Mangalorean Roshan Dantis - Scotland's Cold-Blooded Murderer

Scotland, Jan 16 (BBC and Agencies) : In yet another shocking incident after cold-blooded murders of his victims by serial killer Mohan Kumar, here's another Mangalorean Roshan Dantis, who murdered 23-year-old Nepalese woman in Scotland mercilessly severing her head and hands with a cleaver and has been sentenced to 24 years jail. His cold-bloodedness is apparent with the fact that he copied the gruesome killings in the best-selling Kathy Reichs novel Devil Bones.

The 30-year-old Roshan Dantis hails from Udupi region and a former student of reputed college of undivided South Kanara, India. He was also once an employee of multinational bank from Dubai .

A jury at the High Court in Glasgow found Roshan Dantis guilty of killing 23-year-old Khusbu Shah at her home in Dennistoun on June 1 last year.

He was also convicted of attempting to defeat the ends of justice and extort cash and a TV from Mrs Shah's husband.

Roshan and Mrs Shah

Dantis was handed a mandatory life sentence and told he must serve at least 24 years in prison.

During the trial, the court heard how Dantis met Khusbu Shah's husband, Nagendra, in 2008 when they started a business masters degree at Strathclyde University.

The jury was told that he became increasingly jealous of his friend's more affluent lifestyle and formed a plan to kill Khusbu and extort £120,000 from her husband.

'Dangerous murderer'

On June 1 2009, he attacked Khusbu, the mother of a four-year-old child, at her home in the city's Coventry Drive.

He strangled her before hacking her body with the meat cleaver he had bought from a Chinese supermarket. Dantis then Khusbu's severed head and hands in bags, along with the cleaver and the top he had been wearing, before ditching them in bushes at a nearby railway embankment, just a short distance from the flat.

The court was told that following the murder, Dantis tried to extort cash and a TV from Mr Shah but his friend grew suspicious and contacted police.

When Khusbu's remains were eventually discovered, Dantis's DNA was detected on items such as the holdall that contained her body and the cleaver.

A jury at the High Court in Glasgow was shown the telephone records of Dantis' wife Astrid, which featured text messages sent to her partner.

The messages were sent to two different mobile numbers. One of these numbers was used to call a taxi to Khusbu's home in Coventry Drive. The caller also issued instructions to pick somebody up from the accused's flat in Garthland Drive.

Under cross-examination by defence counsel Donald Findlay, Mr Dickson agreed that the recovered telephone data discussed in court referred to calls and texts made from one Sim card to another and not one person to another. A Sim card can be taken out of an account holder's phone and used in another person's handset, the witness said.

He also borrowed books from the library - including Devil Bones and another on murders, pathology and forensic detection.

He denied any involvement throughout the trial and claimed to have been framed. But a jury at the High Court in Glasgow did not believe him and convicted him unanimously of the murder.

Judge Lord Pentland jailed him for life and also recommended that he be deported at the end of the sentence.

"Khusbu Shah was a vibrant and loving young mother whose husband was one of your best friends," he said.

The cleaver used to kill her was found in undergrowth. "You strangled her and then cut off her head and hands. The exact motive for this crime may never be known. "But, whatever your motive, you planned this crime well in advance and put these plans into effect with chilling composure."

Lord Pentland added that Dantis murdered the young mother in her own home and "desecrated" her body by dumping the remains.

The Shahs married in their homeland of Nepal before arriving in Glasgow in 2008.

In a statement, Khusbu's husband said: On January 12, 2010 Roshan Dantis, was found guilty of murdering my wife in the most terrible and terrifying way. Khusbu was my beautiful wife, Nikhil's perfect mum and Jaiswal couple's lovely daughter. "She was always cheerful, caring, friendly and helpful. She managed to fit everything in so well with her life: work, study and family. We miss everything about her and we always will."

"She was brutally killed by a ruthless evil man. My four-year-old son, Nikhil, has had to cremate his 23-year-old mum. I wish no other child to have to go through the same pain. Dantis deserves a life sentence for his heinous crime and our family is satisfied that he has been brought to justice, said Nagendra. 

Det Sup Michael Orr, of Strathclyde Police, described Dantis as "one of the most dangerous murderers Scotland has known".

"(This was) a truly shocking case that evidenced a level of preparation and clinical planning that is rarely if ever uncovered in a murder investigation," he said.

"Dantis has shown not a grain of remorse throughout the entire proceedings and has continually lied and changed his story to clearly implausible levels in an attempt to save himself from conviction."

Nagendra Shah with his wife


Earlier on Jan 6, 2010:

I was framed by gunman,’ says accused

A man accused of murdering a Nepalese woman admitted to a jury yesterday that he was involved in covering up the crime, but said he had been forced to do so by a mystery gunman.

Roshan Dantis, 30, claimed the gunman ordered him to clean Khusbu Shah’s flat and remove a blue bag that was later found to hold some of her body parts. He told the court he believed he had been “framed”.

The remains of Mrs Shah, 23, were found in undergrowth in the Dennistoun area of Glasgow, in June of last year. Her head and hands, which were found nearby, had been removed. Dantis, from India, denies murdering Khusbu and attempting to extort £120,000 and a television from her husband.

Dantis, who is studying at the University of Strathclyde, said he had let a man into his flat on the morning of June 1, thinking he had come to read the gas meter. The man then took out a gun and pointed it at him. “It is not something I’d ever imagined happening to me. I was scared,” Dantis told the court.

Dantis said the “English-Asian” man opened his bag and brought out photographs of him and his wife. “He asked me to stay quiet and listen to him,” he said. “He told me he had planned to do something that had not worked out as planned and he wanted me to do something for him.”

Dantis said the man instructed him to go to his classmate Nagendra Shah’s house and clean it. The man also told him to leave a blue holdall he would find in the flat outside, so it could be collected. “He said not to mention this to anyone or he would harm me and my wife,” Dantis said.

Donald Findlay, QC, defending, asked Dantis why he did not call the police when the man left. “I was scared for my life at that point,” he replied. “I wanted to do what would save me.”

Dantis said that when he arrived at Shah couple’s flat the door was ajar and nobody was in. He could see there had been a “disturbance”, he said, because there were things lying all over the floor. He told the court he bagged some items before finding the blue bag mentioned by the gunman in the bathtub, where there was also some blood. The bag “appeared heavy”, he said, but he did look not at its contents.

Findlay suggested that he had helped to clean the crime scene and removed “the headless and handless corpse” of his friend’s wife.

Dantis sobbed as he replied: “I did not know at that time what I was doing. This is something that should not have happened. The fact that I did not go to the police and not tell them, just feels so wrong.”

Dantis said that two days after he had been at the couple’s flat the gunman approached him at university and threatened him again.

Findlay later asked him if he thought he had been framed for Khusbu’s murder. “I believe so,” replied Dantis. Looking over to Shah, who was sitting in the public gallery, Findlay urged Dantis to “put an end to it” if he was not telling the truth. “I did not murder Khusbu Shah,” said Dantis. “That is the truth.”

While giving his evidence, Dantis also denied claims that he was behind text messages sent to Shah demanding a ransom after his wife had disappeared. He said he asked his classmate for a copy of the text because it had implied he was involved and because he wanted Shah to go to the police.

He additionally told the court he had “no financial worries”, other than minor credit card bills of less than £1,000. However, he admitted that he knew Shah planned to spend £180,000 on buying a restaurant.

When questioned by prosecutor Dorothy Bain, QC, Dantis agreed that Khusbu was the victim of a “brutal and violent attack”. Bain asked him if he was the “monster” who killed her. “No, ma’am,” he replied.


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Comment on this article

  • prameela, Udupi

    Sun, Apr 24 2011

    I know their family. Feel very strange that roshan has done all this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......Where is his wife and sister and family ?????

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  • gopalan avi, mangalore

    Mon, Jan 25 2010

    An investigation should also have been done from the point of view of roshans statement, because, an intelligent man like roshan, would not asked for TV to be sent to the fat man., something fishy.

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  • debbie, india

    Sat, Jan 23 2010

    The whole case doesn’t make sense- if this guy was such a ‘cold blooded’ murderer he wouldn’t have just left the bag in the bushes- he would have been smarter about it. he could have been framed thats quite a possibility. and yes, some indians act really stupid- and traditionally in india some indian men are known to murder their wives because they were forced into marriage to begin with, or they are having affairs.

    This sounds like a hate crime- perhaps the husband should be investigated. shouldn’t he be shell shocked right now instead of going on about everything and shouldnt he want privacy from this instead of continuing to talk to the media? theres something going on here and its worth the investigation if it proves the man who just went to jail might possibly be innocent. and since there is word the girl comes from an affluent family- i think the clues are on the wall with who the beneficiary is.

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  • Iqbal, Surathkal

    Sat, Jan 23 2010

    Its really shocking to hear this news. Well good news that murderer got his punishment but still feel very less comparable to the crime he commited. God give patience to the family of the victim

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  • benedicta, manglore

    Sat, Jan 23 2010

    I really pity on him.mistakes all do.I went church the middle of church service worship. suddenly in my mind came his filled with sorrow,pain,shame.hopeless, helpless and fearfull alone totally broken,his condition,no ne with him to talk tears came out from my eyes,and I really cried.Lord why this happen.I felt compassion for him like he is like my own son.I said Lord save him,I dont know in what condition he is,give him courage,make him humble and repent,and you forgive him Lord by your mercy,I really cried.( I dont know him or his relatieves at all.being a mother its automatickly I scaned my self.mother heart.) I came home and checked Daiji,no more news,and I went on google.i really shocked.same time i was in tears for him that time had news there nose broken in prison Now all christian brothers and sisters,I request,please pray for him for his salvation,he repent for his guilt,God can do what human cant.God can put mercy on him and he get favor,no one hurt him there.God can protect him and can make him new person.God can change the laws what human made,reduce his punish, and he come out totally like new born apostel paul.God turned saul into paul and he can do this boy too,judge not and u will be not judged This is evil world and now this is bad time for all.everywhere things happening,like tsunami,earthquiks,wars,terrors what not seen before. and now the time all of us need God, Thank you.

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  • kavya shetty, mangalore

    Thu, Jan 21 2010

    Mrs D Souza dont forget what goes around Comes around....

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  • Benedicta, manglore

    Thu, Jan 21 2010

    Proved in the court and all of us came to know he is criminal, is we comment and judge than can his crime can be take back /hide or death person can be alive? nothing will please stop about want help anyone. all of us have familys,children and we dont know our children wich way going or? all human been are much wisdom and knolege have than also can fall so please leave all of our genaration in the hands of god and pray for protection,same way he is punished and paying hell life in prison,for here what he done, may God save his soul and God give strength to bear the sorrow pain and agony what they facing for both family.

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  • Rajesh, Manglore

    Thu, Jan 21 2010

    Mrs. Dsouza, Mangalore/Dubai & Nerissa, AND YOUR ILKS Your comments lack logic and commonsence. It has been proved in the court with evidence the gruesome murder has ben committed by your Dantis, what more evidence you need ? instead of condemning every crimes irrespective of caste and creed and demand justice for the victims you people are supporting such criminals of whom you may be the next prey. If he has killed your loved one would you have prayed jezuz to give him wisdom? Donot be blind in comments use brain

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  • Mrs. Dsouza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Jan 21 2010

    Please stop passing the comments if he has not committed the crime Lord will bring him out from this. Prayers can do wonders please pray for his family to give them the strength and courage to bear this pain.

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  • sharon lobo, mangalore,qatar

    Wed, Jan 20 2010

    Those who support Killer dantis please google roshan dantis and see....

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  • Nerissa,

    Wed, Jan 20 2010

    All you fools out there stop judging Roshan. It looks like all of you'll have no work. Keep all your comments to yourselves. Most of you'll are a bunch of ignorant people. None of you'll were present in the court during the trial and all the articles are very biased since they are mostly one sided...only what the prosecutor said, what about the defence?

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  • sam, manglore

    Wed, Jan 20 2010

    It is mentioned in this article that "Roshan admitted that he knew Shah planned to spend £180,000 on buying a restaurant." Just google his name and you will find clear picture. Please read the following points from bbc. Mr Shah said he was terrified but that when he met up with Mr Dantis his friend had repeatedly told him not to call the police. He said Mr Dantis had told him that in this sort of case in India you paid the money to get your family back safely. Mr Shah said Mr Dantis told him that £120,000 was something the witness could afford and that it was not a "huge amount of money". He claimed that when he did dial 999, Mr Dantis' face "went dark and his lips dry". Finally the report from forensic scientist Lara Lee "There were DNA sources from at least two individuals. The major source was found to match the profile of Roshan Dantis while the minor source was a match for Khusbu Shah's profile. The probability of finding that the major of source of DNA matched another male other than a relative of Roshan Dantis is one in more than a billion."

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  • jerry, Manglore/Canada

    Wed, Jan 20 2010

    If roshan is found guilty of this crime then let him bear the charges and consequences for it...people please don't bring cast,color,creed and relgion in criminal activities because crime can be done by anyone....that's human nature

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  • Felix. F., India/Ksa

    Wed, Jan 20 2010

    Rajesh, Anamica, for your kind information, readers comments are based on the published artical. We dont need your approval stamp whether they are to your liking or not.

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  • Rajesh, manglore

    Wed, Jan 20 2010

    I full agree with views of Ms.shanti bondel, Anamica and Ms. Olivia moras, which makes sence. Most of comments expressing doubts and supporting dantis needs to be condemned.

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  • Olivia Moras, Puttur/Toronto

    Tue, Jan 19 2010

    Shanti Pais is right. Dantis kidnapped & murdered his buddy's wife for money. Enter Roshan Dantis in Google & story will come up. Dantis demanded £120K from his friend by texting him for return of friend's wife before beheading her. It is a cold blooded premeditated brutal murder. So many years of education hasn't made him any better. Roshan is one of the dumbest fool & a liar I've ever heard of.

    I'm ashamed to say he belonged to our Udupi which is such a nice peaceful place. Some of our fellow readers do not wish to accept this truth because they are just nice people of our society. Let's pray to God to forgive this greedy killer boy. May Mrs. Shah’s soul rest in peace. Our condolences go out to her dear family, specially her husband & her innocent child.

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  • Anamica, scotland

    Tue, Jan 19 2010

    Well, after reading all the comments from daijiworld readers i came to know only one person in Mangalore is wise and very clear in knowledge that is shanti pais, Bondel. Roshan was lieing from very beginging of the case. Police in Scotland very friendly. ... and he thought his lies going to be accepted...but, Law and truth never going to be changed.

    Remember you all These people , people from UNITED KINGDOM made law to the World...and thats what we follow even now.! It was a clear case, Murderer Rosahn didnt got even a single proof to prove himself to come out of it.. some of the comments are really makes me ashamed. Especially from Dubai and other gulf regions..... This is the reason AIR INDIA CABIN CREW treats people from Gulf like a animals i guess.

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  • Ivan Prakash D'Souza, Mangalaore/ Kuwait

    Tue, Jan 19 2010

    Two families might have gone through unbearable pain all these past days since this incident. It really hurts when people close to Roshan claim that he could never cummit this type of crime despite all the evidences going agaist him.But the simple questions are,a highly educated person like him why could not imagine how dangerous it is to lie or mislead the Police during the investigations.

    If it is simply because of unknown gunman's fear, no one can except it. And a unknowen gunman can cummit Khushbus perpect murder with out any clues,then what is the necessity for him to drag Roshan in this case.What about CCTV footages of Chinese Market and Library records from where he borrowed crime story books.Definitely someone knows who is the real culprit other than Roshan,probably Nagendra or Roshans family members.

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  • shanti pais, Bondel

    Tue, Jan 19 2010

    Was quite disturbed with this news for past few days, as many of you. I couldn’t believe that a educated person from my hometown could do such a deed. So I spent more than 5 hours on net looking for different news on this episode to find out more details. After following full trial in and the news on Scotland herald, it looks like this verdict came after a thorough investigation.

    It is learnt that a team of 150 members worked on it. All the sequences & events were correlated and a team kept a close watch on Mr. Dantis. In one of the news I read that Sharma family came to UK 4 years back and recently sold their property in UK to start a business. The Police in UK are quite authentic, friendly and every person has easy access

    If Mr. Dantis was innocent and if he had spoken truth and cooperated police during the investigation, surely he would have been spared. There is no doubt on it. Since he told series of lies throughout the investigation, and the circumstances were pointing at him, probably the court decided to close the case. They also found proof that this murder was premeditated and well prepared from mid of April.

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  • Noreen D Mello, Mumbai / Kuwait

    Tue, Jan 19 2010

    Don't youll think we can always make our best friend buy these things from supermarket, Plastic Bag Glooves whatsoever I dont think any friends here will refuse so same is the case ever we can call our bestfriend home to clean and some dum person wont even know what had happened there is some big money like Insurance in UK or back home or property which is brushed under the rug this whole episode is for money. Roshan is guilty or not only God knows, so the details should be made known to all readers, so we all be satisfied, I have read all the comments and everybody feels something is missing. In God we trust.

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  • Pinto, Dubai

    Tue, Jan 19 2010

    I do not believe this is true. First of all, the news does not give a clear sequence of events of what happened at what time? It does not state where the husband was at that time. If Dantis is the murderer, how can the husband meet him and Dantis be there ready waiting for him and tell him not to go to the police.

    For the Taj killings in India, the case is still ongoing and for something like this, how can the case be closed? The news does not give much information for us to jump to any conclusions and like someone mentioned why will he sabotage his career and life over something like this ... God is watching and he will pave a way for the truth is what I personally believe ...

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  • raj, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    Please read the whole story.. there is no reality is Mr. Dantis's statement. If he was really innocent why the hell he left all those clues. Another thing lot of people change based on there situation. If he is the culprist he should be punished no matter how he was before. I don't think scotland police are fools to arrest an inocent and jail him.

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  • Jeevan Lasrado, UAE

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    For all of you who think Roshan is innocent it's high time you get your facts straight. It is normal to have a prejudice that a Mangalorean cannot comit such crime. But it is not necessary that the act of one individual represnt the whole society. There is more detail on the conviction, apart from the DNA match, there are is compelling evidence that this guy committed the crime. Unlike India in most countries the thumb rule is every individual is - "Innocent until proven guilty", Roshan should have been honest from the begining, hiding facts from the police irrespective of the reason is wrong. And he dug his own grave by starting with a lie.

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  • Don, Canada

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    Roshan would be made aware of his rights through his lawyer and the Indian Embassy and should have no trouble in getting full access to the legal system of the West. Let’s wait and see if he is going to appeal the judgment and bring out all the evidence to plead his innocence, or accept the verdict and his colossal mistake and face the consequences.

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  • christine, manglore/kuwait

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    mistake can happen in any wise man.and evil can inter in good people too.reading the story in daiji cannot see reality.may somthing foul play also can be.. He has been caught on CCTV at chinese market, buying cleaver, bag and cleaning liquids a day before the murder...!!!!??? why he buy that? wife was staying with him,is she noticed increasingly jealous of his friend's? and may she came for her safety back why she not spoke or tried anything to inquiry? without knowing reality commenting is not ok..but i regret about the family of both side.every parents want to see good, happyness and protection of their children.may roshan have parents how they wounded this time from this, .even for sharma child. ,I just pray Lord U said call upon me and i will answer the, God have mercy on them,heal their broken heart,give peace,strength to bear this situation,because you are the prince of peace.and lord send your angel to support them,and to bring reality in this truth you rule over this case and you controll. Lord you grant justice to the innocent person make truth come to light. let your ressurection power raise this situvation and provide justice to the innocent person in this case i ask this IN your name sake.Amen.

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  • Joe, Mangalore, USA

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    I think there were quite a few instances to prove that Roshan did this. Don't be biased with your judgement. I've known Roshan since college. But facts are facts. Hiding the truth from the police is the biggest wrong doing besides buying quite a few items that were uncovered in the crime is proof enough to convict him. Imagine the lady who lost her life to be your sister/wife. He was brutal. He deserves much more that what was awarded to him.

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  • Melwyn, Mnagalore

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    Dear Team Daiji over the years you are doing a fantastic job . For so Many helpless people you have provided shelter through the portal . Now Can you do one more help to this poor boy . Going through the readers comment i personally feel we should do something for this boy . Its only possible to Start by you Walter and team .. Can you take up this issue with readers and try to give Justice for this poor boy?

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  • De Souza, M'lore

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    The Shahs married in their homeland of Nepal before arriving in Glasgow in 2008. On June 1 2009, attacked Khusbu, She was mother of a four-year-old child, at her home in the city's Coventry Drive. She managed to fit everything in so well with her life: work, study and family. We miss everything about her and we always will." Nagendra said. Shah planned to spend £180,000 on buying a restaurant.what is Mr Shah's roll in this murder? For MONEY or LOVE??? The person behind this murder is somebody else. Dantis as been framed

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  • lidia, muscat

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    I dont think Dantis can do all this.........

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  • Lily G.D\Silva, Mangalore now in Dubai

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    The very reason the case is handled so fast,it raise doubts and questions. Please note the mobile message sent by murderers to Mrs Shah's husband :- "We have ur wife. Don't call police, we are watchin u. If anyone is told we will kill her and u. "Call ur fat Indian classmate (Roshan) home and sell ur TV to him 300 pounds." It went on: "Arrange for 120000 pounds and go immediately first train to London. No compromise or u all die." This written proof is hidden by the jury. Indian Consul in Glasgow should be approached to take up the case and investigate the case of both Shah's and Dantis through the court.

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  • Don Amnon, Lower Bendoor, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    I am totaly agree with Raven UK. Only maniac can do this. There is NO material evidence. DNA test proved that Roshan is not invloved.In that case whos is behind this murder..???? Asha's husband....?????? or any third person who will get finacial benefit......???????

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  • Priya, Managalore

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    Dear Friends, please note the mobile message sent by murderers to Mrs Shah husband was : "We have ur wife. Don't call police, we are watchin u. If anyone is told we will kill her and u. "Call ur fat Indian classmate (Roshan) home and sell ur TV to him 300 pounds." It went on: "Arrange for 120000 pounds and go immediately first train to London. No compromise or u all die." This shows that the murder as done by somebody else. It also clearly shows there were more than one person at the time of murder. At last an innocent Indian is caught.

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  • Edward Rodrigues, Katapadi/Dubai

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    The Bottomline is Roshan Dantis has been proved guilty of murdering Mrs. Shah.I feel something fishy in this !!!An A Class Computer Engineering Graduate born and raised in the gulf worked with establised companies like HSBC, pursuing an MBA from University of Strathclyde doesnt take an idiotic step to end his career and life.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalroe, India

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    Unless someone work for Europeans and UK citizens or stayed in UK, they will not understand their thinking and way of living. Colure is society, family background which influenced and influencing one's life. In crooked world innocent people are the one to fall in the hands of wicked like a bait to the fish. Mr. Roshan is the one who might be scapegoat. Scotland yard has not taken into account all the background of Roshan, Nagendra and his murdered wife as Nagendra within one yr of his stay in Scotland is purchasing Sterling Pound 180,000 restaurant. Being many commentators has known Roshan personally for more than 15 yrs who has very good character, then something fishy and wrong in the judgment. Pray and wish the real truth will come out and true justice will prevail in this case.

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  • Philomena Lobo, Mangalore/Udupi

    Mon, Jan 18 2010

    Dear Mr.& Mrs.Dantis Wherever you are I feel very bad for you Knowing you both very closely I don't know how you bear this. Let God give you all the grace to come out from this difficulty. difficulty. Please take care. After going through all the news I have nothing to comment only God knows the truth.

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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India, What you mean by Indian/ Nepali culture? Please don't believe in modern culture. There is nothing natural in it & most of things are copied from old culture. Old is gold & it will exist till the exit of the world.

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  • Melwyn Mangaloe, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    When I read this report only one thing I can say is ... "Something is fishy.. here !

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  • JP Mascarenhas, Vittal / Muscat

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Dear Mr. Arun, I full agree with u. We have to help him. By the report, we can understand that Mr. Dantis is Innocent.

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  • Naiem , Bangkok

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Hard to believe that Dantis can do this ..have known him for last 15 years ...something defintely fishy here ...

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  • ASHOK, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Melwyn, Pernal I understand your feelings. Crime is crime. whether it is done by your brother or my brother. He should get capital punishment.  Scotland police is number one in Crime Investigator on the earth.

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  • Melwyn, Pernal

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    I know Roshan for some extents, I dont think he is such a cruel murderer. Something fishy in this case. Dear Mangaloreans, let us unite together irrespective of caste & religion and try to give justice to the poor boy. Just imagine, if your brother was in such situation, what you would have done..??

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  • raj, mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Vanitha don't you ever read history.. Are British, portuguese and others who killed millions of peoples not christians.. They have vanished many tribes in the world. Please don't support anything without knowing the reality.

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  • Gloria, USA

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    It is not a shame to our community! The shame falls on the perpetrator himself...Roshan Dantis.

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  • Cyril DCunha, UAE

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    I join with Dony Lobo Qatar to say how can a Asain Nepali who reached scotland in 2008 can invest 180,000 Pounds, within a short period of time to buy a restaurant. Is he also a part of the conspiracy. (It is not easy nor possible one alone can do this planned crime without prior experience.)

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  • raven_2079, UK

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Daisy Pinto - which juries was it the juries in Birmingham or Dublin(... Jury INN.... lol) If people actually took the time to investigate this article/case properly, they would find that this case was doomed from the start as there were 11 women and 4 men on the Jury. Secondly, did Dantis kill a fly???? as they never found the clothes that were used during the murder (except for a hoodie with a few spots of blood), about the so called DNA, they never found any on Mrs Shah, there were no scratches on Dantis, it seems that Mrs Shah willingly stood while she was being slaughtered.... hhhhmmmm interesting..... About the Motive.... no actual motive besides the suspected Jealousy of their lifestyle. So my closing argument is - you need 2 things to be proved beyond reasonable doubt before convicting a person, i.e Evidence (finger prints - none mentioned at all during this cases (DNA does not mean the same) and Motive. Both the above have not been satisfactorily fulfilled hence I would say there has been a mis-carriage of justice.

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  • raven_2079, UK

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    FOOL!!! are you mistaking Scotland Police Dept (based in Scotland) and Scotland Yard (based in London) as the same force...... well then I suggest you read this link ( hate ignorant people that have opinions.....

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  • Madhu, Mangalore/ Muscat

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Dear Vanita, Dont say that mangaloreans wont do such a kind of crime. How many crimes had happened like this in mangalore itself. And dont bring religeon in this. Criminals are there in all religion same like good people in all religion. In DNA it is prooved and he is a criminal

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • D X D'Souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    A court judgement is never foolproof, even in the Western world. Let us not confuse court judgement = truth. Only God knows that. I am not claiming this man's innocence or confirming his guilt. It is entirely possible that he may have been framed. A court's judgement is based entirely on evidence not suspicion and evidence is often circumstantial or set-up to point fingers towards one or more people. Daiji, why don't you approach his family or his in-laws who are in Dubai and see what they have to say? What about his wife...she went to school with my own daughters...she should crusade her husband's innocence! If he is innocent, they can certainly approach the Indian Consul here and see what legal avenues there are to re-open the case.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    No doubt Daiji World, Mr Walter and his team is un biased and secular than any other media in the region. Its UK police that has done the investigation and UK jury that has pronounced the sentence. In UK almost all chargesheets are proved and and guilty are sentenced. Dont comment looking at Indian police and Indian judicial system.

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  • Sunil, India

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Mr Dony, Qatar your statement has valid point. Those who have visited UK understand what are the cheating things are happening over there. I hope Dantis will get justice.

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  • Daisy Pinto, Mangalore/Canada

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    I am little bit disgusted to read such aritcle. Juries have come to a decision and it is proved by DNA sample that Dantis is a murderer. It is a brutal crime and shame to our community

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Might be here, the murdered girl hails from rich family from Nepal as only affluent people afford to settle their children to UK. Ultimately it is money. So the involvement of the husband cannot be ruled out. Police should have taken into account from the Indian/Nepalese cultural back ground also. If Dentis is innocent, he can still file case in the higher court. Many times innocent persons becomes scapegoat.

    If Roshan had worked in HSBC bank in Dubai and also studying in Scotland, then there is something invisible behind this. So Roshan greed for money is out of question which is just a cookedp up story. After the death of this girl, is the husband is the beneficiary of her share of property is also to be considered for investigation and we may get many more answers and truth.

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    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    let us analyse, and then comment, will wait till the investigation.

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  • manish pinto, mangalore/ksa

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Hi Vanitha dont think christians are come from heaven.Any body can do anything now a days. We can not say.After proper investigation we will comment.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Dear Vanita..I am not satisfied with your comment that Mangalore Chiristians don't do any crime.Please visit Jails in Mangalore,Udupi,Kundapur. You will withdraw your statement.Crime has no religion. Every human being has KAAMA,KRODHA,MADA,MATSARA in his mind. When we control those 4 things,we become Human Being,otherwise we act like Raakshas/Devil. Hope you understand my logic or points and don't need any more explanation.Please accept your mistake (your statemnt indirectly tells Non Christians make crime ) It will only increases your Value.My intention is to clear and not hurt.

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  • Alex, Pinto

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Culprit is someone else, who is not into picture. Mr. Culprit just keep in mind that you have to face the almighty.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Guys please go through BBC news online. He has been caught on CCTV at chinese market, buying cleaver, bag and cleaning liquids a day before the murder...!!!!???

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • JMoras, Taccode - Australia

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Mr Naveen Shetty, Mangalore - I think they meant to say that Mrs. Shah came to Glasgow in 2008 and not married in 2008

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  • Raj, Udupi-Abudhabi

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Scotland police is in No 1 position for Crime Investigation............after doing crime every criminal say the same word that .....i am innocent.

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Married in 2008 and mother to 4 year son..i think there are many more angles to this murder than simple money.

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  • Vanita, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Dear Jaimini, There are Ghodse too in Mangalore?? I meant Mangaloreans in the sense Christians will not do such a crime.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Dear Vanita,Mangalore..You have mentioned that No Mangaloreans would not do like this !! Why ?..Pls don't think that only Gandhijis are living in Mangalore.There are Ghodse too in Mangalore.

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  • Linford Lobo, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    I don’t believe this I know very well Mr. Roshan he was working for HSBC Dubai and I know roshan father as well. I really don’t understand he could do this kind of incidents I am sure there will be something behind the screen.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Why are we arguing that Roshan is Criminal and Innocent. Narco analysis test on may give a correct picture ???

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  • STALIN MISQUITH, M'Lore/Bahrain

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    People who commit such a crime have no right to live.. they should be hanged or stoned to death.

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  • Arun, Sharjah

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    For those of you that do not know Mr Dantis, kindly do not speculate. Your opinions are worthless if they have no weight. He was a close friend of mine and I feel certain that he wasn't involved. Instead of accusing him you might just be 'mangalorean' enough to help him in this predicament. My condolences to both families.

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  • Daisy Pinto, Goa

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Cruel murder!!!! Why would Dantis kill Mrs Shah first and then try to extort the money? Investigation is not complete.I pray that truth may come to light.

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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    There are lots of syndicates working in Western and European countries to frame innocent people for their goals and incidents husband killed the wife and created evidence against someone, hope that this is a similar incident. Police authorities should nab the husband of the victim, and we even cannot deny the fact of drugs or alcohol might have influenced the accused or this might be the case of extra marital affair and husband have killed the wife and blamed her lover.

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    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Richard Dsouza, Mangalore you need to broaden your narrow mind. Murder can do anyone irrespective of religion. Good you are not a Judge!

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  • Ralph De Souza, Mangalore / Action UK

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Dear Mr. Mohan Pujari Could You Please explain me What is meaning of this which is you have writen on the commets page??? UPPU THINDAVA NEERU KUDIYALE BEKU ??? hillad sarpe bathnda budle pujari bathnda kerle ....

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  • viyanka, udupi/muscat

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Its shocking.Dantis should have death sentence.

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  • viyanka, udupi/muscat

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Its shocking.Dantis should have death sentence.

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  • melwin, Doha/mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Scotland police is on of the best cops in the world. If they found him guilty then why we consider him innocent. He deserve his punishmnet for his brutul act.

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  • Roysten, Dubai

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    I agree. This case is not clear.

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  • Henry Misquith, mangalore\Bahrain

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    These kind of people should not be spared. They should be hanged instead of giving 24 yrs of imprisonment.

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  • Vanita, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    This is not true. The person behind this murder is somebody else. Dantis as been framed. we will pray to god that the real person behind this crime be caught at the earliest. No mangalorean will do like this. I am 100% sure.

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  • melwin pinto, mangalre

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Shame on you Roshan Dantis. You are black mark on our comMunity.

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  • Veronica Rego, Karama/Kinnigoly

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    Unbelievable and shocking news! Only pray to Almighty to enlighten the minds of those involved in passing the sentence to thoroughly investigate and punish the actual culprit involved in the gruesome murder. May the soul of Khusbu 'Rest in Peace' and may her family be blessed with courage to bear this great loss in the family.

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  • M.Mathias, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    This person spoiled the good name of mangaloreans in United Kingdom.

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  • evans alex, mangalore

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    God will see that justice prevails.Guilty punished n innocent set free.

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  • Wilma, Sooda/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 17 2010

    We most of the human beings messuring others sins and colouring it in our own imaginations.The investigations going on and the truth will come out one day.It is very easy to abuse others without any supporting proofs.We should think about all possiblities before comming into conclusion.Just pray with god to grant justice to the innocent person either Mr Shah or Mr Dantis,instead of colouring the scene.

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  • Mark, Dubai

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    If Mr Dantis is innocent then why Astrid came back to india. Does she is not aware of anything ??

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  • Mohammed Anees, Shirva/Kuwait

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    This is unbelieveable and he deserve 24 yrs prison.

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    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    With whatever little legal education I have, in my personal opinion this is a sophesticated frame up of a simple gullible young man with a rural background, working hard to improve his academic career but got entangled into a evil web of friendsship with strangers with demonic ideasNeeds to check, and double check if the husband of the deceased stands to gain any insurance benefit either in UK or in Nepal with the (gruesome) demise of his better half.

    Sr.P 180000 is not a small amount to buy a restaurant in UK/Scotland for an Asian Nepali. A thorough background check should be done by the Indian embassy intelligence personal in Nepal on Mr.Shah, and if they find suspicious pieces of puzzle, then the same should be reported to India’s Embassy in U.K. which should reopen the case and try to save an innocent man’s (Richard Martis) career.

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  • moinuddin, Doha. Qatar

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Unbelievable, I do not think investigation is complete, real fact seems some thing suspicious .God knows and hopes for fact comes out

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  • Jostin , Mangalore/ Dubai

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Guys, I think Mr. Nagendra is the play master of this game. He wanted kill his Wife and he went master mind.

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    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Did someone said that he comes from a devout catholic god fearing family! Excuse me, give us a break.Forget about being a devout catholic, If someone's parents are christians, doesnt mean that the children will automaticaly become followers of christ!The government is there to investigate... Did someone said that he will burn in hell than mind you girl that you are saved only by grace, through faith in Jesus alone and not by keeping the Law or being a good human.If people could have gone to heaven by being good than the sacrifice of God in human form would be in vain.So dont judge any one when you yourself r a born sinner.Let truth prevail.

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  • Francis .R, MUMBAI/DUBAI

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Friends there is something fishy in this case , If Mr Dantis wanted money he would have not waited in the country after killing the lady. and I do not think anybody will come back to carry the T.V (as mention in the report) after doing all this heavy activaty. Please help the this Poor Boy , why is his wife not in the picture,

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  • jovita, mangalore/karma

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Just cannot believe can he do this???? very shocking........

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  • richard d souza, mangalore/dubai

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Hey my name sake, when it happens to someone it is foul play and when it happens to you it is a reality? Why mate? let the judiciary decide what is fact and false and let sense prevail.

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  • FlorineDantis, Niddodi/Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    You are a shame on Dantis family and you will burn in hell

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  • bhavna, manglore/muscat

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    I too feel the same Mr Don. there is a foul play, I do feel Mr Shah may also be involved in this with Gunmen.... please we the mangloreans who are settled in UK should come forward and do the needful to help Dantis and try to give the right picture to the people of scotland and people of dakshina kannada....

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  • don, mangalore/usa

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Its time for manglorean based uk settled to raise voice against this foul case may be mr. shah also be involved in this case and he might have given money to the gunmen to do the gruesome act-UK Mangloreans please raise the voice

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  • stan, dubai

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    I don't beleive this.... some thing is wrong..

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  • Richard Dsouza, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Looks like there is some foulplay in this murder case. Dantis hails from a God fearing family. His family is very devout catholic and close to church. Can someone help Dantis to find the real story behind?

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  • Jossy D'Souza, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    It was quite shocking!Greed in the heart mans results in committing various these kinds of violent murders. God has given each of us our daily Bread and man is not satisfied and he is influenced by this dirty Materialistic world ..which had captured these hearts and minds with glorious and rich life styles...wake up..and face the content and let us learn to be thankful for what God has given for our lives...jealousy and pride of life is root of all evil in our life...let us learn and be a Good sample to our future generation and children.isn't this time to wake up....May God help us all..

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  • Sunil, India

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    There is something fishy... Looking at the racial attacks on Indians in UK, this murder has been done someone else. Why Indian students are quiet now??

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  • Ralph, Udupi/Canada

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Mangaloreans are never like this. Maybe the exposure to the materialistic world has some serious -ve effect on people but I hope this never happens again.

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  • Dinesh, Sharjah / Pilar

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Gosh! Can't believe that our next-door-guy could have done such a heineous crime. Don't trust anybody.

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  • Luca D'silva, Udipi, now Jeddah

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    After reading the whole story, it is not clear whether the murder has been done by Dantis. There should be a thorough investigation. Murderer never stay back after murdering, he would have run away after murdering. After murdering no body will extort money. If he want to extort money he would have kidnapped or blackmailed Shah with some photos.

    After murdering on what reason he can extort money. The Embassy of India should take the case with Interpol. If Dantis really murdered then he should be given a Capital punishment. He has no right to live in this world. But Justice to be brought to the whole world.

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  • Dorris, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    I agree with bhavna, there seems to be a British person involved with this mangalorean. What about Dantis wife Astrid? Is she involved too?

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  • Naveen D'Souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    He is a product of 'pub culture' that is destroying India. Our community should be ashamed of producing this monster. My heart goes out to her family.

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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Let the TRUTH prevail in this case. Hope and PRAY that the real culprit should be punished either the accused or someone else. Hope that young child copes with time without his mother.

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  • Felix. F., India/Ksa

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Based on the information provided in the trial and Dantis, explanation, I think the police have not done proper investigation, since nothing points to the fact that Dantis is the Murderer. It is mentioned that Dantis lied and changed his story several times, but none of the lies or change of story can be seen in the report, nor the motive for the Murder.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    Trials shall be conducted like this. Within six months sentence is given. If it was India our courts wait for the rebirth of the culprits...!!!??????

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  • Mohan Poojari, Kankanady,Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 16 2010


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  • JOY D'SOUZA, bangalore,

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    it was a realy shocking news for me . jai si karni! wai si bharni!

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    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    The Graphic chilling narration of this murder story made me dumb for some time.However,who committed this gruesome murder, if not court,almighty will punish him.This murder as per report is "rare of rarest"As Mr Rosan (convicted for murder)Dantis has given some confusing and conflicting explanation,even though he was unanimously convicted by Glasgow high court of Scotland,I would like to leave god almighty to punish the real murderer.

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  • Walter D'Souza, Udupi

    Sat, Jan 16 2010


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  • akhtar, India

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    On the whole, apart from feeling awfully sorry for the family of Khusbu, I feel more sorry for the family of this killer. They must be so ashamed of him and more ashamed to show their face to the othrs in India - Udipi. No son should do this to their family. God forgive him and protect him now.

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  • bhavna, manglore/muscat

    Sat, Jan 16 2010

    i believe Dantis is been a space goat, i believe there should be a clean investigation and bring the truth 2 justice, no one cannot believe that Dantis was jealous for their life styles, ..i as a indioan citizen urge indian Embassy officxials to take this matter and bring justice to Dantis.hope the best .....

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