our corrupt lawyers, Dawood, Chota Shakil, Chota Rajan, Ravi Poojary etc. etc. could be proved to be innocent however can you believe that they are innocent? Can you believe that Rashid Malbaari is an innocent?

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  • Edwin, Karnataka

    Sat, Apr 11 2009

    There are other truths as well. May be I will speak at the end, may be I will never. However, it was too early for Naushad to take up Malbari's case. Anyway, Purushoththam has now left the ball rolling. Hope atleast through his experience and intelligence facts will unvail.

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  • shankar, kundapur

    Sat, Apr 11 2009

    What else more detailed information you need to prove about our govt and its machinery working style. My dear voters kindly throw BJP out and elect congress or some one who can do something for soceity.

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  • Alwyn, CANADA

    Sat, Apr 11 2009

    Well said. We all need justice. Untill BJP is around wrong things will happen to right/good people.

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