Bhuj, May 7: A primary teacher of Zura village of Bhuj taluka allegedly raped a class VII girl and impregnated her, sources in police said. The girl's parents had to abort the child after four months of pregnancy. The teacher has fled the village.
Police have started investigations. But, as neither the girl nor her parents have lodged complaints, the cops have not taken official action. Vishnudan Gadhvi, police inspector of taluka police, said, "Social ignominy might have prevented the family from coming out in the open about the incident. However, till someone registers a plaint, we can't do anything. We are, however, continuing our probe."
A source in Zura village said the teacher, originally from Kheda, raped the girl four months ago. He then kept threatening her and forced her to keep mum. However, when she complained of severe stomach ache a couple of days ago, medical examination showed she was four months pregnant. The girl then told her parents about the rape. Sources said as soon as the teacher got to know of this, he fled. The parents got the girl aborted and decided to keep quiet.
However, some NGOs of Kutch, who came to know about the incident, raised the issue and asked police to nab the teacher.